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Rift of Askrah Book 2: Shatter
Rift of Askrah Book 2: Shatter
Rift of Askrah Book 2: Shatter
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Rift of Askrah Book 2: Shatter

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Shatter, Book 2 in the Rift of Askrah series, is the continuation of the events surrounding Nihlen Draven, heir to the throne of the nation of Draven. Having reached safety in the land of Elharlia, the Prince and his friends must begin planning to fight back against their enemies, which only seem to increase by the day.

Secrets are discovered, and new threats identified. The world they are only starting to understand is changing in front of them, showing everyone how little they truly know. The truths discovered about Askrah and abilities only lead to more questions, and more danger.

The age is turning, and the first steps will be taken toward an era unlike anything ever seen before. Who will be standing at the top when it is all over is impossible to say.

Release dateNov 13, 2012
Rift of Askrah Book 2: Shatter

Benjamin Andrews

To create that which I see and share that which should be shown. I hope you enjoy the ride, and good day to you.

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    Rift of Askrah Book 2 - Benjamin Andrews

    Rift of Askrah

    Book 2: Shatter

    By Benjamin Andrews

    Published by Magic Jar Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Benjamin Andrews

    This ebook has been licensed for your personal enjoyment. If you wish to give this book to another person, please return to the website at which it was purchased, and purchase another copy. Please respect the hard work of this author. Events and characters in this work are fictional.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Thanks for Reading!


    Chapter 1

    To Begin Again

    Deep inside a now forgotten land, the world is changing. It is a change that no one is prepared to make, but the world does not stop moving for such a small reason. It turns, and time marches forward at a relentless pace. All anyone can do is keep up, or get trampled over and left behind. For Nihlen Draven, missing Prince of the now occupied nation of Draven, this is an undeniable reality.

    Two weeks had passed since Nihlen and his comrades, Marina, Cal, Galen and Shaila had arrived in Elharlia in search of a way to reclaim Nihlen's kingdom from the forces of its neighboring nation of Rinh, led by the tyrant King Erian Rinh. It had been a long and perilous journey that would not soon be forgotten.

    That journey was only the beginning though.

    At this moment, Nihlen and his companions are enjoying the last day of rest granted to them by Karishian Delmoore, self asserted King of the land known as Elharlia. Outside this land though, he holds the title of the most wanted man in the world for the brutal deaths of the royal family of Irazul. Karishian hadn't been truly responsible for those deaths. It was the Garosha, but circumstance had placed the blame on him, and now it was just another part of the ever growing history of the world.

    Nihlen began to stir from his slumber, warm and relaxed like he hadn't been since his days in the palace. Thanks to the healing ability of Pheora, Karishian's wife, he had been able to spend nights resting, nightmares of his kingdom and family held at bay. As consciousness began to pull him back to reality, everything came crashing back down. Fear and pain weighed heavy in his chest as he thought of all his subjects hurt and killed during the capture of his nation, and for those still in danger. Thanks to Urian, an old man with the ability to read minds, he knew his family was safe. For how long that would remain true was impossible to say.

    None the less, he shoved those feelings down, and threw the covers aside so he could greet the day. A quick look at the beds next to him told him his comrades were already awake, and he was alone inside the large room they had shared since their arrival. Reaching over to a nearby table, he grabbed a set of fresh clothes that was waiting for him, a black shirt and white slacks, and quickly dressed. He then grabbed the hat that had become a part of him. Black with a red band, given to him by Marina early in their travels. Placing it on his head, he jaunted it to an angle, covering his left eye.

