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The Wolf Moon (Riley's Return)
The Wolf Moon (Riley's Return)
The Wolf Moon (Riley's Return)
Ebook200 pages3 hours

The Wolf Moon (Riley's Return)

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The second book in the Moon series.
Adam is in love again - but this time it might actually be for real...although convincing the girl of his dreams that he means it this time is proving far harder than he ever thought possible...
and Franklin discovers that he has more gifts than he could ever have imagined.
Releasing Oscar's natural father from the gates of hell seems to be impossible, but then he meets his natural father and suddenly everything becomes clear...

Release dateDec 7, 2012
The Wolf Moon (Riley's Return)

Heather Mar-Gerrison

I love to write M/M romance and as a sucker for a HEA, you're guaranteed one in my books. #happyheatherafters

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    The Wolf Moon (Riley's Return) - Heather Mar-Gerrison


    Franklin was happily sniffing around the undergrowth in Fernley wood. It was a full moon and the lighting was particularly good this evening.

    He brushed past a shrub, sending an array of new smells into the air assaulting his senses. Excited he put his nose to the ground and sniffed some more.

    He was enjoying himself immensely. It had been a good six months since his first transformation and he was well used to changing into a wolf now. He had also found out through his exploration of the area that a larger settlement of werewolves lived in the next village. He had never approached them, fearing that they might attack. He didn’t fancy that.

    He knew they were there though and he knew their scent. It was a strong, musky scent. He recognised it on the trees he was passing; he stopped to take a good sniff – one of the pack must have been this way recently.

    He quickened his pace to a trot. He didn’t much want to run into anyone he didn’t know.

    After a while, not having come across anyone, Franklin started to relax a little. He must have misjudged the strength of the scent – whoever had passed through must smell much stronger than he was used to. He had been planning to return home via the brook, but then his ears suddenly tuned into a pitiful sound.

    It was definitely a whine, around a mile ahead of him, far closer to Bernside than he was comfortable with. Could it be the wolf he had smelled? It sounded as though it was in serious pain.

    Franklin turned his trot into a run. Faster and faster he ran through the undergrowth, the ferns and bracken whipping his face. He didn’t notice; the smell was getting stronger and stronger. He knew he was getting closer. He slowed and sniffed the ground. Looking ahead he could just make out a small brown wolf hiding underneath a shrub. It was a female and she was eyeing him warily. She barred her teeth and her shackles went up. Franklin put his nose on the ground and looked up at her, wagging his tail in a friendly, non-threatening manner.

    She stopped growling momentarily. He straightened up but she started again immediately. Franklin sighed inwardly. He wished he could speak. He whined softly and lowered his head again. He took a tentative step forward. She remained where she was not taking her eyes off him, but she didn’t make another sound.

    He got close enough to be able to see what the problem was. Her rear left pad was bleeding profusely. It was obviously quite seriously torn.

    Franklin wondered if it would be better to leave her there and to return in his human form, or to try to help her just as he was; it was a cold night already, being the beginning of December, and the sky was so clear tonight that it was only going to get colder...

    As he contemplated what to do he glanced again at the little wolf. She was watching him with panic in her eyes. He realised that she must be one of the Bernside werewolves. He had never tried to speak as a wolf before and he had no idea whether he could communicate with another. He had to try though.

    He thought the words and used his voice.

    Her eyes widened as she obviously recognised what he was asking.

    She answered him. Franklin heard a growl, but his keen wolf senses worked out what she was saying.

    She told him that she had been running; looking for her younger brothers when she had caught her back foot in some barbed wire. She had pulled herself free, but the wire had caught and torn her pad as she tried to free herself.

    Are you able to walk? Franklin asked her.

    I don’t think so. She sounded afraid.

    I can help you back home. Franklin looked towards the trees that were just on the perimeter of Bernside.

    You’ll be walking into danger. She said, shaking her head. You’re from Fernley.

    Yes. Franklin was surprised that she knew where he was from. Is that a problem?

    She let out a bark. He realised that it was laughter, but not friendly laughter.

    He looked at her helplessly, "Please – I’ve only known what I am for a few months, my father isn’t around and since he’s the wolf – I know nothing of the packs or the rules or anything."

    She eyed him warily. Really? She asked, stunned.

    He nodded, Honestly – but really... He took a nervous glance at the pool of blood that was steadily getting bigger around her foot. I’d rather you told me about it later if you do know all about it – you need medical attention and if we can’t go to your pack – you’ll have to come back to mine!

    She finally agreed but by now she was very weak. While Franklin was trying his best to get her to stand, she lost consciousness altogether. Franklin dragged her as far as he could in his wolf form, and was quite exhausted by the time he reached the edge of the forest closer to his home.

    He left her by the path as he located where he had left his stash of clothes and concentrated on transforming back into his human form. He got dressed as quickly as he could into his jeans and sweatshirt and then slung the little wolf over his shoulders. He broke into a run as soon as his feet hit the road. He shouted for his mother as he barged over the threshold.

    She appeared almost instantly. What is it?

    Franklin placed the wolf on the kitchen floor. She’s badly hurt – can you patch her up?

    Stella Burrows stared at the unconscious animal; dragging her eyes away from her, she looked at her son in horror, Oh my God! She exclaimed, "What were you thinking of? Why have you brought her back here?"

    Franklin shrugged, She said I wasn’t allowed to go near her pack, He explained, What else was I supposed to do?

    You should have left her in the woods! She replied, panic-stricken, I’m sure they’d have found her.

    Franklin looked at his mother aghast, "She’d have died," he said looking at her as if she was a stranger, "– she was bleeding really badly, he glanced down at her foot, – look at her – she still is!"

