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Power of the Vampire: The Saga of a World Called Htrae, #2
Power of the Vampire: The Saga of a World Called Htrae, #2
Power of the Vampire: The Saga of a World Called Htrae, #2
Ebook558 pages8 hours

Power of the Vampire: The Saga of a World Called Htrae, #2

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In the second book of "The Saga of a World Called Htrae," "Power of the Vampire," finds Laurel Kidnapped by a hybrid named Learden. When he learns who she is he claims her as his mate. When she looses hope of ever seeing Kianas again, she gives herself up to the feelings she has for Leaden. But when Kianas comes back into her life they press her to choose between them. She refuses, knowing one will die is she chooses.

As she tries to resist the change and the monster growing inside her, she soon realizes that her linage and the true prophecy have claimed her to be the one to bring freedom and peace back to this planet. And her burning desire to see her son again could be her greatest downfall.

The king however, plots her capture in hopes of preventing her form leading an army of hybrids that it has been foretold would defeat his army of vampires. Consumed by his own guilt from the past, and fearful of loosing his throne, he plans to unleash a secret weapon that could wipe out life on Htrae.

PublisherDee Krull
Release dateJan 8, 2013
Power of the Vampire: The Saga of a World Called Htrae, #2

Dee Krull

I am a retired clinical hypnotherapist. I completed my Ph.D. in 1990 and started a private practice which lasted twenty-five years in Southern California. I moved to Tucson, Arizona in 2005 with my late husband Chad where I began to explore my creative side in singing acting and writing. I have three children living in Southern California, one who adopted me in Sparks, Nevada and seven grandchildren. "Dreams and Vampires" was inspired by my late husband's love of science fiction and my own inquisitive nature of "what ifs." It is a combination of science fiction and fantasy with my own experience as a hypnotherapist thrown into the mix. I wrote "Dreams and Vampires" in Arizona. However, when I decided to place the beginning of my story in Arcata, California it rekindled my love of the North West and the peaceful solitude it has to offer. I will soon move to Northern California with my cat Gwynie and Finish writing my second book in the series of "The Saga of a World Called Htrae."

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    Power of the Vampire - Dee Krull

    Power of the Vampire

    The Saga of a World Called Htrae

    Dee Krull


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012 by Dee Krull.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012920339




    Ebook .................................................978-1-4797-4158-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Dedicated to My Children

    Tom, Kathy, Dan and Heather



    Writing the sequel to Dreams and Vampires has been a labor of love this year but it has not been without the help of certain people who have been there for me throughout both books. I would like to thank Rey Soriano from my publisher Xlibris. I have enjoyed our many talks on the phone and if it hadn’t been for you I would have been pulling my hair out by the roots. You have not only taught me the ins and outs of the self-publishing world, you have also been there when I needed to talk about the frustrations that go along with becoming an author. I have gained a wonderful friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. And thank you to the staff of people at Xlibris who took extra care with this book, making sure it was a quality product.

    Thank you Adriana, for your huge effort with the art work you did for me and especially for the cover art of the griffin with Laurel on its back. I look forward to seeing your artwork on my website.

    I would also like to thank Jana, a soul mate and sister, who read the many versions of Dreams and Vampires and listened to my frustrations, ideas and ramblings about Power of the Vampire. But most of all for providing me with one of the most perfect places on Earth to write in; my ‘little house’ by the sea, in the magnificent Redwoods; and for allowing me to be a part of your family.

    A big thank you goes to my friends in Arizona and California, who are too many to name, but you know who you are. Some of you read bits and pieces of my first book and gave me, much needed, advice and tips along the way. Some of you listened patiently as I read a chapter to you and some of you actually bought my book, Dreams and Vampires.

    I thank you all for your support. I guarantee you will enjoy Power of the Vampire, as Laurel continues to get into trouble and finds a new love that causes more turmoil in her life. I hope you all enjoy it.

    And last, but defiantly not least, a big thank you to my fans who have given me great and some not so great reviews and who have continually wanted to know when the next one will be out. Don’t let the length of Power of the Vampire dissuade you from reading it. It starts off with a bang and will keep you reading into all hours of the night. Remember; without our readers, there would be no books, authors, book stores, libraries, publishers, or any other form of book merchants.


    "We look forward to the time when the power to love will replace the love of power.

    Then will our world know the blessing of peace."

    —William Gladstone—


    Chapter One

    Ellie stopped suddenly; her automatic reflexes, pushing me back against the wall. We were just inside the tunnel that would take us to the entrance of the cave. She turned, finger to her lips. Shhhhhh. Her body was trembling, the unmistakable look of fear in her eyes.