    That left eye was not the left eye of any normal man. Like Pheora and her healing ability, or Urian and his mind reading, Nihlen also possessed a gift known as the Eye of Kings. Through his adventure so far he had learned of the existence of abilities. Never during his life before then had he known such things existed, and the Eye of Kings was quite a change for him. The white of his eye had become black, the iris red as blood. The pupil was darker than an abyss that never sees the light of day. The eye was a hereditary gift that traveled through the bloodline of the rulers of Askrah, a now forgotten nation that used to be comprised of Draven and Rinh combined. Looking into the Eye of Kings creates a feeling of ultimate despair. The weight of decisions made by the rulers of the past weighs on any individual that looks into its unreadable depths. Beyond that, it is a source of power, increasing his senses to unimaginable levels. Strength, speed, reflexes, all are pushed beyond human comprehension whenever he draws from the eye's font of power. Add in an almost prophetic ability to sense danger, and it is a pretty fair trade for his permanently scarred visage.

    Walking over to a nearby window, Nihlen threw it open, and looked out. Below him was a bustling city known as Rinden. When Karishian had united the various provinces scattered across Elharlia, he had chosen his childhood home as his capital. Sights, sounds and smells drifted up to him as the people below went about their daily tasks. It's hard to believe Karishian was able to transform Elharlia, the lawless land of criminals, into such a beautiful place. Nihlen thought, as he gazed upon the city.

    Elharlia is known as a lawless nation because it had served as a penal colony for the other nations of the world who had no room to jail offenders. Thanks to the Alglican mountains, which separate Elharlia from the other nations of the Tarlelian continent, it was an ideal place drop criminals and keep them contained. Two hundred and fifty years ago the practice had been abandoned. The world leaders swept the whole thing under the rug, going so far as to remove Elharlia from the maps to hide their shame. For many generations after that, towns and groups held pieces of land, and squabbled amongst one another for control of their slices of land. It wasn't until Urian and Karishian began to unite the land that Elharlia was able to become a true nation, though Karishian had kept this secret from the rest of the world due to his circumstances, and those of the land's history.

    As Nihlen watched the crowd below, he was able to pick out Marina and Cal looking at the wares of a nearby vendor. His past with the duo was rather complicated. On his wedding day, before their adventure had began, they had been part of a plot to kidnap him. Under the direction of Calden Millsted and Han Valtir they had burst into the palace during a ritual to seal the Eye of Kings, and had kidnapped him. They had been operating under the impression it was a ransom job, but when they learned the truth, Marina, and a begrudged Cal, had saved him. Before he knew it, they were a part of the situation, and had earned a place in his heart as dear friends. Without their help he wouldn't be where he was now. He would be dead, or captive like his family. It was still unclear to him why Calden had removed Nihlen separately before Draven was occupied, but he was sure the answer to that question would come to light sooner or later. For now, Nihlen was just grateful they had saved him, and he had a chance, even if it was a small one, to possibly save his family and nation. He watched them silently for a few more moments before withdrawing from the window, and pulling it closed.

    Just as he was closing it, the door to the room opened and Nihlen looked over. Into the room walked his other two comrades, Galen Inglid and Shaila Goverra. Galen was a military veteran of the Leoradan Armed Forces. After fleeing Draven, they had arrived in the land of Leoradan to seek the aid of Queen Raylia Villemoore, a childhood friend of Nihlen's father Elren Draven. The Queen had sent Galen to help guide and protect them as they made their way from Leoradan to Elharlia, which was a trip that spanned an entire continent. Galen had been indispensable in their journey, and Nihlen couldn't be more thankful for his seasoned hand in the early stages of their adventure.

    Shaila, on the other hand, is also an ability user. Known as a Tictinil, or elemental ability user, in her home village of Inthule, she commands the power of water. In Cascadia, when they had been confronted by Shaila's twin sister Helida, they were all but defeated before she came to their aid. Shaila is an incredibly powerful ability user who saved them many times in the short trip between Cascadia and Elharlia. Her village of Inthule, located on the Helran continent, is a settlement where every member of the population has a developed ability. She had helped them learn to protect their minds from people like Urian, and was instrumental in unlocking Marina's ability, which was just beginning to grow. Shaila's strength was one of the few sources of comfort Nihlen had in the face of what was to come. He knew he could count on her to help him do what needed to be done, which reached far beyond just reclaiming his kingdom, as they had learned upon their arrival in Elharlia.

