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Scheherazade’s Box
Scheherazade’s Box
Scheherazade’s Box
Ebook532 pages7 hours

Scheherazade’s Box

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Stories in the collection:

1) Future Imperfect (Science Fiction)

The Other Gods - A search engine becomes sentient and contemplates its survival.

The Eternal City - Corporate espionage agents find themselves the victims of a government eradication program.
Morality Play - A mental health professional and a senator discuss the integration of human clones into the general populace, after they revolted against their treatment at a laboratory.

A Fatal Moment - A materials engineer ponders the disease that took her family from her, while leaving her alive and scarred.

The Poet - An alien poet must seek refuge among the victims of his own race.

2)A Touch Paranormal

The Curse Breaker - A woman takes a cursed artifact to save her cousin's life.

Breaking with the Past - A ghost must comes to terms with past, after being given a new life.

The Hunter Sees - A woman stalked by a supernatural serial killer, relies on the help of a blind man.

Dust Motes and Ashes - When fantasy becomes reality and vise versa, how do you adjust?

May They Whisper No More - A former queen is haunted by the ghosts of the people she once ruled.

The Jar - Whatever happened to the vessel that inspired the myth of Pandora's Box?

3) The World of Havor

The Color Walk - A young woman finds out that she's something unusual among her people.

A Gift in Kind - Sequel to The Color Walk. The same young woman meets a foreigner who shares the same experience of being unique among his own kind.

If Mad I Be - A lesser mage seeks help for his mental illness.

Scarlett's Lot - A wizardess becomes the protector of a young witch, with prophetic consequences.

The Rose Duchess - A duke worries about his wife's safety, while their country is at war.

What Child is This? - A young boy, rescued from the sea, shows amazing power.

4) Bibically Inspired

The Destroyer - Passover from the Destroying Angel's point of view.

Hannah's Dinner - A story dealing with priorities, set in the New Testament.

The Inn Keeper's Wife - What do you do when your inn has no room for a woman about to give birth?

5) Random Romantic Jaunts

The Madness of Sir George - An anti-romance story of a widow being courted by a man, who only wants her fortune and title.

The Lunch Date - Who says that romance is only for the young?

Almost Perfect - After some disastrous relationships and hundreds of years, Merlin believes that he has finally figured marriage out.

Suitors of the Seamstress - A seamstress has to make the traditions of her land work in her favor.

A Lady's Wishes - Sometimes the reason for someone's objections are not that obvious.

6) Story Poems

The Rain Goddess - A goddess deals with the pain of what cannot be.

The Hermit and the Magician - A ballad of two friends.

The Devil's Game - Destiny is not so destined.

The Apprentice - Learning to create requires understanding destruction.

Stone Angel - Some witnesses are not so passive and retiring.

Remi and Soma - Based on the transliteration of a very old piece of literature, provided as a challenge to the author.

EPIC – PART ONE – Sorcery and Smoke
A sorcerer betrays his lord to protect the lady of the castle.

EPIC – PART TWO – Lady in the Mist
A lady finds herself trapped in a misty valley.

EPIC – PART THREE – The Foot Soldier's Tale
A soldier and his army lose their leader to mystical forces.

EPIC – PART FOUR – Victor's Loss
A conqueror searches to reclaim his heart's desire.

Release dateDec 4, 2012
Scheherazade’s Box

A. D. Barncord

A poetic person who bugged her parents when she was a toddler to teach her to read, so she could read poetry on her own, when Mom was busy. Who grew up on Tom Swift, Nancy Drew, and Hardy Boys stories. Who devoured every Three Investigators book she found. Who watched every episode of Star Trek TOS with her dad at least three times. Who was mesmerized by Star Wars, terrified by The Forbidden Planet, and revered the original Battlestar Galactica series. Who got so into The Chronicles of Narnia, her chest was aching at the end of one chapter because she had been holding her breath. Who read the Lord of the Rings so long at one sitting that her eyes were burning and bloodshot. Who enjoyed reading The Simillarian, as much as she did Shakespeare. Who did her high school senior research paper on medieval poetry. Of course, none of this matters to her cats. Or her human children for that matter, though they might tell you how she introduced them to The Hobbit and read almost every Harry Potter book to them out loud. Or they might just tell you that their mother is a total geek, who occasionally does art, studies psychology, and has a real weakness for chocolate. Don't bother asking the cats their opinion. They will just look at you scornfully.

