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La Diablesse
La Diablesse
La Diablesse
Ebook221 pages4 hours

La Diablesse

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"La Dibless go get me, Obeah could help me. Dat is nutton but pure fantasy." That is what Ian Dickens thought until one night the devil women glided into his yard and seduced him. Now hr has to fight his way to freedom, but how? This women were not from the world he was from. They were like jumbies, half dead, half living. He did not know how, but he will escape. He had the love of Jane waiting for him in the real world.

Release dateOct 25, 2012
La Diablesse

Anderson A Charles

Me name is Anderson Ras Idy I Charles. I was born on the island of Grenada, most of me writing evolves around Caribbean culture. A lot of me writing is done in Grenadian English. I write that way because I am proud of everything that makes me who I am. I played college basketball, that is just because I am seven feet one inch tall. I spend most of me time writing and thinking too much.

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    La Diablesse - Anderson A Charles

    La Diablesse

    Anderson A Charles

    Copy right Anderson A Charles 2012

    Published at Smashwords

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    Cover Photograpyh Ashlynn McCool

    Cover model Angie R Carpenter

    Cover Design Ras Idy I


    Streaks of red, orange and yellow exploded from dark clouds that formed round the late afternoon sun, the sea was calm except for the ripples made by a cruise ship lazily gliding by, small round holes lined its body from bow to stern, yellow glows escaped the holes like fading fireflies on a half moon night. I looked over to me left at the old French fort that stood overlooking the habour the eighteenth century building a constant reminder of the island’s colonial history, I heard the faint sound of music as the police band practiced they calypso tunes, tropical music flooded the air with plenty of rhythm. A seagull flew by and I followed its graceful motion until it settled on the roof of the house on the other side of me yard The yard was three acres of dirt that turned into a sticky mass of mud when the heavy tropical rainstorms drench the island. There was no garden of vegetables like the other houses, deep in me, me arrogance as a self-proclaimed intellectual would not let me work the soil. The only plant life that prospered back there was the large mango tree just to the right of some rocks, its big green leaves swayed in the gentle gusts that whipped through the yard, the sweet fruit, some green, some yellow hung from thin branches occasionally falling to the ground tossing up dirt as they landed. At the back of the yard a thick clump of bushes marked the boundary between me yard and the neighbour’s yard, prickled trees covered with vine leaned over as if protecting the ground from mechanical weathering. I peered into the bushes; it always seemed like a black hole even when the sun is in the middle of the sky. Me thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud pop, it sounded like fireworks at Christmas, all the bloody dogs in the village started barking, I mean; you would have thought it was the second coming or something. Anyway back to me thoughts, I always wanted to walk through those bushes to see which part of the neighbour’s yard I would come onto but I never wanted to trespass, Mr. Alexander lived there and that man was a grim old fool who would kill any animal that ventured into he yard, bloody old man had a mean disposition, I swear, he had to be the devils prodigal son. There were other houses around, some concrete some wood, but mostly wooden, man I tell you what, some of them houses was so colourful when the sun shined directly on them it could blind god.

    I was distracted from me thoughts by the thud of a mango hitting the ground, it rolled a short distance and settled at the feet of little Dexter who was sitting under the tree, he reached out and picked up the large fruit, wiped it on his shirt and sank his teeth into it, yellow juice escaped through he fingers and down his arm. A small bug hovered over him for a second then came to rest on he head and he swatted at the pest getting some of the yellow juice in he hair. He blue shirt was dirty from playing in the dusty roads all day in fact that child was always covered with dirt, mud was caked between he

    toes as he swiveled he shoeless feet in the dirt. He finished eating the fruit and surveyed the rest of them lying round him. Then, as if a light bulb went off in his head, he gathered

    the fruit into one pile took off his shirt and placed them in it, threw the laddened shirt over he shoulder and walked out the yard with a triumphant grin on he face.

    He climbed over the wall and into the yard of the small house to the right of me yard, yelping as he jumped, he mother came to the window and yelled at him to come inside. She started to go back inside but stopped and leaned out the window, the large black wig she wore tilted precariously forward, I chuckled, pondering the idea of the wig falling off she head and into the pool of muddy water under the window. Just as it was bout to slip completely off she head she grabbed it, straightened it, looked round and went inside the white laced curtains closing slowly.

    I heard she talking to Dexter from behind the wooden walls of the house she voice carried with the wind out to sea. That woman was usually the topic of discussion when the village gossips got together, some say she did not have a strand of hair on she head not to mention the fact that a local obeah man was the one who put a curse on she. I would always laugh when I heard that story because the whole idea of Obeah and Voodoo seemed real counter productive to me.

    I turned me attention back to the sunset, the yellow globe was half way down as if hiding its complete beauty from the world, the sounds of steeldrums playing in the distance them pansmen and them were already practicing, preparing for carnival in August, I tell you what, they sure could play a sweet tune. I closed me eyes took a deep

    breath and inhaled, the salty air bit at me nostrils causing me nose to sting a little but boy I loved that smell for so.

