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Charisma the young witch
Charisma the young witch
Charisma the young witch
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Charisma the young witch

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In this story we meet Charisma. She is the youngest daughter of a witch and a wizard, and she is always looking for adventures and things to have fun with.
One day she takes the magical ring of her big sister along when she goes to play with her friends Quinsee and Barnaby. As they play they arrive in a very strange place and it's up to Charisma to find a way home again!

PublisherPaul Kater
Release dateNov 25, 2012
Charisma the young witch

Paul Kater

Paul Kater was born in the Netherlands in 1960. He quickly developed a feel for books and languages but ended up in the IT business despite that. Books and languages never ceased to fascinate him, so since 2003 he's been actively writing, encouraged by friends on the internet. The internet is the reason why most of his work is in English. A friend asking for writing help is why some of his writing is now also in Dutch. Paul currently lives in Cuijk, the Netherlands, with his books, possibly with cats, and the many characters he's developed in the past years, who claim he is a figment of their imagination.

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    Book preview

    Charisma the young witch - Paul Kater

    Charisma the young witch

    by Paul Kater

    Published by the author at Smashwords as a member of the

    Alexandria Publishing Group

    Copyright 2012 Paul Kater

    License Notes, Smashwords Edition:

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    1. Meeting Charisma

    2. Where are we?

    3. Sonny and Cher

    4. Sleep well

    5. Hunting for the ring

    6. John

    7. New clothes

    8. The noise in the street

    9. Going to sleep

    10. Ella

    11. Getting help

    12. To the rescue

    13. Where do we go?

    14. The zoo

    15. Where is the ring?

    16. Across the bridge

    17. Invitation to dinner

    18. The one-witch plan

    19. The ring

    20. Puddles


    1. Meeting Charisma

    In the small village of Rompford, on the edge of the forest, lived a family of magical people. A father, a mother and their two daughters. The father, a reasonably good magician, worked as a wizard for the village. He also often helped the blacksmith, making wheels for the wagons, and horse shoes. The mother was amazing with healing people, she knew everything about herbs and special mushrooms, and what she could not do with those, she did with magic. Their daughters also were magical. The older one, Grimhilda, already went to magic school, to learn the tricks of the magical trade. The younger one, Charisma, was not yet old enough to go there.

    One fine day, after a rainy night, the youngest witch had been in a fight with her older sister. Again.

    Charisma, don't touch that. Charisma, don't play near the dragons. Charisma, clean up your room. Always the same thing! she exclaimed. The young witch stopped her walk along the sandy path. Sunlight danced over her, as the sun shone brightly through the leaves, and little birds sang their songs everywhere in the trees around her. She pulled her wand from her sleeve and shot a magic beam at a pebble. The pebble jumped up and flew over the small river that ran next to the path. Charisma kept the small stone hovering there for a moment and then released the magic, so the pebble fell into the water. She enjoyed the splashy sound the pebble made.

    Charisma was on her way to her best friend, Quinsee, who lived four houses away.

    Quinsee and her brother Barnaby were playing in front of the cute wooden house. Barnaby tossed bits of wood at his sister, and Quinsee tried to hit them with an old metal rod. Barnaby and Quinsee were not magical, but they were very nice. That was why Charisma liked being friends with them. Of course, Quinsee was her better friend, because Barnaby was, well, a boy.

    As Barnaby saw their witchy friend come closer, he called out to Charisma and threw a piece of wood at her. It hit the witch on the shoulder.

    Hey, what's that? Charisma yelled at Barnaby as she picked up the projectile. She threw it back at him, propelled also by some magic, just to make a point.

    Barnaby was hit in the chest and tumbled backwards in the grass. Ouch!

    Quinsee laughed and dropped the rod. See, you have to remember she's a witch, like her mother and her sister. Quinsee then ran over to Charisma to hug her friend. Why did you come here? Quinsee then asked, as it was a strange time for Charisma to pay them a visit.

    The young witch explained that she was entirely fed up with her family. Mum tells me to clean up my room, Hilda tells me not to touch anything she is working on, and Dad keeps warning me not to go too close to the dragons. How much more reason do I need?

    I would not go near dragons either, Barnaby agreed, as he had joined the girls.

    That's because you're scared of everything, Charisma pointed out, to Quinsee's delight.

    And you never make a mess in your room, Quinsee added.

    The three walked to the wooden bench in front of the house and sat down on it.

    My sister is really acting as if she is sooo important, Charisma growled on. Just because she is in magic school already, she thinks she can order me around. She wants an audience when she is doing magic homework, and when I ask something she throws me out.

