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Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1
Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1
Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1

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About this ebook

This volume, you will find the following stories:

Explosion - Mental Transformation, Femdom D/S
Smuggler - Bizarre Transformation
My Baby Loves... - Gender-fuckery, Classic Erotica
Opening Up - Singularity Sex
Green Space - Vanilla Sex
Dreamland - Reality-fuckery

PublisherNobilis Reed
Release dateNov 3, 2012
Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1

Nobilis Reed

A few years ago Nobilis Reed decided to start sharing the naughty little stories he scribbled out in hidden notebooks. To his surprise, people actually liked them! Now, he can’t stop. The poor man is addicted. His wife, teenage children, and even the cats just look on this wretch of a man, hunched over his computer keyboard, and shake their heads. Clearly, there is no hope for him. The best that can be hoped for is to just make him as comfortable as his condition will allow.

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    Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1 - Nobilis Reed

    Erotic Science Fiction Stories, Volume 1

    by Nobilis Reed

    Text Copyright © 2010-2012 Nobilis Reed

    All Rights Reserved

    Book Design by Nobilis Reed

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover Design by Starla Huchton

    Winob font by Seth Martin

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and locations are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons or events, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

    This file is licensed for private individual entertainment only. The book contained herein constitutes a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced, stored in or introduced into an information retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electrical, mechanical, photographic, audio recording, or otherwise) for any reason (excepting the uses permitted to the licensee by copyright law under terms of fair use) without the specific written permission of the author.

    Also by Nobilis Reed

    The Orgone Chronicles



    Roma Fervens

    Ex Fumo Gaudiam

    Tales of Love and Engineering


    Magical Clothes


    Erotic Fantasy Stories, Volume 1

    And Edited by Nobilis Reed

    Coming Together: In Flux

    Tentacle Dreams (out of print)

    Coming Together: Arm in Arm in Arm


    To Dee, first last and always,

    to Ann, for reminding me to keep going,

    and to all the folks who dream

    of better days.


    For a while, I was doing a series of stories on my podcast involving something I had found on the internet called the Periodic Table of the Awesoments. (It's still up, if you want to look at it: ) I was writing one story a week, working my way through them one by one, and this was the result of one of them.

    As you probably know if you've read much of my work, I like telling stories about transformations. Usually they're physical, but in this case I decided to try my hand at mental transformations. This was the result.

    The six of us had planned the trip for weeks, picking out our itinerary and laying in supplies. Jake, Dorothy and I had been doing everything together since high school, so when we won a few thousand dollars on a shared lottery ticket, blowing the lot on an equally shared vacation for ourselves and our significants was the logical thing to do. What could be better than a week-long excursion on a private Caribbean island? Dorothy's boyfriend Stan had canceled at the last minute with a nasty infection, but a woman with a rack like hers could never be a fifth wheel in our group. We welcomed her along.

    We thought it would be a nice, relaxing trip to nowhere.

    The first few days were perfect. During the day we'd swim in the ocean, work on our tans, or explore the trails crisscrossing the island. My girlfriend Alice was always happy to fetch a beer, rub lotion on my back, or give me a quick blowjob behind the beach house. After all, I'd picked her out because she did the stuff a girl's supposed to do.

    Then one night, Jake spotted a bright spot of orange on the horizon. He shook his head. That does not look good, Dave. We paused for a few seconds, and when the shockwave blew our gear and towels back into the palm trees we assumed the worst.

    That looked like a mushroom cloud. Jake's face went pale.

    Can't be, said Alice, reaching for my hand. If it was, we'd all have been fried. Wouldn't we? I mean, if you can see the blast?

    Go get the radio, I said. If the world is ending, I want to know about it now.

    Alice scrambled back into the trees to retrieve the boom-box. It was still working. She fiddled with the controls until he found a station broadcasting in English. We clustered around it.

    See? said Jake. If it was a nuclear explosion, it would have fried the radio. It wasn't nuclear.

    Hush, said Claire, as the song was interrupted by an announcer's voice. She hugged Jake close and I could hear a murmured prayer coming from her lips.

    An announcer's voice cut through the slight hiss of static. Reports of a mushroom cloud off the coast of Antigua have been filtering in to authorities for the last few minutes. The United States government is reporting that they have detected no unusual nuclear radiation. Instead, seismologists are reporting a minor earthquake on the sea floor at that location, with a secondary shock recorded some minutes later. The theory that is gaining the most attention right now is that a large quantity of methane was released from the sea floor, which ignited upon reaching the surface, creating a fireball. There does not appear to be any danger to the area islands, though a search is underway in case any small craft were in the area of the explosion.

    I sat down heavily on the sand, laughing my head off. Jake whooped, scooped Claire up in his arms, and spun her around. We were going to live.

    Suddenly, the sky clouded over. The clouds flashed with lightning, and then opened up with a torrential downpour. We ran into the beach house, laughing and shouting, soaked to the skin. I felt a little tingle in my lips and tongue as I caught my breath, but I hardly noticed it in the excitement. I thought it was just from the run.

    I expected Alice to rush to the bathroom. She had been dressed in a tee shirt and shorts, and once we got inside under the lights her tits were clearly visible through the thin fabric. Instead, though, she just grabbed a towel and squeezed the water out of her long, dark hair.

    Don't you want to change clothes? I asked. She would be shocked when she discovered how exposed she was, and I wanted to protect her from the embarrassment. Besides, she was my girlfriend, wasn't she?

    Why should I? she said, cocking her head to the side.

    My jaw dropped.

    Jake snickered as he pulled bottles from the fridge and handed them around. Some friend he was.

    Alice. I glanced meaningfully at her chest. I really think you want to put on some dry clothes. I couldn't believe she was being so clueless.

    She glanced down, then back up at me with a smirk. What's the matter, Dave? Don't like it that your friend can see my tits? She threw out her chest.

    Jake practically choked on his beer.

    I took Alice by the elbow and tried to pull her back into the hallway, but she yanked her arm out of my hand. Let go of me! You think you own me? She pulled her teeshirt up over her head and let it fall to the floor with a wet slap. They're my boobs and if I want to show them off, I will.

    What the fuck? She had never talked to me like that before. Heck, I'd never heard her talk to anyone like that. She was always the quiet one,

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