    Before darkness devoured the daylight and the wonderful sounds that came with it. I pulled meself inside bumping me head on the window frame, this was one of the disadvantages of being seven feet tall me head was marked with bumps and bruises from all the doors and ceilings I bumped me head on. I was grossly under weight for me height, one hundred and forty pounds to be exact, as a child I was the target of every bully in the damn village, I mean, them little bastards would follow me home after school.

    Tall tin an terrible, bamboo in pants, they shouted they laughter echoing down the narrow streets, bloody ingrates, it was they constant teasing that contributed to the present-day arrogance and disdain I had for the traditions of the island, I mean, I was likened to every bloody folktale character ever though of.

    I left the window and walked across the room, a small maple coloured desk sat in a corner covered with papers, I stood over the desk surveying the mess, damn it, sometimes I hated being a teacher all those bloody papers to grade could spoil a man’s eyesight, but I sat down and started filing through them anyway.

    It was one o’clock in the morning before I was done with the last bloody paper, I yawned stretching me arms to the ceiling, the rough surface jabbed into the soft flesh of me middle class palms. I yawned again and stretched me legs out me knees popping as I

    did then I got up and walked over to the window. The full moon hovered over the sea its crystal light shimmering across the ocean causing the water to look like the sky with twinkling stars, the cool Trade Winds bushed against me face and I inhaled then turned and walked away from the window, I tell you what, the site of me bed was enough to send a wave of relaxation through me. I dove into the air and landed on the bed me body sinking into the soft mattress. I lay there thinking bout the next day, I was a teacher at a small Methodist school in the city. I had good pupils most of them loved telling stories and that is why I loved teaching writing classes. I fell into a light but restful sleep with the images of the day flashing before me.

    I was not asleep for long when I found meself sitting up in the bed, a loud crash startled me and I looked round the room trying to figure out where the frigging sound came from, bloody hell, I was sleeping real peaceful too. I jumped out of the bed when the crash resonated through the room again, I shook me head as I walked over to the window, in me hurry to get to bed I had forgotten to close the damn thing. The wind was whipping it round and for a moment I thought the fragile frame would break for sure. I reached out and grabbed hold of it and began pulling it shut but stopped when I heard giggling from below, I squinted me eyes and saw the silhouette of two people in a tight embrace, it must be Carol, that damn girl had more boyfriends than stars in the bloody sky. They must have seen me standing at the window because Carol looked up

    Maco man! she shouted as they walked out of the yard they voices trailing off into the night.

    I looked up at the moon; its pale glimmer held me attention for a moment before I looked down at the yard, the shadow of the mango tree was the only ghostly image in what was a perfect Caribbean night, I slowly pulled the window towards me reluctant to shut meself off from the scene. I almost had the window closed when I realized there was someone else in the yard standing in front of bushes, the wind swept through the yard sending a storm of leaves and dust flying in separate whirlpools, I peered into the dark trying to see who it could be, but the light was real pale. The figure wore a long white dress and as the wind and leaves spun round she I could see an outline of dark hair twirling round she shoulders. I wanted to close the window and go back to me bed, go back to that real nice dream I was having but curiosity got the better of me. Why on god’s green earth was she standing where the bushes were thickest as if she was trying to conceal sheself or something. She dress whipped round she body causing it to hug she frame perfectly and I felt me heart race up as we stood looking at each other.I started to pull the window in again and almost had it closed when I lost me grip on the damn thing. The loud crash broke the eerie silence and muttering to meself I reached out and grabbed hold of it and I pulled hard frustrated like hell and for a split second it got away from me again. Still fumbling I was able to grab hold of the frame as chills ran up the centre of me back, it was then I realized that the woman in white was standing directly below the window looking up at me. I froze, me mind going blank, cold bumps popped out all over me causing me skin to feel real tight.

    Way you want? I stuttered me lips quivering violently, she did not say nothing she just stood there, I tell you what, I was getting real vex man as beads of sweat roll down me forehead, salty liquid settled into me eyes, and I wanted to wipe it away but me arms felt as if someone had injected lead into them. Me heart pounded against me chest like a bass steel drum, everything round me was a blur even the light from the lighthouse across the habour seemed engulfed in a thick fog.

    Answer me godamit I screamed or at least I thought I did. This numb feeling came over me and I could not fight it anymore so I closed me eyes and raised me hand letting go of the window, me whole body went limp as a river of warmth flowed through me right under me damn skin.

    After a second of trying to compose meself I opened me eyes half expecting to see the lady in white had elevated and was floating in front of me, bloody woman, she caused a confusion of emotions to rush through me like strong gusts from a hurricane, I mean, me heart pounded so hard me eyes vibrated with every beat. I snapped back to reality when the stinging in me eyes grew unbearable, I looked down hoping she was gone but the confounded woman stood there like a frigging pillar of salt. The light from the moon seemed brighter causing a misty halo round her body, I strained me eyes in the light to see if I recognized she but, I tried to say something to she, but me tongue refuse to cooperate with me brain.

