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Short Story Strands: Halloween 2012 Edition
Short Story Strands: Halloween 2012 Edition
Short Story Strands: Halloween 2012 Edition
Ebook55 pages42 minutes

Short Story Strands: Halloween 2012 Edition

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Come celebrate Halloween in ways both spooky and fun in this collection of sixteen short stories spun by talented new voices in science fiction and fantasy.

Insecurity Complex, by Jade Kerrion
Empty Glass, by P.L. Blair
The Red Card, by Sheenah Freitas
Chanceus, by L’Poni Baldwin
My Soul To Take, by L.M. Boelz
The Nest, by Linell Jeppsen
The Medusa Touch, by Sam Kates
Skinshade, by T. Jackson King
Little Girls Squealing in the Yard, by Lalo LaFleur
Tender Moments, by Massimo Marino
Blood Relation, by Patrick Ottuso
Grandma to the Rescue, by Sharon L Reddy
The Power of Spirit, by Ch'kara SilverWolf
Dominique, by Edwin Stark
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream, by Lisa Williamson
Spoils of Earth, by Michael Youngblood

PublisherJade Kerrion
Release dateNov 6, 2012
Short Story Strands: Halloween 2012 Edition

Jade Kerrion

Welcome! I’m Jade Kerrion, a Science Fiction author. I graduated from the Johns Hopkins University with an undergraduate degree in Biology and Philosophy, and then went on to get my MBA from the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia. My varied background led me through many careers across many industries, including container shipping, education, and management consulting. In my spare time, I wrote stories – young adult, fantasy, and science fiction – and developed a loyal reader base with my fan fiction series based on the MMORPG Guild Wars. I was accused of keeping my readers up at night, distracting them from work, housework, homework, and (far worse), from actually playing Guild Wars. And then I wondered why just screw up the time management skills of gamers? Why not aspire to screw everyone else up too? So here I am, writing books that aspire to keep you from doing anything else useful with your time. I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with my wonderfully supportive husband and my two young sons, Saint and Angel, (no, those aren’t their real names, but they are like saints and angels, except when they’re not.) Thank you for visiting!

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    Short Story Strands - Jade Kerrion



    Copyright 2013 Linell Jeppsen

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Hi, my name is Linell Jeppsen.

    The talented writers featured here constantly amaze me! There are indie writers, self-pubbed, and even traditionally published writers who finally left a BIG HOUSE, in order to take advantage of full autonomy and control over their work. I try to support these writers by purchasing and reading their work and have found (to my amazement and joy) some of the best fiction I have seen in years!

    I recently started a contest where authors can sharpen their writing chops by submitting short stories, flash fiction, and poetry on my website. There is a choice of cash prizes or a charitable donation for the top three winners. Winners are chosen in a voting process, and stories are graded by originality, word count, and perfection in grammar and editing. I will tell you—picking a winner is not easy!

    The stories you are about to read were submitted to my Halloween contest, and soon authors will start submitting Holiday Poems in order to express their feelings regarding this special time of the year. These stories may be funny and filled with Christmas spirit or so melancholy your heart will break!

    So sit back, read, and thrill at some of the best new voices in literature today.

    ~~ Nel


    Insecurity Complex, by Jade Kerrion

    Empty Glass, by P.L. Blair

    The Red Card, by Sheenah Freitas

    Chanceus, by L’Poni Baldwin

    My Soul To Take, by L.M. Boelz

    The Nest, by Linell Jeppsen

    The Medusa Touch, by Sam Kates

    Skinshade, by T. Jackson King

    Little Girls Squealing in the Yard, by Lalo LaFleur

    Tender Moments, by Massimo Marino

    Blood Relation, by Patrick Ottuso

    Grandma to the Rescue, by Sharon L Reddy

    The Power of Spirit, by Ch'Kara SilverWolf

    Dominique, by Edwin Stark

    In Space No One Can Hear You Scream, by Lisa Williamson

    Spoils of Earth, by Michael Youngblood


    by Jade Kerrion

    She lives in the most haunted house in the most haunted town in America, and tonight, Halloween, is the most haunted night of the year. You’d think that one of these three facts would carry some weight. Unfortunately, they don’t, not with Alicia Morrow.

    Her husband is out trick-or-treating with their young daughter. Alicia, home alone, settles down in the family room with a novel. I wait until she gets comfortable, and then focus my incorporeal energy to flick the light switch. The scones of light brighten and dim repeatedly. Alicia looks up and mutters, Damn circuits. Stupid old house.

    I take offense. This stupid old house is mine, and I’ve deigned to share it with humans, most recently the Morrows. Eternity grows dull if there is no one to enjoy it with. Humans, however transient, are fun—so fragile and vulnerable with their fears and imagined horrors. Alicia, though, has been aggravating.

    The good news is that I’m not the only

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