    What’s wrong? I whispered. She didn’t answer. Ellie? I whispered a little more forcefully. Then I heard it, two male voices arguing, growling at each other. I didn’t recognize the voices; I thought maybe they were the King’s Guard. I tried to move back the way we came, but Ellie held my arm, pushing me hard against the wall. Her breathing coming in short, shallow breaths, her eyes wild with terror. Her tension became mine. I didn’t understand why she wouldn’t move back toward the main cave and safety. The witches were always putting spells around the caves, causing confusion for anyone who had not been here before and spells preventing anyone who passed by from seeing the entrance. There were exceptions though—hybrids who had witch blood in their lineage were unaffected. The spells were for the King’s Guard, who patrolled frequently in the mountains above Witch Town.

    My concern grew, my heartbeat pounding in my ears; seconds became minutes, minutes drug on. Still, Ellie, wouldn’t move. She was frozen like a carving from the rock wall. We were so close to the entrance that all one needed to do was shine a light into the passageway to see us. Ellie’s reluctance to move was scaring the hell out of me.

    The two males finally stopped arguing then they turned toward the passage. It was twilight allowing just enough light in the passage, for them to see us. As soon as I saw their red glowing eyes, I understood Ellie’s fear. They looked like werewolves or hybrids who didn’t belong here, both dressed in black. They had the look of renegades with their worn clothes and long shaggy hair. Even though the witches’ spell didn’t work on hybrids, they still didn’t come this close to the mountains and the king’s patrols. King Kasan’s law against interbreeding would mean certain death for them. As soon as they saw us they moved quickly, reaching for us.

    Ellie, still frozen in fear, wouldn’t move. I grabbed her hand. Ellie! Run! I shouted. It was too late—one of them grabbed Ellie; the other one grabbed me by my hair, as I turned to run.

    They dragged us out of the entrance into the dim light. What do we have here? asked the taller of the two who still had me by the hair. He looked to be six feet three inches or more, the other one only an inch or two shorter. Humans? Human females are usually discouraged from venturing out after the sun has left us. What were you doing so close to the entrance?

    Trying to stop him from pulling my hair out by the roots, I grabbed my hair. Please! Let go, and I’ll tell you. I yelled, gritting my teeth from the pain.

    He let go of me. I massaged my stinging head, sure he had pulled out a chunk of hair. We were staying with a friend in Witch Town and got lost. We heard you coming, so we stepped into the opening. I said defiantly. Ellie was struggling, frantically trying to get away from her captor. Her eyes were wide, filled with tears as she looked up at him. Did I see recognition on her face? I wondered.

    Please let my friend go, I whined struggling against my captor. I watched helpless as Ellie’s captor pulled her tightly against him, cutting off her breath. You are hurting her! I yelled at him.

    His eyes raised to meet mine, a slow smile spread across his face, revealing fangs. I had heard about the renegade vampires and werewolves who rebelled against the king’s laws. Taking a life by feeding on a human, was punishable by death.

    Ellie was pulling on the arm around her throat, trying to scream, but all she could get out was a mewling gurgle. Her face was turning red, and he continued to smile at me, his fangs hovering over her throat. Without taking his eyes from mine, he moved her hair away from her neck. I saw terror in Ellie’s eyes when she felt her neck bared to the cool night air.

    No! I screamed. Why can’t anyone hear me? I thought. I struggled with my captor, trying to run to her, but he held me back, a whoosh of air forced from me when he pulled me hard against his chest; knocking the breath out of me. I watched in horror as the vampire whispered into her ear, his eyes still locked on mine. True recognition passed through Ellie’s eyes; she struggled against him, a dam of tears overflowing, choking her as her breath came in quick, short rasps. When his eyes left mine, he sunk his teeth into her soft white flesh, her blood gushed around his mouth, a thin red line flowed down her neck and on to her clothes, turning them red.

    No, please! I screamed. I stood transfixed, watching Ellie’s eyes close, the quick rise and fall of her chest slow, her body limp in his arms. When her chest ceased to move, I heard her final breath.

    Ellie, no. I sobbed uncontrollably. You killed her! Why? I pleaded between racking sobs. I stopped struggling, I knew it was useless.

    The vampire finally stopped feeding. Her body slid from his grasp to the ground like a rag doll. His eyes found mine as he wiped her blood from his mouth. I was helpless; there was nothing I could do to save her. Bring her, he growled. I will leave her for later. He walked away and we followed. The werewolf pulled me close to Ellie’s lifeless form. Her once-beautiful face was white, bloodless. I struggled, but I couldn’t break the werewolf’s hold on me. Blinding tears flowed unchecked from my eyes as I stumbled along, sobbing. The smell of copper filled the air, as he dragged me past her lifeless body. What blood the vampire hadn’t taken was on the ground around Ellie; she had bled out. It was my fault she was dead; if I hadn’t been so worried about Kianas, they wouldn’t have seen us, and she would be alive. While I was being pulled along by my captor I allowed my thoughts to stray to the events that led up to the horror of the last few moments.


