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Whore Queen
Whore Queen
Whore Queen
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Whore Queen

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Whore Queen is the first quest in the tale of King Valen the Conqueror. In this quest, the young king returns to Deer Glen after being banished by his father until his eighteenth birthday. As the tale begins, he provides his uncle an heir, meets a young chambermaid, finally confronts his evil step-mother who was behind his banishment to Luminia and battles a pair of Shadow-Beasts...

PublisherBaron LeSade
Release dateDec 26, 2012
Whore Queen

Baron LeSade

Howdy, I'm a Texan by birth and a Nevadan an accident of fate. Retired after twenty-eight years in the USAF and now live on a horse ranch just outside of Reno, Nevada. I used to write for literotica, but decided I might as well write for myself as it was a lot more profitable....

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    Whore Queen - Baron LeSade

    Whore Queen

    Published by Baron LeSade at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Baron LeSade

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, internet, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the owner.

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    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. No responsibility or liability is assumed or accepted by the author for any claimed financial losses and/or damages sustained to persons from the use of the information used in this publication, personal or otherwise, either directly or indirectly. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy of the information within, all liability, negligence or otherwise, from any misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein, is the sole responsibility of the reader. By reading past this point you are accepting these terms and conditions and acknowledging that you are eighteen years of age or older.

    This is the first quest in the tale of King Valen, the Conqueror.

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1 – The Queen is Dead

    CHAPTER 2 – Prince Valen’s return

    CHAPTER 3 – The Whore Queen

    CHAPTER 1— The Queen is Dead

    Although the age of epic heroes and villains is now long passed, lost amid the ruins and dust of the past, the tales of such immortals have been passed down to us to remain as a reminder that that these illustrious legends once lived and breathed as we do today. But these heroes lived, fought, and lusted with a passion rarely witnessed in our times. This is a tale of two such immortals, King Valen, the Conqueror and his whore Queen, Queen Abatha.


    Abatha sat staring at herself in the looking glass. Reaching down inside the bodice of her dress, she gently lifted her full, voluptuous breasts out over the neckline of the gown and eased them down on her chest. They were beautiful, she smiled to herself. But sadly, they'd never known the touch of a lover's fingers. And this in her eighteenth year. When would she ever be allowed to be courted by some handsome, young prince?

    Lovingly tracing the tip of her finger around the darkened circle of pebbled flesh, she felt a tickle of arousal pulse through the big, swollen nub protruding out from the center of the circle. What would it feel like to take a lover, she wondered, gently pinching her nipple between her finger and thumb and twisting it?

    Her sister, Queen Labeth knew. That was evidenced by the fact that she was in her chambers giving birth at this very moment. Labeth had sent for Abatha to come live with her and King Gorth when Labeth had first found out that she was with child. And now the glorious event was taking place down the hallway. The day of the birth of the king's heir had arrived. Would it be a boy…or a girl, she wondered? Cupping her hands back under her big, pendulous breasts, she eased them back inside her dress and stood.

    She knew that she should be with her sister. But her mother, Queen Helena of Ephoria had warned her that there would be blood and all kinds of horrid things when the child was born so she had left the midwives to care for her sister. There would be time enough for that when it came time for her to birth her own child…if that time ever came, she petulantly thought.

    Just then she heard shouting outside in the hallway. Angry shouting. Who could be shouting? Didn't they know that Queen Labeth was giving birth? The shouting might frighten the queen and cause complications. Who would be so foolish?

    Turning, Abatha hiked up her skirt of her houppelande and scurried toward the door to see who it was that was making such a racket. She had only taken a few steps when suddenly, there was a loud crash and the giant wooden doors came swinging open. As they did, Abatha found herself face to face with an angry, distraught King Gorth.

    My Lord, what is wrong? Abatha gasped, clutching her breasts and reeling backwards.

    The Queen—the Queen is dead, he roared, swinging around, reaching out and shoving the doors shut. Then he angrily hefted the heavy, iron crossbar standing beside the door and slammed it down into the cradle to lock it.

    The child? Abatha asked wondering why the king had locked them in her room.

    A boy, King Gorth snarled, taking a step toward the cowering girl. But now, he said, lurching to a stop in front of Abatha, I am without a queen—

    What—what do you wish of me, My Lord? Abatha cringed, holding her arm in front of her quivering breasts and stepping back from the distraught king.

    You—you, Abatha, you will be my queen— Gorth scowled, reaching out and knocking her arm to the side. My Queen Abatha… he groaned, reaching out, digging his stout fingers down under the neckline of her houppelande, grasping it and ripping it open.

    Abatha was terrified, staring down at her big, heavy breasts as they sprawled out into the open in front of the leering king. Suddenly the king stopped.

    By the gods… he gasped, gawking down at Abatha's bobbling breasts as they heaved up and down in rhythm with her frantic breathing.

    Abatha was paralyzed. She couldn't move. What was he doing, she fearfully railed? She was terrified. What should she do? He was the King. His word was law! And to rebuff him could prove ruinous.

    Beautiful… Gorth whispered, reverently running the backs of his stubby fingers across the trembling softness of Abatha's breasts.

    My King… Abatha murmured, not knowing what else to say.

    Her houppelande was ruined, hanging from her shoulders in shreds as King Gorth clutched hold of the tattered cloth and jerked it down over her hips to let it fall in a puddled heap at her feet. Then she was naked!

    By all that is sacred— the king gasped, stepping back and lustily letting his eyes crawl up and down Abatha's youthful body.

    My Lord— Abatha whimpered, shyly lifting her arms up to cover her trembling breasts as she stared back at the king in abject fear.

    My Queen— Gorth groaned, stepping up, bending, slipping his arms behind her knees and back and sweeping her off her feet. Now her discarded dress lay in a tattered heap in the middle of the cold, stone floor.

    Abatha had no choice but to throw her arms around the king's neck and hold on as the monarch lurched across the room to her bed.

    Stopping by the bed, the king brusquely pitched her down into the middle of the furs and satin pillows lying on the bed. Arms and legs flailing, Abatha landed on her back in the middle of the down—filled mattress.

    Has your cunt known the feel of a man's prick My Queen? Gorth grunted, reaching up to the front of his blouse and starting to unbutton it.

    No, no, My Lord, it has not, Abatha murmured looking down at the tangle of soft, red curls spreading up from the tip of her taut belly.

    Spreading his blouse open to reveal his hairy, muscular chest, Gorth peeled the shirt off his back and pitched it down on the end of the bed.

    In all of her eighteen years, Abatha had never even seen a man's thing, a man's prick as the king so grossly called it. She didn't know what to expect. She knew nothing of a man's size, but her sister, Queen Labeth had told her that King Gorth's member was large. But what was large, she fearfully wondered? A hand? Two hands? A span? Would it hurt?

    Abatha couldn’t stop herself as she stared down at the king's crotch waiting. Waiting for him to expose himself to her. To expose his cock.

    Suddenly, the king leaned down, shoving his velvet trousers down his stubby legs as he did. And when he stood back up, there it was. HIS COCK!

    Ohhhhhh… Abatha gasped, struggling to catch her breath, her eyes widening in shock and amazement.

    It looked huge to Abatha! Abatha could feel her heart pounding down inside her chest in trepidation. Fearfully, she tried to imagine what it would be like to be assaulted by his mammoth member while she stared at the gigantic

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