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What are the consequences when an angel falls in love with a demon? Phaedra knows her place as an angel messenger in training. But when passion develops between Phaedra and Erebus - a demon prisoner under her watch - the angelic Council must decide their fate.

Awarded 3rd Place in the 2008 Gimme Credit Short Screenplay Competition for the script version of this story, 'Forbidden' is a tale taken from the 'From Elsewhere' collection - six short stories of unearthly visitors.

Other titles in the From Elsewhere collection:
The Foundling
Grey Eyes In Silver
The Hearing
The Long View

PublisherMark Knight
Release dateDec 23, 2012

Mark Knight

Mark Knight grew up in Massachusetts, USA. Settling in the UK, Mark continued to write novels of differing genres, including horror and television scripts. Mark has worked on feature film scriptwriter, having scripted two horror scripts for Hollywood's Little Slices of Death production company and one for Illusion Studios. He also won several short story competitions, and has had his work featured in published anthologies. Mark concentrates now on Young Adult fantasy/horror/science fiction novels. 'Blood Family' - Seventeen-year-old Daniel Dark has a pretty random life - until he gets a message from his true father, a vampire. 'The Ones' - Psychic powers within a small group of fifteen-year-olds in a quiet American harbour town leads to a summer of self-discovery...and a life on the run. 'Solomon Grimm and the Well of Souls' concerns a cursed British teen as he enters the dark and dangerous realm of the Celtic Otherworld in search of a cure to his undead condition. 'The Powers' follows 18-year-old Gunner Robinson after his life is turned upside-down by the revelation that he originally came to earth as a Protector - a powerful warrior angel. EBOOKS OF THE ABOVE TITLES ARE ON THE WAY! COMING SOON. LOOKING FORWARD TO ENTERTAINING YOU. MARK KNIGHT, DECEMBER, 2012

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    Book preview

    Forbidden - Mark Knight


    By Mark Knight

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012 by Mark Knight

    All Rights Reserved.

    Chapter I

    The Council Chamber shone as though sculpted from light.

    But for the nine male and female Council members it was a place of serenity, order. Lesser beings would shrink in here, shielding their eyes and cowering amidst the magnificence of it all. This was, after all, the Council.

    Call forth the accused.

    As the head of the Council, Saliha was always the first to speak. Tribunals always began with her. Out of the nine Council members seated at the semi-circular conference desk, she was the youngest, though exuded a special gravitas all her own. Each of the blue-clad members was equal in every way, however. Each decision weighed neatly and fairly against those of the others. Saliha was the leader, but the Council of Nine acted as one.

    A young woman approached the dais. She was just as striking as Saliha, though in a markedly different way. Slim, sylphlike, with hair so fair as to be almost white. There was a glow about her - brighter than the room itself but not quite as bright as the members of the

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