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Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5
Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5
Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Tis the season as they say, and the fifth issue of Uncharted Frontier EZine embraces that season! Every story and picture within in some way, shape or form embraces winter or the holidays. But not every story within features the warming, loving spirit of the season!

Mikey Dorin has to work on Christmas, which could turn out to be a bad thing for whoever is the target of his "job."

We also feature our first book excerpt! Previous contributor, W. Jack Savage, has shared his book with all of us at Uncharted Frontier, called The Children Shall Be Blameless. We loved it so much that we invited him to submit an excerpt to us. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did, it's a fantastic story that stands on it's own!

Kara H. Drescher weaves a tale about the magical bond between a man and man's best friend, his dog Seb.

More stories lurk within to keep you turning pages to the end! Not to mention we have more amazing photography featured by: Cheri Sundra, Allison Walker, and Cheyenne Foreman!

PublisherAllan Kaspar
Release dateDec 4, 2012
Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5

Allan Kaspar

Allan is the Chief Editor and Publisher of Uncharted Frontier EZine, the premier EZine for the soon-to-be famous creative artists, writers and photographers who deserve to have a voice to the world!He is a life-long writer, RPG fanatic, and video game afficienado, whose video game reviews have appeared in Games for Windows Magazine, Mentality Magazine, Gamespot featured community reviews, and more.He spends his time in Pennsylvania frequenting old book stores, coffee shops, and Guitar Centers.

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    Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5 - Allan Kaspar

    Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 5

    December 2012 Issue

    Published by Allan Kaspar at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Allan Kaspar

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please return to to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.


    Table of Contents

    Happy Holidays -- From The Editor

    Soldier Boy -- by John Grey

    Shattered Legend -- by Kara Hatshepsut Drescher

    The Horse Knows the Way -- by Matt McGee

    Ginger Snapped -- by Allan Kaspar

    New Publishing Frontier -- Interview with W. Jack Savage

    Contributor Bios


    A Happy Holidays!

    From The Editor

    Welcome back to the Frontier! Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Yuletide, Happy Holidays! I say Merry Christmas because, hell, I can’t break the habit. Whether you celebrate that or one of the many others that are out there, no one can deny this is a special time of year. A time for snow, warm fireplaces, eggnog (with a swig of brandy if you’re like me), and spending time with family and friends.

    Our December issue sets its own course for the holiday season, in that each of our stories reflects something about the season we’re in. This doesn’t mean that every story in here has to do with Christmas. It could reflect something about the winter season. Maybe it’s the loneliness one feels away from family in such times. It fits in some way, but we leave it to you to decide how. It worked for us, we hope it works for you! Moreover to simply sit by a warm fire and enjoy a damn good tale.

    We’re doing something a little different with this issue, in that we’re featuring an excerpt from one of our contributor’s upcoming books, The Children Shall Be Blameless. We hope this serves as an inspiration for our readers who are aspiring writers! While we do not pay for contributions, we’re good friends to have and will happily promote our contributor’s side projects and books. Same goes for our photographers and artists of course!

    We’re in the process of getting listed on the Writer’s Market, The Illustrator’s Market, and The Artist’s Market. We look forward to hearing from all of you, and hope you enjoy yet another great edition of Uncharted Frontier. Stay warm, and welcome back to the Frontier!

    *** Back To Top

    Soldier Boy

    A Poem by John Grey

    That’s me, a pawn on the board of the Vicksburg Campaign.

    I was handed a rifle, taught to shoot instead of think.

    I fired a few rounds into the distant smoke, heard the occasional cry of a hit.

    I took a ball, the size of a pupil, in my right eye. Another cracked my ear-drum.

    I staggered around with a bloody bandage swathing half my head.

    It was Champion’s Hill, May of 1863, and I could barely remember

    whether I was Blue or Gray, advancing or retreating.

    And was it Grant or Johnston, Lincoln or Lee who gave the orders?

    And what was the cause? Slavery? States’ rights?

    You could have told me the king’s beard and I’d have believed.

    I fell in a heap eventually, a squished-up baby in a muddy uniform.

    They dragged me to the hospital tent where a stranger wiped my brow,

    vomited at the sight of my crimson socket.

    But I was patched up somehow, bundled into a train, sent north, or was that south?

    Eventually, I was shunted off to a town that looked familiar

    and a farm with a footprint here and there that fit my boot.

    I was hugged by those who had no idea what they were hugging.

    And shunned by the ones with nothing honest to say.

    My good ear heard the war was over.

    My bad ear’s excuse was, Well if that’s what you want to believe.

    *** Back To Top

    ~~Winter in Florida by Cheyenne Foreman

    Shattered Legend

    By Kara Hatshepsut Drescher

    San Diego, California was paradise to many people but to Alain Broccard it was home, a home that had become mundane. On the outside, he had done very well for himself. He had a wealthy condo in Mission Valley and a private practice where he worked as a psychologist but nothing made him happy lately…save for his faithful canine, service dog companion Sebastian Bach.

    He had picked up Seb at the young age of only a month and a half old from a breeder and had raised him ever since along with a personal trainer. It had felt like fate. He had been drawn from the ad in the paper to go and check out the puppies that day and when Sebby looked at him right in the eyes, dead center, he just knew that the two of them were meant to be a team for life. He’d never felt that strongly about an animal before even though he’d prided himself on being an animal lover most of

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