    His mother rolled her eyes, God help us, Franklin – they’ll be after us now.

    Franklin frowned at his mother; she seemed to be taking his good deed rather badly, Do you know something about them, then? he asked. What the hell was she on about?

    Stella took a deep breath and nodded wearily, I’m from their pack, Franklin, she started, – it’s me who’s the wolf, not your father. She said quietly. I was unfaithful to the pack and ran away with him, she sighed and shook her head, They threatened to kill him when I refused to return.

    Franklin gaped at his mother. Jeez, you sure know how to keep secrets. He said, aghast, How did that work out, then?

    She smiled sadly at him and shook her head, Badly, she said with a rueful smile, – we moved right away from here. But obviously, being a wolf, I had to keep my head down – it all got too much for your poor father and he gave up and returned to his own kind permanently – I’ve not seen or heard from him since you were born. I’m really sorry Franklin. She averted her gaze. I don’t know where he lives – or even if he is still alive. You may have other family. She glanced back up at him, but then concentrated on cleaning the little wolf’s foot.

    Franklin nodded, still reeling from her revelation.

    Stella sighed, I’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Frank. But first let’s get this young lady sorted out. Peering at the girl, she sighed again, She looks like Maura – she could be her daughter, I guess – but no – she must be her granddaughter I think Maura would be too old for her to be her daughter.

    Franklin sat forward, Who is Maura? he asked with interest.

    She was one of the pack leaders – she was good friends with your grandmother.

    Franklin nodded. He looked at the small wolf. His heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful.

    He watched as Stella bandaged the wolf’s paw. I think she’ll be alright after a night’s sleep. She said.

    Will she be safe here? Franklin asked looking towards the dark window. He spun back around and eyed his mother warily. "More to the point, are we safe here, keeping her overnight?"

    Stella gazed at her son with a guarded expression. I’m pretty sure our scent will mask hers even if she does smell strong to us.

    Franklin breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, fine. We’ll let her go again at first light – I really would like to speak to you though, about our life and all the secrets you’ve chosen to keep, he eyed her in exasperation, "– let me tell you Mum – they really haven’t helped."

    Stella smiled sadly at her son. No they haven’t, have they? she said; nodding she added, Okay, I guess it’s time for you to hear the truth.

    Franklin learned that his father was the human in the relationship between his parents.

    He fell for Stella at college where she had been able to pretend that she was just an ordinary human girl. She didn’t tell him what she was until she was pregnant with Franklin, believing naively that he would be okay with everything. Sadly he wasn’t. He completely freaked out and shortly afterwards, he left.

    She sniffed and dabbed her eyes with her sleeve. Franklin put his arm around his mother. You know – you haven’t actually learned anything from that experience – you’ve kept the truth from me all these years too – didn’t you think it would have been better for me to know what I was?

    Stella looked at her son with an apologetic expression. I was hoping against hope that the werewolf gene would be recessive and that you would just be human like your dad. It became obvious though after a few years that I was wrong. You started getting so tall and so strong; people were beginning to comment that a five year old shouldn’t be so big – you were clearly different from all of your classmates and I didn’t feel it was right being surrounded by humans anymore. I felt it only right to return here – of course I wasn’t allowed back to Bernside – so I settled us here in Fernley – it’s close enough for me to still feel almost home but far enough away to not antagonise the pack.

    Franklin grinned ruefully at his mother, Yeah, well, I guess that was all fine and dandy for a while, he bit his lip and glanced across at the little wolf, "– or at least it was... until I found her." He added.

    Stella grinned back at him. Yeah – and how on Earth are you going to explain a naked girl to Janey tomorrow morning at school?

    A naked girl? Franklin looked at his mother as if she were quite mad.

    Uh-huh, Stella nodded with an amused look on her face, She’s not going to still be in wolf form tomorrow and she’s a darn sight shorter than I am, so we can’t dress her in my clothes!

    Franklin’s eyes widened in alarm, Holy cow! he said, staring at her, What will I do?

    Stella smiled, What about the all night super-market in town?

    Letting out a huge sigh of relief, Franklin grinned at his mother, You’re a life saver, he said making for the door.

    Stella got up quickly, No – I’ll go – I have better control in the moonlight than you do.

    Chapter 1 – Part of a pack…


    Franklin jumped and looked across in surprise at the gentle voice coming from the sofa; he hadn’t expected her to wake so soon.

    The wolf had disappeared and was replaced by a very petite teenage girl. She was tiny, there was no denying it – but she wasn’t any younger than he was. She was just really, really small. His mother had thoughtfully covered her with a sheet before she had left, for which Franklin – and no doubt the girl – was grateful.

    Oh, hi, He smiled at her.

    Where am I? She asked, her eyes widening with the growing panic building up inside her.

    Franklin held his hands up in a surrendering pose, Please don’t freak out – you’re in Fernley.

    Her eyes grew even bigger as she stared at him. Why? she asked, obviously beginning to panic, What happened to me?

    You badly cut your foot. My mum bandaged it for you.

    She seemed to calm down a little and nodded as she looked down at her left foot, Oh, right – thank you. She murmured.

    Franklin smiled. She was very pretty, What’s your name? he asked.

    Ylva, she said quietly, giving him a hint of a smile.

    I’m Franklin. Franklin said and stepped forward to shake her hand.

    She shrank away from him, clutching the sheet closer and looking totally freaked out again.

    Franklin put his hands back up. Hey, I wasn’t gonna hurt you or anything. He said, backing away cautiously – after all, she was a wolf and therefore not to be

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