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Love Has No Price Tag
Love Has No Price Tag
Love Has No Price Tag
Ebook51 pages40 minutes

Love Has No Price Tag

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Kelly is the CEO of a small book publisher. She wakes up late after spending the night with one of her male companions, Frankie. She is too busy for a relationship and doesn’t want her heart broken again so she spends what little free time she has with a variety of men to ensure she doesn’t fall for any of them. Upon arriving at work, she is informed by her finance director that she has received another offer for her company to be bought out by Smith & Welch. Kelly is furious that this large publisher keeps submitting offers to buy her out despite Kim rejecting them each time, so she decides to meet with a representative from the company and put the buyout to bed once and for all.Kelly turns up at the meeting and is shocked to see that the man charged with buying her company is her old college professor Oliver who she had a fling with and who ultimately broke her heart. Oliver gives Kelly an offer that she can’t refuse; he helps her save her failing company in exchange for a weekend alone together at his estate. Kelly has to decide whether saving her company is worth the cost.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateOct 2, 2012
Love Has No Price Tag

Jessica Bankman

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    Love Has No Price Tag - Jessica Bankman

    Copyright Information

    Copyright 2012 by Jessica Bankman Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    Xplicit Press

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    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Kelly is the CEO of a small book publisher. She wakes up late after spending the night with one of her male companions, Frankie. She is too busy for a relationship and doesn’t want her heart broken again so she spends what little free time she has with a variety of men to ensure she doesn’t fall for any of them. Upon arriving at work, she is informed by her finance director that she has received another offer for her company to be bought out by Smith & Welch. Kelly is furious that this large publisher keeps submitting offers to buy her out despite Kim rejecting them each time, so she decides to meet with a representative from the company and put the buyout to bed once and for all. Kelly turns up at the meeting and is shocked to see that the man charged with buying her company is her old college professor Oliver who she had a fling with and who ultimately broke her heart. Oliver gives Kelly an offer that she can’t refuse; he helps her save her failing company in exchange for a weekend alone together at his estate. Kelly has to decide whether saving her company is worth the cost.

    Love Has No Price Tag

    Chapter 1

    The coldness of the floor of the empty bathroom almost felt as cold as Kelly Fontanne’s heart. She looked in the mirror at her own reflection, researching the new nightgown she had bought for the special occasion. Frankie was going to just die. She looked as ravishing as she thought she would be when she ordered the nightgown online. It hugged each of her slender curves in all of the right places, and the thin fabric that perfectly hugged the outlines of her breasts made them look bigger than they really were.

    "Knock him dead," Kelly thought to herself, as she sat on the toilet, placing each of her two feet into the tiny black pumps.

    Frankie lay on her bed, his two arms behind her head, grinding into Kelly’s fluffy pillows. He teased his half-risen cock that hid between the fabrics of his jeans. It wasn’t a matter of what Kelly was wearing; it was obvious that she was hot, but Frankie had to admit that he loved waiting for her in anticipation. Each outfit perfectly showcased her body, the excitement making him lust for her like a wild

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