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Release (The Protector Book 3)
Release (The Protector Book 3)
Release (The Protector Book 3)
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Release (The Protector Book 3)

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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After uniting the shifters and calling in reinforcements, Chase has to face his toughest challenge yet: learning to control his emotions. But as tensions rise and his powers grow, controlling his emotions becomes the least of his problems.

Terrorized by a multi-shifter who is hell-bent on turning him, Chase questions just how far he’s willing to go to stop his father. Meanwhile, Tiki’s virtuous nature has placed him in the middle of Vincent’s past, leaving Chase to oppose a senate of vampires and defend a demon he hates.

Trying to balance his friends, his enemies, and his inner demons, Chase is left searching for answers about the Mark, his destiny, and where he can find the next soul piece. Stopping Riley is his top priority, but as more obstacles arise, he finds himself doubting all the decisions he’s made - especially regarding Rayna.
One thing is for certain: Chase has finally realized that he doesn’t know anything. The light doesn’t always quell the darkness, the monsters don’t always stay in the shadows, and the past doesn’t always stay in the past - sometimes, the demons inside are the hardest to fight.

PublisherM.R. Merrick
Release dateDec 9, 2012
Release (The Protector Book 3)

M.R. Merrick

M.R. Merrick is a Canadian writer, author of The Protector Series and The Rise of Genesis. Having never traveled, he adventures to far off lands through his imagination and in between cups of coffee. As a music lover and proud breakfast enthusiast, he’s usually found at the computer between a pair of headphones and in front of a bowl of cereal.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ah hell, M.R. Merrick has done it again. He has successfully and thoroughly entertained me, quite nearly to tears this time no less!There is something utterly special and unique about this series. Merrick has masterfully created this fantasy world complete with good and evil, love and hate, war and a dab of romance. It's one of those series that comes along not too often, where a wide age range of readers will enjoy it. Much like Harry Potter or Hunger Games. A series I could recommend to my sister as well as her kids. It has an impressive recipe of elements that make up one tasty concoction.The characters are all amazing in their own right. You have Chase, who is at his core a hero but fumbles and stumbles, making him an endearing human. He is surrounded by characters who share his values and those who don't, yet they all work together so well in the stories. It adds a playfulness and a frustrated edge to the tale, that I just can't get enough of. I won't dive into the nuances and details of the story too much, I don't want to spoil anything for those of you who have yet to read the series. Why haven't you though?Chase's life is still in complete chaos, as would be expected. What isn't expected is the new danger of a powerful shifter, a vampire super-power and a mark that comes with some major problems of its own. Chase must find the strength to deal with not only the old issues, but the new, as well as his developing feelings for those close to him. His struggle is heart wrenching at times and I feel for the poor kid who has lost so much and has had no time to relax and enjoy what he's gained in the process.The growth of the characters throughout this series is quite impressive. Not only with Chase but Rayna, Tiki and Willy too. Willy is perhaps an all time favorite character and what he has become in book 2 and 3 is amazing. Let's not forget Vincent...he is so entertaining with his sharp tongue and evil wit. He's not a good guy, but he's so good at being bad that I can't help but adore him a little bit.Anyone looking for an action packed fantasy twinged with humor and humanity should look no further.Starting this book, I was under the impression it was the final chapter of the Protector Series. Boy, is that not the case. The ending of Release will have you reeling and begging for the next installment.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    M.R. Merrick delivers again in this third installment of The Protector Series. Picking up where Shift left off, we once again catch up with Chase, Rayna, and their motley crew as they continue to search for the soul pieces in order to stop Riley's evil plans. As the Protector, Chase possess the ability to wield all the elements, fire, water, wind, and air, and they are very powerful. So powerful in fact, that Chase's body isn't able to control them, even to the point of ripping him apart at times. Together with his friends, Rayna, Tiki, Willy, and Marcus, and his unfriendly ally Vincent, among others, they venture into strange and dangerous dimensions in the underworld, facing some of the deadliest creatures imaginable, barely escaping with their lives, and enduring astonishing amounts of torture and pain. Will their efforts be enough to stop Riley before it's to late? Will the loss of someone else very close to Chase be the catalyst that pushes him over the edge?It has been interesting to see Chase's evolution throughout the series. Though still headstrong and strong willed, he is much more mature, wiser, and thinks about things before diving in blindly. He is falling into his role as leader and protector nicely, and is beginning to understand what that means as well. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and with the help of Tiki, understands on a deeper level what it means to keep your oaths, even when you'd rather not. Rayna is beginning to understand and come into the fullness of her power. I liked the developments that took place in Chase and Rayna's relationship, and was so glad they got to share a couple of passionate moments. I hope we see more of that in the next book. We also see Tiki and Willy step forward into more prominent roles in this installment. The fantasy in Release is taken up a notch as Merrick creates an unbelievable and imaginative world with his words. Release packs a punch with it's action-packed story line, and there is never a dull moment for these characters in thier quest against evil. If you enjoy urban fantasy, then this is a series you most definitely want to check out.