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Mission 535+2
Mission 535+2
Mission 535+2
Ebook52 pages36 minutes

Mission 535+2

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About this ebook

When it comes to politics, I'm tired of listening to intelligent people yell at each other and then agree that nothing will change no matter who's running the show in Washington, D.C. That is downright absurd!!!

Remember the old saying … "There are three kinds of people: Those that make things happen; those that watch things happen; and those that wonder what just happened!" Well, it's time for "We the People" to move up into the first group. It's time for us all to "get in the game" and demand that our politicians work together in a strategic, pragmatic, problem-solving manner as they legislate our nation's future.

So, if you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in Washington and like the idea of putting pressure on our elected representatives to work together to further the best economic interests of our nation, instead of theirs, then you will find this to be an interesting read.

Mission 535+2 offers a simple, strategic, a-political process designed to persuade our elected representatives to communicate with us at local, state and national levels, on an on-going basis, with transparency and accountability.

As the title suggests, this is a mission. It's time to stop complaining and actually do something so that our children will inherit a nation in better shape than the one we took over. It's time to energize "We the People."

The first step is to read the book -- it's free -- and then, hopefully, you will decide to "enlist" for this mission.

PublisherMichael Flint
Release dateOct 19, 2012
Mission 535+2

Michael Flint

I grew up in Scotland, graduated from St. Andrews University, and then started heading west through Toronto (Ontario) and Grand Rapids (Michigan) to Santa Barbara (California). Most of those decades were spent in entrepreneurial endeavors in various aspects of information technology, printing and publishing. Currently I'm involved with, www.TheChamberBusinessNetwork, and In the months leading up to the 2012 Presidential election, I listened to my intelligent friends yell at each other with dueling talking points and change absolutely nothing. I'm a problem-solver by nature and "Mission 535+2" is my way of offering a basis for changing the way Washington deals with "We the People." It is my first publication.

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    Book preview

    Mission 535+2 - Michael Flint

    Mission 535+2

    By Michael D. Flint

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Michael D. Flint All Rights Reserved



    Eamon, Declan & Redding


    With special thanks to

    Andrew, Rachel, Laurie, Lesley & Robert

    for their wisdom, love and good old common sense


    Table of Contents

    The Mission


    Who’s Playing the Game?

    The Current State of the Game

    It’s Time to Change this Game

    The Real Problem

    The Awesome Power of Young People

    The Strategy

    The Media

    It’s Beneficial for ALL


    NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, Mission 535 is substituted for "Mission 535 and Mission 535+2 ."


    The Mission

    To persuade our elected representatives

    to work together to further

    the best economic interests of our nation

    with transparency and accountability



    My Mindset

    Just in case you wonder, here’s a sense of how my political heart and mind converge:

    - I have become disgusted with the self-serving behavior of our elected representatives.

    - I’m sick of political ideology, talking points, intransigence, and the blame game.

    - I couldn’t care less who is a Republican or a Democrat, a liberal or a conservative.

    - The things that truly matter to me are …

    - Are our politicians working together in our best interests instead of theirs?

    - Are the nation’s economic indicators improving predictably?

    - Are people’s lives – their financial health and welfare – improving?

    - Are our politicians delivering on the promises they made?

    - Are they serving us -- We the People (WTP) -- with honesty and respect?

    - Are they conducting the nation’s business with transparency and accountability?

    - I believe our children should inherit a better place than we did.

    - Fiscally, I will tend towards a more conservative approach.

    - On social issues, I can be all over the place, depending on the issue.

    If you are looking for discussion and debate on issues and policies, this is definitely the wrong place. Others are much more qualified to pontificate on such matters. Hopefully, you will read these pages and find no political or issue-related agendas. None are intended. If you do, then I apologize and suggest you re-read what I said.

    I believe the time has come … for us all to stop sucking our collective thumb and get emotionally vocal and organized as we demand that …

    It’s time to cut the Bull!

    As Howard Beale, played by Peter Finch, yelled out in the 1976 film, Network, …

    I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!

    To continue this little trip down celluloid lane, do you remember the scene from the 1971 film Dirty Harry where San Francisco cop, Harry Callahan, sees a bank robbery in progress from a local diner and, of course, gets involved? He kills two of the robbers and then challenges the third guy who is wounded and lying on the ground near a loaded shotgun

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