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Lightning in the Tunnel Begins
Lightning in the Tunnel Begins
Lightning in the Tunnel Begins
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Lightning in the Tunnel Begins

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Brad knew he was in trouble when he kissed "Merry Christmas" to Michele too long and his wife Vicki walked up. Seeing them kissing for so long, she screamed "That's my husband!"
The next morning, he tried to make amends for the kiss, his wife was slow to forgive him.
When he left for work that Saturday morning, he looked at the Shelter called the Tomb with an uneasy feeling.
Vicki knew she would forgive him, but wanted to wait a little while longer, events made that a long while longer. Right now, problems with her son Brian dominated her thoughts when she left for work.
At work, Brad heard the radio blasting the civil defense warning just after letting Michele, "the one he kissed too long" into the front offices to do some work. He scrambled to get what he had in his van for survival and collected other items along the way to have enough food and water to survive. He didn't plan on taking Michele with him until she came where he was asking what all the sirens were about and what caused the car crashes out front. Giving her no choice because he didn't want her to die in her stupidity of not understanding what was going on, he forced her down into the fireproof section of the basement!
When it was all over, they emerged into a different world that had no rules or laws!

PublisherA. G. Moye
Release dateDec 26, 2012
Lightning in the Tunnel Begins

A. G. Moye

Books with a Twist! Born in the cotton fields of Arkansas. Delivered newspapers in Clarksville, Arkansas from 5 to 14 and then moved to California. Work in the metals Industry management for thirty years. I am married with seven children and twenty- two grandchildren along with three great grandchildren. Started writing in 1987 just as a hobby but found I enjoyed it so much that I kept it up even after retiring. My wife, Sammi is my biggest supporter; pushing me to get my books published which I have enjoyed hearing from those that read them that they enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.Currently writing my three book Science Fiction series called Marauder Chronicles. Finished with first two and are published. Writing book three of the Chronicles of the Marauder! To be followed by the sequel to "A Stranger Comes Crawling" and conclusion of the Lightning in the Tunnel series, "Lightning Rages"

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    Lightning in the Tunnel Begins - A. G. Moye

    Chapter One

    The hair on Brad's neck stood up, an uneasy feeling came over him. A sensation he had not felt since his parents died. Following his unlocking the back entrance of the front office for Michele Davies. Even his skin felt strange, as if his mind and body knew something. Was it his wife, Vicki or had his son, Brian hurt his daughter, Cindi, again?

    Knowing Vicki was home, he focused on doing his steel mill supervisor duties. He shook off the sensations as being caused by working the Saturday morning after a Christmas party. The party given by his company, where he had a little too much to drink. His body was sluggish from proper sleep also.

    Brad walked out of the maintenance area, heading into the production equipment operation area. The smell of heated rolling oil greeted him The lack of personnel was the first thing he noticed, but the rolling mill was still running, almost as if everyone left their posts in a rush. Seeing the coil was reaching the end, he rushed over hitting the E-Stop.

    Damn, someone is going to get wrote up for this, he said out loud. A radio turned up fully caught his attention. The announcer was screaming. I REPEAT, CIVIL DEFENSE HAS ISSUED A WARNING OF INCOMING MISSILES, THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS URGED TO HEAD TO THE NEAREST FALLOUT SHELTER, IT IS NUCLEAR ARMED. The message repeated itself over and over. Brad wondered how much time lapsed since the warning was issued.

    Fighting the initial panic, he calmed himself down after all he had prepared and trained for this.

    Screeching tires outside told him his crew, and Sam’s were frantically trying to get to family and shelter. Rushing to the freight doors, he was greeted with the smell of burning rubber while going to his van to get the camping gear located there.

    Pausing in the doorway, He looked at the chaotic situation in the parking lot. Everyone was in a hurry to get out, some minor fender benders occurred with neither driver stopping. They only had one thought, get home. Sam, the nightshift supervisor was darting between cars trying to reach his car in the back of the lot. One car, hauling ass as ran into its path. Before Brad could yell a warning, the car struck him, sending his body flying through the air. Sam landed on the back of another car, smashing out its rear window. The driver never slowed down. Another car came from another direction, heading for the gate. These two nearly collided. One vehicle swerved, going left of the guard shack into a car turning. Brad recognized Mike as the driver, his eyes bugged out seconds before the impact. There was no hope of either driver surviving the impact. The speeding car was sent flying over Mike’s, exploding into flames.

    Poor fools, Brad thought, witnessing the carnage. They will never make it home unless it is close by.

    The other car lost control, plowing through the guardhouse, destroying it. Sending the guard flying through the air. When the car kept going reaching the street colliding with another car racing home at a high rate of speed. The impact caused the new car to flip over, causing it to spin like a top. Both cars exploded in flames, igniting Mike’s gas tank as well. It exploded. Screams told Brad someone was alive in the burning vehicles but he had no time to help anyone.

