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Tabitha’s Truth
Tabitha’s Truth
Tabitha’s Truth
Ebook53 pages40 minutes

Tabitha’s Truth

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Tabitha had been forced early in life to be her father’s son. After her mother was killed by a bear, it was just the two of them, and her father was determined that he would teach her how to take care of herself. The problem was that women were not supposed to take care of themselves, and if Tabitha was going to avoid being abducted by foreign tribes and used as a slave, she would need to make herself desirable enough to be taken as a wife or at least a concubine to her king or one of his sons. She soon learns that getting into the palace was the easy part and that getting into the king’s bed was not too difficult. It was staying there that would prove to be the challenge. But Tabitha soon learns that her charms are considerable and quickly begins to enjoy showing them off.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateNov 7, 2012
Tabitha’s Truth

Kellen Prime

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    Book preview

    Tabitha’s Truth - Kellen Prime

    Tabitha’s Truth

    By Kellen Prime

    Copyright 2012 by Kellen Prime

    Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords

    Table of Contents

    Tabitha’s Truth

    Copyright Information

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    About the Author

    Copyright Information

    Copyright 2012 by Kellen Prime Published by Xplicit Press Publishing. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    Xplicit Press

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Tabitha had been forced early in life to be her father’s son. After her mother was killed by a bear, it was just the two of them, and her father was determined that he would teach her how to take care of herself. The problem was that women were not supposed to take care of themselves, and if Tabitha was going to avoid being abducted by foreign tribes and used as a slave, she would need to make herself desirable enough to be taken as a wife or at least a concubine to her king or one of his sons. She soon learns that getting into the palace was the easy part and that getting into the king’s bed was not too difficult. It was staying there that would prove to be the challenge. But Tabitha soon learns that her charms are considerable and quickly begins to enjoy showing them off.

    Chapter One

    It was impossible for Tabitha to learn everything that she needed to learn about being a woman from her father. In fact, there was nothing that he had endeavored to teach her that would prepare her for her role as concubine in the palace. Neither of them had even considered this as an option for the young girl who’d mostly been raised as if she was Clement’s son, and not his only surviving child from his true love, Rachel, who had herself been taken in her prime by a bear while out gathering. So Clement and Tabitha had been each other’s company since the child was two and had spent sixteen years in the woods hunting, talking, and awkwardly working through the changes in Tabitha that reminded Clement that in fact he had a daughter.

    Once the raids started, word spread quickly through the woods. Marauding bands had started terrorizing the small kingdom, stealing away virgins for their coming of age sons. It was a fate worse than death, to be violated by a man, or many men from a tribe who didn’t share your beliefs, and your spirituality. And to be taken in that way by a man you did

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