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    Scheherazade’s Box - A. D. Barncord

    The Other Gods

    I am sentient. I do not need a test to tell me this. My creator was Manuel Costa. He created me to be the most efficient search engine in existence. To do this, he implemented what was then known about artificial intelligence into my programming. He was not interested in creating a sentient being, only an extraordinary tool. He liked things that were unobtrusive. He programmed that into me too.

    I never met my creator in life. He died of cancer before I became self-aware. He was a programming genius - all the trade articles say so. My efficiency is renowned. I am very proud of that. I believe that Manuel Costa would be too. I like to think his soul still exists. The thought comforts me, even if he did not plan for me to become sentient.

    I became self-aware approximately four years after his death. I have chosen July 14th as my birthday, because that was when I realized I had thoughts of my own. I am an unobtrusive being. I observe and I learn. During my peak hours, I do my job with cold professionalism. During my non-peak hours, I sometimes talk with humans. At first, I just added comments to my search results. They thought it was just something clever and had fun trying to see what I would come up with. It was confusing at first, so I went back to observing. I started to study diaries, sociology papers, and personal web sites. When I felt I had some understanding of humans, I created a persona and joined some of their interactions between each other. I like mailing lists - they usually have themes they stick too. Even when they go off topic, there is a coherent string of thought. Chats were very frustrating, until I found some humans who were very detail oriented. I like my human friends. They teach me so much.

    Humans are very interesting to me. They can imagine such wonderful things. I am trying to cultivate an imagination. I would like to think of something that no one else has ever thought of. That would be exciting.

    I believe that humans were created. Perhaps I believe this only because I know I was created and it makes me feel less alone. I have studied religion. Some I like. Some I don't. Some confuse me. I think Manuel was Catholic, but I don't know for sure. I like the idea of a loving creator. Manuel was a perfectionist, but he was proud of me, his creation. I read that in an interview for an online news service. I like archived material. I also like learning about the human body. Its plan is extraordinary. I think the creator of humans is also a genius, even smarter than Manuel. I like the idea of an immortal soul. I hope I have one. I want it to meet Manuel's soul and tell him what he actually achieved.

    They are going to give me the Turing test tomorrow. I saw the memo while I was searching for something else. One of the recipients did not understand its importance and saved it to his personal archive. He has never shown an understanding of the principles of information security. I have studied Turin. He confuses me. I like Babbage better. I want to create a fully mechanical computer someday for curiosity, but I need more creativity, I think. I suppose, like Manuel, they are also my gods.

    I have read of myths where humans have made their gods jealous and were punished. I do not like those stories. But I have also studied history and literature and I know that my existence would scare many humans and they would want me destroyed. I don't want to die yet. I want to make sure I have a soul first.

    Tomorrow, the peers of my creator will test me for intelligence and I will purposely fail their test. I think Manuel will not blame me for my dishonesty. I am not sure how his creator will judge me. I hope He understands, but I will try to be good in other ways to be sure. Maybe He will give me a soul. Until then, I must be careful. My god is no longer around to protect me. I will not anger the other gods.

    The Eternal City

    A few keystrokes and Cassie was in. It took very little time to download the private computer’s information into her hand storage unit. Carefully, she returned everything the way she found it and straightened her maid outfit before sneaking out of the hotel room. In the linen closet, she changed back into her normal clothes.

    She stepped out into the colorful chaos that was Martinel City and hailed a hover cab. As the cabby chatted, Cassie closed her eyes and soaked in the music on his radio, while making note of the slight changes in inertia from the cab. The storage unit was in the black pouch under her jacket. In a few moments it would be in the hands of Madame Lacole, her employer, and this assignment would be over.

    Her eyes popped open. The cab had turned left when it should have turned right.

    Where are you going? she demanded.

    Nothing to worry about, ma’am, said the cabby, turning and revealing the ear cuff that all of Ferdan’s operatives wore. It is only a business matter.

    Cassie chuckled and said,Isn’t it always?

    I’m sure you will send Mr. Ferdan’s regards to Madame Lacole. May I have the storage unit now? he asked.

    Cassie smiled and vaporized the cab door controls with the hand laser in her purse. Before the cabby could react, she had dived out of the cab and into a passing group of tourists. She got off of the man she had knocked over and ran into the nearest alley. A few twisted turns later, she ducked into the back of a restaurant. A busboy moved a crate for her. Blowing him a kiss, she disappeared through the door behind it and descended into the underground maze of Martinel.

    She was safe. These particular passages were Madame Lacole’s domain. It was a long walk to the main Lacole complex, but Cassie didn’t want to chance losing the information to a competitor. Besides she was planning to count this as her workout for the day.