    With the exit blocked by burning vehicles, the next driver went through the fence. Those rushing to leave followed his path. The driver of the car Sam landed on pushed his body off, driving away frantically. Brad waited until the last vehicle left before rushing to his van. For a second, he wanted to check Sam’s body to be sure he was dead, but stopped. Even if he was alive, there was nothing he could do for him. Knowing time was not on his side, he quickly moved through the parking lot. He glanced at those across the street gathering around the vehicles, trying to see if they could save someone. He wanted to yell at them to take cover, but knew they couldn’t hear him. Before he could get through to them, the missile would hit.

    Opening the back of his van, he gathered the camping gear stored there. He wished for more weapons than just the knife in his backpack. Putting his backpack on, he took the other packs along with the bedrolls. He wasn’t sure how much food they contained but knew the canteens were empty. Loaded up, he moved quickly.

    Thinking about what he was doing kept him focused. He needed more food and water. Outside the supervisor’s office was a bottled water machine, with spare bottles inside the office. Rushing towards it, he grabbed the half empty bottle off the machine trying not to spill the precious water. Taking it into the office, he placed it next to the full two bottles. He recalled Sam kept a knife in his desk, taking it out, sticking it in his belt. Unplugging the extension cord for the clock on the wall, he tied the ends to the two full bottles to make a sling, allowing him to carry other things. Seeing the oxygen bottle on the wall for emergencies, he took it stuffing it in one of the packs. Spotting the first aid kit on the wall, he ripped it off, jamming it into another pack.

    The wail of the civil defense sirens spurred him to take Sam’s knife and cut the cord off the clock, using it to tie the open bottle to his belt. Seeing the apple on Sam’s desk, he shoved it into one of the packs. He slung the two bottles tied together over his neck; immediately the cord started hurting his neck from the weight, but he ignored it. At the last second, spotting Sam’s flashlight sitting on the desk, he took it. Grabbing all the other packs by the straps, he kept one hand free to open the door. Getting through the door proved to be difficult, he turned sideways to do so.

    Brad felt calmest he had in a long time. Even though time was of the essence, he didn’t allow himself to panic. Vicki and the children flashed through his mind, he hoped all the time training them that they would follow the steps he outlined and survive.

    Moving quickly with all the weight he was carrying, he headed for the maintenance area for the tools he would need to pry open the candy machines and the basement door. Seeing lunch bags, he took those in stride, shoving them into the packs. In the maintenance area, he found what he needed. A pry bar and a screwdriver; extra large because he knew he didn’t have time to come back. This was a one-way trip. He wished he noted the time when he heard the first warning, maybe that would give him some idea how long he had.

    Reaching the basement door, he put everything down, untying the bottle dangling in front of him. Leaving everything except the crowbar and screwdriver, he rushed over to the rear office entrance where he had been only a short time ago. Inside he knew there were vending machines. Knowing candy wasn’t the best of food, still it might help him make it to the time he felt he needed before exiting the basement.

    Stopping at the bed used for women that needed to lie down sometimes when they felt sick instead of going home, the bed was a gurney-type bed to be used in an emergency in the plant also. Taking the neatly folded blanket off of it, he went into the room where the vending machines were. Not bothering to pry them open, he smashed the glass using the crowbar. Then he spread the blanket out, throwing all the candy and chips in the blanket.

    Michele heard all the crashes, and seeing the fires, she tried calling 911 but could only get a busy signal. Hearing the sound of breaking glass, Michele went to investigate. Unnerved by the sirens and unable to get through to 911, she approached with caution. Seeing it was Brad, she asked, What’s going on? Why all the sirens? What caused those fires?

    Brad heard her questions but didn’t think he had time to explain things to her. His thought was to ignore her going about his own survival. The thought of leaving her to die didn’t set well with his conscience after all he liked her. He could see she was frightened about all that was going on and confused. His quandary was because she was the reason he and Vicki fought last night. Even though things appeared to be better this morning, Vicki would not understand why he took her with him. That damn kiss! Flashed through his mind before he decided the right thing to do was to take her with him. She would never survive out here.

    Here, take this! he commanded, shoving the blanket filled with chips and candy into her arms; she took it without hesitation, not thinking. He scanned the room to see if there was anything else he might need. Michele stood there frozen, with him waving the pry bar back and forth before pointing it toward the door. Let’s go!

    She went out of the room, but when he pointed to go out the back office entrance, she became scared. The way his eyes kept darting back and forth, along with the way he kept moving that pry bar, she became concerned about his state of mind. Had he done something that caused the fires out front and the sirens that kept blaring? She couldn’t recall ever hearing sirens go for so long, even on testing days.

