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The Landscapers
The Landscapers
The Landscapers
Ebook54 pages49 minutes

The Landscapers

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Life on the West Coast was predictable for almost all the housewives, at least the ones with money. It involved tennis and yoga, swimming and shopping. Somewhere in between, there was a husband and kids who were at some or other boarding school. So besides the other housewives, your only company was your staff, the people who actually ran your life.
Helena Rothschild had been married to an attractive property developer who had given her the home of her dreams and with it the life of her dreams. She had two dreamy children, too beautiful to be real, but alas they were to the bitter envy of their neighbors. And since the divorce, she had more money than she would ever have had access to had she stayed married to Dalton.
So now, with too much time on her hands and a van at her gate with three Latino gentlemen offering to clean her swimming pool and tend the gardens, she thought it might be time to get the house ready before the kids returned for the summer. She also decided that she would supervise the maintenance. It wasn’t too long before Helena became very hands on indeed.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateNov 19, 2012
The Landscapers

Kellen Prime

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    The Landscapers - Kellen Prime

    Copyright Information

    Copyright 2012 by Kellen Prime Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    Xplicit Press

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    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Life on the West Coast was predictable for almost all the housewives, at least the ones with money. It involved tennis and yoga, swimming and shopping. Somewhere in between, there was a husband and kids who were at some or other boarding school. So besides the other housewives, your only company was your staff, the people who actually ran your life.

    Helena Rothschild had been married to an attractive property developer who had given her the home of her dreams and with it the life of her dreams. She had two dreamy children, too beautiful to be real, but alas they were to the bitter envy of their neighbors. And since the divorce, she had more money than she would ever have had access to had she stayed married to Dalton.

    So now, with too much time on her hands and a van at her gate with three Latino gentlemen offering to clean her swimming pool and tend the gardens, she thought it might be time to get the house ready before the kids returned for the summer. She also decided that she would supervise the maintenance. It wasn’t too long before Helena became very hands on indeed.

    The Landscapers

    Chapter One

    It is for this reason and nothing else that Dalton, her soon-to-be ex-husband cannot resist one final mounting of the Greek beauty that had married him after just two months and given him the most beautiful children in the land, according to one industry tabloid that profiled the Rothschilds a few years earlier. She had also given him twenty years of her life.

    This is the last thing on his mind though as he fumbles with his buckle, his urgency out of place since it was just the two of them in the mansion and from what she knew he had nothing scheduled for the rest of the afternoon despite it being Tuesday. She bends down to help him, biting his cock over the trousers to appease the beast straining against the Armani. A moment later, Dalton’s dick hangs above her head, pointing straight out in front of him. She opens her mouth and wets the already wet cock.

    Dalton usually enjoys the sheer spectacle of Helena eating his dick, but today, after just a few short jabs in the back of her throat, he pulls her to her feet, fingers her pussy briefly to check for moisture and uses his free hand to guide his cock into his wife. She holds on to his shoulders, losing her balance for the force of his entry. Helena lifts herself off the ground and wraps her toned legs around Dalton, letting his dick go all the way up her cunt.

    He carries his wife the short distance to the bed and proceeds to fuck her with the urgency of a man on death row whose last meal was pussy. She catches him staring at his own reflection a few times in the large mirror on the wall behind them but dismisses his distraction for stress. She always put his quirks down to stress. So she just settles herself comfortably under her man and lets him do what he needs to do.


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