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Hidden Splendour
Hidden Splendour
Hidden Splendour
Ebook374 pages6 hours

Hidden Splendour

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"It is destined that each vampire will have an other half and when the two shall meet, they will see no other. There will be no one else for them but their other. The two halfs will make one whole and they shall feel disconnected without the other."

Grace Kennedy is a vampire protector. For almost two hundred years she has protected the Vampire Council and fought the Acelades. Her latest assignment was to protect Alex Sempre. A 17 year old human who is the grandson of Lucas Sempre, the head of the Vampire Council. The Acelades want Alex to fulfil a prophecy and gain the ultimate power. A goal they came close to achieving with the help of a traitor in the Vampire Council. After a lucky escape, Grace and Alex are now on the run, the true nature of their disappearance known only by Lucas and Grace's leader, Marius.

Tasked with the job of protecting Alex and uncovering the traitor, Grace is now hunted by the Acelades and the Vampire Council, who believe she has kidnapped Alex. To make matters worse Grace has uncovered information that suggests Lucas did not happen upon her by chance the night she was attacked. There is also a chance that her brother William is still alive.

Overwhelmed by the adversities she is facing the last thing Grace needs is another complication, but her relationship with Alex is just that, complicated. Alex is in love with Grace and is determined to make her return his affection. Grace knows that their love is forbidden and has kept the truth about their bond a secret from Alex. As Grace tries to protect Alex it soon becomes clear that their relationship is impacting on her, but will their love cost Grace the ultimate price?

Release dateOct 11, 2012
Hidden Splendour

Jessica Cartwright

Jessica Cartwright lives in Sydney Australia with her husband. When she is not writing Jessica loves travelling, reading any book she can find and watching crime shows on television.Jessica is currently writing her next series that will be due for release in September 2016

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    Book preview

    Hidden Splendour - Jessica Cartwright

    Hidden Splendour

    By Jessica Cartwright

    Hidden Splendour

    Copyright 2010 Jessica Cartwright

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is copyright under the Berne Convention.

    No reproduction without permission.

    All rights reserved.

    The right of Jessica Cartwright to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Commonwealth Copyright Act and its amendments.

    Cover by David Cartwright

    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from National Library of Australia.

    ISBN 978-0-646-56622-1

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your personal use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For Peter

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18


    Coming Soon: Stolen Beauty


    I stood in front of Alex attempting to shield him from the group that stood in before us. With my knife in one hand and the other holding his, I could feel him shaking with fear, his breaths were shallow. Straightening up I held my head high ready to face my accusers. I would not allow them to see the fear and panic that raged inside me. I had taught many of these protectors and now they would use those skills to kill me. This battle would be bloody and harsh, I was not sure that any of us would make it out of this clearing alive. The forest had gone still at our arrival. The animals that normally inhabited these parts had fled at the presence of larger more deadly predators. The full moon cast light over the field and made the contrast between the clearing and the trees more prominent. A slight wind was rustling the leaves of the tall oak trees but beyond that the night was silent.

    In the pack stood my closet companions, I had served many missions with them and now we were opponents. They appeared well prepared with an array of weapons including guns, knives and flame throwers. Dressed in black camouflage attire they were difficult to distinguish and had been almost impossible to detect in the woods. In contrast to their intimidating presence, I was armed with only my knife to protect us. Dressed in jeans and a scarlet jumper I would be easy to detect in the forest especially next to Alex who has wearing a white jumper and denims. I silently admonished myself for allowing my defences to slip so far. Part of me was still in disbelief that it had come to this point. The treachery had gone much further in the Council than any of us had expected and now there was no one to help us. I was all that stood between Alex and the fulfilment of the prophecy. Weakened by battle and outnumbered my only hope was to hold them at bay long enough for Alex to escape. My heart skipped at beat at the thought of this being our last moments together.

    If you surrender now I will ensure your punishment is quick and painless, Christopher offered. He had clearly been appointed the head protector in my absence and was going to lead the assault.

    I have no intention of letting you have Alex, I replied.