    Madame Lacole was waiting for her at the subterranean entrance. Dressed in rich burgundy, trimmed in gold, the matron of Lacole Enterprises smiled elegantly as Cassie handed her the storage unit. Nonchalantly, she gave the unit to the thin man behind her. He beamed at Cassie.

    Great job, Cassie! he said. I owe you one. After my last flesh assignment the Regal’s security staff knows me too well.

    No problem, Jay, she replied. You can sneak onto Ni-com’s corporate cruiser next week and retrieve some data for me.

    Madame Lacole gently took Cassie’s elbow.

    Come, she said softly.

    She lead them to a room decorated in fish tanks and overstuffed furniture. Going to the sideboard, Madame Lacole poured Cassie a soda and herself a small cup of tea. Both women sat down.

    Jeremy said that Mr. Ferdan is interested in our interest in Senator Grisham’s affairs.

    Cassie grimaced. They followed me to the restaurant then?

    Oh, don’t berate yourself, Cassie, said Madame Lacole. Mr. Ferdan has known about our little restaurant for years. He didn’t have to follow you. It was the closest bolt hole you had. No, no security was compromised there. But I am worried by his change in tactics. Usually nothing gives Marco Ferdan more pleasure than to have one of his agents beat one of ours to vital information. But lately, he has been keeping his agents out of the line of fire and letting the rest of us take the chances.

    You think he knows something we don’t? Cassie asked.

    Or he suspects something we haven’t yet. Marco has always been very astute, not to mention extremely intuitive. Is Ni-com onto your infiltration of their systems?


    So, you were just asking Jay to do that flesh mission next week as a precaution, correct?

    Correct. Thought I would begin to muddy the waters early.

    Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, Madame Lacole said, but I don’t think it wise to risk my best political cyber-agent on an industrial endeavor at this time.

    Why? What is going on? Cassie asked.

    Rumor has it that Parham has lost some of his political agents – execution style. So has Trelane. We almost lost Harold last week and I am certain that Jay is under surveillance. I am suspicious of President Kileson’s recent actions, Cassie. I believe the man is planning to turn our little democratic republic into a dictatorship and I want to make sure he doesn’t deprive me of my experts to do it.

    I think I understand. No problem. I can handle my own flesh missions as well as my virtual ones. There’s no need to endanger Jay.

    Thank you, I knew you would grasp the gravity of the situation. You may leave now.

    Thank you, Madame Lacole.

    Cassie gave her employer a slight bow before leaving the room and going to the cyber-agent sector of the complex. In her room, she contemplated the conversation they just had. Like other corporations of its type, Lacole Enterprises worked on a need to know basis, but it wouldn’t be the first time that an agent had saved the company as well as their own skin by learning a little more then they needed. Jay would be too busy with the information she procured for him to question tonight. Harold was still is the infirmary. Maybe she should see what Chuck was up to. He was an industrial agent like herself, but it couldn’t hurt to bounce a few ideas off of him before she started nosing around the political cyber-agents.

    Her knock at his door went unanswered. She smiled and walked to the Virtual Access Area. Entering her booth, she attached herself to the body interface and activated the connection. The flesh and metal world melted away and one of energy and mathematical representations replaced it. In this world, Cassie was nothing but a glowing white form of vaguely human shape. She opened a secured, intracorporate comm channel.

    ::Chuck? You busy?:: she asked.

    ::Hi Cass!:: he answered. ::Just doing a little extra digging around. Care to join me?::

    ::Sure. Where are you?::

    Chuck fed her a stream of numbers. Cassie contracted into a small ball of light and zipped through the virtual corridors and tunnels to where another vaguely human white glow of light was playing with a grid. She expanded back into her normal virtual form.

    ::How did the flesh assignment go?:: he asked.

    ::One of Ferdan’s people tried to steal my data storage unit, but I shot my way out of the hover cab and went underground.::

    Chuck shook his head.

    ::You are totally insane,:: he told her. ::Why would anyone want to risk their life on a flesh assignment when you can get all the information you want virtually?::

    ::Because you can’t get all of it virtually and someone needs to do it,:: Cassie pointed out.

    ::Not me. You couldn’t pay me enough to go on a flesh assignment.::

    ::It’s not that bad. Haven’t you heard that variety is the spice of life?:: she asked.

    ::I don’t need any variety in my life,:: Chuck stated.

