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Triptych of Couples
Triptych of Couples
Triptych of Couples
Ebook47 pages46 minutes

Triptych of Couples

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About this ebook

Three short interconnected stories. Eve and Adam are starting something new and exciting and perhaps a little naughty; Carol and Rob haven't started anything yet; while Alan and Natalie were finished long ago. Set at a social gathering in England.

PublisherTony Spencer
Release dateDec 12, 2012
Triptych of Couples

Tony Spencer

Have published 35 books since 1998, one out of print, 23 available on Smashwords, 6 on Wattpad and 15 on Amazon. I started writing fiction in 2012. I brought out a glut of little books as soon as I realised self publishing was an option, but now I am settling down to produce one novel and a collection of other stories each year. A grandfather of three angels, happily married for 42 years to another angel, living in Hampshire, England, about 35 miles west of London. I had worked for over 40 years as a printer and proofreader but retired in 2015 and hoping to spend more time writing. Also an editor of a community magazine, football programmes and have written weekly sports reports now for almost 20 years in local newspapers. Now concentrating on romantic fiction, mostly short stories, with occasional novellas and novels. Proud to be a member of the KCEditions independent publishing house of Canada.

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    Book preview

    Triptych of Couples - Tony Spencer

    A triptych of couples

    Tony Spencer

    Published by Tony Spencer at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 Tony Spencer

    Smashword Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Three short stories

    A triptych of couples

    Number One


    Your place or mine?

    As she heard the words Eve lifted her long-lashed hazel eyes from where they had been alternately focusing between the large searing-hot male hand squeezing her thigh just above her knee, and the slowly expanding grey cloth stretched across his crotch, now becoming pretty obvious even in the dimly-lit ballroom of the swankiest hotel in town. After delivering his devastating line Adam looked at her intently, a small but confident smile dancing on his ripened lips, his arched right eyebrow enquiringly higher than the left. She thought only movie stars looked like that on the big screen, not that tall blond blue-eyed Adam wasn't heaven-blessed with movie star looks. She thought he was definitely the most attractive man in the room at this moment, well ... perhaps with the exception of the the tall, distinguished-looking gentleman she had so recently abandoned standing by himself near the entrance/exit, perhaps still looking for her. She loved Alan unreservedly, unquestionably, but if she was free to choose any lover from within this crowded ballroom, Adam would have been her first, now actually her only, choice.

    She had been waiting for Adam's move since they had sat here together just a few minutes earlier, at this table next to the currently overpopulated dance floor. They had sat closely facing each other, her knees together, his knees enveloping her slim thighs - a couple of young people both comfortable and exhilarated in each others company, calmly oblivious of their busy surroundings. They had only sat here for a couple of moments and spoken briefly, breathlessly of the day, the celebration that both took full joyous part in. Eve's best friend Carol had gone to the bar and Adam had been keeping an eye out for his target and noticed Eve momentarily alone so had pulled up a chair and sat in front of her almost as close as he had for those two magical hours earlier in the day.

    Back then they had sat side by side for the celebration meal, the seating plan by prior arrangement placing them next to one another, where they sat with thighs touching for as long as they could decently manage, absorbing each others warmth, fuelling their mutual desire. They had touched often under that table, conscious of the risk of discovery, while stroking and caressing, sending strings of tantalising tingles up her spine every time flesh met thinly-clad flesh. They had even snatched a couple or three hasty kisses, but none of them as thrilling as their first kiss of the day some six or seven hours ago. Mealtime convention dictated that they converse with fellow diners on either side of them, but each was filled to overflowing with thoughts and fancies, of flight and fantasy, everything involving, including each other, exclusively.

    That first kiss earlier in the day, way before the meal, was so long ago it seemed like it happened in another time, in the path of a distant universe that had supernova'd and bathed them in cosmic photons that penetrated every pore of their lithe athletic, expectant bodies. That initial kiss was tentative at the

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