    Grace, be reasonable, you are injured, outnumbered and isolated. There is no one to help you. Remember you were one of us once, you know we cannot let you leave and we will continue to hunt you! he returned. It was clear from his face and the faces of those around him that this current situation was a source of internal conflict. These protectors had looked up to me and none of them could understand why this had happened. But orders were orders and the heir to the Sempre family needed to be rescued by any means possible.

    You have your orders and I have mine. I hold no ill will towards you Christopher nor towards any of you. This situation is beyond our control and its resolution will be what it will be, I stated cryptically.

    Please Grace, Cassius pleaded, stepping towards me and in front of Christopher who shot him a dark look. Raising my weapon I looked at Cassius, my face unreadable and my eyes black.

    Cassius, I suggest you return to your formation. I will not be pleaded with, bargained or begged. Alex is under my protection and all that that entails, I informed them looking at each one of them as I spoke.

    I could hear a commotion at the back of group but I could not see what was occurring. Slowly the group began to part to allow the new arrivals to walk through. Detecting their scent before they were visible, poison flooded my fangs and hatred spread through my body. Even if I was killed in this battle I would ensure that I took their lives before mine was ended.

    Well, well what have we here? Scarlet mused and she brushed lightly past Christopher in a floor length emerald green corseted gown. Her hair was pinned away from her face tumbling down her back and her make up was impeccable. Alex squeezed my hand as he moved towards me, our bodies now touching.

    You have come at last! I replied swallowing hard as I tried not to be overwhelmed by the heat coursing through my body lit by Alex’s touch.

    There was no way that we would miss the main event. Alex dear, I am sorry you have been caught up in all of this unpleasantness but never fear my love, soon we will be together and all of this will just be a bad dream. Scarlet said to Alex, a smirk on her face.

    I can assure you Scarlet that you will never have Alex and that all of your efforts will have been in vain. Now if you are finished with the theatrics I intend to kill you, I spat.

    Ah Grace, you always were a feisty one. Christopher, I believe you have an assignment to complete, the traitor called, standing next to Scarlet. And there I was face to face with the vampire who had betrayed Lucas and ordered my execution.


    The distant sound of bells woke my from me sleep and it took a few moments to orientate myself. The sun was streaming through the windows informing me that it was early morning. The walls of my room were pale blue with a white trim. The inbuilt shelves on either side of my bed held relics from another life. And to my left, my laptop and various books were piled up on an antique desk. On each bedside table there was a crystal lamp and various trinkets I had collected over the years. All of my furniture was a dark wood and had been carved from the forests that surrounded my home. I lay for a few moments cocooned in my pale blue and cream quilt admiring the intricate floral design that had been sewn by hand. At the foot of my bed on the bench seat sat my bag still unpacked except for my knife which was currently under my pillow.

    Listening carefully, I could hear the bells announcing the time. It was six am in Donegal County and the village was just beginning to wake. Sitting up, I placed my feet on the polished wood floors and stretched my aching muscles. It was calming for me to hear the normal sounds of the village after the extraordinary events of the last twenty four hours. Alex and I had arrived in the middle of the night without notice to the caretaker who would no doubt be in a panic by breakfast this morning when he realised someone was at the home. I changed caretakers every ten years before my return home. It helped to protect my anonymity and reduced any questions about why I did not seem to age. This current caretaker had been with me for almost ten years and from what I could tell, he had done a great job of maintaining the residence. It was always a difficult task explaining my prolonged absence to a new caretaker and I did not relish the thought that I would soon again be faced with this event. Sean, my current caretaker had asked no questions when I explained the position. He had managed the residence for the past decade without worry or complaint. I had only spent five nights at the house during his employment, however he never appeared to question my odd behaviour. I was sure this would change now with the arrival of Alex and what looked to be an extended stay.