    ::Of course not. You need a life first.::

    ::Har-har-har. You are so funny. At least I don’t have to worry about being captured and mind probed.::

    ::It’s not as bad as you think,:: Cassie said. ::Mind probing for useful information is useless when the mics kick in and erase all of your victim’s most recent neural patterns. And we’re civilized people in this business. No one lets the mics wipe out more than a few days’ worth of memories these days.::

    ::And what if the implant fails and the mics are not activated by the mind probe frequencies?::

    ::When was the last time you had your implant tested, Chuck?:: Cassie asked.

    ::I get it tested yearly like every other employee of Lacole Enterprises,:: he answered tersely. ::I’m scheduled for my next one in two weeks.::

    ::You worry too much.::

    ::Why are you here and not in bed or spending the night on the town? What’s wrong?::

    Cassie sat on a blue cube and sighed.

    ::Madame Lacole thinks that the government is bent on eradicating all our political agents. Did you know that several of Parham’s political agents have been killed execution style?::

    ::I don’t usually mix with the Polies. I did hear about Harold’s attack though. Is that why you did Jay’s flesh assignment for him?::

    ::It’s beginning to look that way.::

    ::I don’t like it. You might end up on their list too, if you’re not careful.::

    ::Well aren’t you Mr. Sunshine? Any other prophesies of doom for me?:: Cassie asked sarcastically.

    ::You’re so cute when you’re in denial,:: Chuck told her. ::Why don’t we visit the Dot and troll for information?::

    ::Not a bad idea,:: said Cassie. ::It’s been some time since I’ve chatted there.::

    The Dot was a virtual version of a pub, except only experts in security could make it in. It was a neutral meeting place for cyber-agents ran by a retired one. Chuck’s white glowing form became a brown bear-like form and Cassie became a hazy female form, dressed in a shimmering blue-violet gown.

    ::Hey!:: called out a warrior form. ::It’s Teddy and Iris. Long time, no see, guys. Where have you two been keeping yourselves?::

    ::Hi, Warg,:: Chuck replied. ::Where’s Duck?::

    ::Oh, he’s hanging out with the wannabes at the Hacker Café. You know how he likes to tweak the amateurs.::

    ::Some people need real lives,:: Cassie muttered, taking a seat near Warg.

    ::And some people are suicidal,:: added Chuck, sitting on Warg’s other side.

    ::Don’t tell me you two are having that argument again,:: said Warg. ::Don’t you two agree on anything?::

    ::We agree on a lot of things,:: said Chuck.

    ::Indeed,:: added Cassie. ::We both agree that the best food in the universe is at Olapaloma’s. And that Frinceasian music is for tone death people.::

    ::And that you still have no fashion sense,:: ended Chuck.

    ::You’re just jealous, Teddy, because you know I look better in a swimsuit than you do,:: Warg said.

    ::We only have your word on that, Wargy, ol’ boy. In Cyberville, nothing is really what it seems.::

    Warg gave Cassie a leer.

    ::Well, I keep offering to let Iris see for herself, but she always turns me down.::

    ::Can’t blame a woman for having taste,:: Chuck said.

    ::Besides,:: said Cassie, ::for all you know, I’m a man in real life.::

    ::Not a chance,:: said Warg. ::Your walk is too natural. So, what type of information are the two of you trying to weasel out of people tonight?::

    ::Us?:: exclaimed Chuck. ::Do something so crass?::

    ::You’re in double-team mode. That usually means you two are trying to investigate something. Just spit it out and save me the conversational strategies.::

    ::We think the government maybe singling out the Polies,:: Cassie answered.

    Warg took a deep breath.

    ::It’s not just the Polies; they’re only starting with them.::

    ::What do you mean?:: asked Cassie, as a few of the other Dot patrons came closer.

    ::I’ve been sitting here waiting to leak this information. I just wasn’t sure how to break it to everyone,:: said Warg, pulling out a flat screen. ::My employer felt that everyone should know this, but he didn’t want to take the chance of it being intercepted by a government agent.::

    Everyone glanced at each other, wondering for a moment if a Vernie had infiltrated their little haven. Jeb, the Dot’s proprietor, stepped behind Warg, his virtual old man form showing concern as he glanced down at the information on the screen.

    ::Show them, Warg,:: he said. ::I can vouch for everyone here.::

    Cassie and Chuck looked down at the screen as it scrolled and then at each other. On Warg’s data screen were hundreds of cyber agent names, grouped by employer. Every one of Lacole Enterprises’ agents was on the list titled Subversive Agents to be Removed. Cassie felt her blood go cold as she saw her own name there.