    This way! He pointed when they stepped out of the door. He used the pry bar to make his point. Fear almost caused her to stand there, but he looked like he was going to hit her with it. Since he stayed behind her, there was no hope of throwing the stuff she carried at him then trying to get away in high heels. When they reached the basement door, she saw all the stuff he collected there. He surprised her by stepping in front of her to quickly break the padlock off the door with the pry bar. As quickly as he stepped in front of her, he stepped back. Why didn’t he just go get the key? Flashed through Michele’s mind.

    Go on in! he commanded. He was busy picking up the other stuff piled near the entrance. She had been down here a year ago to clean the place up; along with organizing the files kept down there. It looked spooky and forlorn down there. Why had this normally nice guy turned into a psychopath? She saw them portrayed in movies but that was only acting; the real psychopaths were already crazy when movies were made about them. Hoping he only wanted to rape her but not kill her; Michele stood frozen, trying to figure out what to do. Taking the candy and other stuff told her he planned on being down there a long time. A sudden nudge on her back made her realize he was waiting for her to go in. He pushed a little harder, forcing her to take a step inside. It was pitch-black down here; she tried to use her elbow to locate the guardrail to guide her. She was shocked when he turned on the lights to allow them to see by. He kept pushing her with a high sense of urgency causing her to almost lose her balance. With him pushing her, she kept moving toward the bottom of the stairs.

    Her body wanted to freeze up thinking about what lay ahead for her but the fear that gripped her. She only moved when he prodded her in the back with all he carried.

    Reaching the bottom, she clung to the stuff she was given for security; it gave her a feeling of safety. He couldn’t do anything with her holding this stuff. Then he shocked her by placing down everything he was carrying before running back up the stairs to the top. She watched him jam the pry bar, securing it closed. Now she felt she was in fear for her life. Unless someone noticed the lock missing off the door outside, they wouldn’t think to look for anyone down here.

    Returning quickly, he grabbed the items he threw down, saying, Keep moving to the back of the basement. He pointed the direction he wanted her to go.

    That told Michele he had been down here before; the direction he cocked his head was where the top executives had fireproof room to store the microfilms of their patented products. He seemed to be headed for that room. Without the pry bar, she thought about grabbing something to hit him with. When she glanced back to judge how much time she had, she saw the knife in his belt. If she fought him, he might kill her right away. Having no desire to die, she could hear the judge now. she didn’t offer him any resistance at all. With her spirits sagging and her heart heavy, she kept moving. Just think, I thought this guy was different, not like the other wolves that keep hanging around me trying to get me into bed, Michele thought while moving. Last night, she might have given in peacefully to his wishes, but the thought of him taking her by force filled her with revulsion. The wine she drank last night would have made it a little easier.

    Reaching the fireproof room, she stopped, waiting for him to tell her where next. He put down some items, opening the door for her. Inside!

    Michele complied with his wishes, still trying to formulate a plan to prevent him from doing what she imagined he was down here for. Ever fiber in her body wanted to resist him imposing his wishes upon her, but how could she win? He was bigger and stronger than her with a weapon as well. The light was on the same circuit along with the others, so she could see where she was going. Knowing this was the end of the line; she dropped the blanket filled with candy and chips on the floor going over to a corner. He didn’t seem to notice; instead he placed everything he carried down before manhandling the file cabinets out of the room. Since there was only one way in or out, she guessed he was building a barricade to keep any rescuers at bay.

    Dropping to a sitting position using the wall as a prop, she wrapped her arms around her legs, trying to make it hard for him to get her. She was frightened but determined not to make it easy on him. The other good thing, her holding her legs slowed down the trembling in her body. She wanted him to think she was not afraid of him even though she was.

    Brad didn’t notice the fear in her eyes or anything else except getting the file cabinets out. He didn’t want them crush either of them. After the last file cabinet was removed, he closed the door using the screwdriver to halfway secure it.

    Taking all the stuff he brought over to the center of the room; he spread out the largest sleeping bag that he and Vicki used, making a pallet. He started selecting items from the packs, placing them around the pallet he made. The water jugs he placed on three sides of the bed, hopeful nothing would burst them, but he wanted them separate just in case one got damaged, maybe the others would survive. He did the same with the food. Only then did he look up at Michele huddled in the corner; she looked like she was crying.

    Michele felt hopeless and powerless to stop what was about to happen. Tears streaked down her cheeks with her whole body shaking. When he spread out the bedroll, she figured it was then when he would come and take her, but he did a curious thing, separating out everything they brought down, including bringing the blanket filled with candy closer to him. The knife stayed in his belt all the while he was busy; even now it was still visible.

    If he thinks I’m going to willingly go over to him, he’s crazy! Michele said to herself, watching him. He sat in the center of the room with the one lone light dangling down above him. Brad’s mind was far away while he was sorting, recalling last night. One thing after another went wrong; it all started with that kiss, followed by Brian hurting Cindi, now this!

