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Dark Poetry
Dark Poetry
Dark Poetry
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Dark Poetry

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A series of short mysteries to enjoy in a matter of minutes. From "Dark Poetry" you begin the story of Bard and an organization that views justice as black and white, right or wrong, and don't hesitate when they dispense penalties. Continue on and read more short stories, meet new characters, and hopefully, want more. This is not a book of poetry, however there is a lot of poetic justice!

PublisherC Moretz
Release dateOct 29, 2012
Dark Poetry

C Moretz

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    Dark Poetry - C Moretz

    Dark Poetry

    (and other short stories)

    By C. Moretz

    Published by C. Moretz at Smashwords

    Copywrite 2012 C.Moretz

    Smashwords Edition Licenses Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dark Poetry Part 1

    The foursome had driven down from Colorado throughout the day. Their progress was greatly delayed because of the storm, but it didn't lessen their cheery mood. They had just spent five glorious days in Aspen and although the return trip would take an extra day, they all had agreed the vacation was worth it. The young women had been slightly anxious to get back to Phoenix as the upcoming week would be more hectic than most. They were both Doctoral candidates and were waiting on the board’s approval of their research proposal. The men, on the other hand were graduates of the University who had opted to stay in the metro area to pursue a business venture that thus far had made them money although it was looking like they would be asking their parents to invest in it to keep it afloat for another year.

    The women had suggested pulling in to the small motel for the night and had alluded to one more wild night before getting serious again. They were not with the men for any reason other than the free trip and ski passes. Yes, they had given it up in order to persuade the guys to take them along, but both knew relationships of this kind were limited. They were going to be PhD's and could not suffer the likes of spoiled man-boys acting like successful businessmen with mommy and daddy still paying for everything. And they also had to remind themselves that the guys were attractive in a Yuppie sort of way. The men were excited at the idea of another night with their companions and had even agreed that they would convince the girls to switch places for the night. The idea of nailing both over the week had been a topic of several conversations with the partners.

    Chad volunteered to check the group in while it was Brandon's job to present the idea of Stephanie to stay with him and Mandy with Chad. He was the better salesman of the two. Surprisingly, he had just suggested the switch when Chad opened the passenger side door. It seemed that the door was locked, but the good news was that the note taped to the door said that the owner was next door at the tavern. Because of the interruption, the two didn't get an answer from the girls. Instead, the girls opened their doors and jogged through the snow in the direction of the bar. The men looked at one another, shrugged their shoulders and followed, not bothering to move the car from the motel's front drive.

    The door opened and Stephanie and Amanda were greeted by the tavern's natural warmth. A huge fireplace was blazing in the center of the room and drew them in to instinctively hold out their hands even though they were not even that cold. They had just left a heated vehicle. The people sitting around the room didn't flinch at the actions. They were too busy talking amongst one another.

    The newcomers were of little concern to the majority. The big hush that came after the girls had already made their way to the bar was caused by the grand entrance of their travel companions. Brandon came in first, followed by Chad who immediately and with total confidence, announced that they would gladly by the house a round of drinks. If they were hoping to gain points with the locals they were poorly mistaken and immediately approached by the nearest male patron who quietly told them to sit with their ladies and keep to themselves. Their grandiose gesture was unnecessary and unwanted in the bar. Chad began to apologize but was stopped by Brandon who started to explain their intentions. He was stopped midsentence by the glare given by the local. It was obvious that the best move would be to have their own drink and get into a room. The people in the tavern were not friendly to strangers.

    The bartender came over and asked what they would like and they told her. She frowned and told them that the choices were beer, whiskey, or tequila. No mixed drinks were available and they never carried any wine other than the local stuff, which they were out of at the present time. The group opted for beer and inquired about the motel next door. As the bartender served them their beer, she pointed out a man at the far end of the room. She said that she would pass along the word to him that they needed two rooms and she was sure that they could be accommodated. Chad raised himself up from the barstool to get a better look at the man in the corner and, not being able to make him out well because of the shadows, asked if he could speak to the man directly. The bartender said that it would not be a good idea as the owner had just received some bad news and wanted to be alone for a while. Brandon suggested that the four of them sit tight, enjoy the warmth and cold beers until the rooms were ready.

    After enjoying two beers apiece, the group became bored. The women complained that they need to get some sleep which irritated the two men as they had hopes for the night that did not include peaceful slumber. Brandon said that he was tired of waiting too and began to head in the direction of the motel owner who was still in the corner. When Brandon got to the corner table he found that the owner was talking quietly on a cell phone. He stood by, waiting, trying to look patient while also letting his presence be known. This lasted five minutes. The motel owner closed his cell and Brandon began his inquiry.

    He was not pleased with the response he received. The motel owner looked at him blank-faced, stood, towering over the younger man, and walked to the bar. Brandon watched as the man leaned over the top, plucked a bottle of whiskey from the lower counter, and motioned to the bartender, all in what seemed a single motion. The two at the bar spoke briefly, the bartender nodding, and then the motel owner returned to the table. He looked at Brandon and then looked past him at his friends. He said, I'll get you some rooms when I am finished here. Now go back to your friends and leave me to my business.

    Brandon went back to the group and

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