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Learning to Breathe
Learning to Breathe
Learning to Breathe
Ebook334 pages4 hours

Learning to Breathe

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Darcie Gilmore just wanted a fresh start.

When her mother packs them off to live in Dover Springs, Darcie is given the chance to start over.

However, having spent the last six months haunted by terrible nightmares and feeling isolated and alone, Darcie doubts that anything will be different. Even when she meets carefree Danny Fletcher, Darcie insists that she wants nothing to do with him.

But, when Darcie needs a favour and Danny is the only one who can help, the two must spend time together.

As they grow closer, Danny is determined to discover why Darcie is so private about her life but little does he know that he's not just breaking down her barriers ... he's helping her learn to breathe again.

Release dateOct 13, 2012
Learning to Breathe

Joanne McClean

Cynic, hopeless romantic, eccentric, daydreamer, nerd, music lover, movie goer, loner, coffee addict, bookworm & writer. What is life if you don't have a dream to chase?

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    Book preview

    Learning to Breathe - Joanne McClean


    My lungs felt like they were on fire. I could taste the salty water but there was nothing I could do to stop it from rushing into my lungs. I was choking while I screamed out for help and I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. Suddenly, I could feel strong arms around me and hear someone comforting me.

    Darcie, you’re going to be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise …

    In some distant part of my mind, I knew that he was telling the truth but, in our current situation, I couldn’t help but feel that all hope was lost …

    I woke with a start. My pyjamas were sticking to me and my sheets were soaked with sweat. My heart was racing and my breathing was ragged. I took a few deep breaths to try to calm myself down. It was just a dream I told myself. It had felt so real but I needed to convince my rapid heart rate otherwise – I had to convince myself that it had been nothing. Just another dream I repeated to myself.

    I managed to slow down my breathing and I pushed back the bed covers. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, turned on the light and looked into the mirror. My face was pale and my eyes were red – a sure sign that I had been crying at some point during the dream.

    I studied my features closely: my grey eyes looked haunted and my red curls were damp with sweat. I definitely didn’t look good. I sucked in a few deep breaths and splashed some water on my face.

    It was just a dream. I told myself aloud, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

    However, a single tear managed to escape. I shuddered and then wiped it away roughly, looking away from the mirror. I could tell myself that over and over again but it wouldn’t make it true. The truth was that it wasn’t a dream – it was a nightmare and it was a nightmare that haunted me every night for the past six months …

    Chapter One

    It was the second week of August and my mother and I were moving. She had received a better job offer in Dover Springs and had jumped at the chance to take it. If I was being honest, I really didn’t care about the fact that we had to move. I didn’t care where we ended up … it wouldn’t change anything anyway.

    My mother kept saying that it was a good chance for us both to start afresh … I just kept wondering what she meant by that – it’s not as if our life had been that bad in Langley Falls. But, in the end, I didn’t mind moving – it’s not like I was leaving any friends behind anyway.

    I tended to avoid situations where it involved delving into my personal life. I had always felt uncomfortable divulging my entire life history to complete strangers. Perhaps that was why I was just that little bit more awkward than your average seventeen year old should be.

    Nevertheless, if this was a chance for me to start over, I wasn’t going to pass it up. I liked the fact that nobody in Dover Springs would know anything about my past. It would be quite refreshing knowing no one knew all about me – Darcie Gilmore. It also presented me with the opportunity to be creative about my life if anyone cared to ask me about it. After all, any lie was better than the truth …

    My mother interrupted my disturbing thoughts as she pulled up outside our new home and smiled at me.

    Home sweet home.

    I merely nodded and pushed my sunglasses down from the top of my head – I was in no mood to deal with my mother’s small talk. Thankfully, the moving van guys decided to arrive at that very second, so I was safe – for now. I watched her make her way towards them before I opened the car door, grabbed my shoulder bag, and stared at the house in front of me. It looked nice enough: red-bricked, two storeys high and a quaint little garden.

    I sighed, turned my back on the house, and opened the boot to my mother’s ancient Volvo. There appeared to be a lot more boxes than I remembered packing. I groaned to myself as I hauled two big boxes labelled ‘Kitchen’ up the garden path and into the house.

    I was greeted by the lingering smell of fresh paint in the kitchen and it instantly gave me a headache. I set down the boxes and decided to take a quick look around the other rooms. All of the other rooms had been painted also and new carpets had been laid – it looked like my mother had been busy organising this for our arrival.

    I quickly climbed the stairs and peeked into each of the rooms. There was one bedroom with an en-suite, two other bedrooms, and a large bathroom – all of which had been freshly decorated. I sighed and decided on taking the larger of the two normal bedrooms as my own room – it was painted a cool grey colour and had a big window.

