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A global epidemic
A mysterious pack of wild dogs.
A choice between love and passion.

Indy watches helplessly as a virus he was partially responsible for, sweeps across the world like wildfire. He and his friends watch helplessly as the world crumbles around them. Only a strange horde of dogs led by the three headed Cerberus is able to stem the tide of infection. The ferocious demon dogs drag those infected by the virus into the bowels of the earth, tucked safely away from the main population. Indy finds out that the only way to save the world, and stop the plague is to find its source, Warren Hocking.

PublisherMarty Longson
Release dateDec 20, 2012

Marty Longson

I write a blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy that are easy to pickup and hard to put down. The main series I am working on right now is the Tower Saga and is available in both Ebook and paperback on Amazon, ITunes, Barnes and Noble.I also have a series out called the Bitcoin Detective. Check it out on amazon... you feel like asking I question about any of my books send an Email to If you want to learn more about me or my books, go to myWebsite - I also have a small presence on Twitter -@martylongson

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    Hades - Marty Longson


    By Marty Longson

    COPYRIGHT © 2012 Marty Longson

    all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic. mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This book was previously published as Daniel Locke and the Tombs of Hades.


    The Tower Saga

    Book 1 - Guardian

    Book 2 - Valkyrie

    Book 3 – Hades

    To find bonus chapters in these books or to contact the author please visit


    This book is dedicated to my wife Trisha, without your support this would have never happened.

    -If I could only grab the rays of light from the ocean of stars. I would put them in your gentle hands, for in your care the future lays. To have and to hold, to cherish and bless.


























    Soft blue light flickered on and off the surface of a slim metal disc as it turned in the darkness. The odd silver disc was lined with four symbols, designations for four powerful towers, Valhalla, Atlantis, Olympus and Hades. Two of the four symbols glowed occasionally as the metal disc turned. A pair of crossed swords and a circle filled with flames took turns illuminating while the other two symbols on the disc remained dark. The round disc was not a perfect circle. A section of the disc had been sliced away, leaving the compass with a flat edge on one side.

    Colonel Charles Tapper ran a gnarled finger across the smooth cut where two other symbols should had been. A tremor ran across his illuminated face as the rage inside him threatened to boil out. He had been so close, so very close to controlling what he desired most of all, power, and immortality. Tapper considered his old wrinkled hand as he continued to rub the metal surface of the compass that could lead him to any of the illuminated emblems and those mysterious white boxes contained within. With just one of those white wish boxes he could claim all he desired and more... much more. If it weren’t for those meddling kids, he would have two of those boxes now. That damn Locke kid and his friends would pay for their interference, of that there was no doubt in his mind. Tapper silently added James to that list as well. The Locke’s turncoat butler had been instrumental in getting him this far but a sudden change of heart at the last minute by James had doomed the original plan all to hell.

    A blinking red light caught his attention and he looked up from the disc to glance around the cabin he was sitting in. Six other men sat around him, now bathed in the red light. Each one wore a hard look and was dressed in black military fatigues, the same combat gear that he now wore as well. It had been a very long time since he had been dressed for battle. A flutter of excitement filled his chest as he watched several of the men going through last minute checks of their gear and weapons.

    A voice spoke through his headset just then.

    Colonel Tapper sir, we are over the drop zone. Winds are steady at ten miles per hour and the window is open, just waiting on you now, sir, the pilot said in a cool crisp tone.

    Tapper considered the compass he held for one long moment before he gave his reply. This might be his last chance, he knew from all his reports that the chances of another tower being activated, were near impossible. His information came from James, who had been a Guardian for one of these towers while under Tapper’s thumb. James had assured him that for three towers to be active at one time was an historic event. This was going to be his last chance. Eden and Valhalla were closed to him now, both protected by Guardians and others he could not corrupt or circumvent. This Hades tower was a fresh start, even if he was going into the situation blind, with no advanced scouts. Steeling his nerves Tapper spoke into his microphone and gave his orders.

    Okay for drop soldier. Open the doors and proceed with the mission, the Colonel ordered.

    Yes Sir, the pilot replied.

    The red light clicked off and was replaced by a green one that blinked brightly in the enclosed space. Seconds later a massive door slid open at the back of the cabin. The mercenaries he had hired sprang into action like a well-oiled machine. Several burly men heaved repelling ropes out of the cabin and out into the air as the men began to scramble out of the chopper. Colonel Tapper reached under his seat and retrieved a long wooden box. He opened it briefly to admire a long crystal sword that lay inside the protective container. With a sigh he closed the lid and rose slowly from his seat. The old man strode to the open door and looked down. Below him was a roiling black mist that was pouring out of a massive crater that had cracked the side of Mount Fuji. He watched as the last of the mercenaries descended into the thick black mist below. Patiently he waited for several more agonizing heartbeats before his headpiece chirped.

    We are on the ground Colonel. The scouts are in place and the area is secure. We are just waiting on you now, Sir.

    Roger that. Dropping in now, Tapper said and he secured his packs.

    With the possessions secured, Tapper grabbed one of the repelling ropes and hooked his harness in. It had been many years since his last drop but the motions came back to him easily, muscle memory engrained into his soul. With a swift and sure motion, he stepped out of the doorway and into the mists. Within moments he was down.