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I literally JUST finished reading this. So my emotions are still pretty damn raw right now. Oh man..ok..let me try to breathe here so I can write something you can comprehend. I go..I won't go into too much detail storyline-wise, as that could get a bit spoiler-y, very fast. This book was a continuation of SPECTACULAR (Book #1) and AMAZING (Book #2), so I didn't doubt for a second that this book would be less than either of those things-of course, it exceeded BOTH. The third installment of this series brought SO much more to the surface, and allowed readers to step into the lives of the characters a little more intimately. Actually, a LOT more intimately in the case of our favourite (not) Vampire, Vincent Taryk.I have the biggest love/hate relationship with this man, but was ecstatic for the chance to learn more about him in this book. He was featured in almost all of the scenes, and I especially loved that the venture back into Drakar had him tagging along as well! Oh..oh MAN..I WISH I could tell you all the greatness that was this entire section of the book. As I mentioned in my review of Exhiled, Drakar was my heart and soul, I fell in love with EVERYTHING it had to offer: characters, imagery, lifestyle ..LOVED IT!The remainder of the book followed suit. We were introduced to 3 more worlds, in which Mr. Merrick worked his descriptive magic to it's full extent. These worlds were bursting with brilliant imagery-my mind was in a haze. I felt things, I smelled things, I YEARNED to be where the characters took their next step (um, not the scary worlds though). This author has SUCH a talent for invoking emotions that otherwise lie dormant when reading other books-especially those with a paranormal backdrop. I find that I'm not usually prone to feeling close to characters that have powers/shift into creatures etc. It's just not natural (obviously), therefore it's sometimes hard to get into a storyline of that nature. But Merrick makes it WORK, and he makes it work HARD. I am more tied to these particular characters than I have been to any others in a long, long time. Okay..I'm fan-girling..I know this..IT CAN'T BE HELPED.It should also be noted that with each book, Merrick has exposed just enough information to keep you intrigued throughout the entire thing, and leave you biting your nails with impatience for the next installment. Not a second of this book was boring, dull, or unnecessary. Every tidbit of info was needed and justified, every line of dialogue added depth and furthered my interest in what was about to happen next. The relationship between characters grew at a pace that made sense, and did not feel at all contrived. I don't think there was one moment when I said to myself "uh..well THAT was ridiculous."THE ENDING...oh dear GOD. I can't...there aren't words. I won't say anymore..oh man..oh man oh man oh man oh man..oh MAN.I need to stop writing, but my fingers won't let me..I could very well be here all night..I should..I should stop. PLEASE go read this book. PLEASE go read this entire SERIES from the BEGINNING.M.R. are officially one of my heroes. Thank you a MILLION times for turning such a brilliant idea into printed word, and allowing us to consume it with our minds.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another fantastic adventure book by M.R. Merrick. He has an enormous talent for creating a world that you can fall straight into, with vivid imagery and characters that you want to egg on to be better people and fall in love.Chase continues on his journey to find the soul pieces of Ithereal. He is trying his hardest to stop his Father, Riley from finding them and also stop him from killing any more Underworlders. With the help of Marcus, they are gathering their own army to help bring down Riley. All Underworlders have not gotten along and even more so against the Hunters. But now they all have one enemy and together they can hopefully overcome Riley.Chase is trying to control his emotions, which in turn helps control his ever growing powers. But something isn’t going right, while travelling into another world, his skin splits open and he cannot heal himself. Chase doesn’t know what is happening or why when he was just getting control over everything.The vampire, Vincent is having his own crisis and Chase is being guilted into helping by Tiki. But he gives his word to help and in return Vincent has to align himself with Chase. Vincent doesn’t make things easy and is forever complaining about every little thing. He is turning into a hindrance more than a help.Rayna is acting very strange and not being herself. Chase doesn’t know if he should pursue her or just let everything be. There are a lot of higher priorities in his life than love after all. Rayna is having her own family issues as well. The tension builds; will they surrender to their feelings or fall further apart?Will Chase get to the soul pieces in time? Can he overcome his pain and skin splitting? Can Chase help Vincent with his family problems and survive? What about Rayna, will she forgo her attitude problem and love Chase? Can Riley be beaten?Overall, this is another adventure not to be missed; Indiana Jones in fantasyland. This series is gaining momentum for the finale that will go off with a BANG. The creatures in this one are amazing, M.R. Merrick has a vast imagination with creatures of all shapes, sizes and abilities; there is certainly nothing like them anywhere. The combination of a little love, heroics, family drama’s, artefact hunting and loyalty all bring together the heart of Release. Bring on number 4, I need to find out what happens to Chase!

Book preview

Release (The Protector Book 3) - M.R. Merrick

Chapter 1

His power surged and slammed me into the wall. A bright light flashed over my eyes from the impact and I broke into a run, the concrete sliding beneath my feet. As he flexed his magic, his air element wrapped itself around a chair and pitched it through the air like a homing missile with me as its target. I took cover behind a concrete pillar and the chair shattered against it, splinters scattering across the floor.

Power churned inside my body, water and fire pulsing through my veins in an icy flare. Spheres of magic formed in my palms as beads of sweat ran down my brow. I took a deep breath, centering my focus.

I spun out from behind the column, red and blue magic drifting behind me like a comet’s tail. My elements shuddered and heat from the flame swirled as I pulled back my right arm, launching the flame forward. A stream of fire snapped through the air towards him.