    Chapter Two

    Brad replayed last night and this morning in his mind, recalling the ride home was made in silence because an angry Vicki stared out the window so she didn’t have to look at him. Brad couldn’t believe he kissed Michele Davis with such a long passionate kiss instead of the usual Christmas peck. The night started out normal for them, laughing and joking around on the drive to the party. Dressed in his tuxedo wearing a black tie, he had been a perfect match with Vicki wearing a full-length red evening dress with a gold cross necklace and a single diamond in it; her earrings were single-diamond crosses as well. The men couldn’t take their eyes off her showing just a little cleavage. The other wives hated that she looked so nice with great shape and a radiant smile, especially being their age or a little older. Vicki smiled a lot at everyone, giving hugs to everyone like meeting an old friend; most of the people there they knew for a few years. She hugged the women, not kissing them because she didn’t want to mess up their makeup; she just touched her cheek to their cheek, but most of the men she knew she kissed on the cheek when she greeted them, except for his boss Mike who tended to grope the women, putting his hands where they didn’t belong. With him, she took his hands in hers, touching her cheek to his, saying, Merry Christmas, therefore avoiding being groped.

    It was the usual Christmas party that his company gave every year just before Christmas. Usually at these functions, he had only to worry about his boss Mike copping a feel of his wife. Mike was a notorious womanizer; several times he tried to talk Vicki into going out with him because she was such a doll. Even after three children, Vicki still maintained her figure and stunning beauty. She told Brad about Mike asking, laughing at the thought of him trying to take her to bed. Mike’s wife, Joanne, didn’t seem to care; she knew after each affair he would purchase her something, like all the gold and diamonds she brandished all night. It was rumored that she had lovers on the side as well, but Vicki and Brad were happily married, having eyes only for each other.

    After eating dinner with Vicki and a few others, he drifted around chatting with Sam, the night shift supervisor, who came alone because Sam had to go to work that night. Sam wasn’t drinking because of that fact. They chatted for a little while before Sam left. Brad drifted around with a drink in his hand chatting with various groups, avoiding any group with Mike so he wouldn’t have to listen to him chat about his latest conquest, usually some new hire in the office or someone’s wife. Mike always made sure when he spoke of someone’s wife that the person and their friends were not in his little gathering. The expression on Mike’s face just before the collision flashed through Brad’s mind, but he tried to get it out by recalling last night’s events again.

    Where they held the party was designed like an old Roman palace. Off the main dining room were several strategically placed marble couches covered with pillows. He sat on one such couch when Sam bid him good night, leaving for work soon after they ate. Moving around like he always did, he saw Vicki sitting with several of the wives discussing children. Over the years she became close to several of them; but only saw them on special occasions. Knowing they were discussing the latest trouble Brian managed to get into, he didn’t hang around instead he wandered, chatting with those he didn’t see very often at work including the company president and vice president; but Brad didn’t hang around one group or another very long.

    Getting his third drink since dinner, he was bored with the conversations mostly about certain hot females or where the talker was going on his next vacation; along with a lot of brownnosing that was going on, so he went to a more secluded spot. Leaning against one of the columns, he saw Michele Davis sitting all alone on one of the couches sipping wine. He glanced at her, but figuring she wanted to be alone, he didn’t bother approaching her.

    Brad knew Michele moved over here after Mike tried putting pressure on her to go out with him. Brad noticed that whenever Mike made a play on a woman, he always waited until Joanne was busy talking to another person. Michele let it be known that office romance didn’t interest her; after all most of the men were married, she had no desire to be their mistress! Besides working, Brad knew from talking to her that she went to acting school, hoping to someday become an actress; as of yet, she only had a few bit parts in commercials and movies.

    Brad glanced at her evening dress, emerald green slit up the sides, showing off her long black stockings and her long legs. He never paid her much mind, only mainly having contact with her because Brian got into trouble at school, or when they had a new hire since she worked in personnel office. Most thought she got the job because of her good looks and striking figure, but he learned she had a brain as well, having a degree in personnel management as well as a minor degree in business management. He guessed she was in her early twenties; he only chatted with her during those times when the school called or he had a problem with one of his employees that had to be corrected.

    Knowing the open spot next to her invited one of the wolves to sit down, Michele motioned for him to come and sit next to her. She preferred him to anyone else because he never flirted with her, and after seeing his wife she could understand why.

    Brad hesitated, not knowing if he should until she patted the cushion next to her again with her right hand; in her left was the wine. Giving her a smile, he walked slowly over to her.

    I didn’t want anyone else to sit here, I’m tired of all the wolves hounding me! she said with a laugh. Her bright smile lit up the room.

    Are you sure I’m not a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Brad teased, still enjoying her warm smile.

    I met your wife, she is so nice and good-looking as well, I don’t think I have anything to fear from you, Michele said softly. Brad gave a soft chuckle; he had to admit she was right. Since marrying Vicki, he hadn’t even looked at another woman. Vicki’s good looks still took his breath away. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her as his wife.

