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The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies,and Deceit
The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies,and Deceit
The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies,and Deceit
Ebook351 pages6 hours

The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies,and Deceit

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My name is Cathy Brochu-Nobora. When I was a young mother I was searching for god, for spiritual guidance and answered the door to Jehovah's Witnesses, and began a study. they really seemed to care and be clear about what the bible was really saying. Then they dropped me when I wasn’t able to quit smoking.

Now as I read Dan Walker’s book there are tears in my eyes as I realize how many people answer their doors to Jehovah's Witnesses, study with people who truly believe they are the chosen ones, get baptized in the faith, and are willing to live their lives in ignorance – with no voice – not allowed to question the authorities.
Dan spent thirty-five years as a Jehovah's Witness and is a former Elder who tells the story of his hard working, hard praying, hard loving family,and his strong commitment as he exposes the tangled doctrines of death, lies, and deceit which brought about the family's fall from grace, ostracism, and hatred from both inside and outside his family and church
He exposes his faults and the highs and lows of raising a family...everyone can identify with this family on some level, I know I did as I learned so much while editing this book. I recommend it to anyone thinking of joining the group at the kingdom hall.

PublisherDaniel Walker
Release dateOct 28, 2012
The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies,and Deceit

Daniel Walker

Walker served 35 years as a minister and Elder within the Jehovah's Witnesses organization,The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Simply stated he felt during the 35 years of service it began with a spiritual birth in Pleasantville, just east of George Orwell's Animal Farm adjoining the gated community of The Stepford Wives who directed him to the yellow brick road in search of the Wizard of Oz. He said he followed the fork in the road and found the Wizard of Oz in Amityville where his spiritual dream turned into a nightmare of death, lies, and deceit, never to find Pleasantville again.

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    The Dream Pushers - Daniel Walker


    The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies, and Deceit

    Cover Art Property of Daniel M. Walker

    Published By Daniel M. Walker at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 by Daniel M. Walker

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you want to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting over thirteen years of hard work and for choosing

    The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies, and Deceit


    Why Written

    This is a narrative of one religious system known in every country as Jehovah's Witnesses. I hold no grudges with the rank and file. I was one of the most stringent believers of this oligarchy governance whose livelihood depends on a large door-to-door sales force to push their obligatory dream throughout the earth for the past one hundred and thirty six years.

    Whether born, raised, or became a proselytized believer; once inside God's Organization, the subliminal threats of losing both your spiritual and blood related family weigh heavy as coercion to remain captive to the secret world of mind manipulation and oscillating dreams which outsiders can not comprehend.

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a unique religion. The consequence of questioning policies and doctrinal changes are met with verbal, mental and spiritual abuse. The accusations of being labeled a malcontent or an apostate will be grounds for removal from any ministerial position, and set forth the process of shunning and removal from the congregation (disfellowshipped).

    The process over time effected me to a point I began to question our god Jehovah's intelligence. What do I mean by this? I mean any super natural being who created everything could not be so confused as to keep changing his mind on doctrines that kept his servants on earth confused.

    Religion should be simple such as Jesus said, Truly I say to you, unless you turn around and become as young children, you will by no means enter into the Kingdom of the heavens. Matthew chapter 18 verse 3 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    This religion was anything but childlike. It morphed into the seed of Satan, and as a minister, I was unable to recognize or accept it anymore. My love for it became my downward spiral as The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's policies cost millions of adherents their lives including my son and wife.

    The entire opus is true. It exposes the doctrines of death, lies, and deceit in behalf of millions trapped in their own religious cults worldwide.


    Author’s Notes

    The language and quotes from the various publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society are direct quotes cut and pasted from Watchtower Library 1997 C D which contains entire original quotes from all their original publications from 1997 to the late 1877with quotes from Zion's Watchtower. Let the reader use discernment that the grammar rule [sic] is in use. The author did not want to paraphrase or change anything the organization said; not even, the language, grammar, or spelling it used.

    For those who may be concerned with proper language. In todays' society, there is Ebonics, Gangsta, and thousands of dialects, brogues, drawls, and accents. While the author realizes he is not Faulkner, several scenes use non Standard English for the sake of authenticity much as in the manner of William Faulkner's works and not for the denigration of any race, nationality, or level of education.

    Names are changed for legal reasons and by no means intended as actual characters outside this memoir. The author based this memoir on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc., of New York and The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania's representatives' statements, explanations, and beliefs recorded on their 1997 Watchtower Library CD.

