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Iron Bloom
Iron Bloom
Iron Bloom
Ebook310 pages5 hours

Iron Bloom

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Action-packed fantasy adventure with a powerhouse female epic warrior in the spirit of Achilles or Beowulf.

The tale of a mighty warrior torn between the power of the sword and her longing for a peaceful life.

A young woman with a kind heart and amazing resilience, Rose becomes a warrior thinking she can better the world. Despite the wealth and fame she wins as one of the greatest champions of her time, the bloody reality of her new life is nothing like her ideal dream. She yearns for a chance to escape the violence.

She finds that chance in Ethan, the leader of an altruistic pacifist group. But when a barbarian horde invades their kingdom, Rose knows that she could make a big difference by taking up her sword again. Will her need to protect her homeland cost her the man she loves?

A full length novel intended for both adults and older teens. First in the Iron Flower series.

PublisherBilly Wong
Release dateJan 3, 2013
Iron Bloom

Billy Wong

Billy Wong is an avid fan of heroic fantasy, with a special love for strong female warriors. He draws inspiration from the epic legends of old, and is on a quest to bring over the top deeds and larger than life heroes back to prominence in today's literary world.Billy lives in Coney Island, Brooklyn and as one can see from the picture, works as a ninja.A Chinese ninja.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Prodogy, Roses destiny.strong women, Rose is a warrior and protector. Fast and furious..Stabbed and been stabbed, how many more times I'm gonna be stabbed before they kill me?Gotta do things right, to make everything alright, even if you get stabbed many timesTwo down, one hundred and thirty something to go now thankfully."Want to be the head of my new guard? I'll have to get one, now that you killed them all."Alicia, is she her twin or what? for she's just as invincible as RoseBilly, this is a fab series. I'm really in my element. I love this kind of story, that's filled with heart-throbbing action. Onto book number two that you so kindly put into LT, thanks. X
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Iron Bloom (Billy Wong)Young Rose only sixteen years old, longs to escape her violent world. She also yearns to become a warrior, even though a woman especially as young as her, is unheard of. The bloody reality of her new life is not quite what she thought it would be. Then she meets Ethan.When Barbarians invade her Kingdom she knows exactly what she must do. She fights with a vengeance to save her homeland, but at what cost?Fast paced, a lot of action and graphic fights. If you love a strong female lead with many bloody fights, then this is the book for you. I intend to check out more or Billy Wongs work
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Iron Bloom is a captivating fantasy adventure story.Author Billy Wong delivers us an amazing character in the form of Rose. Rose is a beautiful woman. She is gentle and kind but also strong and the best warrior of her time. For a woman this is quite the predicament to be in, for Rose it is even more difficult. She must struggle against inner turmoil, family, love and protecting her homeland. Wong’s ability to create interesting and unique characters along with fully developed battle scenes that transport you directly into the story is riveting. The underlying philosophical nuance is a welcome addition to this experience. Iron Bloom is an excellent beginning to the Legend of the Iron Flower series. I cannot wait to see what Rose will experience next. I highly recommend it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Book 1 of a great seriesNow a day when you think of a 15-year-old girl, you think of things like getting her driver's license, homecoming, braces, and maybe what will she do with her future. This is not even close to the life Rose leads. Once again, Billy Wong does a bang up job of creating a stronger than life female character. Rose is stronger than any man she encounters. She wants to make things better for her family and neighbors. Against her father's wishes - she joins a law enforcement group. Not only is Rose strong, but with little training she becomes the best fighter in her service. Rose's father becomes ill, and she now has no choice but to go out in the world and make the money her family so needs to survive. She takes her only skill, and becomes a warrior, a mercenary. In doing so, she accumulates much wealth, sending most of it back home. Her family never tells her that things are okay, and she can return. With all the wealth, comes fame and betrayal. All during her journey and battles, her life is full of blood and death. Her conscience is her constant companion, searching out good from evil, and does her best to save the good. During each of the bloody battles, and there are many - Roses receives many injuries that would kill anyone else, but not Rose. Like the scars that cover on her father's sword and shield that she uses, Rose bears her own battle scars both in and outside her massive frame.Rose meets and falls in love with Ethan. Rose is done fighting, and wants to go home, bringing Ethan along with her. Rose is shocked at what has happened to her home. Her father now well, has taken all the money she sent and has created a huge beautiful home. Only to show that not only do her friends betray her, but also now, her family. Once more, Rose is called to battle, this time to protect the town she loves so much. What does she chose? What will be the cost? Great start to a series. Only warning - this would be one gory film. The decisions facing her are way beyond what most of us will ever have to deal with in our lives. Great series to get lost in. Read on to book 2, Iron Flowers.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Iron Bloom is an action-packed fantasy novel, but sometimes the story feels too rushed, even a bit forced at times. For example, the romantic element should have been fleshed out some more, as it was hard to believe it was sincere. However, it was nice to have a strong, capable female protagonist and I did enjoy the story despite all the blood and gore.