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Riot Girl
Riot Girl
Riot Girl
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Riot Girl

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About this ebook

'Alecia passes the time by waitressing during the day, but at night she works hard trying to get her band to the right place. When Sam, the owner of the hot 55 Bar, walks into her restaurant, Alecia takes a chance that Sam might be interested. Which she is–and not just in the music. As Sam and Alecia begin a complicated song and dance around each other, Alecia’s relationship with the sweet Toni begins to move in the right direction. With two hot women and an open door to her music dream, can Alecia keep everything from falling down around her?'

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PublisherLouise Davies
Release dateJan 1, 2013
Riot Girl

Louise Davies

I am not going to lie to you dear reader, Louise Davis is a pseudonym.The woman behind this book has chosen to remain anonymous, in protection of her other professional identities.But what I can tell you is that she is a working musician, lesbian and author.If there is anything else that you want to know, ask her on twitter.

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    Riot Girl - Louise Davies

    Riot Girl


    Louise Davis

    Published by Louise Davis at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Louise Davis

    With thanks to the real life Toni and Sam.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    Alecia had sat in the bar for twenty minutes waiting for the girl who had placed the advert. It was a straight bar, all men and country music. Not her type of place at all. She twisted in the high seat to scan the room again. There were only three women in there, all of them draped over some drunken cowboy type, she shuddered. This was definitely the last time she responded to a married woman seeks discrete encounter advert. They were all confused middle aged women that had grown bored with their husbands looking for what might have been.

    She checked her watch again, she’d waited twenty five minutes now. She drained the last from her drink and slid her coat off the chair whilst standing up. As she turned to leave she moved straight into a woman walking towards her.

    ‘Leaving already?’ A small grin was spreading across Toni’s lips.

    ‘Toni?’ She almost stuttered.

    Looking Toni over had made her blush, Alecia could stay for one more drink, some bodies were worth the wait. Toni was curvy and firm, short and had the most beautiful blue eyes that seemed to mesmerize her shining out from underneath her blonde hair. She was delicately femme, wearing jeans that clung to her figure and a t shirt that just caught her breasts and seemed to flow down underneath them.

    ‘Sorry I’m late, I couldn’t get away from my wife. I had to wait until she went to work. Drink?’ Toni asked.

    Alecia nodded mutely, unable to talk for a second.

    ‘Well you will have to tell me what you are drinking. I’m good, but I’m not that good.’ There was that smile again on Toni’s face, it was melting Alecia.

    Toni had a wife not a husband, this could be interesting. At least it would not be a night of bad virgin like sex with a woman having a midlife crisis Alecia thought as she slid her coat back onto the chair and returned to her seat. 

    ‘Whiskey sour, no cherry.’ Alecia said, trying hard to regain her composure.

    She watched Toni turn on her small heeled shoes perfectly and immediately began to imagine what it would be like to dance with her. Wrapping her arms around Toni’s back and pulling her in towards Alecia, grinding together slowly to a song neither of them knew. She watched her curvaceous hips gently sway as Toni walked towards the bar and leant over it to be heard above the music, flirting with the barman and flashing him that smile. Alecia tried desperately not to look at her as she turned again, moving back towards her carrying the drinks. Toni placed them gently on the table and without hesitating leant over the table, taking her fingers and plucked the cherry out of her drink.

    ‘Sorry, dumbass bartender.’ Toni said as she slid into her chair.

    Toni took the cherry and placed it on her tongue, rolling it around in her mouth for a moment before she gently chewed it and swallowed, leaving Alecia speechless. She just nodded mutely again as Toni led the conversation. It was all she could do not to just think about taking Toni into the bathroom and pinning her up against the wall and kissing her passionately.

    She could hardly hear what Toni was saying above the music in the bar, she was following some of the conversation and making enough of an effort to keep it going. From what she could gather Toni and her wife had been in a rut for a while and she just wanted some fun to break the monotony of married life. She worked in an office and was just bored and frustrated with both home and work.

    ‘So when will you invite me back to your place then?’ Toni asked, leaning across the table towards her.

    Alecia nearly choked on the drink she was taking, the forward nature of the request shocked her.

    ‘Well I thought we could go somewhere else. There is a motel down the road.’ Toni managed to choke out.

    ‘Too close, I picked a straight bar to be discrete. Come on, let’s talk outside’ Toni said as she rose from her seat and grabbing Alecia by the hand leading her towards the entrance. Alecia barely had time to grab her coat as they moved quickly out of the bar and into the night.

    ‘So follow me in your car?’ Toni asked

    ‘Actually I got dropped off here, I don’t have my car with me.’ Alecia said quietly, bluffing her way out of the conversation.

    Alecia was very aware that Toni had not dropped her hand, her touch was electric. She silently led Alecia into the parking lot and unlocked her car, Alecia taken aback at the expensive silver Mercedes that Toni owned. Alecia lowered herself into the passenger seat as Toni started the car. Toni looked across at her smiling.

    ‘I know a place.’ Toni said as she shifted the car into gear.

    She backed the car out quickly and started the stereo, as they left the parking lot she picked up speed. Toni began absentmindedly singing along with the terrible pop music that she had on and playing with her short blonde hair, flicking it away from her eyes. Alecia tentatively took her hand and began to stroke her fingertips over the back of Toni’s neck and into the bottom of her hair. Toni closed her eyes momentarily and let out a contented sigh, Alecia felt her shiver under her touch and she wondered how long it had been since her wife had made love to her.

    Feeling her confidence grow Alecia took her hand from Toni’s hairline and laid it on her thigh, Alecia using her fingers to trace lines down from her knee towards her groin, moving slowly and gently. As they were speeding down the empty streets Toni began to drift into the oncoming lane.