    The Dream Pushers: A Nightmare of Death, Lies, and Deceit is a living testimony to James Madison’s speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention on Control of the Military, June 16, 1788 in History of the Virginia Federation Convention of 1788, vol., p.130 (H. B. Grigby ed. 1890.)

    In the author's eye Madison's statement, There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations., became not only a warning on control of the military, but control over any entity that desires to dictate their doctrines into every aspect of life and thoughts.



    It is apropos at this point to present The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Theocratic language. There are hundred of words and terms used by the Organization, but the author's list includes the words and terms used within.

    1. Apostate: One who leaves and reject s the teachings of The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

    2. Publisher: Is one who uses, the phone, knocks on doors, speaks, invited or not about the Kingdom Message.

    3. Kingdom Message: The message of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    4. Kingdom Hall: Is the building in which Jehovah's Witnesses hold their religious meetings.

    5. Goats: Are individuals, groups, religions, organizations, governments, or any person place or thing, which does not agree with the teachings of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    6. Organization: The same as The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    7. Faithful and Discrete Slave Class: They are the ones who deem themselves worthy of making decisions and implementing and mandating changes in policies and doctrines referred to as New Light in all aspects of life within the system.

    8. New Light: New understanding of scriptures that go into effect with two-thirds vote by the Faithful and Discrete Slave Class.

    9. Disfellowshipped: Action of removing a publisher from the congregation who is unrepentant of any wrong doing which could be an action of immorality, apostasy, doubter, or breaking any doctrines or policies.

    10. Worldly Person: One who is not a baptized Jehovah's Witness and is not associated with outside congregational functions.

    11. The New World Order: No longer is used after the President of the United States of America, George H. W. Bush gave his speech on September 11,1990 dealing with a new concept of world order, to be known as the New World Order. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society changed it to The New Order. In 1996, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's removed both terms, New World Order and New Order from their vocabulary.

    12. Bethel: Term applied to The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's branch offices manned with Witness volunteers who produce and distribute literature and communication to the congregations in their country.

    13. The Truth: Any new or old doctrines that the Faithful and Discrete Slave Class mandates as new light to be accepted without question at the time the announcement is read at the local congregation's Service Meeting.

    14. Service Meeting: The last of the five meetings for the week in which Congregation needs and letters from the Governing Body are read and discussed. It also is a practice session with demonstrations of how to present one's self and the new topic when one approaches a person, business, or home.

    15. Circuit Overseer: A male representative of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society who is in charge of taking care of a number of congregations that makes up a circuit.

    16. District Overseer: A male representative of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society who is in charge of a number of circuits, which make up the district.

    17. Qualified: Spiritual mature in the eyes of the congregation, and Elders to serve in any position or carry out any task assigned.

    18. Field Service: Activity of going from door to door, making phone calls, or holding a Bible Study to be able to submit hours to qualify as a spiritual person.

    19. Theocratic School: Usual days are Thursday or Friday evenings at the Kingdom Hall to help the publishers to progress in field service.

    Special Thanks and Appreciation

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Incorporated 1884)

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (Incorporated 1909)

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Jersey, Inc. (Incorporated 1955)

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida, Inc. (Incorporated 1986)

    Valley Farms Corporation (Incorporated 1987)

    Kingdom Support Services, Inc. (Incorporated 2000)

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)

    The Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)

    The new Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Watchtower Library 1997 C D

    Without the creations of the above entities, there would not be a need for this publication.

    Author’s work edited


    Cathy Brochu-Nobora, BS in Human Services

    MA Counseling Psychology Lesley College Graduate School

    English Department at CSN Nevada

    Grant Writer and Editor

    Contact info:




    I sat wishing, praying, and under my breath cursing my luck---I should be the one who was clinging to life, not my wife, not my best friend, not my lover, not the mother of my children. Over thirty-five years, she matured into a woman of tolerance and understanding; a woman any man would savor, not only to share his bed but also his life. Now my prayers are begging God, Jehovah, Jesus, and every other deity my mind conjured up and going as far as offering myself to the service of Satan in hopes this woman needed by so many would not die. With my head resting on her listless body that sickening feeling engulfed me and I felt my hopes, dreams, and faith slip away as I whispered, Honey it’s okay if you want to let go, and with my next drawn breath the selfish side of me pleaded please, Faith please, don’t die. I need you, the kids need you, and your mother needs you. All the while, Faith’s gown grew damp from the tears of our daughter, Rachial, and mine. Her hands, once so warm and comforting, were cold. The laboring of her breath no longer gave the gift of life's blush, and it was at that moment I realized no one was going to answer my prayers, not God or the Devil.