    Quinsee and Barnaby nodded, out of habit. This part of Charisma's visit never failed, and it would take a few more years before their magical friend was old enough to go to magic school herself. Usually the complaining only took a minute.

    Barnaby suggested then that they could catch frogs.

    Charisma looked at him. Are you looking for a prince?

    Prince? Barnaby blinked a few times. What would I do with a prince?

    You must give him to me! his sister exclaimed, as her eyes started to sparkle.

    You know nothing, do you? Charisma asked. Some frogs are princes, and when you kiss them they become a prince again.

    That's gross, Barnaby said as he pulled a face. Kissing a frog...

    Quinsee announced that she would not mind kissing a frog if that would make her a princess. Charisma grinned as she noticed that her friend started looking around, for frogs.

    I have something better than a frog, she told Quinsee and Barnabee, and reached into a pocket in her cloak. She brought out a silver ring with a large red stone that looked brilliant in the sunlight. It was too big for her small fingers, but holding it in place with her free hand fixed that problem.

    That is a pretty ring! Can I touch it? Quinsee already had her hand near the red stone.

    Yes, sure, but it is a magical ring, so be careful.

    Charisma had taken the ring from the living room table. Hilda, her big sister, had left it there to do her homework. After a few comments from Charisma's side, Hilda had threatened to physically throw her little sister out the door. Charisma had chosen the less painful way, and had just said: Don't get upset, I am leaving the way I am. 'The way she was' meant 'having the ring in her hand'. The fact that Hilda had not noticed that was Hilda's problem.

    Quinsee touched the stone for a moment. It's warm! Barnaby, feel!

    Barnaby shook his head. I believe you. He was indeed scared of many things, and magic was a very good thing to be scared of. More so if the magic was carried by Charisma.

    What does that ring do? Quinsee wanted to know.

    I don't know, Charisma admitted, but it looks nice, and it must be powerful. It's Hilda's.

    Barnaby moved away from the young witch a bit. Hilda was well-known in the little village, and not always in the best of ways.

    And what are you going to do with it? Quinsee wanted to know. It's really pretty.

    Charisma knew that Quinsee would love to wear the ring, if only for a minute, but was not sure that it would be smart to let a normal wear a magical ring.

    Can I wear it for a moment? Quinsee then asked.

    Charisma looked at her best friend. I'm not sure if you should.

    Oh... The look on Quinsee's face was one of utter disappointment. Charisma had seen that before, but at this moment she was not able to say 'no' to such a face. She took the ring from her finger. Go ahead. But not too long.

    Quinsee beamed as she held the big ring in her hand. Ohhhh! That is nice! Barnaby, look, I am holding a magical ring! She got up and walked to the side of the path, to look at the ring in the bright sunlight.

    Charisma followed Quinsee. It was not smart to let a normal walk around with that ring. The young witch was already certain that she was crossing lines by handing the ring over. The fact that she had taken the ring from her sister was not so much a problem for Charisma. After all, it was only her sister.

    Barnaby followed the two girls. He did not want to let the world know again that he was scared.

    I think we can make a big journey, Quinsee said in a mysterious voice, as she slipped the ring on her finger. Hold my hand, witch.

    Charisma grinned. This could be fun, Quinsee always knew the best games to play. She took the hand with the ring, making sure not to squeeze Quinsee's hand. That would hurt her finger with the big ring.

    Barnaby, brother, take my other hand, said Quinsee as she reached out.

    Barnaby hesitated a moment, but since it was his sister wearing the ring and not the young witch, he took his sister's hand. I am ready, powerful magician! he proclaimed. His voice only trembled a little.

    Then let us jump now, into a new world!

    The three jumped up and down, and of course landed back on the grass strip in front of the house.

    We are now in a new world! Quinsee yelled. We must explore, and find a way home!

    The three ran over the path, looked at the river, circled some trees and got entirely lost in their game, until the sun started setting.

    I should go home now, Charisma said, not happy to break off the game they were enjoying so much.

    Aye, I understand, Quinsee said. She pointed at a puddle. Come, we have to jump in there, to go home!

    That always was fun, and Charisma's magic was a great tool to get the mud off their clothes and shoes again, so the three joined hands, Quinsee yelled that they were off to another world once more, and the three jumped.

    When their feet hit the water, it was as if they were in a ball of light for a moment.


    Three pairs of feet landed in a puddle, but there was something wrong. Puddles should be soft and soggy, not hard under your feet. A strange noise was in Charisma's ears, and she looked around. Her eyes became large as she saw strange high buildings, many people in strange clothes and carts with people in them and no horses pulling them! And the carts made a lot of noise!

    When Quinsee asked what had happened, Charisma managed to draw her surprised

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