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How To Be A Modern Man
How To Be A Modern Man
How To Be A Modern Man
Ebook174 pages2 hours

How To Be A Modern Man

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Learn how to be successful with women, money and your career.

At one point in my life, i was looking at a dull and desperate lifestyle as a modern male. Once i learned the secret of what it really means to be a man, my love life, my job and my net worth all exploded to unprecedented levels.

PublisherJohn Roberts
Release dateDec 29, 2012
How To Be A Modern Man

John Roberts

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    How To Be A Modern Man - John Roberts

    The Book of Man

    John Roberts Luke

    Copyright 2012 by John Roberts.

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

    Introduction to the book of man.

    About me, I started with nothing, less than nothing really. Growing up poor, and with a slim and short frame, life was tough at the beginning and for a long time thereafter. Along the way, I dated thousands of women, and managed millions of dollars.

    The two eternal quests men must be able to conquer in order to feel adequate.

    The key to both is simple; man must gain knowledge from a mentor so that he may overcome any obstacles that hinder his path.

    If you suffer from a lack of confidence, hopefully, after reading this book, you may be able to do something to fix that.

    A young man once went to the village elder seeking advice:

    I have a problem said the young man, at this the elder pondered for a second and he instantaneously responded the answer to your dilemma is either money or women

    If you have money- you may not feel complete until you get a girl.

    If you have a girlfriend but no money- you may not feel complete until you get some cash.

    The solution to almost every single problem man has to face, is gaining the confidence he needs to alter his world, only then can you make your own destiny.

    This book was written to help all men learn about women and money, and in so doing, gain the self-confidence to attain both.

    Before we go any further i want to stress that I grew up dirt poor, weak, and small. I had to overcome almost every single obstacle that nature has to throw at a young and insecure male.

    One day i decided to change my life, i was sick and tired of being piss poor, and dateless. i embraced my manliness and forged my own destiny.

    If another make can learn from my adventures, if a man can learn to be confidant, he can learn to overcome life. You may consider what i write to be unnecessary, but i certainly don't.

    Some men have it all, they have had everything handed to them on a silver spoon, and if you encounter such a man that will mock and dissuade you from self improvement that will scoff at you for trying to learn what they have been fortunate enough to inherit through genetics. These men will never understand the struggles of man that has had to scrape and struggle just to get laid or to get a better job. They will tease you for trying to improve your station; don’t let them impede your progress.

    Go forth young man and conquer.

    As a modern man, there are certain skills we all need to have. Once we evolved past the hunter gatherer phase, our species had to acquire an entire new set of skills. Many modern men are lacking in these life skills. I’m here to get you back on track.

    List of manly skills we must learn:

           Relations with the opposite sex

           Basic home repair

           An understanding of major sports

           How to hunt for a job

           Tech knowledge

           Money and investments

           How to deal with pregnancy

           How to deal with child birth and fatherhood

           The confidence to slay any dragon

           A rudimentary understanding of politics

    What is means to be a man has changed with the times. As an example, fewer and fewer men know how to hunt, or how to arm and shoot a weapon. While these basic skills are the essence of naturalmanhood, this isn’t what this book is about. These nature skills aren’t necessary for men living in the metropolis. I don’t mean to demean these skills, but barring the complete collapse of civilization, we can safely focus on skills more essential for the city life.

    All men should be a basic polymath in many diverse subjects.

    After reading this book you will know what a treasury is, never be afraid of bonds or politics again.

    Men need to be challenged. A navy seal needs to hit 40 pushups just to qualify for basic training; basic training in the army is 30 pushups. However, 40 pushups for a navy seal is a minimum, 100 is what they shoot for, while in the army 30 is acceptable, 40 is par excellence. If you are going to start a push up routine- what number are you going to aim for? If you fully embrace your masculine essence- we should all want to match 100 pushups and a navy seal.

    Unfortunately, we won’t all be able to hit 100 pushups or even 30 pushups in less than two minutes, but take heart. Attempting the journey is half the battle. Get on the ground right now and bang out some pushups ASAP. How many can you do? Your first task after reading this is to double that number. Many of us will never be able to get to 30 pushups but if you continue to practice your personal best will continually improve. Men need to have goals, always remember: It's better to shoot for the stars and land in the mud than to shoot for the mud... and make it.

    Basic metropolitan male skills.


    Every man needs to learn how to drive. Getting behind the wheel of a car is a unique male experience. Having total control of that horsepower and the freedom to be captain of your own vessel is a testosterone fueled experience. You don’t need to have a car, in order to learn how to drive. There are many cities in the US where owning a car isn’t necessary, but that isn’t an excuse for never learning to drive. If you already know how to drive an automatic, learning how to drive a manual is the next step up in manliness.

    Basic car maintenance.

    We don’t need to know how to change the brakes, or the muffler although these are great skills.