    Damn it, Jehovah, you are going to let her die, I cried, not caring what anybody thought as I reached for the Kleenex tissue beside the bed and wiped my sinuses and tears. The words, She is gone, Mr. Anderson, spoken by Janet Wilcox, the attending nurse, became the splitting maul which splintered the rootstock of my family, friends, faith, and God.

    Faith's death ended our journey in life, and I ended the spiritual voyage I had been on since nineteen fifty-five as a young boy when Mama said, Yes, I would love to live forever on a paradise earth, in response to the two women standing in the threshold of our lives who professed to be Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The older woman smiled with pleasure and responded, We are so happy you are interested in the future for your family. My name is Louise Norse and this is my companion, Lynn Booker. May I ask your name?

    Helen Hinson, Mama answered extending her petite hand to greet them.

    Lynn and I would love to show you a scripture from the Bible, she said while flipping through the pages as she made small talk. She looked up from her search and asked, Did you know God promised mankind there would be a time the earth would become a paradise? Not waiting for a reply she stopped flipping the pages, turned the Bible toward Mama, and asked a second question, Would you care to read the scriptures that answer those questions?

    Mama responded, "Yes, I don’t mind reading the Bible.

    Now listen to God’s recorded promise as you read from Isaiah in the seventeenth verse of chapter sixty- five, she instructed Mama in a soft tone, almost a whisper as if she was in the presence of God.

    Mama started reading, ‘for I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will pass away….’ Verse twenty, ‘No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that will not fulfill his day...they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage...for like the days of a tree will the days of my people be...’ ‘They will not toil for nothing...the wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one and the lion will eat straw just like the bull...they will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain, Jehovah has said,’ Mama completed the reading and Mrs. Norse looked beyond Mama, and smiled at me.

    I was standing there taking in everything Mama read. It sounded enticing. The words played pictures in my mind as I placed myself into this new world of living forever playing with all the wild animals. Wouldn’t that be nice to play with the wild animals and not get hurt, she asked.

    Yes ma’am, I answered.

    From that moment, Mama was hooked on the Bible study. They arranged to return the following week to continue the study, and true to the arrangements, Mrs. Norse returned and the Bible study began. She asked Buck and me to sit in on the study, but Mama said, No, I would rather find out what this is all about before I let my kids get involved. Now you boys get out of here.

    Hearing about the animals and living in a paradise sounded wonderful, but sitting for an hour studying about it was not appealing; so, we followed her order, got out of there, and rode our bikes over to Jimmy Locklear’s while they studied. Each week, as clockwork, Mrs. Norse came and conducted the study, and after she left, Mama would tell us what she learned.

    The fifth time Mrs. Norse came Mama asked us to sit in on the study. Buck and I gave a mild protest, but I guess out of curiosity and wanting to make Mama happy, we took our places at the table. Buck was indifferent, but I fell for not only the hook, and line, but swallowed the sinker. I was in love with the dream--the dream of living forever on Earth, and for a kid who loved to play--the dream of playing with lions, tigers, and all the wild animals charged my mind with the images of me in the role of Tarzan.

    Before the study began, Mrs. Norse took a large bandana out of her purse, placed it upon her head, and stated since there were males at the study it was proper for her to show respect for headship by covering her head. She asked if we would mind having the study opened in prayer.

    I don’t mind saying the prayer, Mama said bowing her head, and we followed her example and bowed our heads in conjunction with the utterance of the word, Our-- and before Mama's next word, Mrs. Norse cleared her throat and we glanced up.

    Excuse me Helen, Mrs. Norse said interrupting mama’s prayer. "While it is commendable you know how to pray; we need to get Jehovah’s blessing on our study. To approach God, one must be dedicated to him through water baptism. It would be better at this time since I am your teacher that I lead you in prayer so it may be used as an example of how to pray correctly. Shall I open in prayer?

    The invisible birthmark, which appeared when Mama was upset, came out of hiding and became bright red as it expanded from below her hairline into her thick black hair. Usually when that happened some choice words and cutting remarks came out to express her displeasure, but to my surprise she controlled herself and said, That's fine with me.

    Mrs. Norse bowed her head and we followed as sheep. Once again, her prayer began, Our loving heavenly father, Jehovah. We come with our heads humbly bowed asking for your spirit to be with us in this study of your word; as your Faithful and Discreet slave has seen fit to dispense our food at the proper time giving the understanding to your people that you are the one and only true God whose name is Jehovah. We ask that you bless this family and give them insight into your will so they will accept you as their God also. Again, we ask your holy spirit to remain with the faithful and discreet slave class to whom we gain the correct scriptural understanding. In your son Jesus' name we ask, amen. She lifted her head and smiled, It is proper to say amen with the person who is praying if you are in agreement with the prayer.

