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Dicing for Sex
Dicing for Sex
Dicing for Sex
Ebook44 pages44 minutes

Dicing for Sex

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Rosie is not a loser. But after too much wine, she has staked her body to Mike against a redecorated bathroom - for the winner of a game of chess. Then she loses - but Mike then offers her a new fantasy stripping and forfeits game as a kind of double or quits. She agrees, seeing a way out - until they start throwing the dice. The tension starts rising and just goes on rising, until, after a very long and very exhausting session, Rosie has explored the very limits of her sexual appetities and has absolutely nothing left to lose (sexually speaking) - and Mike is just plain knackered, shagged totally senseless, and unable to even lift a finger again for several hours.
This is a detailed account of one of the longest sessions of consenting adult sex ever recorded! And not just tongue in cheek (though there is some of that too!).

Release dateOct 16, 2012
Dicing for Sex

Pussy-Willow Penn

Pussy-Willow is a single English woman in her 30s with a few heart-breaking affaires behind her and the knowledge that her vivid imagination and depth of sexual need is just too much for most men. Writing erotica is turning out to be a pretty satisfying alternative!

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    Book preview

    Dicing for Sex - Pussy-Willow Penn

    Dicing for sex

    (in which Rosie explores her appetites)


    Pussy-Willow Penn


    * * * * *


    Perceptive Creation on Smashwords

    Dicing for sex

    Copyright © 2012 by Perceptive Creation

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    Adult Reading Material

    Also by Pussy-Willow Penn:

    A Cry in Vienna(the climax of a volcanic affair)

    The Impure Schoolgirl (in which the punishment fits the crime)

    Dicing for sex

    Rosie was a bad loser. She had too much pride - and pride came before a fall, as she was about to find out. She knew only too well that Mike wanted her. Any woman would have realised the power of his desire. It wasn’t that there was a bulge in the front of his trousers or anything blatant like that. He was basically pretty well behaved in front of her - and as far as she knew in front of any woman. But he was clearly highly sexed, and equally clearly would respond to any signals from her that might encourage him. He had a way of looking at her from time to time, eyes almost glazing over, which was followed by his closing his eyes tightly for a moment. She had a feeling that it was to clear his head of a buildup of sexual fantasies, a way of regrounding himself in order not to give himself away too much. But Rosie knew for certain that inside his head he had been inside her knickers even if she wasn’t quite sure exactly what he was doing there. This often irritated her. It was almost a feeling of being taken advantage of without her permission - a sort of sub-category of rape. It was so unfair, she thought, that she had no control over what men did to her in their fantasies.

    It was beisde the point, she felt, that it often turned her on. Mike was a good looking guy, well-built, in good shape, and almost certainly a good catch for any woman to land. But Rosie wasn’t any woman! And she certainly wasn’t anybody’s. It wasn’t enough to fancy her - and she knew she was fanciable. She loved her own body, she’d often examined it in detail, admired its classic curves, slim waist, full breasts, prominent mons veneris, striking dark curly pubes - and was extremely practised at searching out very precisely all the ways in which she was able to derive pleasure from her body. She was so expert at this that she was never ever sexually needy - and was able to bring a well-advanced repertoire to the table - or bed perhaps! - on the occasions that she did accept a man into her life.

    Where she might be said to have a problem was in keeping a man beyond a four week period of serious sexual exploration at most. She wouldn’t own up to it, but her emotional experiences of men had given her a deep mistrust of the species.

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