    It had been hours since the hunters went on a search for food. Granted, they had to hunt farther away or run the risk of being caught by the King’s Guard. Usually, I didn’t worry; but this time, my mate, Kianas, was with them. And I knew if he were caught, the king would surely put him to death. Kianas wanted to prove that he was trustworthy to the humans who were harboring us. We were fugitives living with the human cave settlement.

    I was pacing back and forth in front of the pool when Ellie noticed me. Laurel honey—she put her arm around my shoulders—they probably went farther out and lost track of time.

    I sighed. I know, it’s just that . . . I couldn’t finish my sentence because the images coming to mind were too horrible to contemplate. You would think that with my training as a clinical hypnotherapist, I could focus on the positive outcome, but I felt lost without him.

    Ellie was my only friend here, aside from Kirn, the leader of the cave settlement; and I wasn’t quite sure of him yet. My first experience with Kirn wasn’t what I would consider a promising friendship. Ellie was the first person I met when I was brought here by Trey. Trey, a hybrid who lived with the humans, brought me here from the king’s palace because he was afraid I would say the wrong thing to the king. As it turned out, he was probably right because the king knew I was here and that I was the one from the prophecy. It is a very old prophecy that told of a woman from Earth, fitting my description, who was a direct descendant from Lysander, the first king. The prophecy said she would herald in a new peace on Htrae. It even named me, but I still wasn’t convinced that I would be able to accomplish such a feat. I couldn’t even get the humans on this planet to accept me. The king, more than likely, would have had me executed once he learned who I was.

    Ellie was the doctor of the settlement who treated my wounds after the wolf inside of Trey gave me a split lip. I screamed when I looked up at his glowing eyes in the dark; unfortunately, the wolf didn’t like being screamed at. Even so, Trey was very protective of me here. He was there when Rouxor almost killed me. Rouxor was a werewolf, the oldest living being on this planet and, as I found out, was one of my ancestors.

    It had been three months, Htrae time, since we had come to live with the cave settlement. Unfortunately, the humans here still didn’t trust us. The hybrids were friendly, mainly because the humans still felt uncomfortable around most of them. We tended to gravitate toward the hybrids, and we enjoyed their company. They lived with the humans because interbreeding was not allowed, and the first werewolf alpha promised the king that there would be no interbreeding. A pact that was made between King Kasan of the Vampire and Orruck, Alpha to the Werewolf, in order to stop the Great Hundred Years’ War. According to what Lore told me, if a werewolf and witch mate, the offspring would be an adult in a very short time and would have the witches’ power to transport short distances. The king saw this as a threat to his kingdom.

    I felt a hand on my shoulder. Don’t worry, Laurel—it was Kirn—Colin knows his way around the forest. Kirn was an attractive man with short blond hair and blue eyes. He had a kind mannerism about him; he looked to be in his late thirties, but he was actually in his eighties. The Human race on Htrae had unusually long life but not as long as the Vampire and Werewolf.

    I smiled at him. Thanks, Kirn, I guess I’m a bit lost without him. It wouldn’t be so bad if Naken and Kiina were here. Naken and Kiina were the rest of my family of vampires. Kiina was Kianas’s sister, and Naken was like a brother to him. They had taken a trip to the family villa to check on the humans still living there. They went to bring back stores other than food, such as clothing and books. After my near-death experience by Rouxor, who was Orruck’s older brother, we had come to the cave settlement for refuge from the king’s wrath. It was just one more thing that was my fault. Rouxor didn’t survive; he was killed by his son, with the help of the rest of the werewolves and my family of vampires. Once again, they came to my rescue; and each time, they saved my life with their blood. I didn’t realize how much I had changed until I met up with Raithe again; she could see that I was getting younger.

    Kirn let out a long sigh and sat next to me. The people will eventually get over their fear of who you are, he said, patting my leg. Just give them time.

    I knew he was right, but without my little family, I didn’t feel safe. A few of the younger men scared me. I had already had an altercation with two of them. If it hadn’t been for Trey, I would probably be sporting a few more bruises. They resented me and rightly so. If it weren’t for me, they wouldn’t be confined inside all the time. Rouxor and the king were the ones who started the much-hated war, as I found out when he tried to kill me. Killing him forced me and my family into hiding, which was why the king had increased patrols around the mountains. I was the one the king wanted, and everyone knew it. They knew the king was fearful of my existence, and anyone caught helping me or my family would be put to death, along with us.

    Kirn, are you afraid of what I stand for? I asked quietly.

    He looked out into the main room of the cave. I am not afraid of what you stand for, Laurel. I just believe you are misguided.

    Do you believe I am the one from the prophecy?

    I think that is pretty much a given, Laurel. You have heard the prophecy as it is quoted from the book of Lysander, have you not?

    I took a deep breath and blew it out. Yes, it’s just so hard for me to get my mind around that. It was so long ago. After seeing the picture of Kayla in Slin’s home, it is hard to deny that her twin was my mother.