    She did not miss a thing, and we took her advice and said, Amen.

    Now let us open our books, she suggested with a little instructors' tone in her voice. We opened our orange books entitled, From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained. The book had many drawings of Adam and Eve, she pointed out that Adam and Eve did not have belly buttons, Because they were created by Jehovah, not given birth by a parent. The serpent, she introduced as: the Devil, Satan, Satan the Devil, and Lucifer. The artwork was interesting and went along with the chapters. We skimmed and scanned the entire book building our appetite for our Bible education, and the first lesson taught--was how to underline paragraphs, Mark up those books. They are not sacred. Write notes in the margins. We saw how she marked her book and we began to mark ours. The second lesson taught--answer the questions at the bottom of the page verbatim.

    The first doctrine introduced to us was a quotation from Jesus, which remained in my subconscious, which is recorded in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, in the book of John, chapter 15 verses, 17-27:

    Seventeen, 'These things I command YOU, that you love one another.' Eighteen, If the world hates YOU, YOU know that it has hated me before it hated you.’ Nineteen, If YOU were part of the world; the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because YOU are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates YOU. Twenty, Bear in mind the word I said to YOU, A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute YOU also; if they have observed my word, they will observe YOURS also. Twenty-one, But they will do all these things against YOU on account of my name, because they do not know him that sent me. Twenty-two, If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Twenty-three, He that hates me hates also my Father. Twenty-four, If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated me as well as my Father. Twenty-five, But it is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled, they hated me without cause. Twenty-six, When the helper arrives that I will send YOU from the Father, the spirit of the truth, which proceeds from the Father, that one will bear witness about me; Twenty-seven, and YOU, in turn, are to bear witness, because YOU have been with me from when I began."

    The purpose of reading these scriptures is to forewarn you that you will be tested to your faith. There have been incidences throughout history of God's people being put to death and tortured for the sake of the good news. Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome. Even during the first and second world wars Jehovah's Witnesses were put in prison, tarred and feathered, and ran out of town. Jesus was killed, so as footstep followers of Jesus we can expect to be ridiculed. When your family and friends find out that you are studying the Bible you will be laughed at and told not to study God's word. The Society wants to impress the importance of each person, as individuals to carry out the instructions given by Jehovah through his earthly representatives, explained Mrs. Norse. I was impressed with what I heard and became all ears as she reached down, opened her book bag, and took out a book. "Let me show you from the Qualified to be Ministers book, she said flipping to a protruding piece of notebook paper, here it is on page 156 paragraph 5. We need to accept God’s organization as the source of all our spiritual knowledge no matter what anybody says different, she began reading: 'The first essential for study is the right condition of mind and heart, appreciating that Jehovah grants understanding only to the meek, and not to the stiff-necked. If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, ‘believe all things,’ all the things that the Watchtower brings out, inasmuch as it has been faithful in giving us a knowledge of God’s purposes and guiding us in the way of peace, safety and truth from its inception to this present day. ' My brain was in a spin due to what she stated over the past hour. Her explanations, answers, as well as this paragraph burned into my ten-year-old mind and at that moment, a feeling of us against them" possessed me. I took those scriptures and counsel to heart. Even though it would be years before I dedicated my life to Jehovah, I had become the clay in the potter’s mold and formed a mindset: anyone who opposes this group is an enemy of God.

    The following week Mrs. Norse brought her two daughters with her. The older, Janet resembled her mother: tall, lean, strawberry blonde, fair complexion, and an exquisite specimen of Jehovah’s handiwork. Her sister, Diana was the complete opposite: Short, chunky, dark brown hair that complemented her dark complexion and her bright smile melted my heart.

    They were the girls who moved into town during the past school year. They were different and soon word spread throughout school about their weird belief that people should not repeat The Pledge of Allegiance, sing Happy Birthday or exchange Valentines. Yes, they were the girls everyone made fun of behind their backs, laughing, pointing, and whispering, Those girls don’t stand up for The Pledge of Allegiance. You know they are Geeehovah’s or something like that. They don’t celebrate Christmas, birthdays or anything.

    That is all we knew about them, and here they are standing in our house. The study went well with them there, and they became regulars throughout the summer and well into autumn as we started the new school year in September. November arrived and we were out of school for Thanksgiving. Uncle Russ and Aunt Ginny arrived as they always did to have dinner with us. It was our Thanksgiving tradition. We would eat dinner then go in search for a Christmas tree, tie two on the roof of their car, one for them and one for us.

