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From Lions' Den to Devil's Lair
From Lions' Den to Devil's Lair
From Lions' Den to Devil's Lair
Ebook43 pages36 minutes

From Lions' Den to Devil's Lair

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About this ebook

In an ancient kingdom of the past, a great treasure is borne. Safeguarded until now, it has never been discovered, its secrets never uncovered. Until now...
In the present day, multiple murders have occurred and Detective Neil Angelo himself receives a threatening letter. Who is it from? Is it somehow connected with the murders? Even Katrina, Neil's apprentice suspects that he is hiding something.

PublisherJared Cheung
Release dateNov 19, 2012
From Lions' Den to Devil's Lair

Jared Cheung

I am an avid reader and writer, and also passionate music and chess. I am currently living and studying in Sydney, Australia.

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    Book preview

    From Lions' Den to Devil's Lair - Jared Cheung

    From Lions’ Den to Devil’s Lair

    By Jared Cheung

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Jared Cheung

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold

    or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person,

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    of this author.

    For mum, dad, Auntie Yvonne and Uncle Joey, for without their help this book would have never existed.


    … and Daniel was brought and cast into the Lions’ Den. Daniel closed the Bible and lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He had read the passage many times and always wondered, even after the many centuries when he had first written it, if he should have included the part about what actually happened in the Lions’ Den. He missed King Darius. He was such a good leader, and the way he convinced the people under his rule to change their faith was so clever. He often wondered where the boundary of his brain was. Once again he felt his mind slipping away and he let it go, watching it travel back, to relive his past…

    It was dark, cold and gloomy. I heard a large growl beside me and my heart caught in my throat. Blood pounded in my ears. I had never seen lions up close before, but I knew that they were capable of tearing me to pieces in a few seconds and I was terrified. Suddenly, out of the darkness, a voice sounded out Peace be with you! and a blinding light shone overhead. A man who seemed to be made of iron and fire appeared to him. The angel, for that was who it was, called out Do not be afraid, for the Lord has heard your plea. He shall deliver you from this den. But there is more. The Lord has decided to grant you a long life. It shall total 2812 years. And a box shall be put into your care. You shall not open it until the given time. You must guard it carefully for there are people and spirits alike that will risk everything they have for it and what it contains. But how will I know the given time? I asked. He answered, The Lord shall reveal it to you…

    Daniel jolted back to reality again, hyperventilating. He slowly got up from his position and opened his wardrobe. Inside the wardrobe was nine digit combination lock. He slowly turned the dial. The safe clicked and Daniel opened the door. Inside was a sleek, black box made of ebony. It had intricate designs of fish leaping in the sea and

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