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What They Don’t Know
What They Don’t Know
What They Don’t Know
Ebook48 pages44 minutes

What They Don’t Know

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Jared and Collin had worked together for almost a year for the same advertising firm, Jared in graphics and design and Collin a copy executive. They’d mostly worked past each other, their assistants doing the communicating, their work the only thing crossing paths. But on the odd occasion that their paths did cross, both men felt that elusive ‘something’ that is often called chemistry, but is more accurately sexual tension.
The trouble with corporate environments though is that you can never assume anything about anyone, unless they reveal it to you, and neither Jared nor Collin had revealed to each other, or anyone else for that matter, that they might in fact be men’s men. It isn’t until they are both required to give a presentation across State that they have the opportunity for just such a revelation.
Heavy storms see to it that their flight is cancelled, and if they are to make it to the presentation by the next day, they would have to brave the storm in Jared’s SUV, a three-hour trip in good conditions. The time it took them to get from one side of the State to the other was all the time they needed to discover just how much fun boys can have, when they do the things that only boys know how to do to other boys.

PublisherXplicit Press
Release dateNov 20, 2012
What They Don’t Know

Kellen Prime

Erotica Short Fiction writer on who loves to read, write and blog Erotic Fiction.

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    What They Don’t Know - Kellen Prime

    Copyright Information

    Copyright 2012 by Kellen Prime Published by Xplicit Press Publishing at Smashwords. All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    Xplicit Press

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    This book contains adult material. This Erotica contains scenes of a very graphic and adult nature, and some profanity which some may find offensive. All characters are 18 or over.

    Jared and Collin had worked together for almost a year for the same advertising firm, Jared in graphics and design and Collin a copy executive. They’d mostly worked past each other, their assistants doing the communicating, their work the only thing crossing paths. But on the odd occasion that their paths did cross, both men felt that elusive ‘something’ that is often called chemistry, but is more accurately sexual tension.

    The trouble with corporate environments though is that you can never assume anything about anyone, unless they reveal it to you, and neither Jared nor Collin had revealed to each other, or anyone else for that matter, that they might in fact be men’s men. It isn’t until they are both required to give a presentation across State that they have the opportunity for just such a revelation.

    Heavy storms see to it that their flight is cancelled, and if they are to make it to the presentation by the next day, they would have to brave the storm in Jared’s SUV, a three-hour trip in good conditions. The time it took them to get from one side of the State to the other was all the time they needed to discover just how much fun boys can have, when they do the things that only boys know how to do to other boys.

    What They Don’t Know

    Chapter One

    Slippery When Wet…

    The smell of sandalwood follows Jared out of the elevator along with four interns. Graphics had taken on the extra help since the upcoming presentation needed the extra creative’s input, the New York based client needing to be blown away. Having wrapped up the presentation preparation, the office was having a farewell/good luck lunch. They were bidding farewell to the interns, and saying good luck to Jared and the other members of the team that would be making the presentation in New York tomorrow. Actually, it was just Jared and copy executive, Collin, who would be making the actual presentation. But it was courteous to thank everybody.

    It isn’t hard to see why everyone in the office hates Collin Taft. He walks in and immediately the entire room seems to suddenly be about him. Women and most of the men have their eyes on him. It’s not just that the 33 year-old is physically perfect, six feet, the body of a god showing through whatever he wore, and the kind of chiseled features and natural tan that give away his Greek heritage. Then of course there was the supercharged grey matter under his thick black curls that made him the envy of his closest colleagues. His creativity and intellect have landed the company, A-List Communications, many lucrative clients, and it was sure

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