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The Waves Of Passion
The Waves Of Passion
The Waves Of Passion
Ebook55 pages47 minutes

The Waves Of Passion

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Susan Hannold spent the last decade of her life married to her prince charming, a man by the name of Rodger. Through all of the years that they were married, they still had a passion that remained ignited. Even though everyone in Rodgers circle and neighborhood hated Susan for being a simple woman rather than an aristocrat, Rodger continued to love her nonetheless. Susan put up with the animosity, knowing that none of those people mattered to Rodger; he loved her for who she was, not for some woman that everyone expected him to love. Their happy marriage came to a crashing halt on the day that Rodger found out that he was dying from pancreatic cancer. Not only is Susan left with a broken heart, but she’s stuck in a town with people that hate her. Susan realizes that in order to truly move on, moving out from New Hampshire would be the best thing for her. Susan automatically feels at home in sunny California and makes friends with her neighbor Ellen right away. At a party that Ellen hosts, Susan meets a man named Travis. She despises his character and doesn’t understand why Ellen would associate with a man like him, but Travis convinces Susan to give him a chance. Soon Susan finds that she’s beginning to have feelings for Travis, but the guilt and unrest from her husband’s sudden death continues to haunt her. Susan has to choose whether or not to ride the waves of passion or continue to mourn for her dead husband.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateSep 28, 2012
The Waves Of Passion

Jessica Bankman

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    The Waves Of Passion - Jessica Bankman

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    Copyright 2012 by Jessica Bankman Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Susan Hannold spent the last decade of her life married to her prince charming, a man by the name of Rodger. Through all of the years that they were married, they still had a passion that remained ignited. Even though everyone in Rodgers circle and neighborhood hated Susan for being a simple woman rather than an aristocrat, Rodger continued to love her nonetheless. Susan put up with the animosity, knowing that none of those people mattered to Rodger; he loved her for who she was, not for some woman that everyone expected him to love. Their happy marriage came to a crashing halt on the day that Rodger found out that he was dying from pancreatic cancer. Not only is Susan left with a broken heart, but she’s stuck in a town with people that hate her. Susan realizes that in order to truly move on, moving out from New Hampshire would be the best thing for her. Susan automatically feels at home in sunny California and makes friends with her neighbor Ellen right away. At a party that Ellen hosts, Susan meets a man named Travis. She despises his character and doesn’t understand why Ellen would associate with a man like him, but Travis convinces Susan to give him a chance. Soon Susan finds that she’s beginning to have feelings for Travis, but the guilt and unrest from her husband’s sudden death continues to haunt her. Susan has to choose whether or not to ride the waves of passion or continue to mourn for her dead husband.

    The Waves Of Passion

    Chapter One

    Susan stood in front of the mirror looking at the reflection of the morose woman who appeared before her. Her hot tears burned against her skin, ruining the makeup that she had put on that morning. How could Rodger die so young? He was only fifty-two! The pancreatic cancer came on as a surprise, one that left Rodger and Susan in great despair. Each of them had thought that Rodger’s weight loss and malaise was caused by the stress he was currently facing at work. At times, Rodger complained about abdominal pain that radiated throughout his upper body, but when Susan worried, Rodger insisted that he was okay. It was only once the jaundice set in that either of them sought medical attention for Rodger’s condition, but then it was too late. Rodger was at stage four pancreatic cancer, and his doctors estimated he had only two months left to live.

    Susan wiped the tears from her eyes, remembering the hope that she had had originally for her husband. They had the money to afford the best medical care; it was too bad that no amount of money could afford Rodgers life. Susan, who was an advocate for natural medicine, tried every natural treatment she could find. None of them could help Rodgers condition though, both of them just had to face the fact that Rodger was dying.

    After ten years of marriage, the couple had

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