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Love misunderstood
Love misunderstood
Love misunderstood
Ebook52 pages47 minutes

Love misunderstood

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The adage 'It never rains but it pours' is especially true for Laura this Christmas season. Not only does Laura have to cope with the loss of her beloved husband Ben but her first love Lawrence turns up like a bad penny. She had never understood Lawrence's love for her. If he loved her as much as he professed, why did he have to leave her in the first place? Why did he push her into Ben's arms? After three decades out of her sight and mind, he is back to claim what he thinks is rightfully his. Will she cave in this time round? Will she finally understand what love means to him where she is concerned?

Release dateDec 2, 2012
Love misunderstood

SiewJin Christina Jee

At an early age, I was encouraged to read and write. As an only child, loneliness I have to fight My vivid imagination I grow to like These are some of the reasons why from teaching I retire to pursue the course I desire that is, write and inspire until the day I expire.

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    Love misunderstood - SiewJin Christina Jee



    SiewJin Christina Jee

    Copyright 2011 SiewJin Christina Jee

    Cover Art by T.Y. Wee

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Love misunderstood is a work of fiction. Though some actual towns. cities and locations may be mentionsed, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences were invented in the mind and imagination of the author. Any similarities of characters or names used within to any person past, present or future is coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author. Brief quotations may be embodied in critical articles or review.


    Chapter 1: The Homecoming

    Chapter 2: Hallucinations

    Chapter 3: Recollections

    Chapter 4: The Set-up

    Chapter 5: The Prickly Past

    Chapter 6: Laying out the bait

    Other titles by SiewJin Christina Jee

    SiewJin Christina Jee online

    Chapter 1: The homecoming


    ‘Ron, Ron,’ I shrieked and flung my arms around his neck, dragging his face down to my own and planting resounding kisses on it in quick succession. Ronald was my brother, younger than me by two years but towering over me now by some twenty centimeters. With Mum and Dad so engrossed with each other, we two formed an alliance very early in life and had been inseparable until my university days. It was just so wonderful to see and touch him again.

    ‘…and the traffic in Sibu was horrible,’ I prattled on happily. ‘It seems that the whole town was out shopping. I thought I’d missed the flight again. Stop doing that.’ The last bit coming out a little exasperatedly as Ron for the umpteenth time unclasped the possessive hand I had around his elbow and shifted it into his palm.

    ‘Jeez, sis,’ he rolled his eyes at me and beseeched, ‘If you haven’t noticed, there are some very hot chicks around and if they see me with you like this, they would think we are an item.’

    I glanced around and there were really some very attractive girls in the vicinity. With my tongue in cheek, the imp in me shrilled out, ‘Ronnie dear, we ARE an item, always and forever shall be.’ As the horror registered on his stunned face, I ran ahead, singing what we concocted a long time ago, ‘See a doctor never, D and R forever….’

    A few long strides and Ron was right beside me, drawing me towards our family car. Now that any hope of landing a girl was gone, he grinned affectionately at the only one he had left and said, ‘Sis, if anyone ever inquired why I ended up unmarried, I’d say it was your fault.’ Then jangling his keys over the car roof, he turned serious and said, ‘Lord, it’s good to have you back with us. Home’s just not the same with Dad gone and you away at work.’

    People say panic come in waves. Well, mine came in a tsunami. I dashed over to Ron’s side, bags and all. ‘What’s up, Ron? Something’s not quite right. I could sense that while talking over the phone lines. Even though every time I rang and inquired, Mum and you answered, ‘Fine’, I could tell things were not fine. That’s why I took a whole month off this time. Is it Mum? Is she sick?’

    ‘Yes and no,’ my brother turned me round

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