    I had never brought anyone to my home in Ireland and I could feel the subtle differences of having another person present, I was left no other choice however. Alex Sempre had to be protected and it was my job. I am a protector, a vampire who had sworn to serve the Sempre Family and the Vampire Council. Lucas Sempre, Alex’s grandfather had charged me with keeping Alex safe from the Acelades who sought to kidnap him to fulfil an ancient prophecy. The Acelades were a vampire family who chose to exist outside of the Vampire Council.The one thing they wanted was to be in control of all vampires and this made them dangerous. They thought that if they could trick Alex into believing he was in love with Scarlet Acelades, Alex and she would consummate their relationship and the Acelades would rise to power. This would give the Acelades family the ability to destroy the human and vampire world alike. Of course I was never going to allow that to happen but it was complicated. Alex was human even though his parents were vampires. For some reason he was not born a vampire and that made him vulnerable. When the Acelades attacked the Sempre manor and kidnapped us, I realised just how vulnerable Alex was. I had no choice but to take us into hiding. Ultimate protection for Alex meant turning my back on the Vampire Council, jeopardising my job as a protector and risking my life. Only Lucas and Marius, the head of the protectors, knew that I was on assignment. The rest of my world thought I had kidnapped him and because of that we were being hunted. Our secrecy was imperative to the success of the assignment.

    My head pounded just thinking about the situation. Lucas and Marius couldn’t tell anyone about my assignment because there was a traitor amidst the Council and until they were found no one could be trusted. Alex and I were on our own, being hunted by Acelades and Sempres alike. As if this task were not difficult enough it was compounded by the fact that Alex was my other half, a soul mate who completed the void left by my transformation. In my world vampires were paired. Many searched their whole life for their other half; the one you were destined to be with and once found would struggle to live without.I tried to deny it but there was no hope. The pull of your other half is far too powerful. Thankfully Alex’s mother had raised him as a human and he did not know about the vampire world until recently. He therefore did not know about other halfs. I could only hope that he wouldn’t learn about them until after my assignment was finished and I had left him, never to return again. I didn’t need the complication. Finding my other half was not something I wanted and I refused to be distracted from my goal. I was a protector and my sole purpose was to hunt the Acelades responsible for my family’s murder. I had almost accomplished this when we were taken to the Acelades stronghold. At the end of my assignment I hoped to kill the rest of them, joining my family at rest wherever they were.

    Taking a deep breath I stood and walked over to window. I could see the forest was alive with activity and it created a burning sensation in my throat. There had been little time to feed after escaping from the Acelades manor and I would need to take some time in the forest today. Fresh blood was more powerful than the stores kept in the house and I needed to be at full strength. Glancing at my reflection I ran my fingers through my hair several times before taking my blush coloured robe from the stand. I tied the robe loosely, still exposing my blush and mint coloured pants and camisole. Walking to the door I checked for sounds emanating from Alex’s room. I could hear his rhythmic breathing, indicating he was still asleep.

    Exiting the room silently, I walked quickly down the hall and came to stop at his door. I felt anxious at the thought of being alone in this house with him and wondered if I shouldn’t just ready myself for my morning errands and let him sleep. I rejected the idea knowing that if Alex woke to find me gone there was no telling what trouble he would get himself into. I needed him to stay in the house and remain unseen until I had worked out our next move. Steeling myself, I took a deep breath and willed myself to be in control as I silently opened the door to his room.

    Alex was sprawled across his bed in a deep sleep as I walked towards him. He looked peaceful and exhausted as he lay surrounded by the stripped grey and silver quilt. His room was very similar to mine expect it was decorated in greys and silver with whitewood furniture. Instead of a desk he had a chaise lounge with an assortment of books piled on the end. He had clearly journeyed to the library after I had fallen asleep last night. The books related to vampire lore and the Sempre family history. Looking over at Alex I saw his clothes piled on the floor next to the bed. An open copy of the Vampire Council rules lay next to him in the bed. Walking over to him I picked up the book and placed it on the nightstand. Alex’s bare chest rose and fell rhythmically as he slept. His hair was tussled and his eye lids fluttered. I hated to wake him in the middle of a dream but there was work to do. We couldn’t stay here long. Even though no one knew where we were, the Council knew I was from Ireland and would expect me to return to where I was most familiar. Sitting next to him I remained still for a few moments allowing myself to admire his presence. His scent surrounded me intoxicatingly. My body reacted just being in his presence. I could feel my fangs filling with poison and my body craving his blood. Closing my eyes I focused my energy on calming myself. Slowly I felt the poison receding and my nerves began to relax. Feeling in control I placed my hand on Alex’s arm to wake him.