Shadows coiled around him, blending his body with the darkness. Another element pulsed, but this time it wasn’t mine. It was heavy, powerful, and smothering. His magic submerged me, forcing me to tighten my chest. I thrashed against the power, gasping for air while I tried to break its hold, and my flames flickered, then died.

The fire and water receded and another element rose inside me. My own air element twisted through my body and pushed his power back, allowing me room to breathe.

Magic rumbled inside me as I called more elements to my aid. The ground moved in a violent quake and my earth element rattled the walls.

His body stumbled and his focus broke. As his element faded, I tore the water back up from that place deep inside my soul. Cold power chilled my body and burst towards him.

A ball of ice shot across the room, shattering against his chest. Crystals of frozen magic sparkled and rained like diamonds to the ground. The shadows collapsed around him, vanishing back to the corners of the room, and Marcus dropped to the ground.

Silence wafted through the room and I crept forward, awaiting his reaction, but he was hardly moving. His massive form lay on the floor, his chest rising and falling. I noticed a layer of sweat glistening off his dark skin as I inched closer. The black shirt that hugged his muscular form was smeared with white dust, and my crystalized magic littered the concrete around him.

Marcus? I asked.

He took a deep breath and nodded. You’re…getting much faster. His face twisted as he propped himself up on his elbows.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to go all out.

Don’t be. That’s kind of the point of training, right?

I guess.

Are you boys done playing yet? Rayna stood behind us with crossed arms. Dark jeans hugged her long legs, revealing toned thighs before disappearing into knee-high fur boots. A red tank top embraced her curves, revealing smooth pale skin. Her raven hair was pinned up, her slender neck exposed, leaving red strands to frame her face. People are starting to show up for the meeting, and Eric’s about to lose it…again.

What happened this time? Marcus asked.

I think Tiki tried to say hello.

Marcus sighed. I’ll be right there.

I reached out and pulled Marcus to his feet. He dusted the crystals off his chest and smiled. That was a good session. How do you feel?

I feel good. It’s you I’m worried about. I think maybe you’re getting too old for this.

Marcus laughed but quickly silenced it and narrowed his eyes. We’ll see. Next time I won’t be going easy on you.

Now that’s funny.

Who’s joking? Marcus asked. I better go deal with this.

Rayna stared at me and I shook my head. He wasn’t going easy on me. He’s kidding.

Rayna nodded. Sure.

No really, he was kidding, right?

Rayna laughed and followed after Marcus.

Rayna, don’t play with me. Tell me he was joking.


I don’t care whose side you’re on. You pull a stunt like that again and I’ll slit your throat! I recognized the voice and pushed open the door to the meeting room.

Eric, the leader of a small group of rogue hunters based out of Maine, had his hand wrapped around Tiki’s throat, pinning him against a table. Chairs were scattered across the floor and veins bulged from his swollen arms. A mid-sized blade pushed against Tiki’s face, threatening to split his caramel skin.

Willy stood beside Eric, trying to pry back his blade-wielding arm, but it wouldn’t budge. Com—come on, Eric. You know Tiki didn’t me—mean it like that.

Get off me, you filthy mutt! Eric threw his elbow back, cracking it against Willy’s face. I leaped forward, but Rayna grabbed my shoulder and held me back.

Willy fell to the floor but quickly recovered to his feet, rubbing the side of his face.

Anger flooded my senses and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I’d only met Eric twice, but I already disliked him. This wasn’t helping his case.

Eric, I already apologized. I am unsure what more I can to do quell your anger. I am Tikimicharnikato of the Suriattas Clan. I am your friend, you know this.

I ain’t friends with no demon. Not now, not ever. Out of respect for Marcus, I’ve let you live, but you’re walking a fine line.

I do not wish to do battle with you. I merely came to greet you. Tiki’s demeanor was calm as he stared up at Eric with his bright orange eyes.

Again, Eric? Really? We’ve been through this. Marcus said.

Eric’s forehead creased above his unruly eyebrows as his blue gaze found Marcus’s. Oh no, this isn’t getting put on me. Not this time. One of your stupid pets tried to sneak up on me.

I did not mean to scare you. I only—

Scare me? Ha! You didn’t scare me. You—

That’s enough, Eric. Marcus’ voice was loud but even.

It’s enough when I say it is. Eric’s jaw clenched. I know you like to play in the gray areas, Marcus, but I don’t. I’ve respected your position so far and I expect you to do the same for me. I sure as hell won’t stand for these things creeping up on me.

Don’t you think you’re being a bit unreasonable here? Marcus asked.

Forcing us to work with these demons is what’s unreasonable. It’s going to get us all killed.

Eric was shorter than Marcus and not as thick, but he was full of rage. His hairy arms were covered in faded tattoos and his long black hair curled at the end of a ponytail. An unkempt beard covered his face and matched his wild eyebrows.

We need everyone we can get. You know that. We cannot waste any more time on these petty differences.

Eric took a long breath, his eyes fixed on Tiki. The muscles in his face flexed and his teeth ground together. Fine. He pushed himself off Tiki and slid the long blade back into his hip sheath. But your trust in these…things is discomforting. I’ll tell you this, when push comes to shove, you better have my back before theirs.