    No matter how little you drive, men need to know how to change a tire. If you have never changed your own tire, go out as soon as you can and practice. Pull out the jack, and the bar and remove and replace your tire. You don’t want your first tire change to be when you are stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere. 

    Learn how to:

           Read that PSI gauge and how to fill your tires with air.

           Insert oil and windshield wiper fluid.

           Change the battery.

           Jump start you car incase your battery drains.

    Home repair:

    Gone are the days when men need to know how to build a house. But you do need some basic repair skills.

    Learn how to:

           Use a drill

           Drill a hole for anchors

           Learn how to install shelves, curtain rods, paintings

           To replace the chain on your toilet

           Unclog your drains


    Men just don't understand us. How many times, have you heard a girl say this? I have heard countless times, and I will continue to hear it until the day I die.

    Men just don't understand us. Women of all ages, and all kinds of looks, from very pretty, to not so pretty, will utter this nonsense.

    While we may never completely understand woman, Men undoubtedly understand women more than they would care to admit.

    What I have learned after dating thousands of women is: Man can only understand woman when we admit, and ultimately accept that she doesn’t understand herself.

    Why the fuck not, or what it’s all about.

    Life, Love and Lust.

    This makes a man wake up in the morning; this is what impels him to drive forward. If you can not only succeed, but excel at your love life; your professional life and your personal life will just fall into place. 

    Here is the story of how I transformed from a meek, and depressed average American male- into an optimistic and sexual satisfied superstud.

    Let’s begin at the beginning.

    Chapter 1

    A Long Time Ago...

    The NYC public school system destroyed my psyche, and my sense of worth at a very young age.

    As luck had it- I attended some of the toughest inner city schools because I grew up dirt poor.

    At that point in my life, I had no idea how to relate to women at all. Back then, above all else, I do know was that I wasn’t a fake nice guy as most women would define one. Being a genuinely good person, I tried to Kill-em with authentic kindness. In return, all i got was a steady stream of kicks to the balls (and the head) for being the smallest one, with the least amount of social skills, and no social circle of friends to back me up.

    Even worse, Fuck! And this is awkward- girls in school used to hit me for no reason. It’s not like I threatened them or tried to seduce them, heck I didn’t even talk to them. They would vandalize, or steal the little that I actually owned, and of course they would verbally abuse me. They did have thug boyfriends, and even if they didn't- what could I have done to girls that were bullying me? It’s not like I was going to hit a girl, because a Man should never do that.

    Throughout all of this, I remained a typical white knight; women were placed in an ivory tower atop a gold plated pedestal in my minds eye.

    Where the fuck did that notion come from anyway?

    Perhaps it was my Catholic upbringing, or one too many episodes of Sesame Street, but i strived to be a good human being. Did i ever get into fights- sure, but i was so damn skinny and scrawny that i wasn’t able to do any damage. I never cursed anyone, never fucked with anyone, never crossed anyone, yet i was beat almost on a weekly basis by kids that weighed 70 to 100 pounds more than i did.

    Some of the prettiest women that i never talked to, troubled or harassed, rewarded the men that beat me. The girls especially like it when the guys pounded me for no reason. More than that, they actually laughed (enjoyed) and participated in my abuse. This ultimately made the psychological cruelty much worse for me to deal with than the physical violence. Even with all this evidence to the contrary- i still thought women were the gentler, kinder, peaceful nurturers that i was indoctrinated to believe they were. And yet, never did the fairer sex ever ask one of their boyfriends to stop harassing me- the easy target.

    By now we all know the meme -Women Love Jerks- it still took more than a full decade for this to really sink in. When I finally accepted this notion- everything changed for the better. There is plenty of material on the web to support this theory, but until you are forced to choke on the red pill while you gulp it down your throat, enlightened will be elusive.

    If the school mimicked a prison- i was the prisoner that others had to pound on so they could gain respect from the larger more menacing students. This bears repeating: All the while the pretty women remained silent; worse, they rewarded my abusers by sexing them while they taunted me. It’s quite a wonder that I am not a misogynist- the way I look at it- I am just more of a realist on what to expect from women, society, and human nature in general.

    The NYC school system never intervened, in fact, there where times where i got into trouble for getting beat on. Go figure. Today, i realize i should have reported this, and filed police reports. At the time, i didn’t want to be a rat- but there was no honor in bullying the smallest person in class.

    I never went Columbine, but i could have- i was so ostracized, so demeaned- that i had little self-worth.

    What did I take from that experience?

    First off:

    I've never bothered to see a therapist, and i do believe i have remade my young battered NYC school persona. I don't go into the past to fish-up excuses for my present, and i won't do it in the future. I've either blocked those feelings out or that shit just doesn't matter. I am not (too) fucked in the head, nor am I broken after this cluster fuck of a childhood experience.

    For whatever

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