    We returned home and Buck and I dragged our tree into the house, stood it in the living room corner opposite the door. Uncle Russ finished retying their tree and came into the house wanting a snack. We made Dagwood Sandwiches from the leftovers and visited while stacking the tiny sink higher with more dirty dishes, and of course, they left leaving Buck and I with the dishes, and before we finished the kitchen work there was a knock on the door. We ran from the kitchen and saw Mrs. Norse’s head and shoulders leaning into the living room through the open door calling out, Helen, Helen, you home?

    Before we could say anything, she entered as Mama appeared from her bedroom and returned Mrs. Norse’s inquiry, Yes I am, and how are you. We just got the kitchen cleaned from Thanksgiving. Mama’s comment went unanswered as the rosy smile disappeared from Mrs. Norse’s face when she saw the eight-foot Christmas tree.

    Helen, are you planning to celebrate Christmas? I thought we covered the holidays and how Jehovah felt about honoring only him.

    Well, Mrs. Norse, Mama said. Jesus is God’s son and I’m sure he won’t mind this one time.

    Helen, why don’t we drop the study until after the holidays? It will give you time to consider what we have studied. Mama agreed to the suggestion, sat down and motioned toward the head of the table where Mrs. Norse sat to conduct the study. Mrs. Norse sat down opened her Bible and started giving a lecture about the need to become regular at the meetings. She reasoned, The meetings are the only place where there is an interchange of faith and where God’s Holy Spirit resides. You can receive more understanding of how Jehovah uses his earthly channel, the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class, to dispensed knowledge to his people at the proper time. Mama shook her head in agreement and promised we would be there on Tuesday night for the book study.

    After Mrs. Norse left we took the Christmas tree from the corner, placed it in the stand, and started decorating it all the while listening to Mama complain, What audacity that woman has, come barging in here on a holiday which she doesn’t celebrate and lecturing me about celebrating Christmas in my own house.

    We continued to trim the tree with every color bobble, light, tinsel, snow, candy cane, and shimmering glass ornament we unpacked until it stood proudly in its final evolution. It was now after midnight, Mama went into the kitchen and made brownies, turned on the radio and the WHNY disk jockey, Gene Striker, welcomed all the night owls to the first Christmas program, Tonight we are going to rock with Elvis and play this entire Christmas album. So hang in there. Here’s a word from Eisworth Motors, so keep groovy, and we’ll be right back. Eisworth’s commercial was the typical small town wannabe big city dealership trying to give away a turkey for a road test. Gene’s voice rose as the commercial trailed off. Yes sir, if y’all don’t have a turkey, go get one from my good friend Ellis Eisworth, Dean chuckled from his play on words. "N-o-w, here's my boy Elvis as promised.... Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me began to play in competition with Mama still making a fuss of the run in with Mrs. Norse.



    Tuesday evening came and sure to Mama’s word, she started getting ready to go to the meeting and made Buck and I get ready. Buck went out and started the car as Mama and I slipped on our winter coats. The car was warm when we opened the door. The wipers dried the light drizzle from the windshield as we backed out of the drive and turned left heading east down Earl Street, passing all the neighbors who were home looking at TV. At the corner of Venable Street, we turned left on Third Street, first passing the City attorney’s house sitting on a triple size lot where we played baseball throughout the summer. Large Victorian homes lined both sides of the street as we continued toward downtown. The last house that ended the parade of the elite in South McComb belonged to the President of the First National Bank of McComb. It was a large two-story brick mansion. Four white columns supported the balcony running the width of the house.

    Three blocks further along the rolling asphalt street, the business section began and at the intersection of Delaware Avenue, Old Highway 51, and Main Street, we caught the red light and across the street stood the pride of McComb’s houses of God. The grandiose Catholic Cathedral, its steeple tolled Oh Holy Night from its belfry as it reached far above the Episcopalian’s and the magnificent Lutheran Church.

    The signal light turned green and Mama turned right on Main Street. The holiday season was in full swing now. The sidewalks were bustling with people shopping and Christmas music played from every storefront as it harmonized with the tolling bells as we drove slowly down the street stopping for Jaywalkers darting in and out and around, the parked cars. Two blocks down, she pulled into a parking space in front of an old two-story brick building.

    The meeting began at seven-thirty and as usual, Mama being prompt arrived at seven. Seven-twenty came and Mrs. Norse pulled next to us, got out, knocked on our car door, and motioned for us to come with her. We followed her through a narrow foyer where she stopped, inserted a key, gave it a twist and pushed open the door separating the stairs from the outside sidewalk. She pushed a botton and a dim yellow glow lit the stairwell. We followed her up to the second story and at the landing; she turned left down the hall to door

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