Rayna and I were a few feet back from them, and as they spoke to each other, I leaned towards her. What is it with this guy? I whispered.

Eric doesn’t like demons much. Or people, for that matter.

You’ve known him for a while, right? How does he put up with you?

Rayna’s lips shined with a thin layer of gloss and her hands touched my chest. She gripped my shirt, pulling me closer, and the red strands of hair that framed her face danced along my skin as she leaned into me. Pressing herself against me, her lips brushed my ear, causing my pulse to race.

Because just like you, she whispered, her warm breath rolling over my skin, he knows how hard I can hit. Rayna’s fist jabbed into me, her knuckles finding the sweet spot between two ribs.

I coughed and forced myself to remain upright instead of keeling over like my body was demanding. Rayna smirked and turned away, swaying her hips dramatically as her knee-high boots tapped against the floor. She picked up one of the fallen chairs and fell into it with a feline’s grace.

Willy rubbed the side of his face and broke away from the group. As he walked towards me, I could see him trying to hide the pain he was obviously in.

You okay? I asked.

Willy rubbed his face and winced. I was more worried about you. Rayna hits really hard.

I would never admit it, but he was right. I’ll be fine.

Everything okay wi—with you two? You seem…off.

We’re fine. I think…nothing you need to worry about. You look like you’re healing up nicely, but we’ve missed you around here. How’s the pack treating you?

I should be back to normal in another week. Things are better now that Ja—Jax has taken over. I’m still the Omega though. Not much has changed there.

Willy was no longer on crutches, but he still had a limp. His body should’ve healed already, but Arian, the former Hollowlight leader that Riley had recruited, had done a lot of the damage himself. Whatever powers Riley had given Arian were affecting the rate at which his victims healed.

Do you need me to talk to Jax or any of the guys?

Willy glared at me.

I know you don’t want me involved, but you’re my friend. Besides, you’re better than all of this. You could have so much more than what the Shadowpack offers. You could have more than what we offer you. There’s a whole world out there, Willy, and you don’t need to be anyone’s punching bag.

You said you und—understood. Can’t we just leave it at that? Willy sighed. I’m happy here, Chase. I’m a part of all this and I’m no—not going anywhere, so stop talking like that.

I’m trying to understand...I mean, I do. It’s not that I want you to leave, I just…I hate seeing you like this. That was only partially true and I knew it, but I’d never admit it to Willy. There was a part of me that didn’t want him around any of this. Willy was my best friend, and even though he was a werewolf, I was still worried about him. I wanted more for him than this. I wanted more than this for everybody.

I’m fine, Chase. Really.

If you say so, I said.

The door behind me squeaked open and people began to shuffle in. This was the first time everyone would be meeting together and a nervous tension had settled in my shoulders. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the meeting, but with Eric here, I doubted it would be dull.

Chapter 2

Kate walked in first. She led a group of rogue hunters based out of New York City. It had taken Marcus a while, but he managed to convince her to join up with us a few weeks ago.

Kate’s chocolate brown hair hung past her shoulders and her green eyes devoured the room. The t-shirt she was wearing revealed the battle scars that covered her arms—a true sign of a hunter. She kept her chin high and her back straight as she walked across the room, taking a seat at the table. Two hunters I didn’t recognize followed her in and stood silently behind her chair.

Chief, the leader of the werecats, gave me a curt nod as he passed with Garrett and Karissa following behind him. Willy’s eyes instantly lowered as Jax walked in. I guess that’s my cue. Willy gave me a half-smile and fell in line behind his Alpha and the wolves who accompanied him.

As an Omega, Willy was the lowest wolf on the totem pole. According to werewolf law, Willy shouldn’t have been attending the meetings, but Jax knew I wanted him here. I didn’t care if it broke their rules or not; Willy was one of us.

As more rogue hunters from the surrounding states shuffled into the room, it didn’t take long before all the chairs were full. I took a spot leaning against the wall and Marcus moved to the head of the table. It was the only thing in the room other than the chairs that wasn’t concrete.

Chief had bought this place in hopes of converting it into apartment-like living quarters for his pride, but since he hadn’t started construction yet, it was perfect for us. It gave us space to train and a private place to meet.

Thank you, everyone, for coming, Marcus said. Grams and the rest of the Triquerta Coven are running late, so we’ll get started and fill them in later. He leaned forward against the table. If everyone agrees, I think it’s only right that we begin our discussion with Riley.

What’s there to discuss? Eric asked. He’s Chase’s dad, a powerful fire elemental, he abandoned the Circle, and he wants to invoke Ithreal and destroy us all. Enough said. We find him, we kill him.

If only it were that easy. We’ve all seen the extent of Riley’s power in the past few weeks. Since the attack on the wolves, he’s taken on several rogue hunter outposts.

Do we know what he wants exactly? Kate asked.

His agenda is to invoke Ithreal. He believes if he takes over the god’s power, he can rule the Underworlders and stop the war between hunters and demons. In order to do that, we’ve learned he needs all of Ithreal’s soul pieces. Why he’s attacking our people, however, is a question that remains unanswered.

So what’s your plan, Marcus? Brendan asked, his voice unsure.

To get the pieces first, stupid. Cory cut in.

Don’t call me stupid.

