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Pulpits In The Marketplace
Pulpits In The Marketplace
Pulpits In The Marketplace
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Pulpits In The Marketplace

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About this ebook

Pulpits in the Marketplace is Bob Steinkamp's sequel to A Day of Freedom, which first introduced us to Tony and Dee Taylor, and chronicled on how God broke the stronghold of pornography that threatened their family. In Pulpits in the Marketplace, we see how God is using Tony and Dee to further His Kingdom through their singing group, which becomes known as Reclaimed. Throughout the story we see the impact of the group's message on others who have strayed from God's Word regarding the sanctity of marriage. The reader is reminded that Christ's love should be proclaimed not only inside the church, but from every available "pulpit," be it the home, the classroom, the workplace, at a truck stop, and yes, even in the marketplace. Pulpits in the Marketplace is an inspirational story that will surely uplift and inspire every reader!

Pulpits in the Marketplace is from Rejoice Marriage Ministries, which was founded by Bob and Charlyne Steinkamp in 1990. God restored their marriage two years after they had fallen victim to divorce. Since that time God has used Bob and Charlyne to encourage countless men and women to stand in the gap for their "prodigals." They have witnessed first hand what God can do in the lives of His people if one spouse trusts in Him for the healing of both marriage and home, and loves his or her absent mate with the unconditional love that Christ first demonstrated to us on the cross.

But the Lord says Don't cry any longer; for I have heard your prayers and you will see them again; they will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy. Jeremiah 31:16 (TLB)

Release dateNov 26, 2012
Pulpits In The Marketplace

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    Book preview

    Pulpits In The Marketplace - Bob Steinkamp


    Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. Acts 5:42

    By Bob Steinkamp

    Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc.

    Post Office Box 10548

    Pompano Beach, FL 33061 USA


    All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher.

    All characters in this story are fictional and do not represent any individual living or dead.

    Scripture Quotations are from the King James Version or the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission.

    Published by Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2000 by Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    About The Cover

    In Appreciation


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Meet The Steinkamps

    The Greatest News

    Ten Sources Of Help

    Connect With Rejoice Ministries


    The bridge on the cover of this book is officially known as the Irving S. Cobb Bridge. To the people of Paducah, Kentucky the structure that spans the Ohio River between Paducah and Brookport, Illinois is better known as the Brookport Bridge. In A Day of Freedom, it was across this bridge that the fictional character, Tony Taylor, traveled time and time again from his home in Paducah to his field of sin.

    When the time came to select a cover design for this book, I sensed that it should include a photo of the bridge that you will read about in this story. It was on this bridge that God spoke to Tony. What had once been his gateway to sin became the gateway for his family's music ministry all across the land.

    I see the barren tree in the foreground as symbolic of Tony's old sinful life. The sun in the background is bringing light to his sin. The bridge is symbolic of Jesus Christ, who can make old things new.

    Sitting next to me is a small river rock that I use as a paperweight. It reminds me of the cool March day when I picked it up under the Brookport Bridge. I had driven to Paducah, found an opening in the flood wall, and hiked half a mile through the river mud to take the cover photograph.

    That rock not only reminds me of my trip to the bridge, it also reminds me of the hope that God must see in every Tony Taylor. If you have a prodigal in your life, do not give up hope that the one you love will discover The Bridge.

    Bob Steinkamp

    Back to Table of Contents


    The Lord has allowed us to write and print twelve books, but this is the first to display a full-color cover. That was made possible by our Christian brother, Don Hardin, of

    Two of our standers, Dr. Conley McMullen and Sylvia Ortiz did proofreading for the manuscript. Both are a joy to work with. We also appreciate several others standers and friends who read copies of the manuscripts for us, prayed for this book while it was being prepared, and contributed toward printing costs.

    Above all else, we thank our Lord Jesus Christ for planting the concept for this book within Bob’s heart. This is His book, not ours.

    Bob and Charlyne Steinkamp

    Back to Table of Contents


    A pulpit in the Marketplace is dedicated to the Christian men and women who travel across America proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through gospel music. The book is also dedicated to their families at home. May God continue to bless this group of His faithful servants.