    Good morning sunshine, I smiled.

    Morning, Alex yawned stretching his arms as he sat up.

    You sleep ok? I asked as Alex ran his hand through his hair and looked around the room.

    Yeah, I was pretty tired, he replied.

    Hmmm, well reading can do that to you. I nodded towards the book on the nightstand.

    Oh yeah, Alex replied sheepishly. I just wanted to know more that’s all. I mean there are all these things that I don’t know about and I’m sure you don’t want to have to tell me.

    Alex, I told you that I would answer any questions you have. There was no need to worry yourself with all of these, I replied suddenly anxious that Alex would have read about other half.

    I know, but still, he replied.

    So how far did you get into this? I asked.

    Not far. I read all about the Council structure and the birth rites, he replied.

    No wonder you fell asleep. The Council does love its rules. I said relieved that he was still in the dark.

    I can’t believe it’s true. I thought that you were just making it up when you said that we couldn’t be together but at least now I know the truth. I’m sure I can petition my grandfather to change the laws and you won’t have to worry, Alex continued his eyes excited.

    Sure Alex. Anything is possible, I replied not believing a word.

    What about birth rites? he asked.

    What about them? I replied

    Well I’m a child of two vampires I should have a birth rite but I couldn’t find it anywhere, he replied.

    You are human Alex. Birth rites are used to determine the age that a vampire will resemble. It’s the way that they keep our population fitting into society. If everyone was in their 20’s, we would start to stand out. You don’t have a birth rite because you will continue to age forever just like a human, I replied.

    But my Mom has a birth rite, I’ve seen it. She always told me it was a birthmark but its right there on her shoulder. And I’m guessing that my Dad had one as well so I should have been born with one, Alex argued.

    Alex, your Dad did have one. It was on his right wrist. He and Katherine were both marked to age until their thirties, Lucas his fifties. These marks become present after the first drinking of blood by a vampire when it is born. They are recorded by the Council to keep track of numbers etc. No one knows why they occur but they are never wrong, I began to explain.

    I know how they expressed even what the different ages look like but that doesn’t explain why I don’t have one, Alex interrupted.

    If you would let me finish, you have never drunk blood so even if you did have a mark which I highly doubt, it wouldn’t have been expressed yet, I answered in a stern tone.

    Fine then, I will just drink blood and find out, Alex stated looking at me daring me to question him.

    That is not an option Alex. Firstly, you’re not a vampire so drinking human blood would make you very, very sick. Besides we don’t keep human blood in this house and there is no way I am allowing you to go somewhere where you can get it. You are human Alex. You just need to accept that, I countered standing up and walking away from his bed.

    This isn’t fair Grace. I don’t want to get old you won’t… oh never mind. Alex’s voice sounded frustrated as he got out of bed.

    What Alex? Please tell me what it is. Try to make me understand why you would risk everything just to see if you have some stupid mark. Don’t you understand how lucky you are? You are human, you will get to have a normal life. I replied trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

    Yeah and then one day I will die. All of my family and you will still be alive and I will be gone. Not to mention the getting old part. I am sure that you will really want to be with me when I’m seventy and you still look the same, he yelled.

    Alex, don’t be ridiculous! I sighed, finally understanding his preoccupation with this birth rite nonsense. Alex was hoping that he would have a mark setting his age near mine. He still believed that we would be together forever and in his mind a mark would make that possible. Sadness swept over me. I hated lying to Alex but it was for the best. If he knew that once he turned eighteen I would leave him forever he was likely to do something stupid and get himself killed trying to become a vampire. There was no way I could let him become like me. I would be gone from his life soon enough and then all he would have would be an eternity of regret.