Don’t ask stupid questions then.

Brendan crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, and Cory continued to glare at him.

Cory and Brendan ran a hunter’s group out of New Jersey, and although Brendan was older, it seemed Cory was always the one calling the shots.

Yes, Marcus said. And that’s why we’re here. Unfortunately, we don’t have their locations, and as far as we know neither does Riley, but they have something we don’t.

Yeah, a power complex and the Dark Douchebags on either side of him. Cory laughed.

Right… Marcus said. Recently we lost possession of The Ring of Contact, an ancient artifact that gives its wearer the ability to speak with the gods. Some say—

And whose fault was that? Eric glared at me.

Anger filled me and I opened my mouth to reply, but I thought better of it. I swallowed the emotions and turned back to Marcus. Apparently his training was working.

As I was saying, Marcus said, some believe it can summon the gods here. Tonight we need to decide on an action. We have no idea where Riley is or what his next move might be. What we do know is they have one of the soul pieces—Ithreal’s dagger—and he needs all of them in order to fully invoke Ithreal.

Eric snorted. Don’t forget the fact that they aren’t in our world. They’re in some other dimension filled with pure blood demons that are more powerful than any of us. That, and we don’t even know how many soul pieces there are.

That’s not entirely true, Tiki said. I think I do know how many there are. Unfortunately, if I am correct, there may be only two remaining, and they are in very unfriendly territory."

Of course you know, Eric said. Why don’t we all just put our faith into the demon from these demonic dimensions? Then we can all follow him blindly to our death.

Why do you think that, Tiki? Kate leaned forward.

As the legends go, and as Serephina confirmed, Ithreal merged his essence with other gods. This would have forced Ithreal to create new soul pieces for each new world that fell under his command. However, after cross-referencing my people’s legends with many others, I’ve found many believe the only true soul pieces are the ones that were created when each god originally created their world.

And what does that mean for us? Kate asked.

There are only three Ithreal-born dimensions: Theral, Proto, and Vortan. If this is true, Riley already has the dagger of Theral, leaving only one soul piece remaining in each of the other worlds. And Proto and Vortan are very dark dimensions.

Eric moved to the head of the table, stepping in front of Marcus. You expect us to go into the Underworld’s darkest dimensions, full of who knows what, all based on some Underworld storytelling? No thanks. What we need to do is focus on finding Riley and killing the son of a bitch.

And how do you suggest we do that? Marcus asked.

We split up into groups and track him. Hell, if we have to, we’ll use the Triquerta Coven to help. Riley’s flexed his muscles enough. It’s time we push back.

Riley is a lot stronger than you’re giving him credit for, I said. He hasn’t even invoked Ithreal and his powers are nearing god-like already. Now that he has Ithreal’s dagger, he’ll be even stronger. Before we assemble an army and prepare for a war we can’t win, we need to try preventative measures. Getting one of his soul pieces should be first priority.

Why don’t you lean back against that wall and let the adults talk? You’re just a kid. You don’t have the experience to offer suggestions.

Chase has more experience with Riley and the Brothers than any of us, Rayna said. You should listen to what he has to say.

Says the mixed breed. Look, missy, I’ve lost enough people to this game to know how it works. After Riley’s last attack, I lost four hunters and all their kids. I’m not about to take advice from the son of their killer and risk losing anyone else.

You think you’re the only one who lost someone? I asked. We’ve all lost people to this.

Eric laughed and walked around the table towards me. Please tell me the little boy whose stupidity put us in this situation isn’t comparing his loss to ours. Your ‘experience’ is the reason why all this happened. It’s the reason my hunters, their children, and your mother are dead.

Anger didn’t have time to rise; it just appeared. Fire exploded around my arms and I swung at Eric, but he jumped back and pulled out his blade.

Be smart, boy. You don’t want to go toe-to-toe with me.

I won’t be going toe-to-toe with you. You’ll be flat on your back before we start.

Eric’s brows furrowed and he shook his head. You’re an arrogant little shit, you know that? And I’ve had just about enough of you.

Blue flames covered both my arms, and as Eric lunged towards me, I cocked my fist back. Before either of us could finish what we’d started, Marcus’s power took over.

My flames went out and Eric’s body stopped mid-lunge. Marcus’s air element pinned Eric to the wall and held me back. That’s enough! Marcus’s voice was loud, echoing off the concrete.

It’s true. Eric struggled against Marcus’s magic. If it wasn’t for him, they’d all still be alive. You can’t deny that.

Riley had an objective. Sooner or later, he would’ve gotten what he wanted. If we choose to let the past control us, we’ll lose any opportunities we have for a future. We need to work together—all of us—and find a way to stop him.

Eric stopped fighting Marcus’s magic and the muscles in his jaw flexed. I’m only saying this once, Marcus. Let me go. Now.

Marcus waited a moment, his gaze panning back and forth between Eric and me. After a long moment, his magic faded and released us.

Don’t you dare pull a stunt like that on me again. You don’t have the numbers to be pissing me off.

You’re right, Marcus said. You bring a lot to the table, but I won’t have us fighting amongst ourselves. If that means losing your help, so be it.

Well, you best keep these folks in check. I won’t give them the same courtesy I just awarded you.

