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Shrinking Violet
Shrinking Violet
Shrinking Violet
Ebook27 pages27 minutes

Shrinking Violet

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About this ebook

Shy Violet has been overweight for years. Then she signs up for a structured diet plan and rapidly turns into a butterfly. Now she is gorgeous and has renewed confidence but has she taken this thing too far and lost everything? Written in the style of a series of monologues. Set in England

PublisherTony Spencer
Release dateDec 17, 2012
Shrinking Violet

Tony Spencer

Have published 35 books since 1998, one out of print, 23 available on Smashwords, 6 on Wattpad and 15 on Amazon. I started writing fiction in 2012. I brought out a glut of little books as soon as I realised self publishing was an option, but now I am settling down to produce one novel and a collection of other stories each year. A grandfather of three angels, happily married for 42 years to another angel, living in Hampshire, England, about 35 miles west of London. I had worked for over 40 years as a printer and proofreader but retired in 2015 and hoping to spend more time writing. Also an editor of a community magazine, football programmes and have written weekly sports reports now for almost 20 years in local newspapers. Now concentrating on romantic fiction, mostly short stories, with occasional novellas and novels. Proud to be a member of the KCEditions independent publishing house of Canada.

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    Shrinking Violet - Tony Spencer

    Shrinking Violet

    Tony Spencer

    Published by Tony Spencer at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 Tony Spencer

    Smashword Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the work of this author. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Shrinking Violet

    1. Jim Jones talks about how his wife started dieting.

    My wife Vi Jones is a very shy and reserved person. She is so close to our 8-year-old daughter August that she is almost a sister to her and prefers her company to women of her own age, which is her late thirties. Vi has been overweight pretty well forever and was steadily getting bigger over the ten years that we have been married. She casually tried lots of different faddish diets on a regular basis but without much progress in that direction. She was worried that our daughter would pick up her bad eating habits. She is quite short, barely five foot tall, and as she was a full size 28 she couldn't get clothes to fit her in the shops any more. We ordered a hell of a lot of stuff on-line. She wore mostly black and dark colours, feeling she didn't want to draw attention to herself. She suffers from poly-cystic syndrome, which was only recently diagnosed. This was the cause both of her obesity and relative infertility. Our Doctor offered her a course of 12 weeks with the local slim club as her only option out of her predicament.

    Vi joined the local group of slimmers who meet at the nearest community centre early one evening a week, taking August along with her, so she too could assimilate the lifestyle of healthy eating. Vi took to the regimen so well that in her first year she reduced from

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