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Twisted Fairy Tales 2: The Three Little Pigs
Twisted Fairy Tales 2: The Three Little Pigs
Twisted Fairy Tales 2: The Three Little Pigs
Ebook28 pages25 minutes

Twisted Fairy Tales 2: The Three Little Pigs

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About this ebook

What if fairy tales were turned on their head? Book 2 of the successful and ever growing Twisted Fairy Tale Series.

A unique spin on traditional fairy tales that children from 2 - 10 will love. Adults will enjoy the humour too!

The Twisted Fairy Tales are a series of stories where everything is different and nothing is as it seems!

Written with colourful characters, fairy tale cameos and surprises along the way.
Read, share and enjoy them all.

You might well know these tales but have never heard them told like this before...!

PublisherJason Tipple
Release dateNov 14, 2012
Twisted Fairy Tales 2: The Three Little Pigs

Jason Tipple

Jason Tipple was born quite near the coast in sunny Norwich in the Summer of 1973. He moved inland to the new city of Milton Keynes at the age of the 8.His love of writing began at school where he wrote fun stories about zany characters and letting his imagination run almost as wild as his hair. At the age of 13 he wrote in an essay about Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice that Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's marriage could only be saved by a novelty 'His and Hers' towel set. Suffice to say this didn't go down too well with the English teacher but it set him on a path towards an interest in expressive writing.Four years later, his 5000 word A-level analytical essay studying the literary structure of the Conan the Barbarian novels by Robert E Howard was heavily frowned on by his teacher for not being about an 'author of suitable literary merit.' That moment convinced Jason only to ever write about subjects that he enjoyed applying his creative mind to. Jason soon began to write humorous tales, sci-fi and fantasy purely for his own enjoyment.The birth of his daughter in 2006 introduced him to children's books for the first time in 20 years. Inspired by the likes of 'the Gruffalo' and 'Mr. Gum', Jason ventured into writing children's books as well as an epic psychological thriller of 120,000 words.

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    Book preview

    Twisted Fairy Tales 2 - Jason Tipple

    Twisted Fairy Tales Book 2: The Three Little Pigs

    Jason Tipple

    Copyright 2012 Jason Tipple

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dedicated to Claire-bear

    Chapter 1: The Bear and the Gold

    Once upon a time before sausages and television were ever invented lived a very, very old bear. He lived to 107 years old and was probably the oldest animal in the world. This bear had lived a long and peaceful life, the likes of which have never been seen before – except by another bear.

    The bear did not have any family, but he did have pots and pots of money. But not the kind of money that goes in your banks, when those proper modern times all start. Banks haven’t been invented yet so the bear’s money was just a great big pot full of gold.

    So before the bear died of very old bear age, he decided to give all his money away to his friends. His friends happened to be three little pigs that went oinking and rolling in the mud and me – a friendly wolf. The bear was my best friend in

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