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The Man in the Box
The Man in the Box
The Man in the Box
Ebook36 pages28 minutes

The Man in the Box

By Mara

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About this ebook

Exasperated with the men in her life, Sarah turns to the internet to procure the next best thing, her very own man in a box - a sex toy!
However when the delivery arrives she finds she has been given the wrong item, a chair that she has no use for, and the company policy is strictly no refunds. Adding to her irritation, they insist that she has received the correct item and will be 100% satisfied. Sarah doesn't know it yet, but her life is about to take a crazy turn and she will find herself tempted, teased and on the wild and sexy adventure of a lifetime!

***WARNING***This 8000 word story contains ADULT THEMES and GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT.

“Maybe we don’t need men,” Sarah suggested, thinking of her dream. She glanced at the chair in the corner. It had been better than any vibrator she’d ever heard of. If she had dreams like that every time she slept naked in that chair, she’d sleep naked in it every night.
“Joanie, do me a favor,” she suggested. “Take off the cushion of that chair and tell me what you think.”
Joanie looked at her, puzzled. Slowly, she pushed her coffee cup away and stood to cross the room. She stood before the chair, bent, and tugged at the cushion. It didn’t budge.
“Sarah, I hate to tell you, but this cushion doesn’t come off.”
Sarah frowned. “Yes, it does, I took it off yesterday to dust.”
Now Joanie really looked at her oddly. “You couldn’t have. It doesn’t come off.” She tugged at the cushion so hard that the entire chair lifted an inch from the floor.
Sarah nearly ran across the room to check for herself. She tugged, but the cushion didn’t budge.
She paled. Joanie was right.
Was she losing her mind?

Release dateDec 25, 2012
The Man in the Box


Mara "self-published" her first story at age 9, a hand-written, hand-drawn masterpiece that totally failed to charm its intended target.Since those heady days of young love, she has worked to improve her romantic technique and her writing skills.Now living in New Zealand and writing full-time to create sexy, romantic short and long fiction pieces that she hopes readers will enjoy.

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    Book preview

    The Man in the Box - Mara

    The Man in the Box

    Mara Stone

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Mara Stone

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    "Why are men so frustrating!"

    Sarah sank into her leather desk chair and screamed the words to the ceiling.

    Mr. Peebles, her Persian, stared at her unblinkingly, and Sarah reached for the animal.

    That stupid man woke up this morning, pulled on his clothes, mumbled something about work and stumbled out the door. Didn’t ask for my number, didn’t give me his, and then he called back something that sounded an awful lot like, ‘thanks, Stacy.’

    She groaned and clutched Mr. Peebles’s thick fur so hard the cat hissed. Sorry.

    With a sigh, she placed her pet back on the floor.

    "There’s just no use. I’m hopeless. Or better yet, men are hopeless. They’re all a bunch of dick-swinging, lying, scumbags. I give up."

    Another sigh.

    I’ll miss the sex, though. God, I’ll miss sex. I wish I liked women. Women are nice.

    She considered that statement for a moment, and amended, Sometimes. At least, they smell better.

    She turned to her computer. Maybe it was time for something her sister had been suggesting for a very, very long while. In fact, she used to have one, back in the day…

    That’s what Google is for, she murmured to herself, and began typing.

    Twenty minutes later, she was baffled, and still murmuring to herself while Mr.. Peebles attempted to drape himself over the keyboard. "I don’t understand what that is for… why would they be selling a… it’s an online sex shop, for crying out loud! That’s more like a… I mean… kitchen appliance or something. Weird."

    But the small online boutique was the cheapest she’d found for what she was looking for, according to her trusty search engine.

    Let’s see… vibrators, dildos, insertables. There we go.

    She decided that she wanted something realistic. After all,

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