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Naked Rebel
Naked Rebel
Naked Rebel
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Naked Rebel

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A spy that prefers to work alone, Nick Royster’s assignment is turned upside down when his superiors sends him a personal companion. Not appreciating the need to watch someone else’s back, he attends a dinner of Salsar’s inner group. Only to learn, he has to sacrifice Rane to get the information he needs to end the war.

Rane knows the important of winning. Her family slaughtered by Salsar, this is her homeland and she plans to do whatever it takes to win her peoples’ freedom.

With everything on the line, can these two have any future together or does love and war equal heartache?

PublisherAnita Philmar
Release dateDec 3, 2012
Naked Rebel

Anita Philmar

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.Influenced by sci-fi programs, she enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genres, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.Naughty or Nice?Read her book and decide.

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    Book preview

    Naked Rebel - Anita Philmar

    Blurb –

    A spy that prefers to work alone, Nick Royster’s assignment is turned upside down when his superiors sends him a personal companion. Not appreciating the need to watch someone else’s back, he attends a dinner of Salsar’s inner group. Only to learn, he has to sacrifice Rane to get the information he needs to end the war.

    Rane knows the important of winning. Her family slaughtered by Salsar, this is her homeland and she plans to do whatever it takes to win her peoples’ freedom.

    With everything on the line, can these two have any future together or does love and war equal heartache?

    Anita Philmar Other Books

    Black Dragon’s Series

    Black Dragon’s Blood

    Black Dragon’s Moon

    Black Dragon’s Heart

    Banished – Three Erotic Stories

    Banished Hero

    Banished Scoundrel

    Banished Witch

    Short Stories

    Fairy Fun

    Texas Passion

    Hog-Tied and Branded

    Hot Prairie Nights – Free Read

    Other Stories


    Naked Rebel

    New Hot Historical Western series – Naked Bluff, Texas

    In Deep Water

    In Too Deep

    Duty’s Bride

    More Than Ready

    Naked Rebel

    By Anita Philmar


    To all the wonderful people fighting for our freedom.

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * * *

    Published by:

    Anita Philmar

    Copyright December 2012 by Anita Philmar

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    The roar of the Vortarian mining equipment burst through the door and a voice competed with the ruckus. Is anyone in here named Nick Royster?

    Nick shifted his focus away from the geographic charts of the site to the man standing at his office door. The man held up his data device. He has a package.

    The musty stench of the destruction outside clung to the carrier’s bright-orange suit. The man ushered a person covered from head to toe in a black cloak into the office and shut the heavy steel door.

    And what are you delivering? Vince, Nick’s office mate and right-hand manager, asked as he walked around his desk. We’re not expecting any deliveries.

    The carrier grinned and held out his log. It says right here. Nick Royster is to receive a Miss Harlot Winters’ deluxe companion.

    What? Nick jumped to his feet.

    He sincerely hoped this wasn’t his agency contact’s idea of a joke. MOM, short for Matthew O’Malley, said he’d be receiving a package but he never expected this. A knot formed in the pit of his stomach. Yes, this assignment was taking more time than expected but he didn’t need any help. Especially not this kind.

    Who sent him a companion? Vince asked with a grin.

    The deliveryman checked his readout. A Ms. Urma Royster.

    You got to be kidding. Your mom sent you a woman. Vince stepped over to the hooded person and leaned in close to view the lady through her black veil.

    Nick yanked the gritty hand-held device from the carrier and reviewed the delivery information. Yes, well, I guess she got tired of me trying to find one on my own. After all, how many nice single women want to live at a nustru site? Dirt flying night and day, randy men on the prowl, and living in conditions that rival a slum. It’s not very conducive to romance.

    Just put your thumb imprint there on the bottom, and she’s all yours. The deliveryman pointed to the square in the right corner of the display.

    Nick didn’t like the change in his assignment. He’d sweated through this highly sensitive tour of duty for the past two years with the possibility of being discovered every moment. At this late date, the department didn’t need to jeopardize the mission by introducing someone new to the mix. Not when he stood on the brink of learning just what they needed to know to put an end to the war between his world and Vortar.

    Unable to refuse the delivery without causing a scene, Nick followed the man’s direction and handed him back his tracking tool.

    Hell, why do they cover them up so? I can’t see what she looks like at all. Vince tugged at the hood but the lady stepped back and shook her head.

    That’s the privilege of the person who purchased her. He’s the first to see her. The deliveryman opened the office door. The blaring noise from outside invaded the room again. With no more than a small wave, the carrier left.

    The renewed silence bounced around in Nick’s head. What was he supposes to do now?

    Take the girl back to my place and fuck her.

    The monitor in his room would record their every move. Salzar, the owner of the mine, would probably get off on hearing the exchange.

    Hell, everyone in the encampment would be salivating at his good fortune. Most would give a month’s salary to be in his shoes, but he didn’t want to be saddled with this woman. He worked alone.

    Guess you better take her back to your quarters and unveil her. Vince’s voice rang with the raunchy insinuations of what else Nick would do with the innocent woman.

    He walked around his desk and motioned for the lady to follow him. If you have any problems, Vince, you know where I’ll be.

    Yes, you lucky son—

    To cut off the expletive, Nick opened the door and walked through. Like it or not he had to spend the next few hours with his new...companion.


    I know it’s not much, but its home. At least for the last few months it’d been. Once he’d reached the rank of top miner, it’d taken less than a year to make head foreman. Yet, he still didn’t know the location of nustru’s purification plant.

    Nice. A muffled voice rang through his small two-room unit.

    He glanced around at the bare walls. She couldn’t be serious.

    Yes, he didn’t have to live in a tent, but the place wasn’t a proper home for a woman either. An ugly brown couch stood right by the door while a yellow counter with a cooler and stove occupied the opposite wall. The doorway to the back led to a tiny bathroom and an even smaller bedroom.

    Not willing to argue about how

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