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fifteen year old Rose Agen dreams of being a Royal Interprovincial Enforcers of Law (RIEL) because she's naturally stronger than most people around her. Rose's father Rick disapproves of Rose joining RIEL and wants her to be married off. Rose's mother Lise seems to understand Rose's dreams better than her husband does. Rose's life in RIEL is not what she expected but none the less happy. Rose is picking up sword fighting techniques faster than her fellow recruits are. Rose proves her prowess in fighting bandits while out on patrol. Rose discover her own code of ethics~do what is right no matter what others think. Rose becomes sellsword with Blood Vin where she continues to gain in skill despite her age. Rose's father Rick becomes ill and needs help paying off his debt which Rose does gladly. She continues to offer her skills as sellsword and bodyguard. Rose has a thirst for adventure and new sights. Will Rose continue being sellsword? Will Rick recover? Will Rose continue to wander? Your answers await you in Iron Bloom.I really enjoyed this book. I love strong female characters like Rose! What I found most refreshing is that Rose wanted to help people because of her strength. She couldn't turn her back on those who were helpless. I also loved that Rose would admit that she was wrong and willing to accept the consequences for her actions. I was impressed with rich background and characters. I look forward to the next installment in this series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I like "owing the ease of the victory just a little bit to the fact she had surprised them by coming out the wrong door"so Blase. So this is Heroic Fantasy loved it. Our heroine was larger than life and still could fall in love. The book has all the elemonts of a fab story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good coming of age story in medieval times. The story is about a young woman who is very large and strong, larger and stronger than most men in her time. She becomes a crime fighter and protector of people who can't take care of themselves. This is a very bloody story, as were those times. The story does keep your interest from start to finish. If you like action packed, this is for you.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Iron Bloom by Billy Wong is an interesting story. It’s about Rose, something of a tomboy, struggling to make it in what is clearly a male-dominated world. The story opens with the reader being plunged right in the middle of action as Rose confronts a murderous stranger at the home of people for whom she works (or, at least that’s the impression one gets). Nearly killed, Rose m manages to slay the intruder, save the only child of the unfortunately slain parents, and make it home where she miraculously survives the terrible wound the marauder inflicted upon her.So far, so good. But, this is just the beginning of Rose’s adventures. A tale of derring-do and coming of age that would be rated as outstanding but for its failure to follow the conventions of this type story. The author uses modern language for the most part, and it is frankly jarring. Breaking the rules of the genre works sometimes, but having dialogue that sounds like a teen at the mall coming from the lips of a girl who has just slain a sword-yielding murderer is a bridge too far.Having said that, and the criticism is meant to be constructive, I found it an interesting story that has only that one flaw. Not a fatal flaw, but one hopes that if there’s a sequel, it will not be repeated.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It's wonderful to read a book with a capable, confident, autonomous heroine who doesn't invest half her mental energies into obsessing over boys. I applaud the author for writing her in appropriate clothing and armor instead of having her fight the hordes clad in a metal bra with a matching g-string. It's great to read a story with a girl front and center in a role traditionally reserved for a male character. I really wanted to love this book for all that. All of that is why it gets 2 stars instead of 1.I'm DNFing 20% of the way through. The writing's just not compelling. It reads like a post-shift work recap. The facts are simply relayed with no flair, no poetry, no excitement. There was something stiff and awkward about the prose. It felt like reading the whole time. At no point was I ever able to lose myself in the story.And the characters were flat. The main character knows her own her own mind so fully that she suffers no genuine internal conflict, and her abilities ... Sigh. It's like someone rolled up a level 1 D&D character who has 20 for all their stats except for two 18s in dexterity and charisma. It's just too much.I would love to see this writer work with others who have the correct knowledge base to teach him how to fix all that, how to put something truly original from within into his work, how to sound his own voice. I want to support someone who is putting genuinely competent female characters into a genre which has done so badly by them, but the book is just not up to par.I sincerely hope Mr. Wong keeps working at this until his writing is on the same level as his vision.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In this adventure/fantasy author Billy Wong uses a creative style of writing. While not being told what era this story takes place his use of dialogue in a manner of modern speech may throw off the reader at first but with his descriptions of clothing, surroundings and weapons it's quickly obvious this is set centuries ago. Wong throughly paints a picture of protagonist, Rose Agen, that early on the reader has a vivid grasp on not only her physicality but what weighs on her mind and holds dear in her heart. Very much a tomboy, Rose has the build and strength to rival grown men but has a pure and tender heart and strongly feels a calling to aid and protect the innocent and fight those who would cause evil. At the age of 15 Rose strikes out on her quest, first becoming a watchman patrolling the provincial roads to ensure safety to all it's travelers. We follow her then as her action packed travels and career paths lead her into becoming a warrior. From then on it's a litany of battles, her exploits of bravery and skill, tremendous wounds taken and countless, but troublesome to her spirit, deaths handed out. You definitely want to read this book and discover how by the end of this tale, at the tender age of 16, Rose has already become a minor legend and a Warrior Goddess to many!The same day I finished book 1 I couldn't stop myself from continuing on in the series but am forcing myself to pause to catch up writing reviews while not causing any spoiler alerts or references to what's to come!! That should show I highly recommend this book!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Iron Bloom is about a naive young lady named Rose who becomes one of the best warriors of her land. The battle scenes are furious and bloody with a lot of unbelievable death. Oh and they are fun. Rose is a fighter and will do anything to protect what she thinks is right, she learns along the way not to take everything at face value and also finds love.