    The ground he landed on was not what he had expected. The earth below his feet surprised him. He had expected to see a rocky earthen hole filled with boulders and maybe even cave-like in appearance. What he saw was a smooth unbroken expanse of stone that stretched off into the mists.

    The air was thick with the black mist that they had seen from the chopper and the air around him smelled earthy but with a tinge of something else. Tapper inhaled deeply, trying to place the scent. As he let the cool crisp air into his chest, the hair on the back of his neck and arms began to rise as if charged by static electricity. He could feel the air around him pulsing with energy. Then he placed the scent... it was ozone. It was as if the area around him had been recently struck by lightning.

    On a hunch Tapper pulled the thick black wooden case from his pack and opened it slowly. The last time he had opened the case there had been a crystal sword, now the crystal had turned to metal. With a glint in his old eyes the Colonel lifted the samurai sword from the box and instantly the world around him slowed.

    Tapper looked at the ring of soldiers surrounding him defensively. To him their movements looked slow and clumsy. They lacked the speed and grace he now held. It was as if his old age and maladies had melted off his body in an instant. He felt young again, vibrant and strong. He felt confident, sure of his actions and movements. Tapper looked around himself again, knowing full well, that at that moment, he could kill them all in a matter of heartbeats. The power within him seemed to grow and he felt himself swelling in size and strength.

    He didn’t need these soldiers. He didn’t need their help or support. Waves of anger pulsed through his body as he watched the little ants scurry around him, moving as if mired in molasses. He felt nauseated by the ineptitude of these insignificant mortals around him. He was a god now, why should he be slowed down by these pitiful creatures... he should just kill them all now before...

    Tapper’s breath caught in his throat as he raised the sword to strike at the nearest soldier. With an effort, Tapper lowered the sword and stood there staring at it for several moments before sliding it into a sheath he had brought along for the blade. With the naked steel out of his hand, the world around him swam back into focus and the weight of his years crept back into his bones. The mercenary next to him didn’t even notice that he had come within inches of death.

    Tapper knew that the sword was dangerous but he now knew what had caused the death of its last owners... over confidence. He would learn from their mistakes, the sword was just a means to an end, not the end itself. He would have to remind himself of that, he thought to himself as he ran his thumb over the swords hilt.

    The black mist around them continued to swirl as the soldiers prepared to move out. But there was something wrong with their movements. They all displayed a nervous energy that the Colonel was not used to seeing in seasoned mercenaries. Tapper watched as the soldiers around him began to mutter and curse at the mists. Each one of these men was a hardened warrior. They had come with a heavy price tag but he had been assured of their competence. Tapper considered the odd black mists around them. There was something about the mists that was getting to these men he thought. Sitting still was only adding to their bad mood. He would have to change that and soon.

    Reaching into his pack again Tapper brought forth his other tower artifact, the compass. He was caught off guard by what he saw as he looked down on its metal surface. All four emblems were now lit. Tapper turned the metal disc around in his hands and all four symbols remained glowing with a soft blue light. Under normal conditions he would have to turn the disc about in his hand in order to get an emblem to show him the path to its respective tower. Now it seemed that no matter which way he went he would eventually reach a tower... including the two towers that were not currently active.

    Curious, Tapper whispered softly, wondering if he had stumble on something important.

    A squawking of radio chatter interrupted his musings.

    Update soldier, Tapper commanded.

    The merc with the radio turned to him and with a shaky voice said, Sir, we have lost all contact with the scouts. Their radios are dead... they just cut out. All of our electronics are acting up.

    The Colonel looked at his mercenary who was fiddling with his radio. The man’s nerves were teetering on the edge of panic.

    Tapper slapped the man’s shoulder and smiled.

    I am sure it is nothing, we shall proceed in any case.

    Yes Sir, the mercenary said, stiffening in instant respect. Which way though? We have dropped into some kind of massive cavern Sir. There is nothing around us but open space. We haven’t been able to detect the ceiling let alone the walls with all this black mist. As far as we know this area could stretch out for miles in any direction. We need a course, Sir. Our compasses aren’t even reading right, they just keep spinning in circles.

    Tapper looked at his own artifact compass and debated the merits of telling the man his own compass was defective as well. With a sigh, Tapper looked down at the compass and aligned himself with the Hades symbol.

    We go that way, he said pointing in the general direction he hoped would take them through the mists. Move out.

    The mercenary with the radio looked at him blankly and asked, Sir, what about the scouts?

    Break a couple light sticks and mark the floor with our direction, Tapper said with irritation. You can call them once the radios are back online. Hell you can whistle for them while we walk. But any scout worth their salt will be able to follow the path we leave.

    ...if they are still able to. Tapper added under his breath.

    The soldier seemed hesitant but nodded his head in agreement. It only took him a few moments to crack several green light sticks and mark the way.

    I will keep marking the trail as we go, the soldier informed him and the rest of the men as they started to move out.

    Tapper followed his four remaining soldiers into the mists. As they moved through the black swirling mass, he swore he heard something behind them. Tapper looked over his shoulder to regard the mist surrounding the glow sticks.

    The breath caught in his throat when he saw that the sticks were already impossible to see. Blackness had surrounded them and Tapper knew in that instant that things were going to go wrong... horribly wrong.


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