    A nice party, Brad remarked, making conversation, but his eyes drifted down to her legs showing out from under the dress. Like Vicki’s, they were long and sleek. Catching a whiff of the light fragrance she was wearing, he was glad that she wasn’t like most women that tended to drown themselves in perfume.

    Seeing where his eyes roamed, Michele decided to change the conversation. Is Brian behaving himself with school out for recess?

    Forced to break his eyes away from her legs, he looked straight into her eyes; they were the darkest emerald eyes he had ever seen. For a minute their eyes locked, he had the feeling he was falling into a bottomless green pit. Breaking eye contact, he answered her but noticed her breathing seemed very rapid from their eye contact.

    He disappears whenever he can, to hang with his friends that he always get into trouble with. I think they are some kind of Neo-Nazi group. How he got in with them, I will never understand or know why. Seeing her glass of wine was almost empty, he swigged down the last of his drink before saying, Would you care for another glass of wine?

    Sure. I normally only have two, but I guess a third one won’t hurt me, she giggled when she replied. The bright smile returned to her face, but he noticed her breathing was still rapid. Taking her glass he stood up, heading toward the bar.

    Returning with their drinks he hesitated sitting down; but reluctantly did so. Avoiding her eyes, he glanced at her cleavage. He could tell she spent time in the sun tanning her body. The rise and fall of her breasts took his breath away. Looking up, he blushed, seeing her catch him looking at her breasts.

    I saw you talking to Sam earlier, Michele mentioned, trying to keep her body calm. It excited her seeing him check her out, making her breath grow more rapid and her face flush.

    He has to go into work tonight just as I have to in the morning. The conversation had the effect they both wanted, calming down their bodies.

    I never could understand that man. He is so hateful when he has to speak to me, Michele commented.

    He doesn’t like to speak, especially to good-looking women, Brad remarked; he didn’t want to say the truth that Sam felt she only got her job due to her good looks and not because she was qualified. Sam hated women like that, believing they would only work long enough to get a rich husband then move on. Joanna’s method!

    From the reports I get, he does an excellent job leading his crew, Michele wasn’t sure if she should say this since it let Brad know she read the files of management.

    He knows his stuff, Brad commented after taking another drink of his cocktail. Inadvertently he looked into her eyes as he answered, once again found himself falling into a bottomless green pit. Locking their eyes, they stared at each other; before either realized it, they both leaned forward until their lips touched. Both passionately, kissing the other for several minutes, neither wanted stop.

    THAT IS MY HUSBAND! Vicki’s shout broke off the kiss with Michele flushing in embarrassment at being caught kissing her husband. That was what led to the long cold ride home. When he got there, instead of getting out he tried to apologize for his actions, but she ignored him, still fuming.

    A scream punched the air followed by what sounded like something breaking in the house. Quickly, he opened his door to rush into the house.

    Opening the door, Brad heard his youngest son Junior, yelling, You are going to kill her! He was crying at the same time seeing his sister being hurt.

    So what! Brian yelled back at Junior but trying to hit her again. Brad could see she was deflecting his blows but looked dazed. The first punch must have taken her by surprise, now she struggled to block his blows.

    BRIAN! he yelled, crossing the floor in quick strides. Brian stopped in mid motion trying to punch her, again. Losing her balance, she fell to the floor. Slowly Brian turned to see his father rushing toward him. Afraid of what might happen, he ran into the kitchen and down the hallway to his room. The look on his father’s face told him he best leave quickly. Brad couldn't understand his son's fits of rages that seem to come on more and more over the last few months. This was the first time he had hit her since being a child.

    Going over to Cindi, he knelt by her, glancing around the room. She must have kicked at him, knocking the tree into the matching lamps, breaking one that fell over.

    Are you all right? he asked his daughter, trying to lift her to her feet.

    Sorry about the tree, I tried to block Brian but I was off balance and dizzy, hitting the tree instead of him, Cindi muttered; blood flowed from her bleeding nose. He moved her long blonde hair, just like her mother’s, out of her eyes and face so he could see the damage. When Cindi was eleven, she and Brian got in a fight where she bloodied his nose, making her parents make her promise never to hit him again, even if it’s for self-defense; she claimed he hit her first before she hit him, bloodying his nose. This was the first time being almost grown up, that Brian had punched her like a grown up. He knew he was strong having taken weightlifting since he was fourteen. Brad was proud of how strong he had become until he started getting into fights at school. Where did the rage come from?

    Brad saw Vicki go by but she said nothing, just observing what he was doing, then she disappeared; he guessed she went to bed. He wanted to make amends before she went to sleep.