Book preview

Iron Bloom - Billy Wong

Iron Bloom

by Billy Wong

Smashwords Edition

Iron Bloom Copyright © 2013 Billy Wong

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission of the Author. Your support of author’s rights is appreciated.

All characters in this compilation are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

If you would like to be notified of my next release, please sign up for my mailing list!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Credits and author page

Sample of Iron Flower

Chapter 1

It was the glint of sun off steel that caught her eye. Rose stopped, basket of freshly picked herbs in hand, and stared into the Whit family's barn door through which she had seen that misplaced sliver of light. While metal was common enough on a farm, most farming tools were made of dull iron, and Rose had only seen light reflected so sharply off honed steel—like a sword blade. Inside the barn, she thought she glimpsed a bulky shape, moving with stealth and speed. A thief?

Her first thought was to run for help. But how long would it take to get back? Likely too long, for the Whits. She should go warn them, she thought. Yet she worried to let the burglar out of sight, and perhaps give him a chance to catch her off guard later. What if the Whits weren't home? If so, she would have to confront him alone anyway. She would not escape herself only to leave him here, free to ambush her neighbors.

Rose set her basket down in the grass and crept towards the barn, knowing now what she meant to do. It wasn't that she wasn't scared; her heart pounded in her chest, and sweat moistened her scalp and tunic. Though she had long played at being a warrior with her friends, to confront real danger was an altogether different matter. But she would do all she could to protect the Whits and their innocent child. So she entered the barn, carefully picking up the hoe just inside the door.

The man's broad back came into view to her left, and Rose raised her hoe to strike. Then she hesitated. What if this was no thief, after all? Despite his armament, he could be a family friend, or even an agent of the crown on legitimate business. She could not just attack, with no knowledge of his intentions.

You! she said in what she hoped was a commanding voice. What are you doing here?