    ‘You’re going to have to stop that. I need to concentrate.’ Toni managed to get out as she corrected her course.

    ‘Why? You just need to get better at driving distracted.’ Alecia replied with a smile.

    As they continued down the road they entered the freeway, all the while with her fingers teasing over her, Toni letting out little moans of anticipation from the back of her throat as Alecia skipped over all the places she really wanted to feel that gentle touch.

    After what seemed like an eternity they pulled into a hotel parking lot, a hotel that Alecia was well aware she could not afford.

    ‘We can’t…I can’t…’ Alecia stuttered.

    ‘Don’t worry, it’s my treat. It’s nothing. Come on.’

    Toni opened the door, took a bag from the back seat and started to walk towards the reception. She watched her figure as she moved up the stairs. Alecia lost herself in the moment and sat and stared. The valet then got into the driver’s seat without her noticing, she had been so absorbed in watching Toni move. She rushed herself out of the car and followed her up the stairs into the foyer. Alecia had already started flirting with the receptionist and was well on her way to getting the penthouse suite for a knockdown price. After a moment she turned and started walking towards her. She gave Alecia a grin holding a key in her hand.

    ‘Come on, time to get in the hot tub.’

    They moved to the elevator and stepped inside, standing just apart from each other. Alecia could almost feel Toni’s body next to her. The ride seemed to go on forever, the tension was immense as they rode to the top of the building. Alecia began to bite her lip with anticipation, when the elevator stopped at the top floor, they walked out into a small hallway with three doors and found theirs straight ahead of them.

    As they walked in Alecia realized that the suite was bigger than her apartment. There was a balcony overlooking the city they had travelled to, complete with hot tub. She turned to see that Toni had put her bag down and was moving towards her, rolling her hips again as she walked. It was just too much, Alecia reached out and pulled Toni towards her, putting an arm around Toni’s waist. She heard her give out a small gasp and she cradled her head in her other hand, gently moving her face towards hers. Their lips met softly and opened slowly, tongues gradually exploring each other’s mouths, as their hands moved on each other’s backs. Alecia couldn’t wait any longer and broke away, and she saw Toni’s face fall. Alecia smiled at her and tipped her head in the direction of the almost impossibly big bed. They moved across to it silently, fingers locked on the other’s hand.

    She pulled Toni close again, arms locked around her waist, picking her up and lay her down on the bed never breaking eye contact. Alecia was above her, legs intertwined with Toni’s and she moved her thigh into Toni gently. Toni arched her back and let out a tiny moan which excited Alecia and spurred her on. She leant down and started to kiss her deeply and passionately, rocking her leg with a slow thrusting movement into her. Toni reached up towards her and began to pull desperately at her shirt, so Alecia leant back and peeled it off, stripping off her bra at the same time. As soon as her breasts were free Toni sat up, leaning back on her arms and tilted her head back to kiss her but Alecia pulled back. Giving a wry smile, Alecia leant down and pulled at Toni’s shirt. Toni pulled it over her head and leant back on her arms. Alecia leant in and started to kiss her, undoing her bra as the kiss became increasingly intense. Alecia lay Toni back down on the bed, she wanted nothing more than to hear her moans and screams as she brought her to ecstasy.

    She moved slowly down Toni’s body, kissing her neck and down to her breasts. Taking her nipple between her lips she sucked delicately, listening to her moan. Alecia moved her hand and brushed over Toni’s other nipple. The moans were coming more frequently now, louder, more insistent. It made Alecia even more eager to please, sucking a little harder each time to make her moan louder and to see Toni’s back arch in pleasure. Reluctantly Alecia moved away from her breasts and took a second to look up at Toni. She had gripped the sheets tight and pulled them towards her, her chest and face were flush and she looked beautiful. She began to undo Toni’s jeans looking into her eyes the whole time, and then she peeled them off her to reveal a small pair of boy shorts above her lightly tanned thighs.

    Alecia moved between her legs, tracing invisible lines up the inside of her thighs. Toni was squirming now and almost pulling the sheets off the bed. She was letting Toni feel her breath on her, Toni now soaked with anticipation. Alecia took one finger and ran it gently up her outer lips, hearing the gasp Toni made as she did so. The smile on Alecia’s face was a broad grin now, she had this amazing woman in her control completely.

    ‘Please….’ Toni begged.

    The word hung between them for a second and without saying a thing Alecia put her fingers inside the waistband of Toni’s boy shorts, Alecia was exercising self-control and slowly moved them down Toni’s legs. She leant back and Toni again looked disappointed. Alecia reached down herself and removed her jeans and kicked them off the bed. Teasing again with her finger Alecia played around the outside of Toni’s lips feeling how wet she was and listening to the quiet moans pleading with her to carry on. Alecia moved up to Toni’s side and lay down next to her, kissing her softly as she continued to tease around her lips. Toni broke away from her and looked into her eyes with a piercing look.

    ‘Please, please. I can’t wait anymore.’

    The words coming from Toni’s mouth were stuttered between her holding her breath and gasping. Alecia knew that she needed to finish this and feel Toni holding on to her as she brought her to orgasm. She slipped her fingers inside Toni’s lips and began to stroke her clit. Instantly Toni arched her back and locked up, her arm around Alecia tensing up and pulling her in. She could feel Toni’s staggered breath on her neck. The moan that erupted from Toni made Alecia throb, she could feel Toni pulsate under her finger as she made circles around her. Alecia let her fingers wander down Toni, slipping just inside her and was surprised that she was that wet.

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