The fire that had engulfed my arms was gone, but anger still boiled beneath the surface. With Marcus’s training the past few weeks, I was learning to control my emotions and my elements, but it was still a work in progress.

I could feel Eric’s eyes burning through me, but I didn’t let it bother me. I took a long, deep breath, letting the water in my soul soothe the anger. My element washed the emotions away bit by bit, and I moved back to lean against the wall.

That’s right, Eric said. Walk away.

Dammit, Eric, that’s enough! Kate kicked her chair behind her. I’m tired of your bullshit. Chase made a mistake, it happens. Gods know you’ve made your fair share. Rayna’s right, Chase has more experience with our adversaries than all of us in this room combined. So cut the crap and listen or get the hell out.

Everyone went still. Eric stared up at Kate with fury in his eyes but he didn’t respond. The tension in the air was so thick I felt that if I reached out my arm, I could touch it.

After a long silence, Cody chuckled and slammed his fist on the table. Hot diggity, that was intense! I thought we was getting some fireworks.

Nobody responded to the outburst, and Kate nodded, pulling her chair back underneath her. Marcus, please carry on.

As I was saying, Marcus continued hesitantly, Riley is at a level of power we can’t match. He’s turned Arian, a former werecat with the Hollowlights, into a multi-shifter. If he can readily hand out that kind of magic, there’s no telling what he is fully capable of.

Then what do you suggest we do? Cory asked.

We don’t need all of Ithreal’s soul pieces. If we can eliminate one, not only does that weaken him, but it also means he can’t come back. We’ll have stopped Riley’s plan for good.

So you want us to just hop into another dimension and start searching? Cory asked. That don’t exactly sound like a winning plan.

Not exactly. Marcus stepped forward. As Tiki stated, there should be a piece in each of his two original worlds. Our best bet is to research legends, myths, and anything we can get our hands on about these dimensions. We’ve all managed to gain small collections of our own over the years. If we combine all our texts, our odds of finding answers are greatly increased.

Legends, myths, stories…do you hear yourself? Eric asked.

I’m not in disagreement with Eric. Jax stood up. Stories passed down from generation to generation are hardly reliable.

Everything that’s happened so far is from those stories, I said. We need to consider the fact that we’ve been locked away from these dimensions for thousands of years, so although we’re not familiar with them, it’s apparent these legends hold some kind of merit.

Chief stood up. I think we need to take what we can get. If this is what we have to work with, it will have to do until something more concrete comes along.

Radek was not much for ancient texts, Jax said. But if you think it will help, the Shadowpack will contribute.

Your cooperation, as always, is appreciated, Marcus said. You’re all right to be wary, so let’s see what we can gather from the books and we’ll re-evaluate everything then. Does everyone agree?

Everyone nodded and turned to Eric. Sitting with his arms crossed, he stared back at the group with an angry glare. Whatever you say, boss man.

The door to the room opened and slammed against the concrete wall behind it. Grams stood in a cloud of cigarette smoke with an orange filter hanging from brightly painted red lips. Her white hair was in rollers.

Sorry I’m late, she grunted. Smoke spilled from her lips and she coughed. She hammered her fist into her chest repeatedly until something thick splatted onto the floor. I was getting my hair done. What’d I miss?

Chapter 3

By the time we filled Grams in, she’d smoked four cigarettes. Rather than use an ashtray, she squished the last butt on the table with the rest.

Grams leaned back and blew a final puff of smoke from her lips. So you want to hop from dimension to dimension in hopes of finding not one, but two soul pieces? Grams snorted. That sounds like a grand idea.

Exactly what I said, Eric replied. We should be going after the source. Kill the Dark Brothers, and Riley loses his right and left hands. He’s useless without them.

Grams cackled and turned her pale eyes to Eric. That’s even dumber than their plan.

They’re demons, and that means we can kill them. That’s a hell of a lot easier than what they’re suggesting.

No, they’re not, I said. They’re direct descendants of Ithreal. They’re demigods.

And that’s my point. We’re going off the word of other demons—the very creatures we were born to kill. Now before you all get your panties in a bunch, hear me out. I know they’re not all evil, but that doesn’t mean they’re to be trusted. Hell, I don’t trust a hunter just because he’s one of us. Trust is earned, and we can’t be taking leaps of faith based on the words of the very people we’re trying to kill.

I hate to admit this, but I do see his point, Kate said.

It doesn’t matter what they are, Grams said. Her voice cracked and faded and she slapped her hand against her chest, clearing her airway. The Triquertas are already nervous enough about joining with you hunters, and they aren’t alone in their fear. Most of the Underworld is up in arms over what Riley is planning. Nobody wants to bow down and lose their freedom, especially to a hunter playing god. But more than him, they fear the Dark Brothers.

Everything they fear is hearsay, Eric said. Rumors that have been spread about the Underworld for generations. It’s a game of telephone. What started as a common scare tactic has turned into a phobia among your kind. Just like the Dark Brothers are not to be trusted, neither are the stories that precede them.

You underestimate their power. That is foolish and it will get you killed. Grams’s pale gaze narrowed. I won’t stand beside a fool.