He turned, and immediately she realized her mistake. The feral gleam in his eyes, the smirk that pulled at his thick lips—he could be nothing else but the kind of villain she had suspected and feared. Are you the daughter, then? A big one you are, but I don't mind. All women scream the same. His huge sword came up, gleaming like flame.

On the verge of panic, Rose swung at his face. He parried easily, and countered with a slash she barely managed to deflect. The hoe was poorly balanced for use as a weapon, and she was hardly an experienced warrior in the first place. The robber pressed his assault, battering relentlessly at her, and she found herself retreating across the hay-strewn floor. She felt her back bump up against the far wall, and in desperation tried to force him back with a sudden burst of offense.

For a moment, he seemed to falter against her flurry of quick pokes, and she thought she had a chance. But then he cut through the hoe's shaft with a well-placed blow, and the next thing she knew an impact like a heavy punch slammed into her middle. She felt herself shoved back, driven against the wood behind her. Then the pain hit, a world-shattering explosion tearing through her body. For a moment she was blind, but stubbornly she blinked her vision back. Slowly, her attacker came into view.

Rose stared at the man as he loosened his belt, his wide, greasy face split with a lusty grin. His breath reeked of rotting meat, and she ached to run screaming out of his reach. But she couldn't scream because her mouth had filled with blood. And she couldn't run because his sword impaled her just below the ribcage, nailing her to the wall.

She could barely breathe, and when she inhaled blood spurted out around the edges of the wide blade. The wound should already have killed her, she knew, but the freakish vitality which kept her alive now prolonged her suffering. She wasn't just going to die, but her killer would also rob her of her last dignity. He dropped his trousers, and his smile widened while he watched her squirm. He reached out to pull her pants down, and blood ran down her chin as she hissed with outrage. She did not know if the sword would get in his way, but he would surely just pull it out if it did. As his fingers brushed her waist, Rose made her choice. Her hand snaked down, snatching the paring knife from her belt, and she plunged it into the side of his neck.

He stumbled back, eyes bulging, and fell clutching his throat. A choking gurgle accompanied his feeble twitching, and then he was still. Rose wanted to retch at the act, but nothing except blood issued from her mouth. She looked down at herself and swallowed. It was tough to do with the liquid continuing to well up in her throat. Dammit, she didn't want to die! Her wound was surely mortal, but she would never give up as long as she drew breath. She was too young to die, nor would she burden her parents with the grief of losing their only child. Resolving to get free, she grabbed the hilt of the sword skewering her and hesitantly gave it a tug.

It had barely begun to move when her blood-slick hands slipped along and off the hilt. The sudden motion jarred the blade, and more blood gushed out around it. She would have fallen from the pain, but the sword held her upright. It hurt like a hot coal inside her lung... but if she stayed here, she would have no chance at all to live, and she pulled again, harder this time. The world blurred into a red haze. And then the sword came free of the wall. Rose stumbled forward and fell, her face smacking against the packed earth below. She hardly felt that, though; the sword twisted inside her as its hilt hit the ground. Now she knew what real agony was like.

Rose put her palms against the ground and pushed, raising herself to her hands and knees. She began to crawl forward, her body protesting with every move. Okay, at least she was moving—she just had to hang on, somehow. Her legs slipped and slid in warm wetness she knew had leaked from her body. She couldn't even breathe without pain, and flecks of blood flew into the air as she exhaled.

No, she didn't want to think about what that meant. So instead, she concentrated on finding something to help her stand. She'd never get anywhere crawling like this. Turning back towards the wall, she groped at it and pulled herself up to lean with her shoulder against the wood. It felt solid, as she wished she did. She was a big girl, but right now felt weak as a lamb. Even so, it surprised her to be able to do as much as she did. She'd always had a hearty constitution, but now it was proving stronger than she ever imagined.

She took a step. Damn, it made her feel dizzy. She took another, and another. Her ears picked up the sound of footsteps, carrying with them a morsel of hope. She would surely welcome the arrival of a member of the Whit family right now. She'd saved them from the marauder who had stabbed her, and if they could just get her some help she might have a chance. One hand clutching the hilt of the sword in her trunk, she staggered towards the sound.

A small figure stepped into view and stared at her with wide eyes. Rose felt instantly sorry for being here, wondering how many nightmares the child would have over the sight of her transfixed body. D-Danny? she found herself spitting out. W-where are your parents?