    On Htrae, twin humans and witches were separated at birth—one to be taken to Earth and raised by unsuspecting humans, and one to stay on Htrae. This was how they were manipulating human DNA to make humans from Earth, live longer. They were called seeds.

    When they turned forty, the seed on Earth would be compelled to get a spiral tattoo on the right side of their neck, which was a galaxy, in dark blue and teal.

    Soon after, they would begin to dream about each other, allowing the vampire extractor to find and bring them back to Htrae.

    They usually left children behind, which is what happened to my friend and soul mate Raithe’s children. Raithe was a seed, so when she was compelled to get the spiral tattoo at the age of forty, she wanted me to get one too. Our birthdays are on the same day, ten years apart. I have come to realize she was a part of the prophecy as well.

    Do you blame me for the king’s prejudice against humans? I asked him. I could feel the moisture beginning to collect in the corners of my eyes. I was making life harder for these people instead of bringing peace; it was no wonder they didn’t like me.

    He turned his eyes on me with a surprised look on his face. No, Laurel, the king has been prejudice against us for a very long time. We used to be food to the vampire. We were considered no higher than the lowesha.

    The lowesha were a source of blood, somewhat like a cow on Earth.

    "Kasan’s father almost bled us to extinction, along with the Werewolf and Witch. There is much hate between the humans and the Vampire. The only thing keeping us from another war is the pact between Orruck and Kasan.

    Why do the humans hide? Doesn’t the king’s law keep you safe?

    I watched his face cloud up with emotion. Many of the people here ran from their abusive vampire masters, and others were just trying to survive on their own. The only safety is in numbers; the large villages close to the city or close to the castle are safe because of their size and the King’s Guard. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

    Why are you here?

    Most of my family were killed by the renegade vampires or turned by the unsanctioned werewolf packs who want to increase their numbers. Once they move into an area, all humans are in danger. So I decided to do something about it.

    It’s not right to segregate your people, Kirn. It just causes fear and mistrust. A good king would bring his people together so they could learn about each other, and how you all contribute to the good of your world.

    Kirn looked around the room as Ellie approached. It is a good thought, Laurel, but this king lives in fear and mistrust himself. So how would he teach his people to do otherwise?

    He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. Stop blaming yourself for the king’s cruelty, Laurel. Then he turned and walked away.

    Ellie handed me a glass of wine as she watched Kirn’s retreating back. He is a good man, Laurel, but he is very troubled. It is a heavy burden to be the leader to so many of us, and I fear it is aging him before his time.

    I could hear the sadness in her voice as she set the basket of fruit on the table. Ellie was a very pretty woman in her fifties, but she looked twenty-five. She wore the traditional dress of the cave humans. The only difference was the color. Today she wore a light green dress, complimenting her long auburn hair and green eyes.

    You must be hungry, enough worrying for today. She gestured toward the fruit. Eat and I will walk with you to the cave entrance, where we will wait together for the return of the hunters.

    I studied her for a moment. Ellie, why don’t you let Kirn know how much you love him?

    She blushed. Kirn doesn’t have time for romance. He has too many other things to think about. Besides we have time. She looked in the direction Kirn had gone. She turned to me. Come, you need to eat to keep your strength up. However, I have no idea how you do that without eating meat. She picked up a slice of fruit and handed it to me. Come on, the hunters will be here even before we can walk to the entrance of the cave.

    Even though the fruit on Htrae was wonderful, I was having a hard time eating anything. Being a vegetarian wasn’t ideal because all the species on this world survived on animal meat or blood. I was shocked when Ellie told me, when needed, humans consumed blood as well.

    I finished my wine and set the partially eaten fruit back on my plate. I stared at it like it might suddenly disappear or flop on the plate like a fish out of water. Maybe that would lighten up the oppressive feelings coming from the people at the table with me, I thought.

    Ellie simply gave me a stern smile then got up and extended her hand. Come on, let’s go wait for the hunters.

    I smiled, taking her hand as I stood up. Thanks, Ellie.

    The passageway wasn’t really long, but there were a few twists and turns, making it hard to see the light from inside the main cave. Little did we know what would be waiting for us on the outside.


    I shut my thoughts down, paying more attention to where we were going. I noticed a thin line of orange light on the horizon as we moved deeper into the forest. We were heading southeast, into the mountains, the opposite direction the hunters had gone. Even if they had come back right after we left, there was no way they could catch up to us.

    Once we came out of the thick forest, the vampire picked up his pace. My captor scooped me up and matched his companion’s speed. At least he didn’t throw me over his shoulder, I thought. Remembering when I had been abducted by Nox, a very unpleasant vampire and a scientist in the king’s service. It had started raining when we left the caves, but now it was coming down pretty hard. I studied my captor’s face; he was without question a werewolf. I decided he must be older than the vampire he was following.

    Why are a vampire and a werewolf traveling together? I wondered. Curiosity got the better of me. Where are you taking me? I asked.

    His eyes drifted down to mine. A menacing smile slid across his face. Do not worry. His hunger is sated for now.

