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About this ebook

Bobby is at the end of his tether, he has lost the love of his life, his job and now even his parents have given up on him. If only he could rewind his life back to when it all started to go wrong and do it all over, only differently, by not making the same mistakes this time. If only it was possible ...

PublisherTony Spencer
Release dateDec 13, 2012

Tony Spencer

Have published 35 books since 1998, one out of print, 23 available on Smashwords, 6 on Wattpad and 15 on Amazon. I started writing fiction in 2012. I brought out a glut of little books as soon as I realised self publishing was an option, but now I am settling down to produce one novel and a collection of other stories each year. A grandfather of three angels, happily married for 42 years to another angel, living in Hampshire, England, about 35 miles west of London. I had worked for over 40 years as a printer and proofreader but retired in 2015 and hoping to spend more time writing. Also an editor of a community magazine, football programmes and have written weekly sports reports now for almost 20 years in local newspapers. Now concentrating on romantic fiction, mostly short stories, with occasional novellas and novels. Proud to be a member of the KCEditions independent publishing house of Canada.

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    Rewind - Tony Spencer

    REWIND - The Dinner Party

    Tony Spencer

    Published by Tony Spencer at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 Tony Spencer

    Smashword Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    I hate dinner parties. I used to just dislike them, now I hate them with a vengeance. I could never really see the point of them to be honest. Take the dinner part of the event for a start. The food falls onto two distinct less-than-satisfactory categories. Firstly, the bought-in stuff which has come from an expensive restaurant. You can't exactly denigrate it to the level of an average take-away, but it is never quite as good as you could have had if you'd gone to the restaurant in the first place. Secondly, home-cooked food. It is often hurriedly made from untried recipes for many more people than the cook caters for generally. It is made to impress guests rather than for their enjoyment. Either way the food is not perfect, there's little or no alternative or choice, so the event is not really what you would call a good dinner. Mostly people just sit around having conversations, which can be very varied or stilted, depending on the company, so not much of a party then, either. And sitting at a table for several hours isn't really all that comfortable.

    Why not just meet up in a lounge somewhere for drinks and a chat after everyone's filled up beforehand with their own individual choice of burger, pizza, fish'n'chips or a slap up meal in a fancy restaurant? Each guest therefore could have dined already to their own particular taste and assembled ready to party.

    As I said, I used to just dislike dinner parties. However it was prepared or bought in, the food was generally not to my liking. I prefer plain simple food. If I want fancy sauces I would rather have them on a separate plate so I can dip if I want to try them or leave it where it is if not quite to my taste. But no, the food is invariably smothered in some sauce concoction rich in cream and over-used herbs/spices and ends up giving me heartburn. There is always wine at these things too, usually a different type for each course. By preference I would rather have beer and the same beer throughout, call me a slob if you like. I can count the thumbs on one hand the number of dinner parties with beer that I hadn't brought along myself. Oh right, that was our own dinner party and we already had the beer in.

    More often than not there are hidden agendas to these gatherings such as getting certain people together, where the host acts like a marriage counsellor or dating agency. Sometimes it's to make business introductions or simply to show one set of friends how wide their network of other friends are. So all these little gatherings are contrivances for some purpose or other, with a significant proportion of the guests designated as targets or victims, for the collective enjoyment of the rest of the menagerie.

    One such dinner party was the last one I swear I will ever volunteer to go to. I was invited to it without much prior notice, in fact just two days before the event, by my estranged wife, Theresa. We had been separated for two months and neither of us had spoken to the other in the meantime. So it was a total surprise when, completely out of the blue, Terry called me up at my parents' house and asked me to accompany her to this dinner party hosted by a colleague in her faculty.

    This turn of events actually threw me. I had been considering getting back in contact with her for a day or two and this looked like a perfect opportunity. I thought perhaps there was hope for our future yet. Our separation was a casual one, I had stormed out following an argument and we were both being intransigent about even speaking to one another. Neither of us had petitioned for legal separation or divorce during that period, however, and I really couldn't understand why she hadn't got the ball rolling already. I couldn't afford the luxury of legal proceedings anyway as I had lost my job as a laboratory assistant five months earlier, hence forcing me back to my parents. Besides, despite being too damn

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