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Rescue & Restoration
Rescue & Restoration
Rescue & Restoration
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Rescue & Restoration

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Ro barely survives the night as the monsters suck away most of her soul despite the best efforts of all who love her.
Zeke tricks her into her male avatar where she should be safe, but she turns back into herself when Lang joins her at the funeral.
Ro is attacked again and the multidirectional draining gets fiercer, almost ripping her apart. Zeke is ’frozen, unreachable. But Langdon is there, trying to be supportive.
Ro needs more than support. She needs him to fight with her, to anchor her here. Ro throws off all their clothes and impales herself on him, raking his back savagely until he becomes the wild violent warrior she needs.
Later Zeke finds another way to anchor Ro in this world by stripping naked in surgery for his medical examination and staying nude.
Ro is enchanted and enthralled again by his glorious body, remembering a past life when Zeke and she had posed for sculptures by Michelangelo. She decides Zeke looks much better now than when he posed for David, the statue long considered the epitome of masculine beauty. There is a little horseplay in surgery
The guys raid Galen and rescue their old companions
Ro introduces Taj to her mother and sisters

PublisherLotta Bangs
Release dateNov 29, 2012
Rescue & Restoration

Lotta Bangs

I’m Aussie, way over 35, thankfully and very happily divorced, and have a wonderful daughter who very occasionally beta-reads for me. A few years ago we had 13 cats; we just lost another, so now only one of those remains. We have added 6 more over the years, including the sweet feral ragdoll which is my Facebook avatar. I generally prefer female cats, but have also had some magnificent males. I couldn’t live without cats, just wish their lives were longer. I’m having a lot of problems adjusting to social media which doesn’t leave me enough time for writing and editing, so I won’t be expanding my web presence any time soon. If you want to know about NEW RELEASES and SPECIALS you will need to FRIEND ME ON FACEBOOK. I have announced coupons to get a new release free here, but apparently nobody reads author biographies. Of course my books are what you are really interested in. Originally, I wrote a long continuous story, starting at Reacquaintance, told from Ro’s POV. Then when Ro disappeared for a year or so, I had to use Taj to fill in the gaps, and she proved so feisty and interesting, that I added in her back story, starting with Getting to Galen and continuing in The Deep End. After Thxx’s Story, the various POVs continue in the same stream. I had to break up my huge tomes into installments that could be published separately as I finished editing them. I’m afraid my writing was quite stuffy at first, with convoluted 12- to 15-line sentences, turgid half-page paragraphs, and a lot of pompous pontification and personal political opinion which the story didn’t need. I had to rip out a lot before I could publish. I think the books are greatly improved now. I was giving away my books for free for most of a year, hoping to develop a fan base quickly, but learned that people don’t value what is free. Though over 20K copies have been downloaded, very few seem to have been read, and even fewer have been reviewed. I was unlucky to attract an ill-wisher who thought it amusing to devalue every one of my few 5-star reviews. Perhaps that put off others from reviewing. Certainly, without good reviews, few readers cared to buy my books, so if you have enjoyed them, I really would appreciate a short review. With the next book, The Power of Art, I will be doubling all my prices, so they’ll never be cheaper than they are now. I believe that I am the only person writing Utopian books today, though mine are nothing like the political satires of yesteryear. My books are based on the power of love to bring out the best in everybody, to develop their souls and help them to evolve into higher beings. Ro started Galen, and she, Taj and their men lead their people to make Galen a true Utopia which reaches out to the stars. Cat lovers will adore Brinna, my sentient sabretooth, though we have intelligent dogs and dinosaurs too. Though you couldn’t call my series a space opera, I do have a space battle planned, probably the cutest ever written, but that is still a way off. I really will have to buckle down and get more books edited and published so I can write some more.

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    Book preview

    Rescue & Restoration - Lotta Bangs

    Silent Waiting Book 3

    Rescue & Restoration

    Lotta Bangs

    Smashwords Edition



    Lotta Bangs on Smashwords

    Rescue and Restoration 42,500 words

    Copyright 30 November 2012 by Lotta Bangs

    Cover by coverageart

    Cover title fonts: Bangkok, Baskerville Semibold Italic

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author / publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Please do not re-sell or give away this eBook to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase/obtain an additional copy for each reader or send them to Smashwords to obtain their own copy.