    Darcie? Honey, where are you? came my mother’s voice.

    Upstairs! I yelled back to her. I soon heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and two seconds later, my mother appeared beside me.

    Ah, picking your room?

    I nodded. I like this one – I like the grey walls and I just figured that you’d want the one with the en-suite. You don’t mind, do you? I turned to face her, hoping that she wouldn’t read too much into my answer like she had been doing lately.

    I watched her arrange her features into a neutral expression. No, that’s okay honey. I’ll tell the moving van guys to put your bed in here.

    I breathed a silent sigh of relief.

    No psychoanalysis today thankfully!

    I smiled at her and then continued to retrieve boxes from the car, silently praying that it stayed that way.

    Three hours later and the moving van had been unloaded as well as all of the boxes from my mother’s car. The furniture had been placed in the appropriate rooms but the boxes from the car still needed unpacked. I had just started unpacking some ornaments in the living room when my mother stepped into the room.

    I’m starved! How about we eat out for lunch and tackle this lot when we come back … what do you say?

    I looked up and took in my mother’s calm stance and pleasant smile.

    Somebody was trying too hard.

    Nevertheless, I gave my mother a small smile and nodded.

    Okay then, let’s go. I think there’s a little café in town – it shouldn’t be too far.

    Sounds good. I told her as she locked the front door and headed to the car.

    Ten minutes later and we arrived at the café. It was quite tiny but I realised that this was partly due to the fact that there were plenty of squishy-looking chairs crammed into the limited space. On further inspection, it actually looked quite cosy and I was happy enough to take a seat while my mother ordered some coffee and sandwiches for us.

    I looked around and noticed that it was actually rather busy – nearly every chair was occupied. I took another sweeping glance around at the décor – it was quite old-fashioned and Victorian looking – before shifting my gaze to the window next to me.

    For such a small town, Dover Springs was very busy. There were a lot of people bustling about and I vaguely wondered what they were all thinking – I knew it was probably something less troubling than my own thoughts at that very minute.

    However, I didn’t dwell any further when my mother appeared with our lunch. I smiled as she sat down and poured us each a cup of coffee.

    So, my mother began, do you like it here so far?

    I sighed.

    Oh how much was loaded into that one question.

    I knew what my mother was really enquiring about – whether I would make some friends here and would I be able to let go of my past life at Langley Falls. I didn’t know the answer to those questions yet so I merely shrugged at her and said, Yeah, I guess.

    I watched my mother’s concerned brown eyes scrutinise my expression; she knew that I was holding back but I could also tell that she didn’t want to push me either. Sure enough, she laughed and said, Good, me too. And that was the last of our conversation for the rest of our lunch.

    After we had eaten, my mother decided to run a few errands before heading back to unpack. I left her to it and wandered off around the town until I found a bookshop. The bell dinged as soon as I opened the door and I noticed the young guy behind the cash desk glance up for a second.

    Our eyes met for a minute and then he returned his attention to the magazine that he was reading. I shrugged off the weird moment and made my way over to the women’s fiction section. I browsed the titles, reading the blurbs of ones that had caught my attention until I found one that interested me.

    Even though I had picked my book, I continued walking along the aisles but only so that I could get a better look at the guy behind the till. There was something about the way he'd looked at me earlier - it intrigued me.

    From where I was standing, I could tell that he was remarkably good-looking. He had messy brown hair and was very tall and athletic-looking. I couldn’t see his eyes but I was definitely curious as to what colour they were. I had never really taken much interest in guys in my last town but this guy – there was something about him.

    Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I decided that I had spent enough time dawdling about and that I should really pay for my book. Besides, I desperately wanted to see what he looked like up close – not to mention the fact that I thought he’d probably become suspicious of me if I browsed the ‘Travel and Holiday’ section a third time.

    So, I rummaged in my bag for my purse and made my way up to him. I set the book on the counter and waited for him to serve me. He finally looked up from his magazine and I discovered that he had the most extraordinary hazel eyes. He also had a rather large faint scar above his left eye and another scar on one side of his lower lip. When he smiled at me, I found that his mouth pulled into a crooked half-smile; the scarred part of his mouth didn’t move but it was still a beautiful smile. Beautiful enough that he managed to make me blush stupidly and grin back at him like an idiot.

    You find everything okay? He asked me with a slight smirk on his face.

    Yeah, thanks. I managed to squeak out.

    He threw me another crooked grin. That’s £3.99 please.

    I quickly handed him some money and prayed that I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further. I looked away from him, hoping that the redness had faded from my cheeks. I was debating whether it would be safe to look at him again when I heard the till drawer close – I had no choice but to look at him again.