    I averted my eyes, not wanting him to see my fear. How is it a vampire and a werewolf are traveling together?

    The vampire’s head turned around. Shut her up, Kaleis, or I will.

    The werewolf glared down at me. Knowing how quickly an angry vampire could lash out, I refrained from asking any more questions. I remembered being backhanded just before flying into a tree when I called Nox a stupid vampire. I would have died at his hands if Kianas hadn’t found me and killed him.

    The memory drew a sigh from me. I’m so sorry, Kianas, I whispered softly.

    The moment the words left my lips, I regretted it. The vampire’s head jerked around suddenly, causing Kaleis to stop abruptly.

    Kaleis stood by silently, with me in his arms, waiting as the vampire stepped closer. Eyes stinging from the rain, I raised my chin enough to see him.

    Put her down, Kaleis. His eyes were intense as he stared down at me. I could see the tension in his body.

    What is wrong, Learden, hungry again so soon? Kaleis was enjoying the terror he saw in my eyes. The vampire didn’t answer; his eyes narrowed.

    What did you say? he finally asked softly.

    I took an involuntary step backward as I slowly looked up at him, desperately trying to hide my fear. When I didn’t answer, he reached out, grabbing me by the shoulders.

    What did you say? he growled, gritting his teeth.

    I . . . I was just talking to myself, I said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

    He hooked his huge hands under my arms, lifting me up like a rag doll until I was at eye level with him. What name did you use? His eyes bored into mine; I was unable to look away.

    I said ‘I’m sorry, Kianas.’ When I stopped breathing; his face slowly faded before me. I blinked and took a breath. The smell of Ellie’s blood, still on his breath, brought tears to my eyes.

    When I said Kianas, his eyes had narrowed; he set me on my feet, pulling me along by my arm. Fearing for my own life, I kept quiet. He must know Kianas’s name, I thought. The sound of my own blood pumping into my heart, sped up as my fear escalated.

    Kaleis followed. What is wrong, Learden? Who is Kianas? the werewolf asked impatiently.

    Learden stopped abruptly and spun around on Kaleis. The werewolf skidded to a stop. Do not mention that name in the camp! he yelled, still holding on to me.

    Kaleis frowned. Okay, but tell me who he is.

    He is a vampire I have no wish to meet!

    Kaleis was confused. So who is he? Are you afraid of him?

    Learden turned on him again. I am not afraid of him. His eyes narrowed at Kaleis.

    Kaleis growled, If you are not afraid of him, then what is the problem? Why would you care if you plan to drain her anyway? I blanched, and then I think I squeaked, or maybe it was a yelp. Learden still held a vise-like grip on my arm, keeping me captive between the two of them as they argued, growling at each other. I was curious, but I kept my mouth shut. I wanted to remain alive. Learden’s anger began to escalate, and so did his grip on my arm.

    Suddenly he stopped, and glared down at me. Who is Kianas to you?

    I think I stopped breathing again; fear made my mind go blank. The more impatient he became, the tighter his grip on my arm became. I was sure it would turn blue and drop off any minute.

    My mind was still blank, so I held my breath, hoping it would make me faint. He started shaking me, his face only an inch from mine.

    Who . . . is . . . Kianas to you? He growled, his fangs clearly visible.

    Um . . . he is my mate? It came out as a question, in a very tiny voice. I turned my head to the side, trying to get away from his angry face.

    The werewolf growled, What? You are mate to a vampire? You are human. Why has he not turned you? This is . . .

    Shut up, Kaleis! Learden growled. Kaleis went quiet. Learden’s look softened. Why were you at the mouth of the caves?

    Surprised by his question, I just stared at him. If he was a vampire, he shouldn’t have noticed the cave entrance. The spell should have hidden the fact that we were at the mouth of the caves.

    How do you know about the caves? I asked, confused.

    He leaned in, his face an inch from mine. What were you doing there? he asked more insistently. I realized the look on his face was fear.

    I live there with the human settlement, I said, even more confused. Why, I wondered, is he so concerned as to why I was there? Why did you kill Ellie, if you knew about the settlement?

    He ignored my question. What is your name? Before I could answer, he reached out and brushed my hair away from my neck to expose the tattoo. Of course, I thought suddenly, he’s a vampire. He knows the prophecy.

    Laurel, I said softly, looking down at my feet. Shit, I thought, I think I’m in big trouble again.

    His eyes went wide. You are the one from the prophecy?

    Yes, I whispered, still unable to look at him.

    Abruptly, he let go of me. The blood immediately returned to my arm, but I could still feel the imprint of his hand.

    Rubbing my stinging arm as the blood rushed back into it, I was frantically trying to think. What would that mean to him? I had a feeling it wasn’t good.

    Kaleis was getting impatient. Learden, who is Kianas, and what is going on?

