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DoctriVotional Series I, Volume I
DoctriVotional Series I, Volume I
DoctriVotional Series I, Volume I
Ebook89 pages1 hour

DoctriVotional Series I, Volume I

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DoctriVotional is a series where doctrine meets devotion, for living application of God's Living Word. This series of application is taken from the Word of God, considering 1) the meaning of the words; 2) the times when the Word was spoken for application; 3) the parallel of the times from then to now; 4) for the application of the Word now.

PublisherNatasha Gogue
Release dateDec 8, 2012
DoctriVotional Series I, Volume I

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    DoctriVotional Series I, Volume I - Natasha Gogue


    Series I, Volume I

    Natasha Gogue

    Published by Natasha Gogue at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 by Natasha Gogue

    EPUB ISBN: 9781301481002

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Special Thanks to Dad, Mom, Francis Cafazzo, and Tracy Carlson


    DoctriVotional is a collection of doctrine for application. This series of application is taken from the Word of God, considering 1) the meaning of the words; 2) the times when the Word was spoken for application; 3) the parallel of the times from then to now; 4) for the application of the Word now.

    God's Word is a Living Word. It is as applicable today as when it was written, as it was before it was written, when God's Spirit bore witness of the Word to be made canon. The Christian life depends on doctrine and experience of doctrine. DoctriVotional gives you the doctrine, and the ways of application, for the experience of doctrine. This series is dedicated to knowing the Word for the purpose to experience the Word, through proper application. It is where doctrine meets devotional—where the Word meets individuals fully devoted to living God's Word, living by the Living Word.

    The series can be read alone, or alongside a chronological Bible-in-a-year program (included). The chronological plan is based upon historical research of when the events in the Bible took place, upon popular belief. This plan was chosen for the understanding of application of God's Word as it was given, and the mirroring of how it can be applied for the reader today. For this cause, the series is best to be read as chronologically written, consecutively; though it does not require daily consecutive reading, nor reading alongside the calendar month, but is flexible for any chosen time to begin reading the Bible. The series contains 365 days of applications, released in numerous volumes.

    This volume will take you through Genesis, Job, and beginning Exodus. All Scripture is taken from the King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version, unless otherwise noted.

    The Book of GENESIS

    Genesis is the first of five books, known as the Pentateuch. It covers a period of 2,315 years (Ussher). Moses is the author of this book, as well as the rest of the Pentateuch. It is the book of beginnings, containing the beginning of man, and the rest of creation; but more importantly, it also contains the beginning of God's revelation to man. The book contains the true origin upon which to base the consistency of God. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow...forever. What He has done in the beginning (in this book), He is faithful to do today, faithful till the day of completion. The same God of these beginnings is the same God of our day.

    The theme approach for devotion is discovering how God worked then, to realize how God works today, and look forward to the way God will work tomorrow...forever. You will find many truths upon this book of beginnings that establish the character of God. Upon establishing His character, you will expect no less than consistency for who God is, in His operations in the rest of the Word, and even in your own life today. But in order to understand how He works, you have to go back to the beginning of His revealing Himself to man.

    The book contains 4 covenants of God with man. They cover God's relationship with man, based on the conditions upon man (man's part), and God's redemption and favor (God's part). Relationship with God is still conditional—He is, after all, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You will see these conditions consistent in Scripture—but the conditions had a beginning, and some of those beginnings were in the covenants, here, in this book of beginnings. So, in order to know the beginning of these conditions, upon which God is consistent, dive into the book of beginnings—the book of Genesis.

    Day 1

    Chronological Bible-in-a-year Reading:

    Genesis 1-3

    Application Reading:

    Genesis 1:1:

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    In this first verse in this first chapter of the first book of the Bible, we meet God—Elohim, in the Hebrew. Elohim is a uni-plural name for God that means Strong One who swears and binds by oath, therefore faithful. The first thing we must note is that God is immediately revealing Himself as a Trinity (uni-plural); as well, He is binding Himself to be faithful to who He is. Therefore, when we read these first couple of chapters to see the attributes of God and godliness, we are rest assured that these are only the beginning; and God has sworn, by Himself, to be faithful to who He is. From here on, you will find nothing short of consistency with God, because He is faithful to who He revealed Himself to be—He is faithful to the beginning, to the end. Here are a few things you will note from the beginning accounts, to see consistently throughout Scripture:

    Genesis 1:2:

    And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Genesis 3:8-9:

    "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD

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