    How come you have on lipstick that’s not Mom’s shade? Cindi remarked, looking at him with her one good eye. Brad was stunned, unable to answer; instead he turned heading toward the phone. Taking a paper towel, he wiped off the lipstick the best he could before picking up the phone. Calling Vicki’s mother, he gave her the barest details, asking her if she would come over in the morning to watch the children about six thirty in the morning. She was surprised to be asked but readily agreed. Ever since the death of his mother, she became a second mother to him. She was happy to come over to keep the peace between Brian and Cindi. Brad wasn’t sure if their fighting would resume in the morning; but felt better knowing she would be there. Up to this point, Brian seemed to respect her and listened to her, making him feel Brian would cause no more problems. He wondered if she made it before everyone went down to the Tomb.

    This morning, he ate breakfast Vicki cooked for him; taking his plate Brad stood up, went over to wash it when Cindi came into the kitchen. The first thing she did was to get a cup of coffee. Ever since they allowed her to drink coffee on the cold mornings in the mountains, she was used to having one cup every morning to start her day. Taking her cup, she went over to the table to sit down. She watched her father clean his dishes.

    Going back to the table to get his thermos and lunch, he stopped mid motion when Cindi asked, You still didn’t say last night why you were wearing that lipstick! Cindi tried to smile, but her mouth was so lopsided it looked evil.

    It was an accident, Brad paused before saying that; he didn’t want his daughter to know about the stupid thing he did last night. Taking his thermos and lunch, he walked toward the front door. Usually, Vicki would walk with him, giving him kisses before opening the door for him in her robe, using the door to shield her from prying eyes that could be watching in the morning. Brad always doubted there were any, but it was her thing. A smile came to his face seeing her standing by the door. She barely grinned back at him, but he knew this was a good start. Hopefully, tonight they could work this out.

    He stopped in front of her as she opened the door. He waited for her to make the next move.

    An accident, huh! she whispered before moving closer to him to allow him to kiss her. Shifting his thermos to the same hand as his lunch, he drew her close, kissing her with all the passion he could muster into the kiss. He was pleased she kissed him back with the same intensity.

    After their lips parted, she whispered, This doesn’t mean you’re out of the doghouse, but I decided to work this out.

    I love you, Brad whispered back before kissing her once again. Her eyes seemed to dance while she hid behind the door, holding it open.

    You’re running late, she said in her normal voice, telling him he should go. Glancing at the living room clock, he could see he was running behind schedule.

    See you tonight, babe, he said before grabbing another quick kiss then headed out the door. Vicki gave him a grin before closing the door behind him.

    He walked out to his van; last night they took her BMW that she bought only recently, trading in the old family station wagon for this car. After Junior was born, she went back to college to finish engineering degree. They met in college, but he finished before her. Having only one year remaining she finished quickly, going to work for an engineering firm where she worked part time while in school. Brad was always amazed at her juggling career and home along with school, but she finished second in her class. He knew she was smart as well as good-looking.

    Looking at his old van that he refused to trade in, it had a lot of scars from the trips to the mountains and desert. Being part of a survivalist group, he was always taking it to the mountains. The van may look bad, but it ran like a top.

    Opening the door, he climbed in, starting her up. The kids nicknamed her Nelly, making her a female, so he always thought of the van as a she. True to form, she fired up right away. Just then, his neighbor Phil came running out of his house. Phil was the one that got them into the survival stuff. He carried a newspaper in his mouth with a lunch bag and thermos in his hands. He placed the thermos on the car roof to open the door. Seeing Brad, he gave a little wave, knowing he would sit there for a few minutes to warm old Nelly up. Phil opened the door, jumped in, but quickly jumped back out to retrieve his thermos from the top of the car before firing it up and starting to back out without letting it warm up.

    Running late, again, Brad thought, watching him back out of the driveway, rushing away. His wife, Barbara watched from her side door. She saw Brad, giving him a little wave before closing the door before he could respond.

    He turned his attention to the bomb shelter that was half on his property and half on Phil’s. It was Barbara that gave its name to it; she called it the Tomb, saying she wouldn’t ever be going into it except maybe to be buried there. A few years back, Phil convinced Brad and Vicki to build a shelter to survive in, should the world ever go crazy. While having a community barbecue, Phil told everyone of their plan to build one there. Most neighbors scoffed at the idea, saying they were crazy survivalists and world war or nuclear war would never happen. If it did, they didn’t want to live anyway, but some did chip in money to help build the Tomb; it was big enough to hold about twenty to twenty-five people. It was well stocked, but more would be brought down. He wondered why he even thought about the Tomb today; most days he never even gave it a thought unless he thought about something he wanted stored there, but in his mind he could still recall the feeling he felt when he looked at the Tomb like something wasn’t right. The kiss this morning gave him hope that Vicki would get over the kiss he gave Michele.