    So there we were right, locked in bloody time, the silky laced material of she dress emphasizing the curvy seductive outline of she body. She stood motionless but somehow enticing me to go to she, I mean why me? Why now? Me entire body was wet as me pores pumped out a river of sweat, then slowly she raised she right arm as if wanting me to reach out and take it, I stood mesmerized, me legs shaking like bamboo in a strong wind, a tingling sensation ran down the center of me body culminating below me waist and to me disbelief I was becoming aroused, me body felt like a million fingers was rubbing and massaging me.

    I tried talking again but me lips refused to form words and a painful moan escaped me conquered vocal cords, I wanted to go down to she pull she close to me and bury me face in she waist long hair. We stood, lost in each other like a priest and the devil locked in a confessional, then, she lowered she head, turned and began walking across the yard. Me eyes followed she every step, the damn things were dry and felt as if they were rubbing against sandpaper. There was a slight limp to she walk but also, the grace of a princess as she glided across the uneven ground, she ebony hair glittering in the moonlight bouncing from side to side. She arrived at the bushes, stopped and turned round, boy I tell you, me skin felt as if it had morphed into leather or something, I mean, I could not move at all. I envisioned she sad face, it felt like she had planted the bloody image in me head. Slowly, she turned and walked into the bushes and god strike me dead but those damn bushes did not move one inch. The tension in me body evaporated and I relaxed and I almost fell out the window, I shook me head vigorously forcing meself to snap out of the bloody trance I was in.

    I must have stood there for a lifetime after she was gone as me body functions slowly returned to normal, the Caribbean wind bit through me wet skin like miniature knifes me heart beating so hard I thought it would explode into me throat and choke me. I still saw she disappearing into the bushes like a ghost in mist, I shook me head again trying to discard the thoughts and slowly I began to come round. I turned and staggared away from the window to me bed.

    I fell onto the mattress and lay there me head throbbing, the room spinning as nausea welled up in the pit of me stomach and the taste of acidic bile bubbled to me throat, I leaned over the side of the bed me stomach muscles convulsing as I threw up a kaleidoscope of earth tones. I got up and stumbled to the bathroom hitting me head on the doorframe, stinking midget doorframe, why don't they make them bloody things taller? I opened the faucet and stuck me head under the cold water, me breath came in short bursts as me lungs tried to facilitate the sudden lack of oxygen. Without drying off I stumbled back to the bed me arms stretched out in front of me trying to combat the dizziness.

    I must have passed out because I came back to consciousness to the sound of the window banging against the house, I sat up, but felt light headed so I lay back down, the pale early morning light crept through the window lighting up the small dresser at the foot of the bed. There was a framed picture of me mother sitting in the middle of a stack of books, she high cheekbones were pronounced, she wavy black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and she was smiling showing two rows of perfect white teeth, I stared at the photo trying to find an ounce of comfort in she eyes. She had moved to London bout a year ago, went back to school got she nursing degree and was now working in Brixton, sometimes I wished she were on the island to help me through hard times. I looked up at the ceiling daylight shadows marched about like cadets on the Queen’s birthday, I dosed off with the shadows still dancing in me dreams the crash of the window became background noise as I finally slipped deeper into unconsciousness.


    I woke up the next morning to the crowing of a rooster in the yard, stinking bird, I wanted to go out there and dismember the infernal beast. I reluctantly got up and stumbled over to the window, the sky was already blue with small powder puff clouds floating past the golden sun; I tell you what it was a beautiful tropical scene, I stretched and inhaled me damn joints cracking like crazy. Little Dexter was walking through the yard on he way to school, he shirt was starched and pressed and the creases on he pants looked sharp enough to slice through a watermelon. A black book bag was perched on he shoulder causing he back to bend from the waist. He looked up at me as if wanting sympathy but instead I smiled at him poor little fella, he shot me a hateful look as he stomped out the yard.

    Out of the corner of me eyes I saw the bloody bushes shake a little, me heart slammed against me chest me ribs aching from the sudden palpitations and I became dizzy as thoughts of the woman in white flooded me mind. I looked away from the bushes and tried to concentrate on the ocean, small fishing boats sped out to sea they engines moaned as they went, lucky bastards, they got to spend some time away from the real world. The morning sun bounced off windows on the other side of the yard like a flash of orange lightening, but for some inexplicable reason I turned me attention back to the bushes. Me palms began to sweat and me head was throbbing as an avalanche of emotions rushed through me and I grabbed hold of the windowsill trying to support me weakened limbs. The bushes shook again and out jumped a goat it bleated and then began chewing contentedly on the leaves round him, I mean, what the hell are all gods stinking creatures conspiring against me or what? I hung me head in disappointment; I wanted to see she in the light of the early morning sun. I was disgusted with meself why did I want to see this bloody woman so bad, I mean, who was she and why in the hell did she have this affect on me? I always prided meself in having total control at all times, why now, why this woman? I took a deep breath and promised meself that I would put the whole encounter behind me turned and went into the bathroom.

    Despite trying to convince meself to forget the woman, I was still thinking bout she as I walked to the bus stop. In me head I ran down the list of women I knew, which were few, I mean, I was not real popular with the ladies. Why would she have come to me yard and then

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