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The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012
The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012
The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012
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The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012

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About this ebook

The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012 is a Halloween themed collection of short stories and poetry. It is a collaboration by members of the online writing website called The Writers' Pad.

PublisherWriters' Pad
Release dateOct 8, 2012
The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012

Writers' Pad

Writers' Pad is a friendly hang out for writers and poets. Our members publish a free e-zine twice yearly.

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    The Writers' Pad E-zine Volume I Fall 2012 - Writers' Pad

    The Writers' Pad E-Zine

    tmp_e96d8fb952e12a70eff89397d2c46ceb_IK34sC_html_2b61e264.jpg Volume I: Fall Issue 2012 tmp_e96d8fb952e12a70eff89397d2c46ceb_IK34sC_html_2b61e264.jpg

    Published by Writers' Pad

    Copyright 2012 Writers' Pad

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The contents of this ebook may not be copied or re-sold without permission from the individual authors in this ebook.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

    tmp_e96d8fb952e12a70eff89397d2c46ceb_IK34sC_html_23b66b21.png Table of Contents

    Cover Illustration by Mel Stevens

    Title Page

    Smashwords License Statement



    An Unholy Halloween by Rob Read

    The Curse from Madame Rouge by Jim Legion Shifflett

    Black Widow by James Funfer

    Raggedy Ann on Edge by Phibby Venable

    The Birth by Tina Marlow

    Thirst by Becca Theriault

    The Witching Ball by Laura Ehlers

    Sweet Treats and Fun Feats by Sirrah Harris Medeiros

    Desperation by Lexy Dickerson

    Apple Haunting by Jennifer HFU Tucker

    Diary of the Not So Dead by Renee Davison

    Dripping Blood by Becca Theriault

    Your Garden will be Surrounded by Gardens / The Old Oak Tree by Denise Hendrikx

    B Movie by Jennifer HFU Tucker

    Lilith's Reign by Sirrah Harris Medeiros

    A New Fall by Lexy Dickerson

    Prairie Autumn by James Funfer

    Vampire Witch by Renee Davison

    The Loss of Eddie Werewolf by Phibby Venable

    Blood of the Scarecrow by Jim Legion Shifflett

    Teach Your Zombies Well by Laura Ehlers

    All Hallows Night by Rob Read

    Meet the Poets & Writers

    Contact Writer's Pad

    tmp_e96d8fb952e12a70eff89397d2c46ceb_IK34sC_html_m71894dd4.png Credits

    Thanks go out to Denise Hendrikx and Aj Elmore for providing the spark of motivation needed to set up a new website so that we could more easily work together. Thank-you, Rob Read, for suggesting we publish a Writers' Pad E-zine! Thank-you, Melissa Stevens, for creating our Creepy Cool E-zine Cover Art of Awesomeness! And thanks to all the Writers' Pad members, for your continued inspiration, collaboration, and friendship! --HFU 10/7/12

    tmp_e96d8fb952e12a70eff89397d2c46ceb_IK34sC_html_m459420fa.png Welcome!

    Welcome, Victims! (Oops, I meant Visitors) Stumble in and make yourselves casualties! (Umm, I meant comfortable) Here at The Writers' Pad, we are all about the monstrosity, err, hospitality, mostly! Please sit down. Ok, then. Ahem.

    The Writers' Pad is a small, private, social network of poets and writers. Some of us write for fun while others write to publish. When our schedules allow, we meet up at The Pad, to share ideas, collaborate on projects, share publishing news, and support each other in our quest for upwardly mobile word counts.

    Our group is quite eclectic (and eccentric). Our ages range from 18 to Don't-Ask-Me-That and our members represent 8 different countries. We are spoken word poets and song writers. We are bloggers, photographers, poets and novelists. We write nonfiction and fantasy, sci-fi and romance, humor and horror. We wear fedoras, make pork jokes, drink way too much coffee, own tiny palm trees, go trippin' on pixie stix, claim to be Muse Ninjas and are infested with cellar ghosties. We scare ourselves sometimes.

    Twice a year, we plan to publish a compilation of poetry and short fiction, which will be available to the public, free of charge. Our Fall issues, like this one, will be Halloween themed. Our Spring issues will contain general interest stories and poetry from a variety of different genres.

    So kick back, Grim Reapers (um, Gentle Readers), and dig in to this ghastly accumulation of supernatural heinousness and angst (there's just no nice way to put it)! And be sure to check out the Meet the Poets & Writers section of this ezine. There you will find information, about who we are, and links to books, works in progress, blogs, and websites.

    Stay Horrifying!

    HFU 10/7/12


    An Unholy Halloween

    by Rob Read

    My appearance may be misleading if you are unaware of my story. From the wispy feathers of white hair, the gaunt features, and wrinkled parchment yellow skin, you may think my age to be near eighty years. In fact my true age is less than half that total. I am entirely to blame. If only I had paid more attention to the warnings from the local villagers...

    In the three autumn seasons through which I have lived in this tiny, Devonshire village, on the edge of Bodmin Moor, I have never been visited by the local children on All Hallows Eve. I realize that 'trick-or-treat' is more of an American theme, but in the last twenty years or so, it has become almost as popular here in England.

    The first two years were understandable; I needed to earn the villagers' trust. My little thatch-roofed cottage set among surly horse-chestnut trees and away from the main road was a little creepy. That fact, added to the suspicion of a middle-aged man living alone, and with stories of sex-offenders and pedophiles making almost daily headline news, how many parents would be willing to allow their precious offspring to come near my abode?

    However, by the third year, I was on first name terms with all my immediate neighbours. They knew by then, that being an artist, I had an excuse for a little eccentricity. Several of my better paintings hung on the walls above the bar of the quaint little pub, the Red Lion, and I

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