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Getting The Fix: Chronicle I - Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Getting The Fix: Chronicle I - Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Getting The Fix: Chronicle I - Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Ebook63 pages52 minutes

Getting The Fix: Chronicle I - Every Woman's Fantasy Series

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E.W.F.S. / Chronicle I - Hanging butt-naked from the ceiling fan in a storefront's back room while Max hits her spot isn't what May had in mind when she returned to the cell phone store on her lunch break, but she wasn't one to complain. May is a hard working, thirty-three year old single mother who didn't grow up in the year of technology, but decides its time to get technology savvy. When she finds that her phone doesn't work, May is forced to revisit the store and bumps into Celeste and meets the sexy Max. The fast pace, erotic thrill ride Max puts on May is more than what she needs to get her back in the groove. Dealing with this pair could slow her process, but May can't be deterred because what she's looking for, which is most important - is getting the fix.

PublisherRick Barry
Release dateDec 12, 2011
Getting The Fix: Chronicle I - Every Woman's Fantasy Series

Rick Barry

RICK BARRY is the author of the The Methuselah Project, Gunner’s Run, Kiriath’s Quest, and hundreds of short stories and articles. He speaks multiple languages, including Russian. Fuel for his fiction has come from mountain climbing, jumping from airplanes, visiting WW II battlefields, and over 50 trips to Eastern Europe, including the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

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    Getting The Fix - Rick Barry

    Here's what's being said...

    I have to give kudos for portraying a character that is definitely like some women I've seen in real life.

    This is what I like to read. You went into enough detail to make it sensual without making it sound bow-chicka-bow-wow. It was a nice surprise at the end and it ended happily. An all around good job.


    Rick Barry

    Published by Rick Barry at Smashwords

    Copyright 2008-2011 Rick Barry

    Discover other titles by Rick Barry at

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    Part of the

    Every Woman’s Fantasy Series



    With A Touch of Erotica


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Preview of Chronicle II - Where's My Letter

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    As she picks up the office telephone receiver, she squeezes it in her hand as if her hand is around someone’s neck. The poor keypad doesn’t stand a chance either as she aggressively presses down on each number until they reach their limit. She listens as the phone rings on the other end. That girl’s voice she had to suffer through when she brought this latest technology is the last sound she wants to hear once the ringing stops, but her bad luck just continues.

    Cell Phones and More, this is Kim, May I help you? Sounding like a whining rat, the girl’s voice irritates May.

    Almost mumbling under her breath, Yes, this is Ms. Baleen, I came in yesterday to have my cell phone fixed or exchanged, but there wasn’t a technician at the store, do you remember me?

    There was a slight pause on the other end and then, Oh, well, what’s your first name? the girl replies with less perk in her voice.

    It’s May, Ms. May Baleen, trying to hold back on the sass in her voice, I know you remember me, from yesterday!

    She takes a quick look around the office. Checking to see if any one of her nosey co-workers is in her business, but no one is looking. Now, May wasn’t the kind of woman that anyone could so easily forget and she knew that this Kim girl was just trying to give her a hard time.

    May holds her anger back and whispers, I’m taking my lunch in fifteen minutes, little Kim, will a technician be there to look at my phone today, or not? She grows impatient.

    May didn’t have time to be wasting with this stupid cell phone and that’s part of the reason she waited so long to get one.

    This is Mabaleen? the irritating voice questions.

    Almost talking over the girl, with an authoritative tone, Look, I’m a customer and I need to have my phone looked at, is a tech there? May forced.

    With her voice now shaking, Max, our new technician will be back from his break in fifteen minutes, ma’am. Is there something else I can help you with?

    May has a quick thought of asking her to stand very still while she taps her in the head with a hammer. Could she help her with that?

    But instead, she calmly replies, Can you let Max, or whoever, know that I’m coming down. I’ll be on my lunch break and I need to get in and right out?

    Again a pause, Yes, I will, now your name is Mabaleen, right – that’s M A B …

    Without another thought, May sends the girl the dial tone hanging up in the girl’s face just as her supervisor walks pass her desk. She still knew she was wrong for making personal calls on the job, but nevertheless, she didn’t make the kind of money where she could just let them get away with selling her this bad phone. This Max man or somebody is going to

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