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Ebook47 pages40 minutes


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The day Andrew joined Dal in a coffee shop without being invited, was the moment that love was born. But he only seemed interested in being friends. Until the day he wanted to add benefits to that friendship and inadvertently caused Dal's transformation to start.
Born fe/male Dal was still years away from worrying about the transformation, but Andrew had different ideas. He wanted this young fe/male and badly. Married to a fe/male before, the transformation ended with tragic consequences that still plagued his dreams. Was the mistake of his past repeating itself, or was there a chance that they could overcome the hurdle that Dal could become the wrong gender?

Release dateDec 28, 2012

Linzé Brandon

Teaching herself to read before she went to school was the start of her life-long love affair with books.Trained as an engineer, Linzé has worked as a specialist engineer in two fields of engineering. Thereafter, she was self-employed, working as a consultant to commercial companies exporting their products to other countries.When the economy forced her back into full-time employment, she worked as a systems engineer and senior project manager at a company that designs and manufactures products for the military industry.In January 2019, she left her full-time job to enjoy the challenges of self-employment once more. Now she spends her days doing competence training, career development and retirement coaching, and engineering consulting work.Although she still loves to read, she also enjoys counted stitch embroidery, t’ai chi, archery, fly fishing, drawing, painting with pastels, her husband's medal-winning photographs, and watching Manchester United play.She is one of the moderators of two Facebook writers' groups, and leads the Pretoria Writers' Group, who boasts several published authors in various genres.Linzé Brandon lives in Pretoria, South Africa, with her engineer husband and German Shepherds who are convinced that the world revolves only around them.

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    Book preview

    Perfect - Linzé Brandon


    By Linzé Brandon

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Linzé Brandon

    ISBN 9781301383733

    Discover other titles by Linzé Brandon at

    Science Fiction Romance Short Stories

    Hunger -

    Fantasy Romance Novels

    Géra's Gift - The Grandmasters



    Design and layout: Linzé Brandon

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    We are nothing.

    I gritted my teeth and re-read the assignment: discuss the above statement and motivate your arguments.

    I took a sip of my favourite black brew, sitting at my favourite table in my favourite coffee shop, Java Hop. Sometimes I could kick myself for taking Philosophy as a subject. It did have its moments, but this was not turning out to be one of them.

    Creating a new file on my computer, I muttered. I am not nothing. I may not be male. I may not be female. I may not be hermaphroditic. BUT...I...AM...NOT...NOTHING...!

    Pounding the keys at the same time, I tried to formulate an argument that didn’t sound like the ravings of a lunatic. How someone could write or say such a thing, especially when that someone had been fe/male like me, baffled me. To be honest it irritated me beyond belief.

    A chuckle interrupted my musings. I looked up. A reluctant smile twitched my lips.


    Philosophy again?

    I felt my eyebrows lift. How did you know?

    He pointed to my almost full mug of coffee. It is the only time you drink it black. And I would bet you didn’t put any sugar in there either.

    I sat back. Guilty.

    I watched him take the empty chair at my table. I had specifically chosen the smallest table so that people wouldn’t want to join me when this place would fills up in an hour or so. Andrew had ignored that from the start. We met here, exactly when the coffee shop was crowded too. There had been other tables with empty chairs, but no, he plunked himself down at mine.

    At the time I had been so surprised, that I had forgotten to object. We have been friends ever since. It still makes him laugh when I tell that story to other friends.

    He ordered his usual double espresso, the man had to have a cast iron stomach at the rate that he drank those, and dug out his own computer from his shoulder bag.

    He fascinated me. Despite the ten year age difference, we just clicked. Andrew Gilmour was a multi-award winning writer of speculative and SF books and short stories, fiction and non-fiction. Although I liked him, even considered myself more than a little in love, I

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