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Conspiracy of Silence
Conspiracy of Silence
Conspiracy of Silence
Ebook41 pages32 minutes

Conspiracy of Silence

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Short story: approx 8,200 words.

Derian is a stable-lad in the royal castle of Gerroch. When the King and his court arrive at Gerroch, Derian encounters the famous Count of Trall for the first time. Youthful curiosity and a lack of common sense combine to put the lad in great danger as he overhears some terrible secrets. Yet this event plays a part in shaping the course of Derian’s life, as the prelude to his rise from the lowliness of the stables, to becoming lord of a baronial manor.

(This story serves as an introduction to the world of Gilderaen. It features characters from the 'Fields of Battle' trilogy by the same author.)

Release dateDec 30, 2012
Conspiracy of Silence

Marcus Pailing

Marcus Pailing took a degree in Ancient History and Archaeology where he specialised in the history of Alexander the Great and the Successor kingdoms. Later he took a Masters degree in Medieval History, specialising this time in 12th century historical writing and the Icelandic Sagas.He worked for a number of years in the business training industry, including a stint as a writer of e-learning courses, before training to be a teacher. He now teaches History in Leicestershire, England.He is a keen traveller, especially in the Middle East and Central Asia, where he busies himself visiting as many ancient and medieval sites as he can. In England, he thrives on visiting medieval castles and cathedrals!

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    Conspiracy of Silence - Marcus Pailing

    Conspiracy of Silence

    A story of the Count of Trall


    Marcus Pailing

    Smashwords Edition

    (c) Copyright, Marcus Pailing, 2012

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and places in this publication are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or places, is purely coincidental.

    The maps in this publication were created by the author using Campaign Cartographer, from ProFantasy Software Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Other titles by Marcus Pailing:

    The Fields of Battle trilogy

    Part 1: The Death of Kings

    Part 2: The Demon’s Consort

    Part 3: Fields of Battle

    The Withered Rose

    (The events described in The Withered Rose take place some years before those covered in the Fields of Battle trilogy.)

    For more information on the world of Gilderaen, and on future books, visit the Gilderaen page on Facebook.


    Map: Western Hograth

    Conspiracy of Silence

    Author’s Note

    About the author

    Other novels by Marcus Pailing, available as eBooks:

    Map: Western Hograth

    Conspiracy of Silence

    I am an old man now, as you know all too well, but I still remember clearly the first time I met Kieldrou, the Count of Trall. It is a story I told many times to my children, who grew up eager to hear about that great man. In turn I have told it to my grandchildren here, when they sat on my knee or huddled before the fire, begging to be told about my youthful encounters with the man who was so dominant in Hograth – in all of Gilderaen, possibly. But those of you who are my guests here tonight, you have not heard it before, so I trust my dear grandchildren will forgive my relating it again. Oh, you wish to hear it, do you? What, even having endured it so many times before? Well then, we are all content.

    I should say, to begin with, that my first encounter with the Count was of great importance to me. Many small folk account their meetings with the rich and powerful as

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