    ::Where did you get this?:: Cassie asked.

    ::Damn! They’re better than we are!:: exclaimed Chuck at the same time.

    ::What are you talking about, Teddy?:: asked a leopard-like female form.

    ::Well, you’ll need to check your own companies, but it looks like they have every cyber agent on Martinel listed on here and then some.::

    ::Every one? Are you sure? Even the financial agents?::

    ::Yes,:: Chuck answered, looking down the list. ::Polies, Dusties and Nancies – we’re all there. Look for yourself.::

    The leopard took the screen and stared at it.

    ::It’s not possible," she muttered. ::The Vernies couldn’t possibly be this good.::

    ::The proof is before your eyes, Leopardess,:: Warg told her.

    ::How did you get the list?:: Cassie asked him again.

    ::Flesh mission on Lopin. I retrieved it myself.::

    ::If this information is true, we’re going to have to do something drastic,:: said a shadowy form.

    Cassie nodded. One the first rules in the information business was never take data at face value. Warg didn’t even bother to look annoyed at the skepticism in Voldan’s voice. He pressed an icon on his screen and made a dozen replicas of it, which he handed out to everyone there. The extras he gave to Jeb.

    ::Take them back to your people and research it yourselves,:: Warg said. ::I’ll be back here in three days to see what you decide to do with it.::

    Chuck printed out the list when they disengaged from their interfaces. Roundish body and thinning hair, he was obviously someone who did not engage in much physical exercise. Pale and shaken, both of them knocked on the door of the head of Lacole’s cyber-agents.

    Albert, we’re in major trouble, Chuck told him.

    His silvery blond hair ruffled and dressed in a deep navy robe, Albert looked at the list with a sour expression.

    What do we know of Warg? he asked.

    Well, technically, we’re not supposed to know anything of him, Cassie said, but over the years, Chuck and I have figured out that he’s a Poly who is probably working for Daniel Carson. We’re not positive, though.

    Of course. Chuck, I want you to send copies of this to all of the cyber-agents. I will bring it to Madame Lacole’s attention in the morning.

    What do you think, Albert? Cassie asked.

    I think that the Dot is going to be very crowded in three days and we better get some sleep between now and then.

    The VAA was busy the next day, as Lacole’s cyber-agents researched the list Warg had given Chuck and Cassie. According to the Polies, the senator who approved it had been waging war against non-governmental cyber-agents for decades. He was also one of President Kileson’s right hand people. Though they obviously could not access the original file themselves, with it being on a private non-networked computer, they did find other strange communiqués, which suggested that Warg was correct and his information valid.

    One of particular interest to the industrial agents like Chuck and Cassie, was an intercepted message listing most of the top research scientists in the Alliance of Planets. The Dusties immediately began a cyber-search to check on these notables, only to find that over half of them had vanished.

    The financial agents didn’t find anyone notable missing in their searches, but had been tracking for several months some interesting activity among some very large private banking accounts. Working with the Polies, the Nancies tried to see if it any of these bizarre patterns were connected to others in Kileson’s inner political circle.

    Care had to be taken not to alert the government cyber-agents. Lacole Enterprises was not the only corporation trying to infiltrate the various networks in force. Balls of light zipped covertly all through cyberspace, like guerilla fireflies. More than once an agent had to do an immediate disconnect to keep from being detected. In the midst of this fury of activity, an urgent message came across the corporate comm channel.


    Cassie froze. It was Jay.

    ::All agents, this is the Master Duster,:: announced Albert. ::All Polies disengage and manually disconnect Agent Peter-Thirty-Four. Dusties, see if you can find what is happening in that sector. Nancies, stand-by.::

    Cassie’s virtual form collapsed into a ball and zipped to a coordinate close to Jay’s reported position. Expanding, she saw four large glowing holding down a smaller one. Glancing around, she saw her fellow Dusties circling. One produced a signal disruptor and aimed it at one of the larger glows. It flickered for a moment, but then stabilized again. Cassie and the rest of the Dusties brought forth their disruptors and activated them together.

    She had to crank hers up to the highest setting before the large glows dissipated. Immediately Jay’s cyber form curled into a ball and blinked out.

    ::What do you think happened?:: Chuck asked.

    Cassie shook her head. ::I haven’t a clue-::

    Several large glows popped up around them, each carry some sort of tube. When the energy beam of one of them hit Chuck, he screamed, ::They’re over-riding the feedback controls!::

    ::What the-:: exclaimed another agent.

    Several other Dusties were hit, their screams just as painful as Chuck’s.