Your fear is based on rumors. I won’t cower to bedtime stories told to scare little demonlings. And save your threats, old woman. What’s left of your power is better suited to finding the whereabouts of these almighty demons. If you and your little coven can put your powers to use and find them, I’ll take care of the rest.

Grams stared up at Eric and slowly rose from her chair. Don’t take that tone with me, boy. Your methods will get you and your people killed, along with everyone else in this room.

I think old age is starting to take its toll on you. I’ve been running my crew the same way for twenty years and we’re still standing. So why don’t you sit down before you break a hip?

The blue of Grams’s eyes faded and a solid white took over them. A tingle of magic spiraled down my spine and as power filled the room, a white glow formed around her frail hands.

Your little tricks won’t work on me, you old skin bag, Eric said.

Is that so? Grams’s voice was low, just above a whisper. The grayish tone to her skin began to fade and it started to turn milky white. Her power rode the air, cascading through the room before it focused on Eric.

Eric’s fist slammed against the table and he hunched over gasping for air. Gray veins spread across his face, growing thicker with each passing moment. His skin began to pale and his eyes glazed over. What is this? he choked out.

Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps my old age is making me appear uneducated in the power of demons. I mean, I’m just an old skin bag. What do I know?

Grams, what are you doing? Marcus asked, rising cautiously from his chair.

All the creases in Grams wrinkly skin began to smooth. Her gray eyebrows darkened, and the broken, unruly white of her hair shifted. The rollers in her hair fell to the ground as the color changed to a light brown, her unhealthy strands of hair smoothing and gaining a glossy appearance. The lines around her eyes flattened and the sagging skin beneath her pale lids tightened.

The hairs on my neck rose as a swirl of white magic flashed between both Eric and Grams, a line of power connecting them.

All the dark hair of Eric’s beard faded and his greasy ponytail dried, appearing gray and frail. A thick streak of his hair lost its pigment, turning completely white.

Or perhaps you should listen to me, Grams said. If an old lady can make you helpless and weak, what do you think the Brothers will do to you?

Grams, you’re kill—killing him, Willy said.

Everyone stood from their chairs and backed away. The magic was pouring off her and Eric crumpled to the floor.

Gr—Grams! Willy shouted.

The white streak in Eric’s black hair was bright, and his dark scraggly beard was peppered with shades of gray. The pronounced veins that had spread across his face shrunk, leaving remnants of thin blue lines beneath his skin.

The bright blue of Gram’s eyes returned as the magic washed away. She shook her head and long brown locks swayed behind her. Bedtime stories, huh? She sighed and moved back to her seat.

Grams, who now looked a decade younger, sat calmly in her chair and crossed her smooth, unblemished legs. Eric’s scarred hands gripped the edge of the table and he struggled to pull himself up. Blue veins rippled beneath his skin and his knees creaked as he rose from the floor.

This place is a joke, Eric said, a wheezing breath coming between each of his words. You take advice from demons and let a kid tell you how to run things. If you want to be sent to your deathbed instead of listening to a tried and true experienced hunter, you’re on your own.

Eric shoved his shoulder into Tiki as he walked by. Tiki stepped back to keep his balance but didn’t react otherwise. As the steel door slammed shut behind Eric, an awkward tension fell over the room.

Well…that didn’t quite go as planned, Marcus said.

Screw him, I said. We can’t trust him so we don’t need him.

Yes we do, Marcus said. Eric runs the biggest crew of rogue hunters on this side of the country. He may be…difficult at times, but don’t kid yourself, we need his numbers.

You’re both right, Grams said. We need the numbers, but numbers don’t mean crap if they’re just as likely to stick a knife in your back as they are in Riley’s.

Eric may be a lot of things, but a traitor is not one of them, Marcus said.

I think it worked out quite well. Look at me, I’m fabulous. Grams grinned, revealing perfectly straight but stained yellow teeth.

That isn’t right, Grams and you know it. Willy said.

Hogwash! That son of a bitch doesn’t appreciate his life, so someone ought to make him.

Edna… Marcus said.

Oh, fine. She waved him away.

Grams’s magic pulsed and her skin stretched out and the creases returned. The color her hair had gained faded back to gray, and its healthy gloss returned to frizz. The bags beneath her eyes returned, and the warmer tones to her skin were gone.

So what do we do now? Rayna asked.

Let’s give Eric a few days to cool off and then I’ll talk to him. We’ll see where we stand after that, Marcus said. Until then, if everyone will bring whatever they can find here, we’ll start the research.

Everyone was in agreement and began to gather their things. Kate stopped in front of me on her way to the door and squeezed my shoulder. Don’t take what Eric said seriously, Chase. You’re a good hunter and your heart is in the right place. Your mother would be proud of what you’re doing.

I forced a half-smile. Thanks.

I mean that. You’re doing good work here. Keep it up.

I nodded and she offered me a smile. Kate was around my mother’s age but she looked much older. Years of running an underground hunter outpost hadn’t exactly been a glorified lifestyle.

People chatted amongst themselves and slowly began to break away from the meeting one by one. Any of the residual anger that lingered inside me drifted away as Rayna approached.

Well, that was…intense, I said.

You’re telling me.

Can you do stuff like Grams just did?

Rayna laughed. Short of magically picking a lock and a few other minor spells, I can’t do much. I sure as hell can’t do that.

