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Think Peace!
Think Peace!
Think Peace!
Ebook46 pages18 minutes

Think Peace!

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Why I Wrote This Book:Think Peace!

My purpose here is to help spread the word to everyone about how we - as a nation – are building these ships to meet the urgent maritime needs of our times. I wrote this book about these new 21st Century Navy “peace keeping” ships, the LCS Class for two reasons:

First: to help everyone have a clear understanding of what our Navy is doing to maintain peace and freedom of the seas.

Second, the author says he wrote this because he has a soft spot in his heart for the Navy. He gave the Navy three years of his life before he was 21. He is now a Platinum Status Writer (One of the best of the top 20 writers,out of over 400,000 writers world-wide at he says, "After all of these years I still have the Navy in my blood in many ways." ( My grandfather was in the Navy during the Spanish-American War).

Earth, also called the "water planet" has more than 96.5% of land area covered by water. Think Peace is a book written to help Americans understand the need for the Navy's newest class of ships: the LCS, Littoral Combat Ships. Energetic crews are passionate mission-oriented, high tech men and women who eagerly do their best to maintain and promote world peace in every port visited by these shallow water ships. To be a dominant power for world peace the USN must be equipped to efficiently and quickly control: oceans, seas, harbors, and all maritime traffic - everywhere. This new class of ships is amazingly versatile, fast and able. Their small crews are technically adept while enthusiastically acting as ambassadors for peace in many harbors around the world. As patriotic, peace loving Americans, we need to read this book and then support the funding for the construction of more of these ships. and - Think Peace!

Release dateOct 12, 2012
Think Peace!

Terrance L. Weber

Born in Moorestown, NJ in 1927. Served 3 years in USN during WW2. Attended several colleges: U of P, Rider, Rutgers, Nwk Coll. of Eng. all under GI Bill (Sales, Marketing, Business Writing). Owner: Weber & Sons,Inc. Printing & Direct Mail Advertising business for 30 years. Writer: Award winning (National DMAA)Sales letter copywriter with: Yeck & Yeck in Dayton,OH (1966-'67). Worked with author and Creative Direcctor, Darrell Hare at Graphic Service; Diamond Expert Author status (Best of the best of 478,000 article writes wolrd-wide), Author with 62,857 views of my 168 articles. Some of my inventions are:(Pat.Pend.; NoLabeSystem, Tydee Stamp, LabelPeeler, Tymindex Time Card File System sold nationwide for 40 years, Weber Original Disposable Sleep Masks, Event Blindfold Masks, Dry Eyes Syndrome Sleep Mask, Weber Denture Liners (to help people with loose dentures), Weber Wrist & Ankle Wraps (to help people with Raynauds Syndrome & cold hands and feet). Volunteered with Habitat For Humanity for 10 years as RV-Care-A-Vanners,where we helped build 39 houses nationwide for low income families. Non-fiction books: "How To Cope...with life"; A "Terry Talks Series" of four books and have set up and offered my other personal comfort products and inventions on my website ,all designed to help people feel and/or look better. My website( has been on the Internet since 2000. Interests: My wife and I have lots of fun in our blended family with eleven children, I am an avid sailor, writer, pilot, artist, shorebird wood carver, and recently, a hang glider pilot. Active Prayer Warrior for many years. I have been awarded Diamond Writer status with where many of my articles are listed. Note: As a "Diamond Status Writer" I am rated as one of the top 20 writers in a world-wide competition with over 435,000 other EzinesArticle writers.

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    Book preview

    Think Peace! - Terrance L. Weber

    Think Peace!

    U.S. Navy Mission is peace in 21st Century

    These New U.S. Navy Ships

    Can Make World Peace Possible!

    Mission: World Peace & Freedom Of The Seas

    Terrance L. Weber


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Terrance L. Weber

    License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    USS Freedom (LCS-1)

    Length: 377 feet, Beam: 57 feet, Draft: 14 feet

    USS Independence (LCS-2)

    Length: 418 feet, Beam: 31 feet, Draft; 14 feet

    USS Fort Worth (LCS-3)

    Length: 390 feet, Beam: 31 feet, Draft: 14 feet

    These are the first three LCS ships of the proposed fleet of 55 ships.

    Disclaimer Statement:

    This is not a publication of the U.S. Navy. The author gathered the information here from the public information readily available to all on the Internet. In

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