    He threw me a cocky smirk as he handed me my change and bag. I mumbled my thanks and quickly left the shop. I didn’t know why I had reacted that way – it wasn’t as if I got giddy over the guys at my last school. I shrugged off those thoughts and told myself that he was just being friendly – besides, the last thing on my mind was boys.

    When I met up with my mother again, we made our way home and attempted to unpack some more. It actually wasn’t so bad since my mother insisted on me just doing my own stuff. I had been unpacking the boxes in my bedroom for the past five hours and was quite surprised to discover that I was down to the last two.

    I opened one and packed away the last of my clothes. I then turned my attention to the last one – as soon as I opened it, I regretted it. My eyes scanned over the few photo frames, various knick-knacks, and the box labelled ‘memories’. I was tempted to close up the box again but I forced myself to look at them.

    My hand came to one of the frames first, I stared at the photo – my heart was beating wildly and I found it hard to breathe. I could feel myself fighting the tightening in my chest to no avail. I quickly threw the picture back in the box and taped it up again. I couldn’t go there … not tonight anyway.

    I stood up, lifted the box, and stowed it away in the back of my walk-in wardrobe where it was hidden from sight. I then made my way to the bathroom, splashed some water on my face and stared at my reflection.

    I had to stop this.

    I wasn’t doing myself any favours but it was just too damn hard.

    I sighed, dried my face, and then headed down to the kitchen. I found my mother on her phone but she hung up as I entered the room and smiled at me.

    Hey honey, all done? I’ve just ordered some pizza – I thought you might be hungry.

    I nodded. Yeah, I’m all unpacked and yeah, I’m starving. I looked around the kitchen and noticed that she had unpacked nearly all of the boxes.

    Someone’s been busy. I remarked and she smiled at me.

    I’ve done the living room too. Once I started, there wasn’t as much as I thought there was.

    I nodded, thankful that we had something to talk about other than how I was feeling. However, I didn’t fail to notice the worried look my mother was giving me. I decided to ignore it and change the subject.

    So, what time’s the pizza gonna be here?

    I watched her shrug. They said ten minutes.

    Okay. I nodded. Is there anything I can help with while we’re waiting?

    She shook her head, a curious look on her face. No, you can watch some TV if you like – it’s all hooked up now.

    I nodded and left the kitchen, breathing a sigh of relief.

    It had been like that between us for a while now – my mother and I hadn’t had a proper conversation in over half a year. It wasn’t for lack of trying though – on her part more than mine. She was the one who had been making all of the effort the whole time – trying to get me to talk about how I was – but I was the one who didn’t want to talk. I didn’t even want to think about how I was feeling … it definitely wasn’t any place good.

    However, my mother still continued to engage me in conversation in the hopes that one day I would change my mind – I sincerely doubted that it would be any time soon. I hadn’t always been like this – I just had had a lot to deal with in the past eight months and I didn’t want to involve my mother in my misery and pain.

    The doorbell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts as I got up to answer it. I paid the pizza delivery guy and brought the chicken pizza into the kitchen. We ate in silence and for that, I was glad – it meant that I didn’t have to make small talk and pretend that everything was okay.

    After I had washed the dishes, I retired to my bedroom, citing that I was too tired to watch TV with my mother. However, that was not the case … I just really needed to be alone. I closed my bedroom door and flopped onto my bed. I really didn’t want to think about anything tonight so I picked up the bag with the book I had bought earlier and tipped it out.

    I was just about to throw the receipt back in the bag when I noticed something – there was something written across the back of it. There was a phone number and underneath it were the words: ‘Call me. Danny Fletcher’

    I stared at it for a few minutes, wondering why this complete stranger would give me his number. Sure, I had thought he was cute but then I realised that his cocky smirk earlier should have been a big clue. It was as obvious as a neon sign: the guy was a charmer and ladies’ man. I had a feeling that I wasn’t the first girl to receive his number scrawled across the back of a receipt.

    I scoffed to myself, crumpled the paper up, and threw it back in the bag. As much as he had intrigued me earlier, this ‘Danny’ guy would just have to learn the hard way that he wouldn’t get every girl he gave his number to. I threw the bag onto my bedside locker – making a mental note to dispose of it in the morning – and turned my attention back to my book.

    Pretty soon – three chapters into the novel – I was feeling tired. I quickly got ready for bed and curled under the covers, waiting to fall asleep but I also kept hoping that tonight would be different and that I wouldn’t be plagued by nightmares … I really should have know better.

    My lungs felt like they were on fire. I could taste the salty water but there was nothing I could do to stop it from rushing into my lungs. I was choking while I screamed out for help and I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. Suddenly, I could feel strong arms around me and hear someone comforting me.

    Darcie, you’re going to be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise …

    I woke with a start.