He yelped and dashed away. Rose kept walking, impossible as it seemed that she would find help before passing away. But then, the boy reappeared and said in a voice small with terror, Lady, help. Mom and dad are hurt.

She didn't ask him how or why, but followed him dazedly to a sparse bedroom. There, she realized she had arrived too late. By killing that villain in the barn, she thought she'd kept him from doing harm. But he had only gone to the barn after visiting the main house. Before her lay the slashed corpses of Danny's parents, and Rose covered his eyes though it was far too late.

She led him from the room, the world spinning around her. D-do you have a wagon, or a cart? she asked as she tried to fight off the dizziness.

The cart's broken. Are my parents going to be okay?

Rose didn't know why she wasn't crying. She should have been crying. Maybe her body knew it couldn't take the strain. Or perhaps she'd used up her capacity for strong emotion. It was all so much to take in, she just felt numb. Not knowing how she was supposed to answer, she said, I'll keep you safe.

You got stabbed, he observed, reminding her she should have been dead.

Yeah, I did. Come on, let's go.

He tried to resist her feeble pull on his arm and whined, But what about my parents?

They're dead, she finally said, unable to think of any better wording. Though she had not known them well, her heart broke now for the anguish in Danny's eyes. He remained tight-lipped for a moment, sniffing softly, then started to wail. Though she knew there was little comfort she could give, Rose hugged him and began to stroke his hair.


When Rose arrived half an hour later in her hometown of Hullel, many a villager greeted her with shocked gapes and piteous stares. This is Danny, she gasped to no one in particular. He's an orphan. Somebody needs to take care of him. She reached out towards a young woman nearby, who screamed just as her strength gave out and she fell to her knees.

Help her, someone help her! the woman cried. Rose felt two men take her arms and legs, shouting unintelligibly, and the world blurred around her as they carried her away.

What on earth happened to you? the surgeon they brought her to asked while they laid her on her side upon a cot. The air smelled of blood and sickness, and the little infirmary seemed darker than she remembered. Did you have an accident playing with your father's crafts like last time?

Rose would have smiled, if only she had the strength. Glen, he was named. He had treated her two years ago, when she'd sliced her forearm playing with one of her blacksmith father's swords. No, I made the mistake of thinking I could fight.

He looked at her wound and shook his head. I assume you saved the boy; I applaud you for that. It was a good thing to do.

The sadness in his eyes frightened her more than a bit. What's wrong? she asked in a quivering voice.

You're wounded very badly.

Well, that was obvious. She could barely stay awake. Am... am I going to die?

He frowned, hesitating, but replied at last under her insistent gaze, This isn't something a person can survive. I'm amazed you've lived this long.

Her heart sank as she took in his words, and realized everything was getting even blurrier. Was it the tears in her eyes, or something worse? It's really that bad? Glen nodded, and Rose exhaled a red mist. A spasm wracked her body. Pull it out. I want to be able to lie on my back.

It'll kill you faster, he whispered.

Doesn't matter.

He extracted the sword from her body, and despite the hopelessness of the situation stitched closed both sides of her wound. Maybe the gods will look after you, Rose.

I haven't done nearly enough for that. Call my parents here, will you?

To his credit, Glen got Rick and Lise to her bedside with fair haste, and they looked at her with stricken faces as the doctor told them of her injury. Soon, Lise began to sob. You stupid girl, Rick said with desperate force, his large callused hands clenched tight with fear. How could you let this happen to yourself?

She cringed at her father's distress, but said, I didn't try to get hurt—I was just taking a walk when I saw this ruffian snooping about a farm, so I decided to try and stop him. Maybe if you had actually let me carry a sword, I wouldn't have a hole through me right now.

You cut yourself open the last time you had a sword.

Yeah, but I've been practicing.

Lise looked at her husband and choked out, At least she would have had a better chance than unarmed.

Rose squeezed her mother's plump hand and smiled. I killed him anyway, you know. Just took more out of me than I'd have liked.

Please don't leave us, Rose. You're our little light.