    To those of us who attend their concerts, this life appears to be exciting. The big bus stops at a small church or a large auditorium somewhere in our nation and multitudes of people applaud their message in song. We ask for their autographs and are thrilled when our favorite gospel singer has a minute for us.

    After we have gone to our comfortable homes, the group is busy breaking down the sound equipment and book table. They will spend the night sleeping on a bus, traveling to another city or state, ready to sing all over again the following night.

    Many singers travel all night Saturday to be in their own church on Sunday. They will have about three days at home to be part of their family, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, do the laundry, keep the appointments, answer the letters, and keep their ministry for the Lord functioning.

    On Wednesday or Thursday, the spouses are kissed good bye once again, their children are hugged, and the bus is loaded. With prayer another week of ministry on the road starts, so that you and I might be blessed in song.

    This book is dedicated to these men and women who have taken their pulpits into the marketplace. Please pray for their safety and ministry as they travel for Him and for us.

    Back to Table of Contents


    The question that Pastor Scott Wilson had just heard voiced by the man sitting across the desk from him would have thrilled the heart of any man of God. For a few seconds, Pastor Wilson did not reply, but reflected on the faith journey that the Lord had taken Mitch Penny on during the past two years.

    The two men had first met on the happy occasion of the renewal of the wedding vows of Tony and Dee Taylor. The Taylors had been separated and nearing divorce, when Dee took a stand with God for His restoration of their family. During part of their separation, Tony had roomed with Mitch in a small sin-filled trailer in West Paducah, Kentucky.

    Back then, Mitch had asked the Pastor to baptize him and his live-in girlfriend. Obviously that did not happen as requested, but it did open the way for Pastor Wilson to lead Mitch to the Lord. Mitch was addicted to drugs, pornography, and alcohol. His wife had left him several years before. God had worked miracle after miracle in the life of that man. The girlfriend was gone, as were the drugs and alcohol. The pornography that once sat on his coffee table had been replaced by Christian literature. Mitch was faithful in his church attendance and in his tithing.

    The man even looked different. Gone was the long hair. He now shaved every day and kept the mechanic’s grease from under his fingernails. Greatest of all was the smile of peace that Mitch had worn ever since he met Jesus.

    Pastor, didn’t you hear me? I need to make sure there’s nothing else blocking my walk with Christ. I dunno, I just feel there’s something else that I have overlooked. Is there anything else that God wants me to be doing?

    Excuse me, Mitch. My thoughts wandered for a second, Pastor Wilson confessed.

    Man, you had me worried, a grinning Mitch interrupted. I sure hoped that the list left for me to change wasn’t that long.

    That conversation was typical of the Pastor Scott Wilson/Mitch Penny relationship. Mitch had great admiration for his pastor and vice versa. Without question, Mitch’s coming to the Lord, and their close friendship, had been a result of the remarriage of Dee and Tony to each other.

    Mitch, the Pastor began, There was a day when I had to suggest changes that you make as a new Christian. You are now a two-year-old in God’s kingdom, and beginning to do things on your own just a bit. Yes, we all need to hold your hand at times, but the Lord will fine tune your walk with Him without my making cosmetic suggestions.

    Cosmetic? You’re thinking about the day we discussed my hair, aren’t you? Mitch joked.

    Well, that could be part of it.

    You know what, Pastor? I knew that hair needed to go. Looking back, maybe I was just testing to see if you or Tony would say anything to me about it, me being a new Christian and all.

    Mitch, long hair never sent anyone to hell. Some of the actions that we associate with long, unkempt hair on a man have sent him to hell, though.

    I know. Something Tony told me the day at lunch when he talked to me about my hair stuck with me. He said that as a Christian we were to imitate Jesus. Naturally, I had to ask him if Jesus had long hair. I knew what he was talking about though. It was amazing how the Lord kept bringing up little things for me to change. Pastor, I don’t want to miss God on anything, but I just feel like there is something. What is it?

    Only the Lord knows that. I will pray that He will make Himself so clear to you that you will know without a doubt what you are to do.