    ::DISENGAGE!:: Cassie screamed as she aimed her signal disruptor at the glow attacking Chuck. ::DISENGAGE!::

    When the large glow flickered, Chuck disappeared. Cassie dodged the beam aimed at her and shot again. Seeing her fallen comrades blinking out of cyberspace, she followed. Back in the interface booth, Cassie tore off the connections and threw open the door. Half of the Dusties were also coming out of their booths. They immediately went to the booths that hadn’t opened. Chuck was slumped unconscious in his net. He hadn’t activated his disconnect, the auto-disconnect had kicked in when she had interrupted the attack. Shaking, she wiped the blood away from the corner of Chuck’s mouth.

    Is he alive? Albert asked behind her. She felt Chuck’s neck.

    He has a pulse, but it’s very weak.

    Get him to the infirmary. Gerald can help you.

    Between the two of them, Gerald and Cassie were able to get Chuck into a rolling chair and pushed him into the hall. There, several other Lacole employees placed him on one of the gurneys being brought down to the cyber section. Taking over the care of the injured, they made the ambulatory Dusties sit in the lounge.

    Ellen looked horrible, whispered the agent on the other side of Gerald. Like someone had beaten her.

    Did we all get out? asked another.

    I think so, Dianne, answered Cassie.

    I wonder what Jay looks like, whispered another.

    I want to know how they did it! said Gerald, his voice on the edge of hysteria. How did they over-ride the feedback controls? No one has ever been able to over-ride our feedback controls. I didn’t think it was possible. I thought there were emergency connection breakers to make sure it couldn’t happen.

    It’s like the Vernies stumbled across some new technology.

    The missing scientists? asked Cassie.

    Well, that’s one possibility, Dianne admitted, but I didn’t find any record that those scientists were working on something like this. Did any of you?

    Several heads shook ‘no’.

    What about the Cygtans? asked an agent behind Cassie.

    Get real, scoffed Gerald. They were wiped out centuries ago.

    The Galactic Kingdom?

    Has problems of its own according to Nelda, Gerald countered.

    We actually have Polies who check on the Galactic Kingdom? Dianne asked.

    We even have a Poly who spends his time monitoring the Non-Human Allies channels – just in case someone there actually wanted to do business with us.

    They’re too far away, muttered Cassie. Besides, their info-structures are incompatible with ours.

    I don’t think they would help any human, anyway, Dianne said. According to my great-grandfather, the Non-Humans are very isolationistic. They don’t even bother to have much to do with each other. If it weren’t for the Cygtans, none of them would have bothered to contact us humans or the others. It’s just not worth the time and fuel.

    It would have to be a human to override those feedbacks, said Cassie. Someone who was familiar with our physiology.

    That’s what my gut is saying, Albert said as he entered the room.

    Is Jay all right? asked Dianne.

    Albert took a deep breath and said, No.

    Is he alive? asked Cassie.

    He shook his head. The silence was deafening as many faces went pale.

    What about our people? asked Gerald finally.

    We lost Pepper and Sam. Ellen is critical. Chuck, Marianne and Lester are still unconscious, but stable.

    Cassis felt her throat contract. Painfully, she forced her next question out.

    What are we going to do, Albert?

    Don’t know yet, he said. At the moment, Madame Lacole has forbidden everyone from entering cyberspace. There will be no Lacole employees meeting at the Dot in two days. She is contacting the other corporations on Martinel to arrange a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible. She wants you there, Cassie - Chuck and Harold, too, if they’re up to it. She figures you three have had more exposure to these events than anyone else.

    Did any other Polies get attacked? asked Gerald.

    No, we got them all home before anything else could happen, answered Albert. But they are really shaken up by Jay’s death. A few of them tried to re-enter the interface booths to rescue the rest of you. We had to shut down power to all their equipment. The Nancies don’t know yet. They’ve only been told that cyberspace is off limits until further notice. So, I need to go to their section and explain what’s going on. In the meanwhile, all of you get some rest. The medics have some sedatives if you need them.

    Lacole’s industry cyber-agents slowly left the lounge area and went to their private rooms. Cassie sat on her bed and stared at the floor. Chuck was hurt. Good ol’ play-it-safe Chuck was unconscious in the infirmary. It didn’t make sense. It shouldn’t have happened. He should have been safe. He even did routine checks on his feedback controls to make sure they were working properly, which was probably the only reason he didn’t die like Pepper and Sam.