    It’s true Grace. You have no idea what it is like knowing that you’re going to get old and die. I don’t want to leave you and sixty or seventy years, that just isn’t enough. I want eternity! he answered softly. His eyes met mine. His face looked so honest I had to look away. He walked around the bed to meet me, grasping my hand in his and lifting it to his lips. Kissing my palm gently, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Dressed only in his boxers I could feel his skin burning through my clothes. His face was only inches from mine as he wrapped my arm around his neck. My body tensed in response to our proximity and I could barely stand as his fragrance filled my head and threatened to topple my control.

    I want to be like this with you forever Grace, he whispered into my ear as he began a line of kisses from the base of by neck to my mouth. My lips met his, softly caressing each others whilst his hands fumbled to undo my robe. It fell to the ground. As I ran my hands through his hair, our kisses deepened. He parted my lips with his tongue. Pulling me tight to him our bodies responded to each other. I could hear Alex’s breath becoming ragged as he kissed along my jaw line, his hand sliding up underneath my camisole. My hands were moving over his back as he took a step towards the bed. Allowing him to lead, I followed. He lay me down, slowly kissing me from my hand to my lips. I ran my hands through his hair and down his chest as he kissed me with a deep urgency. He hands moved towards the straps on my camisole sliding them down across my shoulders.

    Alex. Wait! I breathed my hand against his chest.

    What Grace, what’s wrong? Alex replied, his hand cupping my face, his eyes full of concern.

    Nothing it’s just… it’s just I can’t do this, I whispered pushing myself away from him.

    I don’t understand? Alex looked confused as he moved to sit next to me taking my hand.

    This Alex, I gestured. I can’t do this. I’m sorry it’s just I grew up in a very different time and I just…

    Grace, Grace look at me, Alex said turning my head to meet his. I understand it was stupid of me to think otherwise. Please. Don’t be sorry. You have nothing to apologise for. Ok?

    Ok, I replied squeezing his hand.

    Right. Well, I’m starving so let’s get some breakfast. Well, I’ll get some breakfast and you can sit looking disgusted while I eat it, he joked getting up from the bed and pulling me with him.

    Sounds good. I just need to see Sean and then I will meet you in the dining room. I said kissing Alex lightly on the cheek and turning to leave.

    Who is Sean? Alex asked his voice wary and his arms refusing to release me.

    The caretaker, I replied. You didn’t think that the house remained like this all on its own did you?

    Well I hardly think that you need to see him at six in the morning, Alex replied tartly, straining to see the clock.

    If you want breakfast I do. You are the only house guest I have ever had here Alex and I have never found the need to have food here before. I sighed slightly amused by Alex’s jealousy.

    Why don’t we BOTH get dressed and go and see this Sean? Alex offered pointing to my camisole.

    Alex. Relax. I have no intention of going to Sean’s house half naked. I intend to get ready and then go and meet him. He will likely be beside himself for not having the house ready when I arrived and I am not going to compound his anxiety by bringing you along so you can peacock the entire time we are there. Besides the fact that in case you have forgotten, you are a wanted man and the less people that see you the better. Now, if you don’t mind, I am going to organise for you to have something to eat this morning, I finished. Extricating myself from Alex, I left the room giving him a stern look as I left.

    Once outside I leaned against the wall and rubbed my temples. What was I doing? There was no way that I should have let myself get swept up with Alex. Now more than ever I needed to be strong and focussed. I no longer had Lucas and Katherine around to make sure we kept to ourselves.

    Stupid! Stupid! Alex said obviously forgetting I could hear him. Way to go idiot. Of course she wouldn’t want me going with her and I just kept pushing like a jealous child. Especially after this morning! Stupid! Slamming the door to his bathroom I heard the shower start and moved quickly to my room to get ready. Thankfully, I was not the only one who felt out of control from this morning’s activities. I hoped Alex would keep me in line for the next few months but I couldn’t be sure.