    His head came up slowly, staring off in the distance. It means we have to move the camp before her mate starts looking for her. He was pacing in a circle with his hands locked behind his head. He started speaking rapidly in another language. As far as I knew he could be cussing.

    Why do we have to move the camp, who is this Kianas? Kaleis demanded.

    Learden dropped his hands to his sides and stared at Kaleis. You stupid werewolf, don’t you listen to the tales of the humans? How is it you have survived this long?

    What? You mean that stupid story about some human who is the descendant of Lysander? Who will bring peace to our world?

    Learden and I both looked at him like he was just dropped on his head. Learden shook his head in disbelief. Bring her, you stupid fluge worm. We must go quickly and warn the others.

    Kaleis picked me up again. What did I say? I didn’t believe their stupid story, he grumbled. His eyes rested on me with genuine interest.

    I looked away. Yup, it’s me, the prophecy girl. Sighing, I crossed my arms over my chest. The look on Kaleis’s face made me wonder if he thought I was going to sprout wings or something. What have I gotten myself into this time, I thought.

    The horrible image of Ellie lying on the ground dead came rushing back into my mind. Between being the one from the Lysander Prophecy and staying human my days were numbered. Not many people can bring out fear, hate, unconditional love, and mistrust from the people around them, all at the same time. Not to mention those who wanted to kill me, usually in very creative ways that meant slow and painful.

    Maybe I’m dreaming—I said to myself—soon I’ll wake up and be in my bed on Earth. I tilted my head up looking at the werewolf. No, I grumbled, I’m pretty sure I’m awake.

    He squinted his eyes at me. Did you say Earth? He pulled me a little closer, studying my face. I thought there was something different about you, you do not look like a normal human.

    He was staring at me so intensely that he failed to see the log in front of him. Suddenly his body lurched. He fell down hard, losing his grip on me. I was literally thrown down the hill we were climbing. I rolled for quite a ways as the dirt, small rocks and twigs dug into my arms and face.

    I slammed into a log, coming up pulling dirt and leaves out of my face and hair. I didn’t pause for long; I got up as fast as my body would let me and ran down the hill, jumping out of the way of bushes, logs, and whatever else I encountered. I found myself thinking, I need to see, I need to run fast. Please, vampire power, help me!

    Suddenly my breathing slowed to normal. The smell of the rich water-soaked earth and debris from the trees evolved around me; The sound of the wind as it lightly skipped through the leaves, roared in my mind; I became aware of tiny heartbeats all around me. My senses heightened beyond anything I had ever experienced before. Even though I was moving at inhuman speed, everything around me seemed to stop. I gazed in wonder at the molecules of water reflecting my face as they journeyed to the ground; a small animal moved in slow motion away from me. It was so amazing that it stunned me. How is this possible? I thought.

    Suddenly, a sound I didn’t recognize assaulted my ears; I listened harder. A heartbeat, air pumping through lungs, twigs being crushed as they ran crashing through the trees, foot falls on the soft rain-soaked ground. Suddenly I heard growls, as the werewolf changed form.

    I had only called on the vampire power once before when Rouxor was chasing me, and I knew my life was in jeopardy. I had no idea that I would still be able to call on it, but it was there.

    I had to look for a place to hide, a tree to climb. My dress was in the way, catching on debris, and the rain was coming down harder. The down side: I felt like I was trudging through mud. The upside: the rain made it harder for them to see me.

    Suddenly I saw a dark spot in the side of the mountain I was careening down, it was a cave. I literally dove into it head first, arms in front of my face. That was stupid, I thought, there could be some kind of animal in here. The smell of the previous inhabitants filled my nostrils, but when I looked around I was alone. Nothing else could fit in here, I thought. It was so small I had to curl up into a ball to get all the way inside. This was one time I was glad I was small.

    I was just beginning to feel safe, until I heard the growling werewolf crashing through the underbrush, stopping briefly to sniff under bushes or inside of downed trees. And the sounds were getting closer. What scared me the most was the fact that I couldn’t hear the vampire; that made me nervous. Closing my eyes, I turned my focus on my breathing, slowing it down. It wasn’t working; my breathing came in short, shallow, uncontrolled breaths. Not good, I thought franticly, he will hear me with that damn vampire hearing. I tried to calm my mind, but the sound of my own heart, about to beat out of my chest, distracted me.

    Then I saw him, his back to me, unmoving. As if he were enjoying the quiet forest, looking out over the valley, only the moonlight sharing his gaze. I knew he was listening, listening for my breathing. I could still smell Ellie’s dried blood, could imagine where it dripped down the front of his shirt. I could hear the air as it moved in and out of his lungs. I’m doomed, I thought, he will surely drain me dry this time. It seemed like an eternity before he finally turned around slowly, his eyes glowing red as he looked . . . right at me. I clamped my hand over my mouth, to keep from screaming, hoping he really couldn’t see me. Who was I kidding, if I could see him, he could see me.