    If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase/obtain your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work and many years this author has spent at her crash-prone computer to produce this series.

    This is a work of fiction and does not in any way advocate irresponsible personal or sexual behavior. Names, places, businesses, characters, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

    Silent Waiting Book 3

    Rescue & Restoration

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 54 After the Draining

    Chapter 55 Dino and Lou

    Chapter 56 The Funeral

    Chapter 57 Healing the TY7 Escapees

    Chapter 58 The Rescue

    Chapter 59 Taj meets her Mother

    Chapter 60 Healing the Rescued TY7s & 8s

    Chapter 61 TY10s: Robots to Gigglers

    Chapter 62 The Preteen TY9 Snotfest

    Chapter 63 Neonates & Adoptions

    Chapter 64 A Crispee & Amoebae

    Chapter 65 Pool Ballet & Crisping

    Author’s Note

    Silent Waiting Book 3

    Rescue & Restoration

    Chapter 54

    After the Draining

    I awoke the next morning, feeling strangely drained and unaccountably diminished. I had my right arm under and around Zeke’s neck, and the other clutching firmly onto his nicely toned butt.

    He was so radiantly splendid. I felt insignificant and somehow dowdy in comparison.

    Nice arse, Lover, I whispered, loosening my grip.

    I quite like yours too, Ro, he smiled.

    Looks great from this angle, said Taj from behind me. I turned my head around.

    She was as naked as Zeke and I, her perfectly proportioned mignon body making me feel bonier and lumpier than ever, and she also seemed incandescently beautiful, enhanced somehow.

    Both of them were more than human, just glorious.

    Did we get up to anything kinky last night? I don’t seem to remember.

    "Hours of it kitten, but it was all fairly straight sex, just you and me, if that’s what you meant.

    If you had any threesome ideas, we could try them out later.

    Zeke’s eyes twinkled in anticipation. Well, he’d be waiting a long while.

    There’s not enough time now. You have a teaching appointment in the kitchen in three minutes, and there’s a Catholic funeral after that, so you had better dress for the funeral, and throw on a pinny or something.

    I was in and out of the shower in record time, dressed in a conservative navy suit, grey silk blouse, wedge-heeled court shoes, and a barely-there navy straw hat with a wisp of netting, my hair smoothed, looped and twisted into a large infinity-shaped bun low on my neck. Zeke blew me a kiss, Taj waved and I disappeared.

    Chapter 55

    Dino and Lou

    Senor Franco fussed around his kitchen. He checked the list he’d left on the computer, and added a few more ideas to try out.

    He was wondering about gooseberries and lychees. They didn’t seem to mix satisfactorily with anything else.

    There was a little tap at the door.

    Dino froze as he came in.

    That delectable young man, the Mother’s friend. Probably wants to steal my ideas to impress her.

    But what a handsome chap. Eye candy. Definitely. Straight, probably.

    Well, at least I got in one kiss. Though I’ve no idea how I got up the nerve to do it. I’m sure he responded and kissed me back too, before he pushed me away so gently.

    Maybe he’s one of those repressed types. You’d better be very careful. If he thinks you’re flirting he could get violent.

    What luscious lips he has. Maybe he’s bi.

    I should be so lucky.

    Still, there’s no law against dreaming.

    He’s coming straight over.

    He’s putting his hands up.

    Oh, Jesus, no.

    Don’t hit me!

    He put his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. Me!

    Omigod, what a kiss! What lips! What a kisser!

    He’s had plenty of practice.

    Omigod, I’m in love. Ooh, what bliss. Oh, take me, take me. I’m all yours. What a wonderful, gentle kiss.

    Who’d have thought it? He’s such a god, a living god.

    Well, they say the best looking men often are.

    But me? He came to me?

    I’m nothing special, and I’m so damned shy.

    I keep to myself and my kitchen and live with my dreams.

    And they’ve all been of him since I saw him that time, and he liked that fruit thing, the second one. Maybe he’s just thanking me for that dish.

    Well, enjoy it Dino. You’ll never be kissed like this again.


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