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A Big Boob Fetish
A Big Boob Fetish
A Big Boob Fetish
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A Big Boob Fetish

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About this ebook

This book is different from anything I’ve written previously, most of it is in the words of Tim, a male friend and work colleague, as he confessed to me his love of big tits, his obsession. When he was fourteen on holiday he discovered the delight of seeing a woman with mammoth breasts and the joy he felt at being allowed to touch them. He went on to tell me of his sexual conquests in glorious explicit detail with a string of women as he fed his fetish. There was Marcia a nurse who lived up to the sexy cliché, Doreen an older married woman, Michelle young and enthusiastic, Ruella from South Africa, Janet another married woman and the lovely Phillipa just two weeks away from her wedding day but used her body to pay a debt. Enjoy Tim ́s escapades as his obsession comes to life.
This book contains explicit scenes of a sex with language to match, please don ́t read this if you are easily offended.

PublisherPhebe Bodelle
Release dateNov 15, 2012
A Big Boob Fetish

Phebe Bodelle

Hello there, it's Phebe writing. The character in "My very rude Awakening" is based largely on fact with a bit of embellishement where it made the story better. I am 29 years of age and have become an exhibitionst over the last few years and love displaying my body either naked or in see-thru clothes. I know men enjoy looking at me. I hope you enjoy reading my sexciting adventures.

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    Book preview

    A Big Boob Fetish - Phebe Bodelle

    A Big Boob Fetish


    Phebe Bodelle

    Smashwords 3rd Edition

    Copyright 2018 Phebe Bodelle

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All my books are dedicated to every sexually

    liberated person everywhere, enjoy!

    Cover Picture Courtesy of

    © Bobby Flowers | Dreamtime Stock Photos

    Table of Contents

    Prologue - Gloria

    Chapter 1 – Marcia

    Chapter 2 – Doreen

    Chapter 3 – Michelle

    Chapter 4 – Ruella

    Chapter 5 – The Others

    An Exhibitionist’s Diary Bonus Chapters

    Chapter 1 – May

    Chapter 2 – June

    Other Books by Phebe Bodelle

    About the Author

    Prologue – Gloria

    This book is like nothing I’ve ever written before, for starters and most significantly it is written from a man’s point of view, something I have never done previously. Most of my books have been written in the first person and always, always from the woman’s point of view, of course me being a human of the female persuasion helps. Now I have a pretty healthy regard for sex and in certain respects I think about it the same way as men do. I enjoy the act, all aspects of it, and thanks to the open relationship my husband and I enjoy can do pretty much what I like in the sexual stakes. I thought I knew exactly how men’s minds work surrounding the sexual experience, however I learnt a lot during the writing of this book and had to modify my thought process, which should actually stand me in good stead for future stories. The second aspect of this book is that I am basically using another person’s words, in a previous novel, My Young Stud I used an older woman’s words as she told me her wonderful tale of rediscovering sex with a young handyman she employed. In this story I’m using Tim’s words a long time friend and colleague from work, I’ll explain how it came about.

    A group of us from work went out one evening to celebrate a birthday, just a few drinks in the local pub. There were a dozen of us, split into half a dozen men and six of us girls. Tim was one of the men. He was a good friend from school and when we left after A-Levels we drifted apart heading off to universities in different parts of the country. However, on leaving university thankfully with good degrees we met up when we both started work in the same department of the same branch of a national institution. I can’t say any more about our jobs, no profession is a better description. We work in a sensitive area and any impropriety would immediately cause problems, probably leading to dismissal.

    Anyway back to the pub, we were having a right laugh and the few drinks had turned into a session. We all got on well and the corner of the pub we were in was filled with laughter. At about eight thirty a couple of women walked into the bar ordered their drinks and stood there chatting away. I noticed immediately that Tim couldn’t take his eyes off them, which of them I couldn’t tell. They were in their mid to late forties I’d say, one was a very stout lady while the other was reasonably slim but with a big bust. I watched Tim for a while trying to guess which one he had eyes for.