    In two strides he was in front of my little sanctuary, dragging me out by my hair. I screamed when he turned my body, his arm reaching around my waist, lifting me off my feet. I had no time to think; I felt my hair move away from my neck, his other hand jerked my head to the side.

    I yelped, whining, No, please. I felt his lips gently kiss my earlobe, and down my neck; as he whispered to me in a very controlled, cold voice.

    There are consequences for running. No one gets away from me. I barely felt his teeth sink into my neck; a sluggish feeling overtook me, leaving me light-headed. My eyes refused to stay open, my heartbeat slowing. So this is what death feels like, I thought.


    As my mind struggled into consciousness, I heard muffled noises, but I was unable to tell where they were coming from. The smell of blood and smoke hung heavy in the air; there were other smells I couldn’t identify.

    Awakening, I was distracted by the sounds around me. Voices, people talking, twigs snapping as someone walked close to me, the sound of a crackling fire, heat from the fire, felt warm on my face; my senses awakening slowly, becoming aware a little at a time.

    Is it possible? I thought. That I am still alive? Disoriented, I opened my eyes slowly; it was still dark. I couldn’t feel my body; was it asleep? I knew the body created its own paralysis, but that was during sleep; I was awake.

    I started to panic; my heart bounced around my chest, like it was desperately trying to escape. My breath came in quick short gasps; the acrid smell of the ash as it rose into the air, nauseated me. Finally my eyesight cleared, and even though I wasn’t close to the fire, the heat of it was making me uncomfortable.

    Why can’t I move? I thought. I looked down at myself, realizing I was bound. Not just my hands, a rope was wrapped around me, holding my arms tight against my body. I lay back, allowing strained muscles to relax. Why am I tied up? I asked no one in particular.

    When I looked in the direction the heat was coming from, I saw him. The vampire hybrid stood with his back to the fire, his head tilted down, watching me for a long while. His face was in shadow, his expression hidden from me. I was determined I would not show fear. I lay still, focusing on relaxing the muscles in my body. What the hell is he doing? My mind screamed.

    Soon claustrophobia crept into my thoughts. I tried to fight it, failing miserably. I started to pant, knowing I was giving in to panic. When our eyes finally met, he grinned, his vampire teeth gleaming in the dim light. So, little Laurel,—he said as he slowly sauntered over to me, still holding my gaze—"Kianas is turning you. And you can call on the vampire strength. His glowing red eyes narrowed. This only happens to humans from our world while they are being turned. How is it you can do this?" He knelt down beside me; I recoiled. A malevolent smile spread across his face as he untied the ropes that held my arms close to my body.

    When he finished untying me, I sat up; he didn’t move. I looked up at him defiantly, even though his face was about an inch from mine.

    You already know I’m the one from the prophecy. I have Htrae DNA. What’s so hard to understand?

    How long has it been since you have taken blood from Kianas? he asked in a sultry purr. I could feel the sound of my heart beat as it sped up, my breathing was coming in short bursts, my chest rising rapidly with each breath; like a trapped animal.

    I looked away from him. It’s been about three full moons, I whispered softly. I moved, trying to put more distance between us.

    His face showed surprise. Do you have any idea how fast you were moving down the mountain? He moved closer, his sultry voice softer as he whispered in my ear; his lips caressing with each word; I was having trouble concentrating.

    Confused, I tried to move away, I didn’t understand why I was unable to move. I had the momentum of going downhill, as well as the vampire speed. I finally got out; my voice breathy.

    No, you were a ghost. If you had not stopped, I would never have caught you. His lips gently touched the line of my jaw as he moved closer to my neck; Vampire only move that fast on a smaller planet; such as Earth. It is your gravity that allows us to move without being seen.

    I couldn’t take my eyes away from his lips. I don’t understand. I thought you could move at superhuman speed here as well. Are you saying I was moving faster? I suddenly noticed how quiet it had become; the background noises had stopped, and the fire was dying leaving only an undulating glow. The others were listening to our conversation. We had gained an audience. As the feeling came back into my arms, I shifted my position, still trying to move away from him. His closeness was opening my senses, I was becoming aroused. What’s wrong with me? I thought.

    Still unable to look away, I watched as his lips spread into a grin, his eyes holding mine captive. I am afraid I will have to keep you unconscious, little one. As he spoke, he slowly moved behind me, his hands caressing my shoulders; gliding along my neck and jaw. And there is only one way to do that. I cannot have you flying away from me again. I need to decide what I am going to do with you. his voice a quiet purr.

    He looked up at our audience, gesturing with his head for them to leave. Distracted, I watched as they all disappeared into the cave.

    When I realized what he was about to do, I panicked. No! Please, I promise I won’t run away, tie me up. I don’t care, I pleaded. He wasn’t listening to me.

    "I am sorry, Mistress Laurel, he said in a mocking tone, but you have such a pleasant-tasting flavor . . . I just cannot help myself. He smiled. Do not worry. I will not kill you. You might even enjoy it." I felt his hand slowly slip around my waist, the other one moving my hair aside. He kissed my neck again, and then I felt his teeth sink into me once again.