That’s because you’ve never been trained, Grams’s raspy voice said. But that’s about to change. You got that little kitty of yours in check?

Excuse me? Rayna arched a brow.

The kitty. You know, that little fuzzy beast inside your—

Yes, Marcus said. She’s shifted multiple times now and gained control over her beast.

Good. Then she can come with me.

I’m not sure if now’s a good time.

Now is as good a time as any. She’s got her beast in check and we’re trying to stop an apocalypse. We need to see what she can do.

What are you two talking about? Rayna asked.

We’re talking about you and the fact that this coven runs in your blood, Grams said.

Edna, Marcus said.

What? Was it a big secret?

Well no, but…

"Then don’t Edna me."

Wait, what? Rayna asked. My mother was a Triquerta like Grams?

I should’ve told you sooner, Marcus said. I just didn’t know how to bring it up.

Rayna stayed silent a moment, her eyes open wide.

Rayna? Marcus asked.

Don’t worry about it. It’s fine, she said. I knew my mother was a witch. Knowing what coven she belonged to doesn’t change anything.

Good, Grams said and turned to Marcus, slapping him on the shoulder. "I told you it wasn’t a big deal. You men and your tiptoeing around everything is such a waste. Look at her: she’s a big girl. She can handle herself.

Rayna’s shoulders tensed and she put her hands in her pocket. I knew her well enough to know it wasn’t as fine as she was letting on.

Now that we got that out of the way, it’s time we see what you can do, Grams said.

I told you, I can’t do much other than few basic spells, Rayna said.

An experienced witch in the Triquerta can change that. More specifically, you’ll be training with me. We’re going to see what you’re made of…besides hairballs. Grams snorted and laughed.

Right… Rayna said.

Grams reached into her suitcase-like purse and pulled out a pen and paper. I want you to go to The Ouija Board and pick all this up. I’ll meet you at your place when you’re finished.

Let’s slow down here a minute, Marcus said. I’m not saying Rayna can’t handle herself, but the last few months have been hard on everyone. We’ve all had to make certain…adjustments. I’m not sure now is the time to be testing her limits. With Jonathan back in the picture—

He’s not, Rayna said.

But I thought you two were going to start spending time together.

Rayna shook her head. At least not now. Not until all of this is over. Outside of shifting, I’m just not ready for that.

Oh… Marcus said. Are you sure ?

I need to be focused right now. I can’t do that with him in the picture.

Okay, Marcus said. Let me get my things and I’ll come to The Ouija Board with you. With Riley and the Brothers on the loose, we’re not taking any chances.

Nonsense. You and I have our own business to tend to, Grams said. Willy, Chase, and whatever his name is can go.

My name is Tikimicharnikato, of the—

I don’t care, Grams said. Now move your ass, kitty. The store closes in an hour.

Chapter 4

The parking lot was deserted, and newspaper, empty garbage cans, and other debris scattered and rolled around on the pavement. Shades of black and gray were painted across the sky, shifting from one angry cloud formation to another. The wind blew hard, and it carried the smell of incoming rain. One of Stonewall’s famous autumn storms was on its way, and if the wind was any kind of sign, it was going to be a bad one.

I jumped out of the Jeep and gusts of air whipped across my face. A small line of crows sat perched along the top of the buildings, and a single crow on the awning below them. It squawked annoyingly as the door to The Ouija Board slammed open and the wind pinned it against the side of the building. Each time the wind calmed the door would close, but another blast would slam it back against the brick wall, causing silver bells to clang against the glass.

As I neared the entrance, the door hit the wall again and a web of cracks spread throughout the glass. The crow squawked again and the other crows jumped into the air, circling the building in a murder of annoyance. Once everyone had moved inside, I battled the wind and pulled the door shut.

Wow, this storm isn’t going to be pretty, I said.

The wind howled on the other side, but the door stayed closed as I let my fingers slide off the aluminum handle.

What happened here? Tiki asked.

The store was in shambles, as if a storm of its own had torn through the inside. Pieces of what were once crystal balls lay strewn across the floor in fragments. Board games, trinkets, and power stones were in pieces on opposite sides of the room. The cash register spilled receipts, dollar bills, and coins onto the floor as it sat upside down on the counter.

Well, whoever did this obviously wasn’t here for money, I said.

I—I don’t like this guys. Maybe we sh—should go.

Why do you show fear now, Willy? Tiki asked. You are a powerful creature. One to be respected.

Yeah we—well, that creature is still new to me. I don’t feel very powerful right now.

Just relax. I patted Willy on the back.

Sa—says the guy with so much po—power he can hardly contain it.

I stepped cautiously through the store, but there was too much glass to avoid the crunching beneath my feet.

Debbie? Rayna called out. There was no answer.

Maybe she’s in the back?

I don’t know. Maybe, Rayna said. Debbie, it’s Rayna. Are you here?

We moved down a hallway of unfinished walls, where electrical cables hung loosely from wooden studs. The section of the store we wanted was down the hall and through another wooden door. It was the place where real witches bought their goods.

The door hung partially open and squeaked as Rayna pushed it. The room had been torn apart just like the first, but this time a familiar scent hung in the air.

Blood, Rayna said.

My eyes scanned

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