    In the end I leant over and quietly had a word. Stop staring.

    I’m not.

    You haven’t taken your eyes off those two since they arrived, do you know them?

    He shook his head, No.

    You’d like to though wouldn’t you?

    Get out of here Phebe.

    Go on, which one?

    I told you I’m not interested.

    Okay have it your way.

    After we had drunk another round it was Tim’s turn to go to the bar and he immediately sidled up to the slimmer of the two women. I watched him carefully and he very quickly got into conversation with her. He was smiling and I got the impression that she was responding, she was however a good bit older than him, he being the same age as me, twenty-nine. One of the girls was telling a dirty joke with plenty of hand movements so no one noticed what happened next, the woman suddenly slapped Tim round the face, a good crack by the looks of things. Tim quickly moved along the bar and a few minutes later returned with a tray of drinks. He looked around to see if anybody had seen but the rest had been too engrossed in the joke and I kept quiet, I´d tackle him on it later.

    At chucking out time Tim and I got a taxi together, he lived a few streets away from me in a flat and as soon as we sat down I said, So what happened then?

    What do you mean?

    I saw the woman give you a slap.


    He put his fingers up to his lips and nodded towards the driver. Invite me in for a coffee and I´ll tell you then.

    You’re on.

    My husband was out with his mates from work when we got in, probably gone off to a club or something knowing him so I installed Tim in the living room and asked him if he wanted tea, coffee or something stronger.

    A coffee would be good if it’s no trouble.

    No trouble at all.

    I went out to the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil to make cups of instant coffee. I didn´t have time to put a pot of ground coffee on I wanted to know what the hell had happened.

    A few minutes later, coffee made I sat opposite Tim and said, Right come on then what was that all about?

    I´ll tell you but you´ve got to promise it won´t go any further, you know what´ll happen if they find out at work.

    I promise and listen if your secret is any good I’ll tell you one too so we’re even, how´s that.

    He nodded, Okay then. To be blunt I fancied the woman.

    She was old enough to be your mother.

    So, it doesn’t matter, she was a particular type of woman that I fancy.

    Type, what do you mean by that?

    Do you want every detail?

    Oh yes.

    He kind of shrugged, It was her figure, kind of slim but with big boobs, not huge boobs but, you know heavy. I know full well that if she took her bra off they’d hang down and be a lovely handful to get hold of.

    Is that it?

    No not really I’m obsessive about it, a fetish if you like.

    How come?

    It started when I was fourteen, Mum and Dad took me on an all inclusive holiday to Marmaris in Turkey. It was in a lovely hotel, big pool and the food was good.

    Yeah, yeah, I interrupted, enough of the tourist guide get on with the story.

    Bloody hell Phebe patience. Right, we were out at the pool the first day when four women came out and sat on the sun beds opposite us. They were all about the same age as my parents, late forties early fifties, something like that. Well one of them Gloria was her name, which I found out later, was just like that woman in the pub. She had a normal type of figure, nice legs but her tits, oops sorry.

    Don´t be daft you can call a tit a tit, no problem.

    Her tits were large, not too large, but heavy looking. She had on a nice bikini and I just couldn’t help but look at them. I know I stared but if she noticed I don’t know. After a little while I had to turn over when I started getting a hard on.

    You randy young bugger.

    Listen at fourteen a lad’s prick has a mind of its own. Anyway Mum and Dad got up to go and change for lunch but I said I´d go in for a swim and see them later. About ten minutes later Gloria’s friends got up and left. As soon as they were out of sight she took her bikini top off. I tell you I actually came there and then, her tits were magnificent. They hung down, not to her knees or anything, just a little, they looked so heavy with these beautiful dark brown nipples, so dark they looked as though they were painted on. I couldn´t move, when I looked down there was a dark stain on the front of my swimming trunks.

    Dirty boy, I laughed. So what did you do?

    "In the end I just stood up, ran for the pool and dived in hoping nobody had seen the stain. I only swam a couple of widths, just to wash out the cum and then got out and carried on

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