    This time was different; my breathing quickened. What are you doing to me? His hands moved down slowly into the top of my dress; his hand felt cool as it explored my breast. It was erotic. It reminded me of how I felt when Kianas fed from me after we made love. Finally my breathing slowed; I felt intoxicated, aroused. No, please don’t, I pleaded. I belong to Kianas. My voice was becoming weak, sluggish, my breathing, heavier.

    I felt the warmth of his tongue as he bathed the wounds he had inflicted; the smell of copper, my blood on his breath. He whispered, his lips touching my ear again.

    You are mine, Laurel. Kianas will never see you again. Then his lips were on mine, kissing me slowly, his mouth searching as he moved down my shoulders to my breasts. All I could think of was Kianas as I tasted my own blood and felt his hands exploring my body. I felt drugged, like I was moving in a fog; I couldn’t resist him as his body molded to mine. I wanted to resist, but my body wanted him. What was the matter with me? I felt trapped inside of a body that was on fire from his touch. Why am I responding to him, wanting his lips on mine? I wanted him, even as tears welled up and overflowed down my cheeks, his last words coiling around my mind possessing me—you will never see Kianas again—as I felt him moving inside me, the flames of passion consuming me.


    I awoke to the acrid smell of ashes and smoke; the air warm and humid. My eyes were heavy with sleep, but I could see daylight behind my eyelids. Once again, my arms were bound closely against my sides. This time I didn’t struggle. I knew it wouldn’t do me any good. I lay there, quietly listening for sounds. My senses weren’t as heightened as they had been the night before, but I could hear the murmur of voices. I opened my eyes gradually to a slit; but because of the position I was lying in, all I could see was the ground. I opened my eyes a little wider, looking for Learden; I saw Kaleis sitting on the ground; close to the fire, along with a few others, but Learden was nowhere in sight.

    The aches and pains in the muscles of my back and the tingling in my arms and legs as the blood rushed in, heralded the fact that my body was waking up.

    My head was on something, but I couldn’t tell what it was. While I puzzled this out, I felt movement behind me, a hand slid over my waist, pulling me closer as it encircled my waist. Shit, I thought

    Then the memory of last night came flooding back. I remembered before I lost consciousness, he told me that I was his and I would never see Kianas again. Tears had already erupted, flowing down the bridge of my nose and down the side of my face. I felt hopelessness spreading through my mind, his words haunting me—You will never see Kianas again.

    I needed to move, but he was asleep; so I rolled over on my back, forcing him to move, waking him up. He yawned as he propped his head up on his hand, looking down at me with a smirk. So how did we sleep last night, Mistress Laurel?

    I glared up at him, startled by how attractive he was. "I don’t know how you slept, but I was drugged. You knocked me out—sarcasm dripped like honey from my voice. I feel sluggish, and I really need to sit up. Would you please untie me?"

    A stern smile played around his lips. I am not sure I should release you. How can I trust that you will not run again, now that I know you can travel like a ghost? His stern look faltered when he saw tears on my face. He reached out with his free hand, wiping the tears from my cheeks. A smile came slowly to his lips. How can I keep you from running away from me little one? he said softly.

    I promise I will not run away from you, I said quietly. I looked away from him. My god he is attractive, I thought again.

    He laughed, seemingly in answer to my thought. His hand went to my jaw, pulling my face back to look into my eyes. Very well, but remember what happens when I catch you if you do run.

    Sitting up on his knees, Learden cut the ropes that were digging into me; then he helped me sit up. Avoiding his eyes, I scanned the camp. There were seven or eight individuals besides Kaleis and Learden, a few were female, but I wasn’t sure if there were more inside the cave.

    Still avoiding his eyes, I took Learden’s offered hand. It felt good to stand and stretch, after being bound up like a mummy. I noticed Learden wasn’t as tall as Kaleis, but he towered over me He had that hansom villain look; that bad boy quality. He had long dark hair, to his shoulders and he wore it loose rather than tied in a low tail like most of the males I had met on this planet. There was something really different about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on; he didn’t look like other vampires I had seen. Curiosity got the better of me, I had to ask the question. So if you are a hybrid, what kind of a mix are you? I asked him, trying very hard to avoid his eyes.

    He took my chin in his hand, forcing me to look up at him. A sinister smirk appeared, along with a raised eyebrow. Why do you want to know?

    I took a deep breath, pulling my chin out of his hand. Just curious. I don’t have any ulterior motives. There are hybrids living with the humans in the caves. I’ve been there for three months, so I got to know them pretty well since the humans want nothing to do with me. I noticed last night that your eyes are red at night. One of the young hybrids has the same trait; he told me he was part witch and vampire.

    He studied my face, his eyebrow still raised. "You are fearless for a human. After last night, I

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