    Looking at Michele returning his mind to the present, he wondered if Michele even remembered the kiss that he regretted all night and on his way to work. Brad hoped the nuke wasn't really going to happen but all the panic he saw on his way to the basement, told him that if this was a hoax, a lot of people died for no reason.

    Looking over at Michele in the corner, she looked like a scared animal crouching over there. It was only then did he realize she was frightened, and scared. It occurred to him that he never gave her a choice on whether or not to come down here; maybe she was like Barbara who swore she didn’t want to live if the end ever came. The world described by Phil and him frightened Barbara so much, not wanting to live in the world that would exist after such a event.

    Wiping her tears away from her eyes, Michele tried to stop trembling when it occurred to her that she might be able to talk him out of the ghastly things that he might have in mind. But her voice came out as a squeak when she spoke, Why are we here?

    We are about to be nuked!

    A look of bewilderment appeared on her face; then she spoke again, You’re full of shit, Sudden anger arose in her voice at his trying to use that as an excuse. By who? Was it just a cover up to hide his plans? She wondered?

    I don’t know who, but that is why all those sirens are blaring. Down here they didn’t seem very loud. Michele forgot about the sirens until he mentioned them.

    Why are we here instead of a real shelter with other people? Michele asked in a hostile tone, still not quite believing him.

    Not enough time to get to one. Brad answered getting slightly upset at her tone. He was already regretting bringing her. Adding, I don’t care if you believe me or not, I didn’t have to bring you with me but thought you might want to live! His tone was clearly hostile with anger showing on his face.

    Michele was taken back by his tone and the anger showing on his face. She softened her tone saying, If that is true, then I thank you for including me but I still not sure what you said is true.

    We’ll find out in a couple of minutes if it is a fact, His voice still sounded hostile as he added, "What in the hell did you think I brought you down here for?’

    Michele couldn’t help laughing, saying, I thought you brought me down here to rape me.

    It was Brad’s turn to laugh before saying, You’re a fine-looking woman, but I happen to believe a woman should have a choice when it comes to sex, just as a man should. He laughed again, putting a grin on his face.

    Brad wiped the grin off, once again looked at the stuff he brought, trying to determine if it would be enough for two.

    Brad knew the missile, if it hit, would strike any second. Down here time seemed to drag by, making him wonder, how soon?

    Brad glanced up at her, she appeared to be mulling over what he said. You should move over here where we can find each other when the power goes off. I wish she were Vicki here, not Michele, still unsure if having her down here was a good idea.

    Again, panic spread through her body, this was just an excuse to get her close to him with no effort on his part. Was the story he told her just a cover up? There was no way he could control the sirens, so part of it must be true! This crossed her mind as she slowly stood up. A chill spread through her body, she did feel the coldness down here until now especially wearing a light dress with no bra. The chill made her nipples stand out, she hoped he wouldn’t take that as an invitation or something.

    Brad closed his eyes so he could mentally picture where he placed all the items outside the bedroll he sat on. Michele thought he was praying, while she moved like a zombie towards him. Her doubts of his true intentions held her back. Reaching the edge of the blanket, she slipped off her high heels sitting cross-legged but not to close.

    Is all this for real? she asked once more.

    From what I heard on the radio, it is! he replied, annoyed that she still didn't believe him. He could see the doubt in her face. She looked like she was ready to jump up from the bedroll and run. He noticed she had balled up her fist, keeping it at her side like she was ready to punch him. She tensed up. He didn’t know she was thinking of hitting him in the groin and grabbing the knife, forcing her way out of here.

    Even though she heard the sirens, she didn’t believe anyone would actually nuke LA. None of this made any sense to her. In her mind, it was a ruse to get her down here to surrender to his desires.

    Why hasn’t the missile hit yet? Had the missile been shot down? Did all these people die in vain? How long has it been? Flashed through Brad’s mind, no longer thinking about Michele and her balled up fist.

    Suddenly, the light flickered, going out.

    Chapter Three

    Never in their eighteen years of marriage had Vicki ever had a reason to distrust the man she loved, but the kiss shook her to the bone. Last night, Vicki rounded the corner when Brad and Michele’s lips met; she could still see it in her mind. She stood there, unable to believe her eyes as they kissed and kissed like what seemed forever. Their lips seemed hungry for each other, seeing how they kept kissing, with Michele touching his hand with her free hand while neither spilled their drinks during the whole thing.

    She wondered if it was her that caused him to turn to Michele. She knew she became bitchier ever since trouble with Brian started six months ago. At first she tried to handle him but became frustrated trying to reach him. Finally, feeling that maybe a man could reach him, she had the school to call Brad instead of her. The last few months, headaches caused by Brian forced her to push him away more and more, so now they had sex only once or twice a month instead of their usual every other night; the first few years, it was every night, sometimes twice. Vicki knew he had a strong sex drive, and she used to have one that equaled him, but lately she wasn’t in the mood. Vicki hoped that her new insights didn’t come too late, thinking she might be the one that drove him to this.