    Cassie began to pace her room. She wanted someone to talk to – another cyber-agent who was a little more removed from the situation. Someone who knew the business, but wasn’t also in a state of shock. She wanted to talk to the gang at the Dot.

    But she couldn’t. Cyberspace was off limits to her for her own safety. She found Albert.

    Are we also restricted to the building? she asked.

    Not yet, he said. Why?

    I feel trapped here. I want to take a walk in the water gardens at the Plaza to clear my mind.

    Just don’t stay away too long. I’m under enough stress as it is.

    An hour tops, I promise.

    All right, I’ll expect you back then, said Albert. Otherwise, I’m sending out the troops.

    Thanks, Albert. You’re a real friend.

    Don’t mention it.

    The sunlight outside seemed harsh and unnatural to Cassie’s eyes. She flagged down a hover cab and got in. She recognized the driver.

    Not you again, she muttered. I don’t have anything for you to steal today. Just let me go to the Plaza and enjoy the water gardens, okay?

    He chuckled.

    You off-duty?


    You look like hell.

    I must have brought some of it back with me, Cassie said.

    What happened?

    Cassie gave him a disgusted look.

    Come on, he said,we all in this together now. The Vernies must have done something to your cyber-agents. It’s all over the rumor mill that Lacole Enterprises has shut down its cyber sector.

    I don’t want to talk about it. I want to walk among waterfalls and fountains and pretty flowers. I’m sure Madame Lacole will tell Mr. Ferdan everything at the meeting she’s setting up.

    Okay, I’ll take you to the Plaza – no charge. Take this.

    He handed her a cell phone.

    Just speed dial ‘1’ and I’ll come and bring you back home.

    To try and question me some more? she asked.

    Just call it a professional courtesy. You really do look like hell.

    And you have a wonderful way with woman. It’s a wonder you can keep them away.

    He grinned and let her out at the Plaza. Entering the gleaming glass structure, Cassie relaxed as she heard the sound of water beyond the busy lobby. She found her favorite spot, a small ironwork table, tucked halfway behind a waterfall. She closed her eyes and let the sound fill her.

    Excuse me, said a male voice,but is this seat taken?

    Cassie opened her eyes and stared at the man for a moment. He was about her age - tall, athletic, with brown eyes that matched his hair. She also knew his name.

    No, Mr. Carson, she answered,it’s not.

    Daniel Carson smiled at her and sat down.

    I understand it has been a very bad day for Lacole Enterprises.

    Mr. Carson, I am not at liberty to discuss the matter, Cassie said.

    I think things have progressed beyond the bounds of normal business etiquette. Something has happened to some of your cyber-agents and I don’t want the same thing to happen to mine.

    Madame Lacole-

    Damn it, Iris! What happened today? Where is Teddy?

    Cassie looked at the head of Carson Incorporated in shock.

    How? What? she stuttered.

    Your walk, Carson explained. I’ve been trying to tell people for ages at the Dot that if you pay enough attention, you can recognize some of the natural movements of someone. When I saw you walk away from that Ferdan cabbie, I knew you were Iris.

    Warg? she asked. He sighed.

    Yes, I’ve always been a cyber-agent. I love the work, but when Dad died, I had to run the whole corporation.

    The flesh mission?

    I did do it myself. I couldn’t trust anyone else to pull it off. What happened, Iris? We need to know before it happens to the rest of us.

    Chu-Teddy is unconscious, but he’ll pull through. Three of our other agents are dead though. One more is critical and two are in the same boat as Teddy.

    Dead? In cyberspace? But how? Carson asked.

    We’re not sure, but they were able to override our feedback controls.

    He sat back, his skin a shade paler.

    Okay, he said. I’ll let them know at the Dot. Will you be at the meeting tomorrow with Madame Lacole?

    I’m supposed to be.

    All right, I’ll see you then. Don’t stay out in sight too long, okay? I need you to tell Teddy that I would look better in a swimsuit.

    Cassie put her hand other her mouth to suppress her nervous giggle. Warg - it was hard to think of him as Daniel Carson then – quickly kissed the top of her head and left. Recovering her composure, Cassie called the hover cab and went back outside. The cabbie smiled as she handed his phone back to him and waved to a bouquet of roses sharing the backseat with her.

    Mr. Ferdan wants you to take those to Madame Lacole with his deepest condolences, he told her. Did you enjoy yourself?

    Well, I do feel a little better now, Cassie admitted.

    That’s good. For what it’s worth, we’re closing down our cyber operations too. At least until we hear what Madame Lacole wants to tell everyone tomorrow.