She resolved then not to die, no matter what medical knowledge had to say, and nodded. Mom, I'm not going to. Promise, okay?


Her parents visited her constantly after that, their eyes ever full of grief which soon began to annoy. Why didn't they trust her to keep her promise? She felt quite weak, but she refused to die. Her life was too important to her for her to let it slip away. To everyone's surprise but her own, Rose kept her word. She was back home by the time her big day arrived three weeks later, tossing herself out of bed in her usual carefree manner. Once again, she had survived the impossible, and once again her neighbors whispered of a miracle.

It was trapped in her freezing house during a raging blizzard, on the coldest day of the coldest week in Hullel's collective memory and out of firewood, that Lise had given birth to an infant daughter. Neither of Rose's parents had expected her to live the day, but somehow she lasted not only that long, but to the blizzard's end and beyond. Some held that she was favored by the gods of life, or perhaps the gods of death who would not take her. Whatever the case, she had grown into a strapping young woman, astoundingly healthy and never sick, and now her uncanny resilience had saved her once again.

Rose swept her fluffy mane of dark hair into a more passable state of disarray, and put on her cleanest tunic with a smile on her round face. Her midsection still hurt, but nothing could stop her from going out today; RIEL—the Royal Interprovincial Enforcers of Law, who patrolled the roads and kept them safe—was coming to Hullel to recruit members, and Rose wanted her shot.

She completed her outfit by buckling on the heavy broadsword that had once belonged to the criminal she'd recently killed. Despite her parents' objections, she had insisted on keeping the blade pulled from her body. Though the actual fight in the barn was something she was trying to forget, she did feel a measure of pride in what she'd accomplished that day. Here she was, still alive—along with Danny—while one evil man would never threaten anyone again. As well, the experience had only strengthened her determination to join RIEL. She had been blessed with great physical gifts, and did not intend to let their potential to do good go to waste.

She hurried downstairs, and seeing her mother said, I'm going to the entrance trials, all right? I'll come back if I'm accepted.

Lise sighed as she handed Rose her hefty breakfast of sausage and eggs. Come back in time for lunch. You know your father doesn't like this.

Her mother probably didn't either, but Rose knew Lise did not think she had any chance of making the cut, for the same reasons most people might. Mostly because she was a girl. So what? She was a strong one, almost six feet tall yet stocky with muscle, and not finished growing yet. The thickness of her limbs too matched most men, though despite her bulk she did not lack in voluptuous feminine curves. She tried not to sound sarcastic as she said, Wish me luck, Mom?

Good luck, Rose.

She found her friend and sparring partner Edward waiting for her outside. A few inches taller than her, he was the lanky yet strong son of a former soldier, and his face bore several scabs from his latest scuffle with another local boy. He also meant to try out for the watchmen today.

I see you're ready with your best finery. I was starting to worry you might wimp out on me. Think your patrons will come through you today, God-Touched?

She scowled and ran up to him, giving him a stiff jab to the arm. Shut up, Ed. You know how I hate that nickname! She didn't have many friends, and it only reminded her how different she was. A wide grin broke out across her face. But then again, I'd be glad for any extra luck now, divinely granted or not. I'm nervous as hell!

So, think your skills are up to par?

The two of them had been training extra hard with their wooden swords for months since finding out about RIEL's upcoming recruitment effort, until Rose had been wounded and forced to rest. I'm probably rusty. At least I've got my strength back, which I just hope will be enough to pull me through. You?

I'm great. I bet I'm going to kick ass!

Rose wished she could be as confident as him. Then again, she might just be disappointed if that was the case. Let's go, then. I wonder who else will be there.

When they arrived at the constables' office where the initial tests were being given, Rose recognized two of the boys already there—Lenny, an arrogant little buck-toothed bully she'd had many encounters with in the past, and Jasper, a shy middle child from a wealthy family who she noticed to be wearing a fine new silk blouse. Looking presentable was one thing, but she couldn't help thinking that maybe he didn't know what he was getting into. Then again, she really didn't either.

A young blonde giant who must have stood close to seven feet loomed just ahead of her and Ed, and a tanned middle-aged man at the head of the line shifted his weight from foot to foot as if waiting for danger to jump out from some corner of the well-lit room. I hope that big one gets in, Ed said. He'd make a worthy comrade.

