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Bite Me Once
Bite Me Once
Bite Me Once
Ebook38 pages32 minutes

Bite Me Once

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Beth is a ballerina and is as petite and innocent looking as they come. Jet is assigned to photograph the latest show for the Ballet Company and quickly notices Beth. Both knew what they wanted; they just needed to figure out when. They both soon find out that they both have secret talents. Jet, with his long penis, and knowing just what to do with it, and Beth with her teeth, the mistress of the balance of pleasure and pain. With Jet leaving as soon as the assignment is complete, they both realise they have limited time together, and they both plan to enjoy it.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateOct 14, 2012
Bite Me Once

Kellen Prime

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    Bite Me Once - Kellen Prime

    Copyright Information

    Copyright 2012 by Kellen Prime Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    Xplicit Press

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    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Beth is a ballerina and is as petite and innocent looking as they come. Jet is assigned to photograph the latest show for the Ballet Company and quickly notices Beth. Both knew what they wanted; they just needed to figure out when. They both soon find out that they both have secret talents: Jet, with his long penis and knowing just what to do with it and Beth, with her teeth, the mistress of the balance of pleasure and pain. With Jet leaving as soon as the assignment is complete, they both realize they have limited time together, and they both plan to enjoy it.


    It isn’t often that a man begs to be bitten, but when the teeth belong to Beth Jones, they practically roll on the floor beseeching. Beth knows she’s perfected an art, and fortunately for her, she discovers that she isn’t the only one when one night one of her trysts decides to bite back.

    Beth Jones is a perfect ballerina. In the hallowed halls of the New York City Ballet, she is almost idealized by her contemporaries. It isn’t difficult to see why, perfect form, perfect shape, perfect technique, flawless skin, and deliciously red lips against her milky hue off-set boldly by her pitch black hair; her list of perfections was endless. But, as many of her past and present lovers know, Beth’s best asset was just behind those rosebud lips. Her most delicious feature was her teeth….

    It isn’t hard to imagine that someone with a life as rigid as that of a ballerina would seek an escape of sorts that involved losing herself somewhat in physical revelry. But the area Beth found herself lost in was nothing like

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