    Chapter Two

    It was early, really early but there was no way that I could fall asleep again – not with the memory of the nightmare still imprinted in my brain. I took a few steadying breaths and prayed that my mother hadn’t woken up yet. I lay listening but I failed to hear any movement from my mother’s bedroom – I was safe for now.

    I sat up and glanced at my alarm clock – 5.49am. I groaned to myself but got out of bed regardless. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do before my mother woke up but I needed to do something. I quickly showered and changed before heading downstairs to get some breakfast. I rummaged in the fridge and found that we didn’t have any milk.

    Sighing, I lifted my mother’s car keys and left her note saying that I had popped out to the shop. However, I was half way down the road when it dawned on me that there wouldn’t be any shops open just yet. I didn’t want to turn and go back home so I continued to drive, wondering where I should go.

    I continued on out of the town until I noticed a sign indicating the direction of the famous ‘spring’ that gave the town it’s name. I had to admit, I was curious so I turned down the road and fifteen minutes later, I had arrived at my destination.

    It was actually quite beautiful. I got out of the car and followed the sound of the rushing water. There was a lot of greenery about the area but I managed to find a path that led down near the water itself. It was extremely peaceful just listening to the gentle noise of the water hitting the rocks.

    I didn’t venture too close to the edge but it was still spectacular to look at. Apart from some birds chirping, it was completely silent. I allowed myself to relax, grateful that I was distracted and couldn’t think about the nightmare. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes, revelling in the peacefulness of my current situation.

    However, my moment of serenity didn’t last long. I glanced at my watch and was shocked to find that the dial said it was now 6.43am. I took one last look around me and headed back to the car. I made my way back into town and found an open newsagent’s. I bought milk and a newspaper for my mother to read and made my way back to the house.

    I found my mother standing in the kitchen, spooning some coffee into a mug. She turned to face me as I stood in the doorway.

    Morning, you’re up early!

    I shrugged. Yeah, I wasn’t really that tired.

    I noticed her furrow her brow at me but she merely said Hmm and turned her attention back to the kettle, which had now boiled.

    I was relieved when she didn’t question me further – it was way too early for me to have to pretend that everything was just fine and dandy. I poured the milk over my cereal and ate my breakfast in silence. When I had finished, I glanced over at my mother – she was reading the paper quite intently.

    Do you need any help to unpack today? I asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

    She shook her head at me. No, you can do whatever you want honey. Go have some fun.

    I nodded to her and left the room. Once I was out the front door, I debated about where to go. I really didn’t want to go shopping but I figured that I could go into town anyway and maybe check out the library. My decision made, I made my way over to my mother’s car again.

    However, before I even got the chance to unlock it, a girl around my own age approached me.

    Hey, you guys have just moved in, right? I’m Harriet, welcome to the neighbourhood.

    I took a good look at her – she was very tall and skinny with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes but she also had a friendly smile. I was still unsure about making friends here but Harriet didn’t seem too horrible so I decided to take a chance.

    Hey, yeah my mum and I just moved in yesterday – I’m Darcie.

    She beamed at me. Nice to meet you. Listen, I know you probably have to unpack and all but a whole bunch of us are heading over to the spring later. Do you wanna come?

    I stared at her for a moment, wondering if someone could possibly be this nice to a complete stranger. I shrugged off my negative thoughts and smiled at her.

    Actually, I don’t have to unpack – my mother’s insisting on doing the rest – but yeah, I’d love to come.

    Great, have you got a suit? She looked at me expectantly.

    Fear gripped me but I managed to swallow the panic that was threatening to choke me.

    No, I – I’m not – I don’t think – I mean, I probably won’t go in … so I don’t need one. I managed to sputter out eventually.

    Harriet threw me a curious look but accepted my answer regardless. That’s okay – some of the other girls don’t like going in either. We’re thinking of bringing a picnic down since the guys want to go just before lunch. Does twelve-thirty suit you?

    I nodded. Yeah, do you need me to bring anything?

    Harriet shook her head. Just yourself. So, I guess I’ll see you later then. I’ll pick you up at twelve and then drive us both over.

    Yeah, okay … thanks. I guess I’ll see you then.

    She threw me another warm smile before she headed off inside the house to the left of me.

    I spent most of the morning in a café in town, leisurely reading my book and people-watching. Pretty soon, it was half-eleven so I drained my cappuccino and headed back home to get ready to meet Harriet.

    Once home, I quickly explained to my mother my plans for lunch. She looked pleasantly surprised but didn’t ask any questions.

    Okay honey, have fun was all she said while I ran upstairs and got changed into long denim shorts, a strappy vest top and my sneakers. I grabbed a towel as an afterthought – I figured that I would probably need something to sit on. I ran downstairs, put some packets of crisps and fruit into a bag, and

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