Rose shrugged. What the hell is Jasper doing here?

Maybe he's tired of being overlooked at home?

He's not going to make it.

The older applicant at the front was soon turned away for whatever reason, but he was one of few. One by one, those on the line disappeared into a door past the clerk who sat at a desk giving brief interviews. Rose wondered what kind of tests were being administered behind that door. She listened in on the questions asked her fellow hopefuls and heard the clerk ask Lenny, Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

Me, convicted? Never!

Do you have any health problems which might impair your ability to work in a physically taxing environment?


How old are you?


Do you have your parents' consent to apply for a position with this organization? Apparently, even the clerk didn't want to say RIEL's full name.

They let me do whatever I want.

Alright, go on inside.

Rose continued to listen to the interviewer's questions while the line shrank, and found them generally straightforward though he did deviate from his routine with comments about his interviewees. As he remarked on the giant's height, Ed said, We're up next. You want to go first, or should I?

Her heart was racing like a deer fleeing a pack of wolves. Let me go. I can't bear to wait!

When she stepped in front of the clerk's desk, he regarded her with a dubious look. You're a girl.

Yes... This did not seem like a good start.

You really want to join the watch?


You are aware you'd be living with pretty much all men, right?

Yes—I don't mind.

And that you're going to encounter some scary situations from time to time?

I'm used to scary, she lied. She wasn't really, but after surviving the incident in the barn, she felt as though she could handle almost anything.

The clerk looked her over again and smiled. Well, you're a big girl. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

Rose breathed a sigh of relief as the interview went on and concluded without another mention of her sex. But when she stepped through the door, she immediately caught a suspicious look from the lean, wolfish man leaning against the far wall of the courtyard. All over the yard, other leather-uniformed men watched applicants undergo various physical tests, but she guessed the one scrutinizing her was their leader from his cool and confident manner.

One of the watchmen called to her and took her around the yard, bringing her before several large barrels. Behind them, she could see a black line in the dirt. Lift that wooden one, he said, and carry it to the line. Rose walked up to the keg and bent her knees, wrapping her arms around it below the point of its greatest girth. She had seen the last young man struggle with the weight, but she hefted it with only slight effort.

As she walked past the goal line, she felt a rare pride for her unusual strength. For once, it was actually proving useful. It didn't do much for her everyday life. Though people told her she had a pretty face, she knew her size and strength intimidated many boys.

Now try the metal one, the watchman said.

She obeyed with a smile, and he continued putting her through the same physical tests as her male fellows. She passed them all without difficulty, lifting every load with ease, making each increasingly difficult climb faster than the last in the name of pride, and running the obstacle course successfully if not especially quickly—of all her physical attributes, the least impressive was her speed. Then, her skill with weapons was tested in a short spar with a stocky, tanned watchman, and though she wasn't great she did at least do better than most of the boys. Good thing she'd practiced.

So am I in? she asked with a grin, knowing she had done better than anyone else she'd seen.

Nothing's final yet, her opponent said. But looking at how you did, I'm sure you'll get picked.

She shook his hand and thanked him, then turned to leave. Girl! the man leaning against the wall barked before she could exit the yard.


Come over here. She did so, and he smiled contemptuously. So what makes you think you deserve to be here?

Rose frowned, irked by the man's tone and unsure of how to answer his question. It probably wasn't something he'd asked the rest of the would-be watchmen... I'm strong, and I think I'm pretty good in a fight.

So you think. How strong are you?

Stronger than the men I know, she answered honestly. Many people told her she was freakishly strong.

You think you're stronger than me?

Rose wasn't sure where this was going, but looking at his slender frame said hesitantly, Probably...

He smirked. Would you wrestle me to prove it?

Now she knew what his game was. Of course he was more experienced in unarmed combat than her, and knew some trick to defeat her easily and humiliate her in front of everyone. But though she guessed she was going to lose, she was not such an unskilled wrestler, and couldn't resist taking him up on his challenge.

Fine. Let's fight, and we'll see just how bad the girl can do.

She stepped forward and they locked hands, straining against each other in a test

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