    Did you rest well Nihlen? Galen asked, as he closed the door behind them.

    Yes, thanks to Pheora I slept without a dream. These two weeks of rest have been phenomenal after everything we went through to make it here. Nihlen answered.

    It has been quite refreshing. Shaila said, leaning up against the door frame. We can afford to rest no longer though. Tomorrow we begin training. There is a lot to take care of in the future, and every day that passes could be our last.

    Nihlen nodded in acknowledgment. After arriving in Elharlia, one of the many things they had learned was reclaiming Nihlen's kingdom was just a stop on the Path they now traveled. An even greater threat loomed in the distance, and the name of that threat was the Garosha. They'd met the first one when they met Pheora, and their battle with her had shown the threat they represent. The Garosha hail from a distant land across the seas, a fierce people who invaded this area of the world long ago in the past. They were thought to be immortal, almost never falling in combat. This was, of course, because they possessed the same ability as Pheora. The ability to instantaneously heal their own injuries, and the injuries of others. It had been a cell of these people who had actually killed the royal family of Irazul when Karishian, Urian, and Pheora had begun working together. With their defeat though, the Garosha had disappeared, leaving Karishian to take the blame for the deaths of the royal family. In the age long past, when the Garosha had invaded, it had been the King of Askrah who had united the continents of the world under its banner, and repelled the invaders. Askrah as a nation possesses the unique ability to use the power of the world itself to protect the lands of this part of the world. Askrah has risen and fallen many times in the past, always there to protect the world when need be. It had been this special power that had given rise to abilities in this part of the world, and even the creation of the Eye of Kings, which Nihlen now wields. With the threat of a second invasion by the Garosha, it is imperative that Nihlen regain control of Draven, and establish himself as the King of Askrah once more.

    A daunting task indeed...

    Since he had heard all this, there had been a certain level of shock for Nihlen. He wasn't even prepared to take the mantle as King of Draven, let alone every nation of this part of the world. Being ready didn't matter though, and he knew that as someone who had been groomed his whole life to become a leader. Leaders must do what has to be done, and so he had begun to steel himself for this eventuality.

    Still... Taking back Draven comes first and foremost. We'll have to worry about the rest of that when we get there. One step at a time is the best way to handle this. Nihlen thought, trying to suppress the anxiety he felt from the staggering enormity of it all.

    Karishian says he would like to talk about the training everyone will begin tomorrow. Where are Marina and Cal? Shaila asked.

    I just saw them in the city below. Nihlen gestured to the window he had just been looking through. I can go get them if you would like.

    No need. Galen said, a little too quickly. Nihlen raised an eyebrow at him, curious at the slight tone of deception in those words. He shrugged it off though, and moved to sit back on his bed.

    I will go get them. We'll return shortly. Shaila said. Nihlen nodded in acknowledgment, closing his eyes. Seconds later, the door closed, leaving Nihlen in silence once again.

    Nihlen had hardly left the room since they had arrived. He hadn't stepped foot outside the building they were in currently even once. It was true he hadn't tried, but the gears of his mind were now spinning. Galen seemed quite ready to deny me going outside. Did something happen? Or are they just being cautious? Nihlen let the thought roll around in his head, but eventually shrugged it off. Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it.

    Nihlen quieted his mind, forcing himself not to dwell on the cacophony of thoughts that always vied for his attention these days. It wasn't long before the door to the room opened once more, and several people walked in. His comrades, Karishian, Pheora, Urian, and one other person, a woman that Nihlen did not know all filed in, taking seats around the room. Karishian remained standing, and waited until everyone had taken a seat before inhaling deeply.

