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Sexy Christmas Stories 2012
Sexy Christmas Stories 2012
Sexy Christmas Stories 2012
Ebook41 pages33 minutes

Sexy Christmas Stories 2012

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About this ebook

Christmas - that wonderful time of year when we let our guard down, do things we shouldn't and get a bit frisky.
We share five lovely little short stories of Christmas sexual adventures with you to warm you over the festive season - or maybe to inspire you to your own Christmas naughtiness.
Merry Christmas, from Mister Average.

Release dateNov 21, 2012
Sexy Christmas Stories 2012

Mister Average

Mister Average is a pen name of one of the most prolific writers of erotic short stories. Most of my stories have a message, or a question. Yes, they are naughty, but they often also present a dilemma. Most contain some love and romance, most of them reflect what we are like in our average lives. The characters are generally normal, average, people - like me and you in realistic situations, in realistic fantasies. I write about the kinds of things you fantasize about. If you follow me on Twitter you will find out about free days and discount coupons that I send out from time to time and you will see every new release. Enjoy.

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    Sexy Christmas Stories 2012 - Mister Average



    Mister Average

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published by Mister Average

    at Smashwords

    Sexy Christmas Stories 2012

    Copyright 2012 by Mister Average

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    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    Image licensed by dpshek

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    For my other eBooks, please go to the end of this book.









    The annual Christmas party came along and, of course, they had to get me to be their Santa for the night. Thankfully, I wasn’t being used as Santa for the kid’s party; I was just to play Santa for the adult’s party later in the night. Although, I wasn’t sure which audience would be more trying, the one with screaming children or the one with screaming, drunk adults.

    To allow me to survive the night I had my secret hipflask full of cheer for Santa and as the night progressed I consumed the contents and then filled the flask again.

    As the night wore on one of the younger women seemed to be paying a bit more attention to me than needed. Her name was Carol and she was about early twenties, with long legs, and a fucking hot body to die for. It was a pity I was married and thirty years older than her!

    I resorted to fantasise about using her pussy, that’s all there is for you at this age. Oh, and sipping away on my flask, of course.

    Christmas parties are funny things; so many people just let their hair down when they shouldn’t and do things they either regret later or

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