    Showering quickly, I dressed in charcoal linen pants and a scoop neck cashmere black sweater. Drying my dark brown hair and allowing it to fall naturally, framing my face and trailing down my back, I moved to my dressing table. Looking at my reflection the face staring at back at me appeared a contradiction. Flecks of gold and topaz now flooded my eyes. There was a pale blush on my cheeks and my lips were red and full contrasting against my alabaster skin. I kept my make up to mascara and lip gloss as there was no need to dress up and I did not want Sean jumping to conclusions. The diamond cross from my parents on a chain around my neck was the only jewellery I wore. Out of habit, I took my knife and placed it in the small of my back. There was little chance that I would need it but like a security blanket I felt better when I had it.

    Exiting the bathroom I started unpacking my bag. I could hear Alex moving around in his room getting ready for the day. Given his normal morning routines he would no doubt take another forty minutes to get ready. Starting up my laptop I opened the desk drawer and removed a leather bound folio. It contained various passwords, bank details, Council safe houses, deeds to properties and safety deposit boxes. Logging into the Council website using a fake username and password provided by Marius for just such an occasion, I was confronted with my picture and a picture of Alex. What followed was a brief but convincing story about the famous vampire protector Grace Kennedy, who after years of loyal service had taken it upon herself to kidnap, Alex Sempre, the grandson of Lucas Sempre who had been kept in hiding for his own safety due to the war with the Acelades. The story said that I had felt that Lucas and the Council were not taking Alex’s safety seriously and that I had suffered a lot of stress after the murder of my family. After pleading with Marius to assign me to protect Alex, I had broken into the home of the Acelades and engaged them in direct combat, killing their protectors. Kidnapping Alex came next and then I disappeared with no leads as to where we were headed.

    Shaking my head I opened the portal into the protector database. Marius’s story had ensured that every protector would be hunting us in addition to any other vampire that wanted their five minutes of fame. We had less time to plan our movements than I would have liked but the story ensured that no one in the Council would second guess it. I was Marius’s most trusted protector, he would not turn on me lightly. All protectors were on active duty and their main assignment was to find me. All Council members had been assigned a protector and groups had been dispersed to inspect all Council safe houses and protector training facilities. Marius was following the manual to the letter to ensure that no one questioned his efforts to find me. Marius also knew that being on the run meant that the last place I would go would be a Council property. Unlike most protectors, I had amassed a large amount of wealth in my years. My parents had left me a significant amount of money upon their death and it had grown steadily since that time. This allowed me to purchase homes throughout the world and these would offer sanctuary to Alex and I until he turned eighteen.

    Logging off and returning my computer to its drawer I exited my room. Walking quickly through the house I made note of the different rooms that would need to be opened if we were to stay here for a few days. The library would need more firewood as would the kitchen. Passing empty vases I made a note to request that Sean buy flowers from the market. No matter how long it had been I still remember my home was always filled with flowers when I was a child. My mother said it was a way of appreciating the beauty in the world and letting the sun into our home. It was a tradition I kept long after she was gone.

    The house was a single level. The living and entertaining quarters were separated by a large hall. The house was set on ten acres and included an additional residence at the back of the property where Sean resided. The house was decorated in various pastel hues but still maintained its country heritage. I had purchased the home because it reminded me of my childhood home with its decorated ceilings, wooden parquetry floors and ornamental fire places. As I reached the front door I hesitated, listening to Alex singing in the shower. Smiling I headed outside and broke into a quick run across the field that separated my house from Sean’s cottage.

    As I reached the cottage I could see smoke coming from the chimney. Sitting at the table was Sean and a woman that I guessed to be his new wife. She was hovering over the stove. He had informed me he was to marry last year and I had given permission for Mary to reside with him at the cottage. Sean was drinking tea and discussing his daily plans with Mary. He was obviously still unaware that we had returned and thankfully was not already frantically trying to make his way to the house. Knocking lightly on the front door I heard Sean move back from the table.

    Are we expecting someone Mary? he asked his accent instantly making me feel at home.

    No love. Maybe it’s one of the neighbours? she called

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