    Preacher, I’ve wondered if God wants me to change jobs. You know Tony and I are the only two Christians out of all the mechanics. The other guys call me ‘Little Preacher Man,’ like they call Tony ‘Preacher Man.’

    How does that make you feel? Pastor Wilson wisely questioned.

    Believe it or not, it makes me proud. It used to embarrass me when that name first started, but now I can eat lunch with Tony and read the Bible, and not even hear what the other guys are saying.

    Pastor Scott Wilson had been sensing for some time that the Lord was calling Mitch to a Christian vocation. He did not want to plant thoughts ahead of the Holy Spirit, but to be open to the Spirit’s using him to help Mitch, who was sincerely seeking more of God.

    Tell me about your job, Mitch.

    Just a plain old mechanic. They used to say that I was good, but now, with the Lord’s help, I am even better. Used to be the other guys would call Tony over when they had a problem. Now it’s, ‘Preacher Man, you busy?’ ‘Hey, Little Preacher Man, give me a hand.’ God gave me the best certification of any around.

    I like that, Pastor Wilson encouraged. Have you always been a mechanic?

    Yep, but mostly working on diesel engines for Bluegrass Bus. They even sent me to driver’s school in Lexington, but that cost me my job.

    What happened?

    After I graduated from training, they put me on a local route. On my second day alone, there was a disruptive passenger that I had to put off the bus. The guy was wild, running up and down the aisle and screaming. I followed all the rules, stopped at a safe place, and got him off the bus. When I started back to the bus, he made a real crude comment to me, so I punched his lights out. Turned out that he was a plant that the company put on there, just to see how I would do.

    I was furious when they canned me. That is when I started with the party life, and made up my mind to never touch another diesel engine again. I found the job downtown repairing cars, and have been there ever since.

    Do you like it there?

    At first I liked it because I did not have to deal with people, but now that I have come to Christ, I want to be able to work with people.

    Where do you sense that God is leading you, Mitch? Could it be bus driving again?

    Not if that guy with a false front tooth has anything to do with it. Pastor Wilson could not read if Mitch was making a joke, or was serious, so he offered no response.

    To be honest, Mitch continued, I have wondered about bus driving. I remember everything they taught, and I still keep up my CDL license. I would be meeting people every day who really need a friend. Preacher, please pray that I would know what God wants me to do.

    Mitch, I sure will, Pastor Wilson replied. I really will, and I commend you for seeking God’s will. By the way, did you know that Dee and Tony are singing a special again Sunday night?

    No, I didn’t, Mitch replied. But I like it when they sing. You know, when they sing the old hymns, I can remember being a kid and my mom taking me to church. It all comes back to me like she was sitting right next to me.

    You cannot imagine how many people tell me just about the same thing. We try to only use the same people for special music once a month, but everyone wants to hear Dee and Tony sing. When even the other people who sing specials are asking for them, I know that it’s all right to ask them to sing more than anyone else.

    You know what I wish, Mitch replied, is that sometime Tony would talk when he sings, like he talks at lunch. Man, he says some awesome things about God healing their marriage. Every time that Dee and Tony sing, I think about something that he has told me.

    Mitch, the day will come when Dee and Tony can share publicly what has happened, but first we need to let them heal. Remember when you had a broken arm? The doctor told you not to work, to let it heal, so that it would be strong again. That is what the Great Physician does with a healing marriage. We don’t want your arm, or the Taylor’s marriage to ever break again.

    Preacher, I see what you mean. You know what I just thought about. When God saved me, He grabbed me just like that fan belt grabbed my arm. One broke my arm and the other broke my attitude. Both brought me to my knees, and both times I knew that I needed a healer. My arm is healed and stronger than it has ever been, but my attitude had to be replaced. The old attitude is gone and I have a new one. There’s a verse somewhere that says, ‘the mind of Christ.’

    The Lord had given Pastor Scott Wilson a word of knowledge as Mitch spoke. The words that he was hearing came not from a two-year-old Christian, who had formerly led a pitiful life, but from

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