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Drinking Problem
Drinking Problem
Drinking Problem
Ebook20 pages16 minutes

Drinking Problem

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Grand-daughter, daughter, sister. Cute Amy Burkett was her family's angel. But the family is devastated when Amy is struck and killed by a drunken driver.

Her killer is Colen Locklear, heir of the Locklear legacy of wealth, prestige, and power.

Now the Locklears-bitter enemies of the Burketts from way back-have closed ranks around Colen, using their money and powerful contacts to protect him from prosecution and justice.

But just as Amy's family is beginning to think they will never see justice served, it arrives with a vengeance - and from a most unexpected source.

It never pays to have - or become - a "Drinking Problem".

Release dateOct 1, 2012
Drinking Problem

Richard Freeland

I write horror and thriller fiction as well as non-fiction about gardens and landscapes. I'm a fair singer/songwriter, and a family man. I love to travel and hike with my wife Martha, play a little tennis when my bum knees let me, make and sip a great margarita, play on the water with boats, and go on adventures with my two boys. I also love Jekyll Island, Georgia, our home-away-from-home, and have another website devoted just to our adventures on this wonderful island ( Hope you enjoy my writing, and keep a weather eye out for "Seed", my upcoming novel.

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    Book preview

    Drinking Problem - Richard Freeland

    Drinking Problem

    Richard S. Freeland

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012

    Cover by Trilok Rangan, Flickr

    Discover Other Titles by Richard Freeland at

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Drinking Problem

    Doc Burkett stared out the screen door, sipped scalding coffee from a cracked, tannin-stained mug, and thought about his granddaughter’s death.

    Amy had been six years old, a vivacious child with hair the color of early wheat and the wriggly energy of a colt. She'd been killed last autumn by a drunk driver as she crossed the road from the school bus.

    All her promise and potential, wiped

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