    After kissing him good-bye and closing the door, Vicki peeked out of the curtain in the front room, seeing him warming the van up, also when he waved at Phil. For a second, she thought he was waving at her but realized with the light off, he couldn’t see her peeking out, and the direction he was looking was toward Phil’s house. Phil, backing out very quickly, confirmed her thoughts. She watched Brad back out of the driveway, and Vicki had a feeling come over her that she might not be seeing him again. She shook that feeling off, knowing that Michele would not be at his work today. She had the rest of the weekend to make things right between them.

    Vicki, after Brad left, thought about lying back down until her alarm went off but decided instead to take a shower. She was going into work early to finish up the project she was working on since they were going to have a present exchange after the project was completed. She planned to wear a dress instead of her usual Saturday attire of jeans and a blouse. After showering, she laid out the outfit she planned to wear today. She was putting on her slip when she heard a commotion in the kitchen. Puzzled, she went to see what was going on.

    Rounding the corner, she saw Brian holding Cindi by the neck, trying to strangle her from behind. Cindi must have kicked the chair over trying to knock him off her, but between the tight robe she wore and the chair, she hadn’t been able to hit Brian with any impact that would make him stop. She could see Cindi was starting to pass out from the stranglehold he had on her. Total anger came over Vicki, sending her rushing over knocking Brian loose from Cindi. Almost falling down, he came up with his fist ready to hit whoever knocked him off Cindi. Seeing it was his mother, he stepped back and paused; but seeing her fist closed ready to hit him should he try to hit her, Brian backed off.

    Hit me, you coward, Vicki said, her teeth cinched shut in anger just daring him to strike her. Her face and what she said made Brian back up, having never seen his mother this angry in his life. Vicki couldn’t recall ever having the urge to do physical harm to any of her children, but right now she wanted to beat Brian to a pulp. Pounding on the door made Brian decide a hasty retreat was in order. Vicki was glad he ran away; she wasn’t sure what she would have done if he stayed. She saw Cindi struggle to her feet, righting her chair to sit down. The color was slowly returning to her face, the dangling of the phone behind her told Vicki that she was talking on the phone, most likely with her best friend and their neighbor Jenny, Phil and Barbara’s daughter. Hearing pounding on the front door, Vicki guessed that might be who was pounding on the front door. She wished she never made Cindi promise never to hit her brother; she was well trained and could really put the hurt on him and stop this nonsense!

    Are you all right? Vicki asked. Receiving a nod of okay, Vicki went to the front door, letting in a frantic Jenny. Dressed in a robe, Vicki guessed they were talking while Jenny was still in bed.

    Is Cin all right? was the first words out of her mouth when Vicki opened the door and Jenny rushed by not waiting to hear Vicki’s answer. She wanted to see for herself.

    She will live, Vicki replied. The anger that overpowered her earlier dissipated when she opened the door. What else could go wrong? Vicki wondered walking back toward Cindi. Brian's rage had grown so out of control that she wondered if she should seek medical help for him. Yet, she didn't want to air her dirty laundry to a stranger having to admit she could no longer control Brian. What happened to that kid that used to be so loveable? When he refused to go along on their survival trips claiming it was just a bunch of crap, her and Brad allowed it thinking he was just growing up becoming a young man. He isolated himself from the family more and more each passing day!

    Oh my god! Jenny said, seeing Cindi’s face for the first time.

    That was last night, Vicki said walking past them, going back to finish dressing. Jenny sat down next to Cindi checking to see if she was truly okay. Stopping by Brian’s room, Vicki said loudly, Brian, you better stay in your room until we get home, or there will hell to pay.

    Receiving no reply, she went to her room to finish dressing. But she still trembled inside from the ordeal with Brian. This was the closest she ever came to actually striking one of her children.

    Has problems here turned me into a monster? Vicki asked herself while dressing. It scared her to think she actually wanted to hurt one of her children. Slipping her dress over her head, she realized that she confronted Brian in her bra and slip only.

    Going into the bathroom, she brushed her hair, styling like she wanted it, lightly sprayed it with hair spray to hold it in place. She needed the minimalist of makeup, mainly putting on lipstick. Sure that she looked good, she went to the closet to find the high heels that matched the dress that she was wearing. At the last second, she added a Christmas tree broach to her dress for today’s present exchange.

    Coming out of the bedroom, she saw her youngest son making his way to the bathroom. She gave him a smile that made him come to her.

    I love you, Mom! he said, making her bend down to give him a hug and a kiss. He was so lovable, reminding her of how Brian used to be before he turned into the monster that he was. Vicki wondered if Brian was doing drugs that caused his mood swings and the anger that seemed to possess him now.

    I love you too, my son, Vicki told him while giving him a hug.

    I have to pee, he said, breaking away

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