    As I mentioned when you first arrived, there is a lot that needs to be done right now. Every day we wait could be the last day we have. Karishian's tone was serious, and clearly he was going straight to the heart of what he wanted to say. Be that as it may, we'll accomplish nothing if we die along the way. Beginning tomorrow, each of you will begin a special training schedule to improve yourselves. We will work one on one with each of you in combat, ability development, and mental fortitude. By the end, I guarantee you all will be much stronger than you are right now.

    How long are we going to be doing this? Cal asked gruffly.

    Two weeks. Karishian stated flatly. That is all the time we can afford to spare. No matter what, we must begin making our next move after that.

    What happens in two weeks? Marina asked.

    We will discuss that in the near future. I suggest you put that out of your mind, and focus completely on the task at hand. This training will be unlike anything you've ever done. The next two weeks you will eat, breathe, and sleep training. There will be no mercy. If you want to survive what is to come, there is no room for weakness. Starting tomorrow, each of you will experience pain and fatigue unlike any you ever thought possible. You will be separated from one another for the entire duration of the training. I will now announce which one of us you will each be training under. First though, allow me to introduce someone you have all yet to meet.

    Karishian gestured to his side at the woman they had not met yet. Instantly though, he knew she was like Pheora. A member of the mysterious Garosha. Her hair was dark as raven feathers, her eyes also dark. Her skin was darker even than Pheora's. She bowed as Karishian gestured to her, then waited silently for his introduction.

    This is my apprentice, Mytika Keirone. As you have probably noticed, she is a member of the Garosha. Like Pheora, she is also a powerful healer, as well as combatant.

    Everyone nodded in acknowledgment before Karishian continued once more. Cal, you will be training under Mytika. Galen, you will be with Pheora. Marina, you will be with Urian. Shaila, you will be training by yourself for the most part. I will send you sparring partners, but you mostly just need to increase the strength of your ability. Last, but not least, Nihlen will be training with me. Any questions?

    Is she really that strong? Cal asked, not even pretending to hide his apparent displeasure. If she's only an apprentice, how much stronger than me could she really be?

    Cal! Marina scolded, but she was cut short as Mytika stepped forward.

    She moved right up in front of Cal, dwarfed by his massive stature. She stared at him silently for several moments, before a smile started to crawl across her face. If I'm an apprentice, you're a newborn child by comparison. She said, in a high and light voice.

    Nihlen couldn't help himself as he burst into a fit of laughter. Cal's face began to grow red, and he reached toward Mytika. She reacted instantly, much faster than Nihlen, or clearly Cal, had expected. With a few quick and precise moves, Cal had his arm wrenched around in a very painful looking position.

    Mytika, Cal, that is quite enough. I assure you Cal, she is more than capable of training you. Karishian said. At his rebuke, Mytika released Cal's arm, which he rubbed vigorously to try and alleviate the pain. His eyes threw daggers at her back, and he looked ready for round two.

    At least he's motivated now. Nihlen thought, snickering inside once more at the scene he had just witnessed.

    We will begin tomorrow, so rest well for today. It's going to be a very long two weeks for all of you. Karishian said. With that, he turned, and left the room. Pheora, Urian, and Mytika followed, leaving Nihlen and his comrades waiting in the room.

    Cal moved over to his bed, averting his eyes from the rest of them. He rubbed his arm once more, flexing his fingers and he stared sullenly out a window. Marina threw him a quick glance, but chose to leave him to his thoughts, taking a seat on her bed instead.

    I wonder what the training will be like... She pondered aloud.

    Considering what happened when we first arrived in Elharlia, I believe it will be even more difficult than Karishian says. I don't see any of them as the type to pull their punches. Galen commented.

    Nihlen cringed when he thought of their first meeting with Karishian and Pheora. It had been a completely one-sided exchange, and had it been a real battle, they all would have died. No question about it. It had been so bad, Nihlen had lost control of the Eye of Kings in his desperation to save his comrades. Even then, it still wasn't enough to defeat Pheora, let alone Karishian. A quick glance at the rest of his comrades told him they were recalling the same memories.