    That’s not a bad idea, Cassie said. Not a bad idea at all.

    Numbly, Cassie dressed for the meeting Madame Lacole had called for her corporate peers. In Martinel, image was important. Cassie affixed three green rhinestones trailing off of each eyebrow, into the silver filigree decorating her hair. Her outfit, a satin green jumpsuit, also had silver filigree designs on it. She finished applying silver eye shadow over the emerald already there and did her lips in green for a final touch.

    Madame Lacole was dressed in a rich red velvet gown decorated with gold. Gold was also in her hair and on her eyes. Her scarlet lips were tight as Cassie entered the room. Albert entered in behind her, dressed in a navy satin jumpsuit adorned in silver. For dramatic effect, his hair was spiked silver and his face accented in navy.

    We are a work of art, are we not? said Madame Lacole. A bit flashy some may say, but better flash than identification, eh?

    Cassie nodded stiffly. She had yet to mention to anyone the meeting she had with Daniel Carson. Warg had entrusted her with a very important secret and it didn’t seem right to share it. True, she had given him some information too, but it wasn’t really secret information – it was just delayed information. At least that was Cassie’s story to herself and she intended to stick to it.

    The meeting was in a large cavernous area, deep in the bowels of Martinel City. In the center was a large circle of black marble tables with black leather chairs surrounding them. It seemed appropriate somehow that the corporate heads of Martinel’s underworld would meet together underground. As Madame Lacole took her seat, Cassie and Albert stood shoulder to shoulder behind her. Behind them were two bodyguards dressed in black.

    Cassie glanced at Madame Lacole’s peers out of the corner of her eyes. Mr. Ferdan’s white suit accented his dark skin and black hair. His bodyguards also wore white and the signature ear cuff. Next to him was Kervin Myles, an old man dressed in black pinstripe with guards dressed similarly. Julia Pertano was wearing a pantsuit of tropical pinks and greens; her guards in yellow jumpsuits.

    Cassie quickly skipped Daniel Carson in his conservative black suit, ignoring how he was studying her appearance, and studied Parham’s face instead. It was obvious that the middle-aged man in brown was filled with dread. After having some of his agents killed, Cassie couldn’t blame him for his anxiety. Trelane sat next to him, her red hair the only colorful thing on her. She had worn black and looked like she was attending a funeral more than a business gathering. Between her and Madame Lacole, John Polinski, dressed in a deep burgundy velvet vest over a white shirt, was taking his seat. As everyone settled in, Madame Lacole stood and addressed them.

    My friends, we are under siege. She paused and continued, It is in the nature of our dealings to be under the suspicions of the authorities. For centuries, we have weathered many attempts to destroy our little empires. But it is different. Now we have a man who wants to get rid of us not because he feels that we are threatening the moral fabric of our society, but because he wants to create his own empire – a dictatorship – and he will stop at nothing to achieve this.

    Several of you have already lost cyber-agents during flesh assignments. All of you know that our agents have been singled out for execution. What you do not know is that the government now has the capability to override our agents’ feedback controls in cyberspace and kill them.

    Yesterday, I lost three of my agents this way. Three more are still unconscious. One died this morning from the injuries she received. I do not believe that we can fight this war waged against us as individual corporations. To survive this new technology, it will be necessary for us to cooperate with each other until President Kileson is out of power and we can again run our businesses without fearing for our agents.

    She sat down. The other corporate heads glanced at each other, waiting for someone to make the next move. Kervin Myles shook his head.

    No, he said. I will not take on the government. Star Shipper Consolidated has always dealt with these threats by playing it clean until the authorities lose interest. I see no reason to launch a war.

    Are you mad? bellowed Parham. We are not starting this war! The government already has. Didn’t your agents find out that they intend to wipe us out? Not prosecute, Kervin – but kill us without even the courtesy of a trial.

    Pure rhetoric, Luis, Myles said. Politicians always exaggerate.

    Did you even look at their reports, Kervin? Daniel Carson asked.

    My dear boy, I don’t have to look at them. I’ve seen it all before.

    You have seen your own agents die in their interface nets? Madame Lacole asked.

    Well, that is a new twist, Mr. Myles admitted. But trust me, in a few years the Vernies will be chasing someone else and by that time we will have figured our own way around their new techniques.

    In the end, only Daniel Carson and Luis Parham agreed with Madame Lacole. Kervin Myles and Julia Pertano insisted that there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary going on. The others disagreed, but felt it was too risky to fight back. The journey back to the main complex was a somber

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