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Better When Bad!
Better When Bad!
Better When Bad!
Ebook51 pages45 minutes

Better When Bad!

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Laura is a good, respectable middle school teacher by day, but when she is with her “book club” friends, things are a different matter. When she is having a meeting at her book club, Laura entertains her fantasies with her fellow members. Laura is naturally a dominatrix, but occasionally, she likes to let go completely. During the day, Laura fantasies that her real boss, the principal, would take “control” of her in every way. Then, a new member arrives at the “club,” and Laura is taken by surprise that it is her boss, North. Excited by the prospect that her fantasies may become a reality, Laura prepares herself mentally... and physically.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateOct 11, 2012
Better When Bad!

Kellen Prime

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    Better When Bad! - Kellen Prime

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    Copyright 2012 by Kellen Prime Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    Xplicit Press

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    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Laura is a good, respectable middle school teacher by day, but when she is with her book club friends, things are a different matter. When she is having a meeting at her book club, Laura entertains her fantasies with her fellow members. Laura is naturally a dominatrix, but occasionally, she likes to let go completely. During the day, Laura fantasies that her real boss, the principal, would take control of her in every way. Then, a new member arrives at the club, and Laura is taken by surprise that it is her boss, North. Excited by the prospect that her fantasies may become a reality, Laura prepares herself mentally... and physically.

    Better When Bad!


    Laura is every bit the wholesome small-town girl. She teaches in middle school, still lives in the apartment above her parent’s garage that became her bedroom in high school, and seems to have managed to keep her life free from the complications associated with love and relationships. But Miss Laura, as she’s fondly known to her seventh graders, has a naughty little secret….

    While she walks around the town in plaid and cashmere by day, she dons stilettos and leather by night. Laura is one of only a handful of people in her town who have a mild fascination with BDSM. They’ve formed a very private, very low-key group, meeting under the guise of a book club, where they share fantasies and materials they’ve come across. It really is nothing more than a casual exchange of ideas and experiences by a group of adults. Occasionally members will meet each other outside of the group for a private show-and-tell.

    Chapter 1

    The restraints on her wrists and ankles are tighter than the cunt between her parted thighs, even with her cunt juice already soaking the linen. Laura appears frozen in a jumping jack, a suspended scissor jump that barely allows for the arch of her back or the slight lift of her groin from the bed. There’s nothing to it for her but to sink into the mess of satin and duck feathers underneath her and to brace herself for the solid 8-inch rod dangling above her wet pussy. Her clit beats almost audibly as her masked beau dips his shaft all the way up inside her, drilling her into the bed before he immediately pulls out, the muscles in her pussy struggling in vain to hold on to the pleasure stick. She moans….

    "You like that huh? There’s some more right here just for you. You want it? Tell me you want it. Better yet, tell him where you want it…." Laura’s answers to these questions are made in silent moans as the cock slips into her mouth, sliding slowly down her throat as her pussy lifts off the bed, needing the action her mouth is getting. She sucks deep and

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