    It will be hard, but I am looking forward to it. Nihlen stated. If it will help me save my family and kingdom, I will do whatever is necessary.

    What do you think Karishian's ability is? Shaila asked.

    Nihlen considered the question for several moments. When they had encountered them at the entrance to the mountains surrounding Elharlia, only Pheora had fought with them. Karishian had not displayed his ability, and had not shared it with them yet. Since they had arrived, Nihlen had wondered the same thing, but there was no defining feature he had seen that gave a hint as to what Karishian's ability might be.

    I think it's all part of his plan. Cal said, still looking away from them out the window.

    What do you mean? Marina asked.

    Just like he planned that battle to test us when we first arrived. That man is dangerous, and he has all his moves planned out in advance. Of all of us, Nihlen holds the most importance to him. He needs Nihlen to accomplish his goals, so I would be willing to bet a lot that everything he says or does is with that thought in mind. He finally turned from the window to look at them, and looked Nihlen right in the eye. He wants to see how you'll react when you face someone that you know has an ability, but you have no idea what that ability is. That's a problem we'll be facing as soon as we leave Elharlia. He wants to prepare you to handle whatever comes your way. I think that's why he's hidden his ability from us until now. He knew he would be training you personally, and he planned all of this well in advance.

    Nihlen was taken aback by how insightful Cal's idea was. Cal wasn't an idiot, but intelligence wasn't the strongest aspect of his personality either.

    Well said Cal, that makes perfect sense. Shaila acknowledged. "Learning to deal with unknown abilities is a skill that is indispensable when it comes to fighting with ability users. I'm sure everyone will be taught that to some degree, but as Cal said, it is Nihlen who everything will come down to. Should Nihlen die, it could spell the end for everyone. No one would be left to oppose Erian Rinh for the title of King of Askrah.

    Way to put the pressure on. Nihlen said, forcing his voice to sound playful. Inside though, her words pulled at him. The fires of fear were being stoked, and the cumbersome burden he already carried grew heavier once more.

    He looked over to Marina, and saw her giving him a worried look. He quickly placed a mask of calmness on his face, giving her a smile. I will not die. Erian Rinh ruling over Draven, and the rest of the world, would haunt me even in death. With that thought in mind, I won't fall to anyone.

    Marina smiled back, but it didn't reach her eyes. There was something there, something he couldn't identify. For some reason he thought back to Galen's words earlier, his hasty reaction to denying Nihlen going out. He didn't know how he knew, but they were connected. Something is definitely going on. Something they don't want me to know about...

    I think I will go prepare some food for us. Marina muttered quickly, rising and turning away. Nihlen watched her go, and his feeling of unease only increased. Did she read my mind without me even knowing? What could they possibly be hiding? Nihlen wondered. Part of him felt angry that they were concealing something from him, but Nihlen trusted his comrades, so he pushed the anger from his heart. Whatever was going on, they were doing it with his best interest in mind.

    Marina returned soon with plates of food for everyone, and they gathered around a table in the room to eat. As Nihlen took his first bite, he savored the flavor of the dish Marina had prepared. It was a stew, with hearty amounts of meat and vegetables. There was a hint of something sweet amongst the spices, and his appetite suddenly perked up. The group shared small talk as they ate, Marina showing off a bracelet she had bought in the city earlier that day. They laughed and shared stories with one another, each trying their best to savor this last bit of relaxation before their current predicament swept them up once more. Their revelry lasted well into the evening, long after their meal had finished. As evening turned into night, the group finally resigned themselves to climbing into their beds. The lights were put out, and Nihlen rested his head on the soft pillow.

    His nervousness began to grow as he tried to sleep. The surrounding darkness left him only with visions of what was to come. He thought of his impending training with Karishian, and what kind of devastating ability he must wield. Pheora was scary enough... What will his power be? Nihlen tossed and turned in the bed, until sleep eventually took him. His sleep wasn't restful though.

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