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A Romance Writer's Guide to Love and Marriage
A Romance Writer's Guide to Love and Marriage
A Romance Writer's Guide to Love and Marriage
Ebook22 pages17 minutes

A Romance Writer's Guide to Love and Marriage

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“In our culture, it is often assumed that romantic love and physical attraction are all we need to have a successful marriage. In reality, other factors are not only equally important but often more critical in the long run.” So writes Jacqueline Diamond, author of more than 90 romances, mysteries and other novels, in this short, practical guide co-authored with her husband.

“Kurt and I have been happily married for more than thirty years,” Jackie explains. "We’ve raised two wonderful sons and survived financial setbacks and personal losses, including the death of a child. Recently, we’ve had occasion to share some of what we’ve learned with young relatives who are contemplating or entering marriages of their own. We hope these thoughts will be helpful to others as well.”

For her 101st novel, USA Today bestselling author Jacqueline Diamond launches the Safe Harbor Medical mystery series with The Case of the Questionable Quadruplet. A former Associated Press reporter and TV columnist, Jackie has sold mysteries, medical romances, Regency romances and romantic comedies to a range of publishers.

Kurt Wilson is a Senior IT Business Systems Analyst with a dozen years of experience in the real estate industry domain. He is actively involved with his church and leads a Bible study group. He is open to new opportunities, as a business analyst, to add value to your organization.

Cover image by Gabriella Fabbri.

Other books by Jacqueline Diamond

Regency romances:
traditional, light love stories set in Jane Austen’s era)
A Lady of Letters
A Lady’s Point of View
Lady in Disguise
Song for a Lady
The Day-Dreaming Lady
The Forgetful Lady

Romantic comedies:
A Warm December
Capers and Rainbows
Swept Away
Unlikely Partners
Yours, Mine and Ours

Suspense, mystery and paranormal:
Danger Music (murder mystery)
Out of Her Universe (alternate history/s.f.)
Shadowlight (fantasy)
The Eyes of a Stranger (murder mystery)
Touch Me in the Dark (paranormal romance)

Release dateJan 5, 2013
A Romance Writer's Guide to Love and Marriage

Jacqueline Diamond

Author of more than 100 novels, USA Today bestselling author Jacqueline Diamond is best known for her Safe Harbor Medical® romances, the spin-off Safe Harbor Medical mystery series, and her half-dozen light Regency romances. A former Associated Press reporter and TV columnist, Jackie has sold books to a range of publishers, including St. Martin's Press, William Morrow and Harlequin. She currently self-publishes her novels and is enjoying the freedom to expand her imaginative scope!A mother and grandmother, Jackie lives in Southern California with her husband of more than 40 years. She belongs to writers' organizations including The Authors Guild, Orange County Romance Writers, and Novelists Inc. Jackie has twice been a finalist for the Rita Award and received a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award. She currently writes the Forgotten Village Magical Mystery series, beginning with A Cat's Garden of Secrets.National Book Award winner Neal Shusterman, author of Challenger Deep, describes her as a "master storyteller." No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber says, “Jacqueline Diamond writes stories from the heart with a wisdom and tenderness that remain long after the final page.”

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    Book preview

    A Romance Writer's Guide to Love and Marriage - Jacqueline Diamond

    A Romance Writer’s Guide

    to Love and Marriage

    by Jacqueline Diamond and Kurt Wilson

    Digital Edition published by

    K. Loren Wilson

    P.O. Box 1315

    Brea, CA 92822

    Copyright 2007 Jackie Hyman and Kurt Wilson

    Licensing statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Kurt and I have been happily married for more than thirty years. We’ve raised two wonderful sons and survived financial setbacks and personal losses, including the death of a child.

    Recently, we’ve had occasion to share some of what we’ve learned with young relatives who are contemplating or entering marriages of their own. We hope these thoughts will be helpful to others as well.

    In our culture, it is often assumed that romantic love and physical attraction are all we need to have a successful marriage. In reality, other factors are not only equally important but often more critical in the long run.

    We’ve divided our advice

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